Friday, 21 October 2011

coal/crawl/claw theory of language, Letra, says the 3 title words(in english)are related.
let's look at them: all have c/a/l, 2 have l as last letter, one has inclusive
(r), the other/claw has what looks like inclusive (l). their meanings are varied:
coal is anthracite/ember/red, related to fire, used as fire by a group called
the vanguard merchants,(coined by gary jennings,may he rest in peace,) known as
the pochteca=the mexican caló/slang, pocho(mex)=someone who crosses the border
then comes back, a wetback/mojado, or someone doing business/working on the other
side while his home is in mexico. the pochteca symbol is the snake/coatl(N/5 Tona).
under the aztecs as everywhere, even today, they function as spies, know dialects,
scout territorys for their value, and have the potlach ceremony in common with
the tribes of the pacific northwest in Amerinda. they carried fire from camp to
camp on their journeys, which were often long and arduous. if any of them died
during the journey his body was taken to an eminence, a hill or mountain top=
tepetl(N)=te(m)ple, his body tied in a bulto/package, his walking stick implanted and hung by his cacaxtli(N)=wooden hook for carrying loads. what we call an air burial.
the ember or coatl/symbol of fire, the journey, the road, was wrapped in palm leaf or some other nonflammable wrapping and packed away to be used at nightfall without necessity of firedrill, which could be difficult in the wet jungles of Acalan, down by the Yucatan. so that's coal, the fire journey of the pochteca,
also a market day in the Tonalamatl, which has one every 5 days, next would be,
10.itzcuintli dog market, 15.cuauhtli/eagle bird market, 20. xochitl/flower market.
Coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl)=snake. well, that makes, crawl easy=c(r)awl=c(r)oal=
coatl(N). there's, coua(N)=to buy(market/coatl)=cowa/crowa/crawl
claw is a bit more difficult if it weren't for the same elements/letters of
c(r)awl=c(r/l)aw, if one treats the (r/l) as interchangeable, which they are,
e.g., cozcatl(N)=c(r)oss/c(l)ose(E), cozcatl=jewel, necklace.
well, snake doesn't have a claw, does it? the answer is yes: claw must have been the early word for fang, sharp horny toe nail? well, it's down there with doing the crawl. the old english=clawu(OE)=c(l)awu=c(l)ea, let's go to the (OHG) as they are
more direct into Nauatl=chloa(OHG)=c(l)oa=coatl(N), yes, now the (ONorse)=
this says something about the sea people of Quetzalcoatl and the antiquity of Nauatl itself, later they mobbed up their dragon boats with the Basques and the Japonica on a global bounty for the later sea age, 2k bce, began their own exploration, copper trips to Amerinda, 4k bce, but indications are they were
spanners, 3309 bce/Amerinda, and the rope age begins earlier than thought,
as the phoenicians of history, began Egypt, and gave pulse to China.

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