...coal, crawl, claw, hmmm, atl(N)=water, co-/-co(N/posposición)=come(E)=Co-atl(N)=
comes(to)water. aha, coaca(N)=invite someone to a meal,=coax(E), ah, c/ch/hoax(E).
it may be the snake/coatl which makes hoax tributary to, coax(E)=coatl ca(N)=
coaca(N)=invite, altho the verb appears to be positive, an invitation may not turn out well, e.g., the hospitality Cyrus, the persian, offered to the Massegettai,
who were deer tribe aryans shifted to horse, smoked hash rather than drank grape, were so fuddled by the wine offered at the persian feast where an entire banquet silently awaited them, that they were easily taken prisoner when Cyrus's trap was sprung. the deceived son of Tomyris, Queen of the Massagettae, was captured
but managed to commit suicide. Tomyris vowed to dunk Cyrus's head in a bucket
of his own blood as revenge, and had it when the Massegettae defeated the Persians.
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Friday, 21 October 2011
...my theory of language, Letra, says the 3 title words(in english)are related.
let's look at them: all have c/a/l, 2 have l as last letter, one has inclusive
(r), the other/claw has what looks like inclusive (l). their meanings are varied:
coal is anthracite/ember/red, related to fire, used as fire by a group called
the vanguard merchants,(coined by gary jennings,may he rest in peace,) known as
the pochteca=the mexican caló/slang, pocho(mex)=someone who crosses the border
then comes back, a wetback/mojado, or someone doing business/working on the other
side while his home is in mexico. the pochteca symbol is the snake/coatl(N/5 Tona).
under the aztecs as everywhere, even today, they function as spies, know dialects,
scout territorys for their value, and have the potlach ceremony in common with
the tribes of the pacific northwest in Amerinda. they carried fire from camp to
camp on their journeys, which were often long and arduous. if any of them died
during the journey his body was taken to an eminence, a hill or mountain top=
tepetl(N)=te(m)ple, his body tied in a bulto/package, his walking stick implanted and hung by his cacaxtli(N)=wooden hook for carrying loads. what we call an air burial.
the ember or coatl/symbol of fire, the journey, the road, was wrapped in palm leaf or some other nonflammable wrapping and packed away to be used at nightfall without necessity of firedrill, which could be difficult in the wet jungles of Acalan, down by the Yucatan. so that's coal, the fire journey of the pochteca,
also a market day in the Tonalamatl, which has one every 5 days, next would be,
10.itzcuintli dog market, 15.cuauhtli/eagle bird market, 20. xochitl/flower market.
Coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl)=snake. well, that makes, crawl easy=c(r)awl=c(r)oal=
coatl(N). there's, coua(N)=to buy(market/coatl)=cowa/crowa/crawl
claw is a bit more difficult if it weren't for the same elements/letters of
c(r)awl=c(r/l)aw, if one treats the (r/l) as interchangeable, which they are,
e.g., cozcatl(N)=c(r)oss/c(l)ose(E), cozcatl=jewel, necklace.
well, snake doesn't have a claw, does it? the answer is yes: claw must have been the early word for fang, sharp horny toe nail? well, it's down there with doing the crawl. the old english=clawu(OE)=c(l)awu=c(l)ea, let's go to the (OHG) as they are
more direct into Nauatl=chloa(OHG)=c(l)oa=coatl(N), yes, now the (ONorse)=
this says something about the sea people of Quetzalcoatl and the antiquity of Nauatl itself, later they mobbed up their dragon boats with the Basques and the Japonica on a global bounty for the later sea age, 2k bce, began their own exploration, copper trips to Amerinda, 4k bce, but indications are they were
spanners, 3309 bce/Amerinda, and the rope age begins earlier than thought,
as the phoenicians of history, began Egypt, and gave pulse to China.
let's look at them: all have c/a/l, 2 have l as last letter, one has inclusive
(r), the other/claw has what looks like inclusive (l). their meanings are varied:
coal is anthracite/ember/red, related to fire, used as fire by a group called
the vanguard merchants,(coined by gary jennings,may he rest in peace,) known as
the pochteca=the mexican caló/slang, pocho(mex)=someone who crosses the border
then comes back, a wetback/mojado, or someone doing business/working on the other
side while his home is in mexico. the pochteca symbol is the snake/coatl(N/5 Tona).
under the aztecs as everywhere, even today, they function as spies, know dialects,
scout territorys for their value, and have the potlach ceremony in common with
the tribes of the pacific northwest in Amerinda. they carried fire from camp to
camp on their journeys, which were often long and arduous. if any of them died
during the journey his body was taken to an eminence, a hill or mountain top=
tepetl(N)=te(m)ple, his body tied in a bulto/package, his walking stick implanted and hung by his cacaxtli(N)=wooden hook for carrying loads. what we call an air burial.
the ember or coatl/symbol of fire, the journey, the road, was wrapped in palm leaf or some other nonflammable wrapping and packed away to be used at nightfall without necessity of firedrill, which could be difficult in the wet jungles of Acalan, down by the Yucatan. so that's coal, the fire journey of the pochteca,
also a market day in the Tonalamatl, which has one every 5 days, next would be,
10.itzcuintli dog market, 15.cuauhtli/eagle bird market, 20. xochitl/flower market.
Coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl)=snake. well, that makes, crawl easy=c(r)awl=c(r)oal=
coatl(N). there's, coua(N)=to buy(market/coatl)=cowa/crowa/crawl
claw is a bit more difficult if it weren't for the same elements/letters of
c(r)awl=c(r/l)aw, if one treats the (r/l) as interchangeable, which they are,
e.g., cozcatl(N)=c(r)oss/c(l)ose(E), cozcatl=jewel, necklace.
well, snake doesn't have a claw, does it? the answer is yes: claw must have been the early word for fang, sharp horny toe nail? well, it's down there with doing the crawl. the old english=clawu(OE)=c(l)awu=c(l)ea, let's go to the (OHG) as they are
more direct into Nauatl=chloa(OHG)=c(l)oa=coatl(N), yes, now the (ONorse)=
this says something about the sea people of Quetzalcoatl and the antiquity of Nauatl itself, later they mobbed up their dragon boats with the Basques and the Japonica on a global bounty for the later sea age, 2k bce, began their own exploration, copper trips to Amerinda, 4k bce, but indications are they were
spanners, 3309 bce/Amerinda, and the rope age begins earlier than thought,
as the phoenicians of history, began Egypt, and gave pulse to China.
Sunday, 9 October 2011
...shows up as wrangan in a 994 English document, well, easy to root. it belongs
to one of the 2 great Nauatl word prefixes, tlapa/tlaca. now the tlapas have to
do with paint, Apollo, trabajo, arbeit, arab, lapps, anything that paints itself,
like a tra(m)p, or is painted, as a la(m)p/la(m)b, t(r)ap. tlapana(N)=dice up,=
tlap=laf=loaf=xleb(russ)=tla-pana(N)=pan(sp)=bread. but how can wrong come from bread?
no, it comes from body=tlatlaca-tl/tlaca-tl(N)=flame/earth being,=t/l/rakko(Japonica)=sea otter, aha, just noticed, rakko(Ainu)=otter, and, tonakai(Ainu)=
reindeer, so, Tonatiuh/sol=soul=Tonalli(N)=Tonalamatl(N/cave/deer calendar.
otter is crazy/goofy as some legends have it. his sign in the Tona=7Cipactli
in the 19th trecena of Cuauhtli(N/wisdom)=day15 of sample/cempoalli(N)=
20(our)digits. let's see, 7 Cipactli=240th day Tona divided by 9(night gods)=
remainder of 6=Jade skirt/Chalchiutlicue(N)=sea/water goddess. her animal=
Chalch=halch/cón=halcón(sp)=falcon(E). when you see them together, goddess totem
and her nutty animal, fishing's good.
t/l/raka(Finn)=sin=the sin which bear commits, which, as totem=to temo(N)=
our descent, forces him to leave heaven and pass through the first cross, the
pine=pinaua/opinauh(N)=to redden, be ashamed,=opinion,=p/b(r)innan(OHG)=burn(E),
to earth, be sacrificed, head hung in the pine, bones scattered at its base,
for his ascent after the ceremony. my pinaua/opinauh/opinion is bear has a child
by a mortal, for the Finnish rite is a wedding ceremony with a very young girl
as bride, has a human child with her, who either kills bear, or bear kills him,
as almost happened in the Calli(s)to=calli tona(N)=being(of the sun)legend which
is a twisted relating of the bear story to explain Oso Mayor y Menor.
sin=wrong=wrangan(OE/994)=wrangle(E). English is Aeolian, i.e., vowel-broadening
language because of its windy eminenece as island=i(s)lantli/I(r)lantli=old lady, Ireland, e.g., paca=bach=b(r)ach=b(r)ook.
Amerinda anchors wrong's root in their rodeo=r/to teo-tl(N)=our deity,
for a wrangler is a cowboy(note the androgyny)who wrestles/tlaca/(w)ra(n)k/c/ger= racks around steers.
if you're wondering how a modern word like rodeo breaks down to the oldest
words in language, to teo, our Prometheus Neander/Neandra hunted like wranglers,
e.g., their pelvises show unusual deformation on the front, they say, as rodeo
bulldoggers do. if i'm wrong, let's not wrangle about it.
to one of the 2 great Nauatl word prefixes, tlapa/tlaca. now the tlapas have to
do with paint, Apollo, trabajo, arbeit, arab, lapps, anything that paints itself,
like a tra(m)p, or is painted, as a la(m)p/la(m)b, t(r)ap. tlapana(N)=dice up,=
tlap=laf=loaf=xleb(russ)=tla-pana(N)=pan(sp)=bread. but how can wrong come from bread?
no, it comes from body=tlatlaca-tl/tlaca-tl(N)=flame/earth being,=t/l/rakko(Japonica)=sea otter, aha, just noticed, rakko(Ainu)=otter, and, tonakai(Ainu)=
reindeer, so, Tonatiuh/sol=soul=Tonalli(N)=Tonalamatl(N/cave/deer calendar.
otter is crazy/goofy as some legends have it. his sign in the Tona=7Cipactli
in the 19th trecena of Cuauhtli(N/wisdom)=day15 of sample/cempoalli(N)=
20(our)digits. let's see, 7 Cipactli=240th day Tona divided by 9(night gods)=
remainder of 6=Jade skirt/Chalchiutlicue(N)=sea/water goddess. her animal=
Chalch=halch/cón=halcón(sp)=falcon(E). when you see them together, goddess totem
and her nutty animal, fishing's good.
t/l/raka(Finn)=sin=the sin which bear commits, which, as totem=to temo(N)=
our descent, forces him to leave heaven and pass through the first cross, the
pine=pinaua/opinauh(N)=to redden, be ashamed,=opinion,=p/b(r)innan(OHG)=burn(E),
to earth, be sacrificed, head hung in the pine, bones scattered at its base,
for his ascent after the ceremony. my pinaua/opinauh/opinion is bear has a child
by a mortal, for the Finnish rite is a wedding ceremony with a very young girl
as bride, has a human child with her, who either kills bear, or bear kills him,
as almost happened in the Calli(s)to=calli tona(N)=being(of the sun)legend which
is a twisted relating of the bear story to explain Oso Mayor y Menor.
sin=wrong=wrangan(OE/994)=wrangle(E). English is Aeolian, i.e., vowel-broadening
language because of its windy eminenece as island=i(s)lantli/I(r)lantli=old lady, Ireland, e.g., paca=bach=b(r)ach=b(r)ook.
Amerinda anchors wrong's root in their rodeo=r/to teo-tl(N)=our deity,
for a wrangler is a cowboy(note the androgyny)who wrestles/tlaca/(w)ra(n)k/c/ger= racks around steers.
if you're wondering how a modern word like rodeo breaks down to the oldest
words in language, to teo, our Prometheus Neander/Neandra hunted like wranglers,
e.g., their pelvises show unusual deformation on the front, they say, as rodeo
bulldoggers do. if i'm wrong, let's not wrangle about it.
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Tonatiuh(N)=Tony, the Sun,=Tonalli(N)=soul=Tonalamatl(N)=
soul birth calendar cave time, regent=Tlatla-tzol-teotl,
totem animal=ocelotl/ocelome(N)=celOim(Liber Linteus)=
Elohim(H). Tionantati(Algic)=Toniti(Inuit)=Kven before
Inuit arrived. Quetzalcoatl=2.Ocelo-9Ecatl=proto-Christ
of 4th millenium Sea Age, Naui Olin.
Sunday, 2 October 2011
...cima(sp)=peak(mountain),=en cima de(sp)=on top of, crin(sp)=mane=kima(Basque).
note the basque and spanish word for mane differ. the spanish has (r)=crin, and
the basque, kima, does not, which dates the spanish word after 3309 bce, as Nauatl,
which has no (r), was still intact at 3309 bce. the (r) comes from the orient, Egypt, and Scythian Russia, but the greeks had not begun to trade wheat with the
Scyths until after that date, and Egypt was still diapered by the Nile.
also, kima(B)=cima(N), and, c(r)in(sp) has undergone the bends of a new and different age in Iberia.
sima(Finnish)=mead used in bear ceremony,=shimideru(J)=ooze/exude, =sima(OE)=rope=r/l/tlapa(N)=sime(OSax)=
rope=Simo(ONorse)=rope= rap(OE/OFrisian)=r/l/tlapa, or, simply the verb,(w)rap, which
is one of the functions concerned with rope. tlapa-(N)=trap/tape/drape/ra(m)p(E).
tlapa-(N/prefix)= trabajo/rabotat/arabaitan(OHG)=arbeit(Germ)/arab(gens).
cima(N/verb)=deshebrar la penca del maguey/comb the hair of Metis, first deity of
wisdom/string theory, mother of Athena/2nd deity, also known as Meyauel/metl(N)=
the maguey/century/mead plant, and rope deity known as 7Snake/Chicome Coatl(N).
her face is featured on a 4c bce roman copy of a greek statue of Athena, found
on A's pectoral, Metis's face is tilted back, her hair recedes in wave after
wave, her visage is polynesian, winged, broad nose and thick lips. she smiles.
kima(B)=bud/sprout. the Japonica for bud/sprout is direct from me-tl(N)=me(J),
and is also, me(J)=eye. cima(N)=chi-ma(N)=hand/-ma chi-/on top,=c(l)ime/c(r)ime=
chime(E)=pedestal, projecting rim of a cask, perhaps related to, comb!(Onions, Etym).
me(n)te(sp)=mi(n)d(E)=mitl(N)=missile/spear/dart(Athena born with spear=mint/mitl)=
me(l)d/me(l)t, and so forth.
note the basque and spanish word for mane differ. the spanish has (r)=crin, and
the basque, kima, does not, which dates the spanish word after 3309 bce, as Nauatl,
which has no (r), was still intact at 3309 bce. the (r) comes from the orient, Egypt, and Scythian Russia, but the greeks had not begun to trade wheat with the
Scyths until after that date, and Egypt was still diapered by the Nile.
also, kima(B)=cima(N), and, c(r)in(sp) has undergone the bends of a new and different age in Iberia.
sima(Finnish)=mead used in bear ceremony,=shimideru(J)=ooze/exude, =sima(OE)=rope=r/l/tlapa(N)=sime(OSax)=
rope=Simo(ONorse)=rope= rap(OE/OFrisian)=r/l/tlapa, or, simply the verb,(w)rap, which
is one of the functions concerned with rope. tlapa-(N)=trap/tape/drape/ra(m)p(E).
tlapa-(N/prefix)= trabajo/rabotat/arabaitan(OHG)=arbeit(Germ)/arab(gens).
cima(N/verb)=deshebrar la penca del maguey/comb the hair of Metis, first deity of
wisdom/string theory, mother of Athena/2nd deity, also known as Meyauel/metl(N)=
the maguey/century/mead plant, and rope deity known as 7Snake/Chicome Coatl(N).
her face is featured on a 4c bce roman copy of a greek statue of Athena, found
on A's pectoral, Metis's face is tilted back, her hair recedes in wave after
wave, her visage is polynesian, winged, broad nose and thick lips. she smiles.
kima(B)=bud/sprout. the Japonica for bud/sprout is direct from me-tl(N)=me(J),
and is also, me(J)=eye. cima(N)=chi-ma(N)=hand/-ma chi-/on top,=c(l)ime/c(r)ime=
chime(E)=pedestal, projecting rim of a cask, perhaps related to, comb!(Onions, Etym).
me(n)te(sp)=mi(n)d(E)=mitl(N)=missile/spear/dart(Athena born with spear=mint/mitl)=
me(l)d/me(l)t, and so forth.
caxaua(N)=rendir,=caxanca-ilpia(N)=ligar flojamente. cash(E)=fuente de 70 voces en Nihon: kasha(J)=troca-flete del tren,=kashaku(J)=sin piedad(cash),=kashi(J)=
piernas(circulación),=kashi(J)=roble de construir,=kashi(J)=
texto(paga)=kashi(J)=ribera(donde tierra y rio se paga),= kashi(J)=dulce,=kashi(J)=préstamo,=kashi(J)=donar,=kashi
(J/prfxes)=rentar,=kashikata(J)=usurero,=kasho(J)=not enough.
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