Wednesday, 20 June 2012


...porsuk(Tu(r)k=toca=dukkha)=badger. porsuk=porcine?=pitzotl(N)=pig= tzotl(N)=sod/soil/besotted/sow(E). those may be fighting words for a badger, pound for pound the bravest, most savage mammal on earth,= por-suk(T)=-suk(T/particle)=s/z/tzoc-atl(N)=suck/sugar/socket. sugar? yeah, the honey badger. honey=h/ch/coney(E)=conetl(N)=rabbit,=co-necuhtli (N)=comes to honey, e.g., coatl(N/5 Tona)=co(mes to w)at/er=coat/l. ...porsuk-agaci(T)=yew,=badgerbush,=-agaci(T/particle)=ac/gaci/a=acacia= akakis(Gk/thorn tree)=akis(Gk)=thorn=aci(N)=reach, feel, take,=aka-(Gk)= acatl(N/13 Tona)=caƱa/cane,=akakis(Gk)=acaci(N)=acacia(E). an instance of the magic=maquiza(N)=hand/ma-quiza/squeeze of language as taken together, porsuk-agaci(T)=(morphs into)yew. ...tanuki(Japonica)=racoon, used loosely and incorrectly for badger/ porsuk, but notice, rac/rakka(Ainu)=otter,=rak(Fennec/Finn)=sin,= r/l/tlacatl(N)=flame/tlatla-ca/being. -ki(J/particle)=wood/tree,= tlan-u(J/particles)=t/l/ran up tree/-ki=tlan-u-ki(J). ...anaguma/meles anakuma(J)=ana(J)=hole=ana(N)=make bigger, extend,= gr/an/d(E),=guma/kuma(J)=bear,=Oz/s/c/g/kuma/omatli(N)=oso(sp)=bear,= Ozomatli(N/11 Tonalamatl)=monkey. the word, Ozomatli(N)=zoa/bleed, mati/ grasps/hands/knows/thinks. both bear and monkey look like man, considered in totem anthopology as ancestors. the bear term, oso(sp), reserved for the bear worship areas of Iberia/Hibernia/Europe and Baltic, while monkey/Ozomatli used by the Tonalamatl in southwestern Asia. the Monkey/Ozomatli(N/11)that appears in the Tonalamatl has much to say about the origin of the Tonalamatl, which functioned as the Deer Tlaloc Nomad age calendar, upperstone age, 45k bce-10k bce. ...hagin(Basque)=yew,=h/th/t/lac/g-in=in tlacatl(N/reversal)=the body, e.g., larch(tree)=la(r)ch/catl=l/tlacatl(N)=lark(bird)=l/tlac/atl(N)= body. one sees the many uses tlaca-(N/prefix)put to, e.g., Bierd-na (Saami/Laponia)=B/P(i)e(r)d/t/la-na=Petla(N)=throw,=petra/piedra, either one throws a stone at bear, or bear throws himself at you. if you're female, lift skirt, as bear/lacis(Latvian)=tlaca(N)=karu (Estonian)=k/cal/ru=cal/r/l/to/u=ca(l)tonatiuh(N)=being/ca-tona/sun,= Katonah/ka(r)thunen(oldest Finnish bear clan)=Calli(s)to(Gk)=Calli Tonatiuh(N)=being/calli(s)Tona/sun, ritual name for bear, will not attack a female. ...deb(Arab)=bear, not a debutante one would like to meet in tuxedo,= d/tep/b=tepetl(N)=tepe(T/mideast)=mountain(habitat). more comment about, lac-is(Latvian=Tlatla u(i)a=flame owners,= Lett=t/let/l=tletl(N)=fire/deity)=t/laca(N)/bear revives/-iz/s=iza(N)= resuscitate, as in, Isah(Koran)=Jesus. ...while we're at it, Lithuania=Lietova=T/L(i)et/l oua=Tletl (o)ua(N)= Fire owners, e.g., pia oua(Breton)=the pious/no pick owner. there we have the last 2 Baltic languages enlisted to Nauatl at Fire Drill level.

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