Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Hohle Fels

tlantli(N)=tooth=wear on the inside of Neander/Neandra incisors, =Titan(Gk)=Titlani(Nawa)=Messenger=Promethean. tlantli(N)=tooth= tl/t/th/hand/t/li, i.e., Neander/Neandra's incisors= third hand in Fire Drill, other 2 twirling twin Castor in Pollux socket/tzocatl/zoka(J)=creation. third hand= fuigo(J)=fuego(sp)=fire=fuelle(sp)=bellows=fuel(E)=fue(J)=flute(E)=poa(N/root)=power. Promethean fue/poa/flute/blows out of Fire Drill. the Hohle Fels Flutes=42k BCE, Neander is still in Europe, glaciation at 39K BCE, North Afrika/ Mideast green corridors. the Mazyec(N)/Berbers=oldest sister haplo group/Europe at 45k BCE, the Basques=40k BCE. Euro-west entry=Danube river road/iueli otli before 39k BCE glacial of 39k bce=old Danube=Donau/Donava/Duna/Dunav/Tuna(Turkish)= Tonatiuh(N)=Toniti(Inuit). Cro-magnons descend from Finland, Neander presence in Finland=130k bce at Wolf/Susi Cave, floor is flattened by millenia of dance. Cro-magnons what precisely? Crosses of Neander? fit descriptions of the Toniti, enter Europe through the Tonatiuh/Danube. Baltic, Ceuta(N.Africa) c.45k bce, Cave cu(Rum)=cum(L)=con(sp/N)=com(N) Bones/Pestera cu Oase, Romania=Neander/AMH mix, 39.8kya, similar to Abrigo do Lagar Velho child, 26kya, buried btwn pelvis of deer, 8 ochre rabbit bones on ankle=Tochtli(N/8/Tona), cap hung with 4 deer teeth=final farewell= cenauatitiuh(N)=sayonara(Nihon). 39.8kya=AMH first enters Europe=3k overlap of Neander/AMH crossbred bones, large faces, crest of bone behind ear, teeth larger as they retreat from incisors. Mladec cave(Czech), Divje Babe cave bear bone flute, 55kya, in Slovenia Natl Museum, Ljubljana, Iron Gate(Danubian Corridor)=other areas of Neander/AMH breeding during Aurignacian to produce the Zeus race by protective Fallen Angel genes.


  1. Hi Carlos, I copied a link of this post to anthropology.net Its great!

    I'm now trying to root out the original terms for "Forest/tree/woodland", and copied parts of your posts:

    See my comments at silva about possible linguistic links between Greek/Latin/Malay/Tuscarora/Mbuti words for forest. Do you have any ideas about it?

  2. ...tks. tree=treow(OE)=teotl(N), one of the Teotl's,
    some others are: reel/rheol/teotl, reed=rood=rod/
    rheod/teotl(N), row/reow/teotl. as you can see, it's
    important to know, r/t, and, r/l/t, e.g., altia=
    =kaede(J)=Qaeda=cedar=ke/keadar(Basque)=column of smoke
    submerge, dip/dunk, put oneself in/under water=hide.
    land/sea are the same, e.g., wolf/wulpa/ualpa(n)uetzi
    (N)=come from below, sea, but since wolves swim but
    usually not at sea, come from below=land, also. so,
    Forest is for hiding, as in see the forest for the
    trees, a place for outlaws, poliuhca(N)=condemnation,
    =poliuhqui(N)=lost, condemned,=pollution=pulque(Mex).
    ...silva/selva(sp)=sylvanus(Latin)=xylo-(Gk/prefix for wood)=xilé(N)=sillín/silla(sp)=little seat.
    -va/ua(N)=own sil/sel=sh/xilé(N)=shill(E/slang)=
    a claque(E/slang)=someone paid to applaud, a seat.
    because of the f/sh typo error in transcribing,
    xilé can also=sh/x/fire, file, fill, altho, fire=
    piloa(N)=spill, but, xilé/fire gives one the location
    of the first piece of furniture in history.
    ...Shiloh(Civil War Battle/Amerind)=Xilonen(N/deity
    of young corn), referring to corn when it first finds
    its seat/Xil-, -o-=olin/holy, -nen=nenetl(N)=doll, idol, vulva.

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  4. ...(gens/people/tribe), (N)=Nauatl, (ONorse).
    ...woods4/trees4=surrounded by woods 4 direction.
    ...xilé(N)=is the stool/toloa(N)=bow the head, also
    root of, silent, as one stood up to talk in the old days.
    ...apa(Mbuti)camp/fire, camp by apan(N)/waterplace api(Malay)=tlapa(N)=tlatla/fire paint/-pa. ka(m)po(n)c(Malay)=ka/being smoke/popoca(N), e.g., keadar(Basque)=column of smo/ke(Basque)=Qaeda(Arab)=
    ...woof and weave=warp and weft=weorp=ufansis(Gk)=
    people)into lines; put things in order/arrange affairs of state,=weapon/whip(E).
    ...wolf=wulpa(OHG)=w/ualpa(n)uetzi(N)=come from below, sea or land, e.g., seawolf, e.g., ma/oma(N)=
    hunt land/sea with net=matlatl(N)=ma(n)o(sp).

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  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. ...Apollo(Gk)=Aplu(Etruscan)=Apple=
      male member/organ)=arbeit(German).
      tlatla-pa(N)=firepaint, so all a/pa, ahi, afa words=fire=tl/apa(N).
      ...nal(Arab)=nal(N/adv.)=used with water/atl=
      nalco(N)=the other side(of water)=fire.
      ...nora(H)=noloa(N/verb)=curve, tense a bow, twist, double(all Fire Drill words when using
      bow method). the Hyksos=h/th/Tyk=Tec-patl Tzotz-oyotia(N)=ArrowSociety, ruled Egypt, c 16th c.bce, using rapid-fire composite bows, tzotzoyotia(N)=put beads, popcorn, arrows on
      a string,=society(E).
      ...atar(Avestan)/ates(Turk)=atl(N), words work to their opposite often/fire. at(Turk)=horse.
      ...Neander word for fire=tletl(N)=t/let/l=
      learning(E)=Tletl(First Deity)=XiuhTletl(N)=
      =atle(N)=no, negative, tle(N)=what(thing)=the(E)=definite article.
      hate to say that to male romans, also,
      color, coleen, cold(a dog curls when cold).
      ...Quechua(Language Inca=In ca=the being=Ca-in)
      =Oquich-ua(N)=man owners(slaves, or their own virility)=Oquichtli(N)=o(r)quid. quipu(Q)=
      qui-poa(N)=who counts/powers. Quechua is as
      much Nauatl as Japonica is, slightly earlier,
      almost same bce time frame. now the wa(m)pu(m)
      belt=quipu/qui poa(N)=ua poa(N)=ua(m)po(m).
      ...t/la(n)c/g-tlaca(body)-ua ce/ge=body language ua ce/owns one, or, each body owns language, which might be what Quech-ua means
      also, simply, language which owns(one)man each,
      ah, wa(J)=unity, link, circle, hoop,
