Saturday, 23 June 2012
stone hinge theories abound like rabbits, and about as hare-brained, but the
unity is solar stone=tone=Tonatiuh(N)=Sun Anthony. it's about his hinges.
there are 4, solstice and equinox. since Zeus and Chronus fought, and Chronus Prometheus fled with his old ladies=ilantli(N)=I(s)land/I(r)land,
there's been solstice(bear)worship in the Isles. if they were known as
Britain in 4k bce at Stonehenge, then, B(r)itona=B(r)/Pitona-tiuh=
Pitli Tonatiuh(N)=older sisters of the sun, and these sisters would be,
cave Neandra, regent of the Tonalamatl, Tlatla-tzol-teotl/thea. Nauatl,
her language, has no gender, so one waits a few K or Mil, in order to say,
Thea. not only is Anthony worshipped at Stone Hinge, the Naui Ollin,
Quetzalcoatl brings to Amerinda, 3309 bce, but UeyCitlallin/Venus,
the Shuttle/xiotl Star, ruled by Ehecatl/Hecate, windweaver, and symbol
of her son, Quetzal/flower feather, announcing his father, Tonatiuh.
flower because he floats through the sky, snake because his twin, Xolotl/Anubis escorts Anthony through the underworld, making of Quetzal
an Omega=Ome ca(N)=2 being. he's more visible on the Isle of Lewis=
T/lawiz=Tlauiz(N)=tlaw/taw/dawn, full title=Tlahuiz-calpan-tecuhtli(N)=
Lord of the House of the Dawn, at Storonway. Venus worship coming from
the Orient, near and far. his mother, Ehecatl makes her royal windy way
up the Danube/Donau/Tuna/Tonatiuh(N)into Europe to become Theodric's
Aryan sky goddess, Lady Birdsnake, mother also of Zeus in the Greek
Pantheon. the Maritime Age has begun, looking for metals such as tepuztli
(N)=boiled rock=copper, bronze, any metalloid, and spreading the planetary
language, sire and dam of all the languages we speak, without exception,
as the world goes global with colonies and trade, much sooner than common
history allows, its overcoat full of gap.
hmmm, we know Stone=ton/tun(Mayan/360 solar round)=town=tone/Tona-tiuh. what of -henge?=h/th/ten-ca(N)=tentli ca(N)=lipped being/edged
bitch(E)/doe, deer in the french. antlers were used as shovels to dig
the trenches of Stone Hinge. add deer=deor/dior(OE)=d/teotl(N) to bear=
Llewelyn=iueli(N)=uel(N)=well=u/v/doble vv/ber/li=ber/bear=Iberia/
invernal, etc. winter solstice enlists Katonah/Karthunen/Canton/
Calli(s)to=Ca Tona-tiuh=Sun being=ca(n)to(sp)=song Bear to aid the sun its shortest day,
and has been remarked as the main festival of Stonehenge observatory,
or timepiece, if you will. we already have the Tonalamatl at 3309 bce,
but one wonders if it was not privileged information. the unity being
invoked at the site and Storonway being the path of stellar horology
rather than the Tun(Mayan)of the Tonalamatl calendar, whose 11th day,
Ozomatli=monkey but relates to Oso(sp)=bear. it may be that the builders
of both stone circles were prefiguring the later, 2646, Djoser step=
tepetl(N)=mountain,=te(m)ple pyramid with a square/4 base, circle-inspired. one has to think such a powerful font as the Tonalamatl
had yet to be introduced to the Isles. that Chronus and his old ladies
fled as Ehecatl Hecate ascended the Danube/Tonatiuh, 7k bce, and that
the calendar, while prevailing in Teotihuacan after its founding, 262
bc, and whose rain deity was both Baltic and Amerind/Asian deer tribe
Nomad deity=Tlaloc(N)=T/l/Rarog/c, then shows up on Theodric's wondrous
Mosaic at San Apollinari, Ravenna=Tlatla uentli(N)=Fire Offering=
Lavender/Lau(r)en/ce, in a coded form i have discussed many times
on this blog, dated 5k anno domine, one is forced to conclude the
builders of Storon-way=ue(N)=big, (S)toron-tic(N)=round(E)=tolontic(N)=
Toronto(City/Amerind council circle), of the Big Round and Sun's hinged
bricklings were onto a parallel track of their own, a stone orrery
with celestial movement designed by the creator.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
...porsuk(Tu(r)k=toca=dukkha)=badger. porsuk=porcine?=pitzotl(N)=pig=
tzotl(N)=sod/soil/besotted/sow(E). those may be fighting words for a
badger, pound for pound the bravest, most savage mammal on earth,=
por-suk(T)=-suk(T/particle)=s/z/tzoc-atl(N)=suck/sugar/socket. sugar?
yeah, the honey badger. honey=h/ch/coney(E)=conetl(N)=rabbit,=co-necuhtli
(N)=comes to honey, e.g., coatl(N/5 Tona)=co(mes to w)at/er=coat/l.
akakis(Gk/thorn tree)=akis(Gk)=thorn=aci(N)=reach, feel, take,=aka-(Gk)=
acatl(N/13 Tona)=caña/cane,=akakis(Gk)=acaci(N)=acacia(E). an instance of the magic=maquiza(N)=hand/ma-quiza/squeeze of language as taken together,
porsuk-agaci(T)=(morphs into)yew.
...tanuki(Japonica)=racoon, used loosely and incorrectly for badger/
porsuk, but notice, rac/rakka(Ainu)=otter,=rak(Fennec/Finn)=sin,=
r/l/tlacatl(N)=flame/tlatla-ca/being. -ki(J/particle)=wood/tree,=
tlan-u(J/particles)=t/l/ran up tree/-ki=tlan-u-ki(J).
...anaguma/meles anakuma(J)=ana(J)=hole=ana(N)=make bigger, extend,=
Ozomatli(N/11 Tonalamatl)=monkey. the word, Ozomatli(N)=zoa/bleed, mati/
grasps/hands/knows/thinks. both bear and monkey look like man, considered
in totem anthopology as ancestors. the bear term, oso(sp), reserved
for the bear worship areas of Iberia/Hibernia/Europe and Baltic, while
monkey/Ozomatli used by the Tonalamatl in southwestern Asia. the Monkey/Ozomatli(N/11)that appears in the Tonalamatl has much to say
about the origin of the Tonalamatl, which functioned as the Deer Tlaloc
Nomad age calendar, upperstone age, 45k bce-10k bce.
...hagin(Basque)=yew,=h/th/t/lac/g-in=in tlacatl(N/reversal)=the body,
e.g., larch(tree)=la(r)ch/catl=l/tlacatl(N)=lark(bird)=l/tlac/atl(N)=
body. one sees the many uses tlaca-(N/prefix)put to, e.g., Bierd-na
either one throws a stone at bear, or bear throws himself at you.
if you're female, lift skirt, as bear/lacis(Latvian)=tlaca(N)=karu
Katonah/ka(r)thunen(oldest Finnish bear clan)=Calli(s)to(Gk)=Calli
Tonatiuh(N)=being/calli(s)Tona/sun, ritual name for bear, will not attack a female.
...deb(Arab)=bear, not a debutante one would like to meet in tuxedo,=
d/tep/b=tepetl(N)=tepe(T/mideast)=mountain(habitat). more comment about, lac-is(Latvian=Tlatla u(i)a=flame owners,=
Lett=t/let/l=tletl(N)=fire/deity)=t/laca(N)/bear revives/-iz/s=iza(N)=
resuscitate, as in, Isah(Koran)=Jesus.
...while we're at it, Lithuania=Lietova=T/L(i)et/l oua=Tletl (o)ua(N)=
Fire owners, e.g., pia oua(Breton)=the pious/no pick owner. there we have the last 2 Baltic languages enlisted to Nauatl at Fire Drill level.
Monday, 11 June 2012
...=Coatl(N)=co(r)al=goat? well, goat co(mes to w)ater/atl, and also, co(mes)at you should you give it no escape. goal? yes, co(mes)at=arrives=
terminus. goad(E)=co(mes)at, a sharp pointed stick=coa(Amerind)=planting
stick, the goad to herd cattle. coal(ember)? sure, wrapped in leaf and
carried to next fire on the journey, co(mes)at terminus/goal. claw=c(l)aw
=coatl(N)=fang,=goad(E)=coat/l, something sharp. crawl=c(r)awl=coatl(N)=
no legs, note side word, awl, sharp point. hoe(E)=howa(AngloLatin)=
h/ch/cowa=coa(Amerind)=planting stick=coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl). as to coat/coa(s)t, one goes to the spanish, =cota/co(s)ta=cotona/cotoni(N)= cut(pieces)/reduce an object(seashell)/break or cut oneself, yet, coatl(N)has honorary root for coat(E)as it's a 2d skin if, leather(E)=le(u)ath/t/l=euatl(N)=wattle/wallet(E). and the last, coax(E)=coaca=be invited to a meal,=coatl ca(N)=to be a snake.
sorry, have to snake off to a luncheon of field mice and wattles.
Friday, 8 June 2012
wick Vicar
4.suge(J)=sedge(hat).5.suhada(J)=bare skin.
6.suhai(J)=idol(leek as vicar idol).7.sukima(J)=gap.
8.suki(J)=plow.9.sukesuke(J)=see-through blouse=
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Nihon socks
2.gokan(J)=root word,=g/c/s/z/tzocatl(N)=socket.
4.chokkan(J)=intuition=thuitoca(N)=imagine=ittitia toca(N)=itta(N)=see/touch,=ch/c/s/z/tzocatl(N)=socket.
6.Atsugi(J)=muffled up=tzocatl(N)=socked in.
8.hogan(J)=cannon ball(socketed),shot put(cradled)=zoka(J).
12.joka(J)=love's passion,=yocatl/tzocatl=yoke/sugar.
13.jokan(J)=court lady/maid of honor,=yoke/zocalo.
14.josha(J)=take train, j/dj/tz/z/socket/wrinkle.
15.joya(J)=nightbell,=joya(sp)=joy(E)=yoyolcatl(N)=little bell.
toyoyolca(N)=our little bell,=yoyoli(N)=revive,=Yule/xmas.
16.kokan(J)=exchange, friendly, courteous,=trocar(sp).
18.zoka(Nihon)=creation/nature's fire-drill socket paradigm.
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