Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Hohle Fels
tlantli(N)=tooth=wear on the inside of Neander/Neandra incisors,
=Titan(Gk)=Titlani(Nawa)=Messenger=Promethean. tlantli(N)=tooth=
tl/t/th/hand/t/li, i.e., Neander/Neandra's incisors=
third hand in Fire Drill, other 2 twirling twin Castor
in Pollux socket/tzocatl/zoka(J)=creation. third hand=
Promethean fue/poa/flute/blows out of Fire Drill.
the Hohle Fels Flutes=42k BCE, Neander is still in Europe, glaciation at 39K BCE, North Afrika/ Mideast green corridors. the Mazyec(N)/Berbers=oldest sister haplo
group/Europe at 45k BCE, the Basques=40k BCE. Euro-west entry=Danube river road/iueli otli before 39k BCE glacial of 39k bce=old Danube=Donau/Donava/Duna/Dunav/Tuna(Turkish)= Tonatiuh(N)=Toniti(Inuit).
Cro-magnons descend from Finland, Neander presence in Finland=130k bce at Wolf/Susi Cave,
floor is flattened by millenia of dance. Cro-magnons what precisely? Crosses of Neander? fit descriptions of the Toniti, enter Europe through the Tonatiuh/Danube. Baltic, Ceuta(N.Africa)
c.45k bce, Cave cu(Rum)=cum(L)=con(sp/N)=com(N) Bones/Pestera cu Oase, Romania=Neander/AMH
mix, 39.8kya, similar to Abrigo do Lagar Velho child, 26kya, buried btwn pelvis of deer, 8 ochre rabbit bones on ankle=Tochtli(N/8/Tona), cap hung with 4 deer teeth=final farewell= cenauatitiuh(N)=sayonara(Nihon). 39.8kya=AMH first enters Europe=3k overlap of Neander/AMH crossbred bones, large faces, crest of bone behind ear, teeth larger as they retreat from incisors. Mladec cave(Czech), Divje Babe cave bear bone flute, 55kya, in Slovenia Natl Museum, Ljubljana, Iron Gate(Danubian Corridor)=other areas of Neander/AMH
breeding during Aurignacian to produce the Zeus race by protective Fallen Angel genes.
Thursday, 24 May 2012
=plaga(Lat)=paca/opac(N)=wash sheets.
totoca(N/verb)=frequentive of, toca(N)=sow/seed and bury,=
to/our being/ca(N)=tocar(sp)=touch(E). Russian, frequentives
by singular verbs, not syllable repetition,=itdi(Russile)=to go(one time)=altepeitta(N)=
to go/see the towns, within Nauatl one can see/itta(N)=see the verb
changing to verb go/itti/itdi(R)/ir(sp), see(E)=ce(N)=one/once,=itta(N)=
(m)ir/l/t/ar(letra)=mirar(sp)=(m)iru(Japonica). m/n=Nauatl=itotia/mitotiani=dance/r.
go(E)=gangen(Aberdeen/Scot)=g/ca(n)c/g=in cactli(N)=
shoes=mocactzin(N)=mocassin=yr Hon.shoe=
xodeet(R/freq)=go back and forth,=xotl(N)=foot,=x/joder(sp)=step on.
totoca(N)=hasten/ravage(la peste),=trot/oca=t/rot(E)=
lack of n/m tag=rotia(OFris)=allies/ailia of sea-going Nahoa
of Quetzal-copper-coa=Guipuzcoa San Sebastion=
Cipactonal(N)=First Scribe/Navigator of plumed serpent, 3309BC.
Thoth(Egy)/Tlohtli(N)=peregrine falcon, 2d scribe=s/c(r)ip/be=
Cipactli(N)=first day/Tonalamatl.
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
1.link(E)=chain loop,=lencan(OE/pl)=armour,=lenkhake(MLG)=
pot hook,=tleco/tlaca=link/take. 2.link(E)=light/torch(E)=
=play woodwind/bellows,=touch(E).
1.light(E)=leoht=liht(Anglican)=lioht(OSax/OHG), f.Oce/lotl.
2.luekos(Gk)=white, f.toca/torch/lukhnos(Gk)=lamp,=
Friday, 11 May 2012
52k mph
=galaxy=g/calaqui(N)=go inside the house/being=
calli(N/3Tona). the velocity is our sun, Tona(N)=
Tony=tonalli(N)=solar soul. 52,000 mph, is slower
than thought for our flash/light, whose tonametl/
tone flows are life. faster= solar shield
won't protect, slower=who knows? popcorn? Tonalamatl (standard deck of cards)=52yrs=
one cycle,=52k mph=Tony's speed. a plain deck
of 52 ecatl/cards better diviner than
tarot/tarocco/Tlaloc Deer deity?
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
define=fine/finish/find(an offering)/bind/bend/infinity divinity refined.
Sunday, 6 May 2012
(R)=t/popol=popoloa(N)=destroy a town. poplar roots attack house
foundations, and themselves perish by blight.
toptli(N)=idols/dolls/tops. soft wood of many uses.
Friday, 4 May 2012
...ulli(spamex)=rubber,=Ollin(N/17 Tona)=m(o)ve(E)=ueOue(Etruscan)=Jove
(Roman)=joven(sp)=youth=yuhti(N)=from the beginning,=just/justice=
...Houyi/Yiyi(Chi-na)=god of archery,=Ull(ONorse)=Ullr(ON). Yiyi,
chief of the Dong-yi=d/To(n)c/g(letra)=Toca(N)=Generic Deer Tribe name.
uena(N/old form for offering to the wind/uena/uentli). and on the wind
is scent/sentir(sp)=feel/smell,=se/ce uentli/ven=7=Mazatl/Deer/deor/
te(o)tl. we are hunters first, before Teo/Theo/Deo was the road/route
N(o)mad=Noma/nomatca/nomatzinco=always, forever, still, the same,
Teo(N)=t(h)e O(E)=out/o(r)der/Oder/Odin=T/Deor=Teotl(N)=Deer(E).
article=art/altia(N/reverential of atl/water)=wash/wasser(Germ).
Solar diety/Monotheist),=ay(N)=do(E),=aci(N)=ce(N)=one/con-cen-trate,
time(E)=temi(N)=to fill,=hemi-/semi-/demi-(E/prefixes)=He(r)mes(Gk)=
messenger, as a child he stole Aeolian cattle=Ecatl(N/2 Tona), filled
himself with them. his reward, once Aeolius caught up with him, was
to be Titan(Gk)=titlani(N)=messenger.
...with archery/aci(N)=concentrate, comes skiiing, or, hulling(my word)
which later had nautical/agricultural application, e.g., oya/oox(N)=
degrain corn=elote/elotl(N/green ear)=olotl(N/cob)=olotis(Gk/curly)=
Oilia(N/reverential of oya/oox/sh)=Oylos(Gk)=sheaf of corn, song and
old name for Ceres, who from this cry/song, Oyloo, was called.
...horizon(E)=orison(Fr)=ollin tzonyotl(N)=olit/zon/yotl(N)=punto
culminante, e.g., alto/cima,=Zone/Zona/tzonyotl ollin/(del)Movimiento.
...Tengrism(Movement)=Umay(T)=goddess fertility/virginity,=mati/Oma/
Omat(N)=to know/smart(E)=Ollin(N)Mater(Latin)=Holy Mother, and, ma/Oma(N)=hunt land/sea with net. Ulgen(T)=Ull(ONorse)=god archery, =Ollin ce(N)=One M(o)vement/Holy.
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Korea Coloa
to rule, one has to be archer. for Mayan, ruler
had to dance, cf., arched foot on Bonampak mural.
at 37 BC Coloa develop composite bow. tribal
Tlaloc Nomad Deer People=Hyksos=
Yizrael did so at 1.6k BC as shepherd kings of Egypt.
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
...Gog=g/coq/g(letra)=acoquetza(N)=to get on top,=coquette(Fr)=conquer(E).
from Korean mythology, first king, Jumong, appears from an egg and is given name as Rooster? am trying to synch into roman letter equivalents for Koguryo, a weakness of eastern langs easily addressed, as my system,
letra, functions quite well with sounds, and i am not interested in the
writing, just want to compare their sounds, as i do in my Sanseido romanized dictionary, then match them to Nauatl from whatever Koguryo
Puyo idiom, e.g., accidently ran across, heoritti(Korean dress)=cloth
wrapped around breast to veil it when the lady's short jacket became too
skimpy,=teotl itta(N)=Teo/Theo/Deo(only)sees. in the clear that, must be
others. also, Tangoon, who is the progenitor of the Koreans, is founder
of their Bear Totem=To-/our descent/temo(N). Tan(n)g/c-oon(Letra)=
Tlac(often name for bear=tlaca(N)=t/l/raka(Finnish)=the sin Bear left
the heavens for, i.e., that of having a body, being incarnate, -oon=
on(N/adj.)=indicating distance, also stretched out, as in sacrifice,
from autumn to Solstice(cf., Cosmic Elk), ah, rakka(Ainu)=otter, also,
racoon(Amerind). Bear Totem marks them as Deer people of the north,the founding crew: Koguryo and Puyo, who have the same language, 37 bce,
early Dolgans(various tribes conglomerate). being situated in the Tonga
basin, north of the mid-course of the Yalu where metals cross into the peninsula gives the Koguryo the military advantage they took to spread
into Manchuria for their golden age 6c ce, then ended by Silla=Sh/Xilé
(N)=little seat/sillín/Silla(sp)=seat, and the Tang(Chi-na)alliance.
Fat China can use Manchuria to help Korea, can they not?
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