Thursday, 31 October 2013
...(Ital)=small gourd,=zucca(Ital)=gourd, head,=quauitl xicalli(N)=head gourd,=quaxicalli(N)=
squaw/squash(Alkonquin) =zuc-ca/qua zu/zic/xicalli(Letra)=calabaza(sp/reversal)= calabash(E)=
reversal of quaxi-calli(N)=head gourd,= zucchini(Ital), but rather than force zucca(Ital) on
quaxicalli(N)=squash(Alk),=z/tzoccatl(Letra)=tzocatl(N)= socket(E), which is more natural a
root/route/ruta/otli(N)for ayotli(N)=squash/zucca,=ayotl(N)=turtle/tortuga/tortola(sp)= turtle
dove=cucutia(Lat)=gourd(E)=cocotli(N)=tórtola(sp)= co/g/co/u(r)d/tli(Letra).
.....rightly or wrongly, zucchetto(Ital)=ecclesiastic skull cap for Socrates.
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
...=jaguara(Tupi Guarani)=jaegar/jagger=iaculor(Lat)=thrower,=
acolli(N)=shoulder(E)=aco(N)=from on high,=ago/age=ko(J)=an arc,
but, ounce(E)=mountain panther=pantli(N)=flag(tail),=o/u(n)ce
(Letra)=Ocelotl(N/14 Tonalamatl). hmmm, caves of Guangxi.
reverential of qualania(N)=qualani(N)=irritate,=squall(E)= squeal(E)=bawl,=zoion(Gk)=zooid(Huxley, xix)who squalls(E)= quar/qualani(N)=Guarani(tribe)=G/Qualani(N)=Squall/Squeal,
Tupi(tribe)=Toptli(N)=idol/wrap,=Hopi(Amerind tribe)=Toptli(N)
.....Cusco designed in shape of couguar(Fr)/jaguar/puma(Q)=
po/potli(N)=nopo(N)=my equal, my totem(Algic Amerind)=
to/my descent/temo(N), which names Inca regions and people.
parallel southeast asian colony, but earlier than Olmecoid/
Japanese of 5kya Sea Age.
.....the Moche put Puma on their creamics. Viracocha(Q)=Piloa
/Uilana cocheua(N)=leave bed(the clouds)and spill/wheel 4
(directions), i.e., To/our 4/na=Tonatiuh(N/solar deity)=couch
/crouch/grouch Wira qucha(Q)=Fat Lake has 6 puma on his halo=
Tlaloc(N)=tl/t/th/halo/c(Letra)that goes to his shoulders,=
6 water puma in trecena Atl represents sun through storm., blog tletl, post Pirul, 13 December 2012.
.....zoqual/cougar=angry, irritable, squeal, and jaguar/ya-qualani(N)=already squalling, differs cougar fm jaguar: the cougar hunts silently. when discovered/cornered it squalls, but the jaguar/ya-qual/r, not related to house cats as cougar, makes itself known.
.....Yaweh(H)=already aweigh/big,=Jehovah, but yaotl ue(N)=yao ue(N)=way(big)enemy.
...(E)=chep(ME)=ceap(OE)=barter, bargain, price, market,=ciepan/cepian(OE)=trade, bargain,=
chepe(ME), hmmm, cepan(OE/Nauatl)=ce pan(N)=one place,=keep(E), e.g., cep(i)an/c(i)epan(OE),
e.g., ceap(OE)survives in proper names: Cheapside, Chepstow(market)=cepoa(N)=nitla-cepoa(N)= damage,=cepanca(N)=to be together or added to.
.....kap(OFrisian)=capania/ocapani(N)=to do oneself damage,=capon(E)=capar(sp)=castrate,= kop(OSaxon)=koop(Du)=copichtic(N)=cracked/channeled,= kaupón(Goth)=kaupo/kauponari(Latin)=
tradesman, innkeeper/traffic,=copampoa/ococampouh(N)=joke, fool with, make laugh,=poa/opouh(N)=
to count,=nitla/nic/nocom-poa(N)=evaluate something.
puma(Quechua)=poa/count point/mapiloa(N)=felid of cave epoch, totem of birth deity, Tlatlatzolteotl, Flame-Hole-Thea, Fire-Drill Promethea Neandra, regent Tonalamatl=calendar Tlaloc deer deity.
Quenqo Huaca/Quenco Uacalli(N)=which angle year/being?,=rectangular cave clock of solstice &equinox beam creates face of puma: on solstice summer/winter full face appears, on spring/fall equinox half-face appears. another wrinkle for Ocelotl(N/14/Tona)
from Quechua Incan of Cusco=cozcatl co(N)=where the jewel necklace,= kosa(J)=crossing/intersects with ivory/iueli/powerful Lion Lady of Ulm Museum, 40k BCE,
Stadle-Hohle cave/Swabian Alps, idol's 7 stripes on her lt.arm/rt.arm missing, but if rt.arm
7 stripes=7&7=14=Ocelotl(N/14)=7&7=2/ome mazatl(N/7/Tona)=2d day of 6/Miquiztli/death=
hunting talisman=mamaza(plural)/deer.
chthonic(E/Gk)=chitoni(Nauatl)=spark,=chitoun(OFr)=kitten, cheetah(E)=chita(Hindi)=
chitraka(Skrt)=chitra(Skrt)=spot,=chi-Tlatla-tzol-teotl=on top flame, mistress of
Zatal Hüyuk/7k BCE, who hunted game with her ocelome=celOim(Etr)=Elohim(H/plural).
Friday, 25 October 2013
...empty(E)=e(m)pti(Letra)=eptli(Nauatl)=conch shell.
.....the Mayan Zero symbol=the conch shell, e.g., Tecciztecatl(Nauatl)=He of the conch shell,
male moon deity, in ancient Mayan sculpture, ascending or descending in or out of shell, as phases
of the moon.
.....the concept of zero originates earlier than the Mayans, from the shell collector who first
noticed the diminishing spiral of each conch shell/eptli(N) picked up along the shore(E)=
sh/xotla(N)=sawing, making lines/rayas(sp), revive, grow,=shute/shoot(E)=xoxotla(N)=scarlet(red
tide), silk cloth, firefly.
.....other Mayan words referring to zero: nan(M)=center,=nantli(N)=mother, the birthing principle, and, nik(M)=flower=xochitl(N/20 Tona)=cempoalxochitl(N)=20 Flower, the orange chrysanthemum,
Day of the Dead bloom.
s/uper(Lat)=opouh/poa(N)=count/counted,=opeuh/peua(N)=open(E),begin(again), e.g., opyat'(Russile)=again=pyat'(R)=5= patla(N)/opatlac(N)=alternate/paddle(E),=opora(Gk)=harvest time of the 7 old Greek seasons,=opoa/oopouh(N)=have felicity/success; joke/giggle,=otli poa(N), e.g., chico(N)=reverse, lit., co/come(over)on top/chi=chicome(N)=7=reverse 2.
...(E)=makeshift/temporary;sun-dried brick,=kachacha(Hindi), hmm, chacayolli(N)=callo(sp)=callous
(E)=hardened skin/hands, nope,= ch/sh/xamitl(N)=ladrillo(sp)=lado(sp)=side,=renga(J)= r/tentli ca(N)=
edged/lip being=brick(E)=b(r)icc/atl(Letra)= piccatl(N)=vulva,=biccé(OE)=bitch(E)=biche(Fr)=hind/
doe; (coloquial)girl/young woman; light woman.
.....kachacha(Hindi)=ka/ca chacha/xaxamitl(N/plural?)= xamacalli(N)=brick mold,=chantli(N)=house,
=Cuaxolotl Chantico(N)=Dog's head by hearth=hth/t/tletl(N)=fire,= ch/ca(n)tl/i(Letra)=Ehecatl(N/2
Tona)=Hecate(Diosa)= enchant/chanter of bagpipe=gaita(sp/Basque)=e/c/ga itoa(Letra)=Ecatl itoa(N)=
Hecate talks(E)=Ecaitoa(N).
.....xamitl(N)=brick/adobe=attob/al-tob(Arab)=tlalli toptli(N)=earth ido/wrap,=tob/tub(of Egyptian
origin)= toptli(N)=wrap/idol,=toptia(N)=opt/obey(E).
=s/sh/xumul/r=xumulli/xomulli(N)=one corner of 4 seasons,
xomulli(Nawa/root)=summer,=haf(Walsh)=hanv(Breton)=ha(n)v=haber(L)=auia/auialia/auialli(N)=have/savory meals/happy.
...launch(E)=lanzar(sp)=t/la/u(n)c/ch(Letra)=tlaca(N)=body,= tlacati(N)=nacer/be born,=tlacatli(N)=
day,dag/tag/tac(OHG), but, lanzar(sp)=t/la(n)za/r=tlaza(N)=tl/trazar(sp)=trace(E), however, trance
(E)=tr/tla(n)c/e(Letra)=tlaca(N)=body, which melds into tlaza/trazar to share the root of lanzar(sp).
.....lunch(E)=loncha(sp)=slab of meat(sandwich),=lonché(spanglish)=t/lo(n)c/ch(Letra)= tloc(N/adv)=
lugar/location(beside), even, clock(E)=ca/being beside/tloc(N).
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
...(Scottish)=May Day,=bealltainn(Gaelic)=beltaine(OIrish)= boaltinn/boaldyn(Manx), on which the (heathen=h/th/t/tletl/t/th)= Xiuhtletl=Fire Deity))Irish lit fires and drove cattle(=Ecatl/Ehecatl(N/2 Tonalamatl)=Hecate) through them, referred to in Old Celtic as, belotinia(hypothetical form)="bright fire", not a likely form, however, uel(o)tia(N)=
drive someone off, e.g., shoo(E)=drive away birds,=sh/xiuh!(N)=shout to drive off dogs?, or,
uilotl(N)=paloma/dove, also, uilana(N)=wheel(E)=guilan(Cornish)=gull(E)? no to all, but,
uilotlatia/ouilotlati(N)=nite-uilotlatia(N)=bewitch/echar la suerte(sp)=try one's luck, hmmm,
fits "bright fire"= belotinia(OCeltic), sort of, but, bealltainn(Gaelic)=ue altia(N)=way(big)altar(E)=bealté(OE)=beauty/beatitude(E)= bue/ue al/lt ia, reversal a/i, in(N)=-inn(Gael), reversal,=the way/buey/guey(sp/pun)altar.
there is enough flex in Nauatl to entertain both the Old Celtic version, the Irish, not
as "bright fire", but as, uelotia(N)=drive off, nite-uilotlatlia(N)= bewitch/echar/Hecate sortilege/suerte(sp), and the Scottish/Xochitl(N)=Flower version, bealtainn(Gaelic/reversal)=
inn ue altia(N)=bealté(OE)=beauty(big)büey/ güey(sp)/way altar of beatitude=the big altar
of May.
...eptli(N)=conch,=epi-(Gk/prefix,=epic/epi-center(E)=epyollotl(N)=precious pearl/nacar(sp)=eptli/ conch heart/yollotli(N)=ep/b(y)o/ll/r o que/tli=borok(Letra)= boroque/baroque(Fr)=whimsical/odd, earliest use refering to odd pearls,=barroco(Port/Ital)/barrueco(sp)=barro/pyollo=e/pyoll/otli(N)= pyo(r)l/l(Letra)=pearl(E).
Monday, 21 October 2013
=pacaltia/opacalti(Nauatl)=wash someone=paca/opac(N)=wash something,=pacalli(N)=paint house,=pamaca=pharmacy,=
pak'al(Tzotzil/Mayan)=bag/bedridden/lying on ground dead/
hiding/stuck,=pak'al ual(Tz/M)=bag in which chaplet is kept,=
pak'altasvan=cover/clothe person,=Pakal(Mayan)=Sun Shield=
dynastic name/ruler of Palenque.
calendric name=8Ahauh=
aua(N)=water owner=Aga(Arab)=8Xochitl(Tonalamatl)=5th trecena=Acatl/sceptre sun sign, which ends on coatl/snake.
Ahauh/Xochitl=60th day of Tonal/Tzolk'in by 9night gods=54=
remainder 6=Chalchiuitlicueye=chalchiuitl(N)=emerald,=
c/halc/h=halcón/falcon,=goddess of water.
Sunday, 20 October 2013
selo Mal'ta-Buret'
...(Russile)=village,=Ocelotl(N/14 Tona)=cella(Lat)=innermost part of church,=cel/celtin(N)=alone,
only,=ce(Nauatl)=one. 2 villages of Magdalenian period, 22k-19k BP, and lithic flaking industry of Mousterian period, 300k-30k BP, connected them to arctic-bodied Cave Neandra Promethea as they went through the Tlaloc Nomad Upper Stone Age Northern Arc Bottleneck, fire drill, language, ivory carved Venus figurines kept by their women, goose/swan/duck hunting talismans worn around the necks of their men, and the tenamaztli 3 slab-stone hearth=h/th/t/tletl/t/th(Letra)=fire,=Xiuhtletl(N)=Ueueteotl
(N)=old god/fire god. Gravettian villages then, with partially buried houses, interlaced antler roofs, amanteca(N)=feather workers, from the swans/geese/duck come feather capes, down filling for clothes, and flutes(cf., Hohlen Fels)for music(E)=amoxtli(N)=book. the Venus figurines are dressed in fluff patterned clothing other than fur, and artisan ego surfaces in individual faces for particular figurines.
.....tena-maz-tli(N)=3 stone hearth,=maz(OHG)=meat(E)=Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)=deer/deor/teotl(N)=
the first Venus, ce uentli(N)=one offering,=uena(N)=4 direction offering,=ciervo(sp)=cerf(Fr)=
.....the 3 cobra=co(br)a(Letra)=Coatl(N/5 Tona)disk is the hunting charm=chamaua(N)=eulogize,
fatten,=xamani(N)=destroy,=Shaman for Mazatl. on the body of each snake are 7 sharp elbows
apiece=3 deer/Yei Mazatl, third day of Coatl, the 9th trecena/13 day period of the 20x13=260
Tonalamatl birthing cave calendar. 3=calli(N/3)=being/house. Coatl(N/5)=coa(N)=shovel=arrow=
atlatl(N)=at/dar/tl(Letra)=dart, e.g., xiuhcoatl(N)=arrow of Huitzilopochtli, sungod/wargod
of Aztecs, who shares his pyramid with Tlaloc, deity of Mazatl(N/7), and 9th deity of darkness,
a set of gods which reprises the first 9 days of the Tonalamatl, symbol of the 9 crossings/vados
of Mictlan's darkness and death. 9=atl(N/9)=altia(N)=wash/altar/Altai(Mts)=alaua/oalauh(N)=slip =smazat'(Russile)=oil.
the Cobra disk represents the 9th trecena, Coatl, containing 3/Yei Mazatl/deer, and ending
in olin(N/17 Tona)=olen(Russile)=deer=Gwendolyn(E/name)=Uentli olin(N)=holy(rolling)offering=
Gwen(E/Name)=cawen(OE)=queen(E). 13 olin=117th day of the Tona,=1/5th cycle of Venus=585days=
.....there is a 3/Yei Mazatl/deer drinking bowl with 8 panels, the shaman=medicine god, Patecatl,
who donated the herbs/xiuitl(N)for poliuhqui/pulque, deity of 11, the death/Christ/Scape goat
number, surrounded by 2 8=Tochtli(N/8 Tona)incisions, which=ome tochtli(N)=2 rabbit, 2d day of
3d trecena, Mazatl(N/7)/deer), then a panel with 9 incisions=9.Coatl trecena, and 3 panels with
7 incisions=the 7 elbows on the 3 cobra/coatl snakes, whose bloated heads indicate an attempt to
stun the deer with poison=ponzoña(sp)=ponazoa(N)=pounce/bounce.
.....the next trecena, after 9th, Coatl(N/5)=10.Tecpatl(N/18)=wind Hecate quadrant, and of course
she is Venus sucessor/dominator of all wind animals, such as Ocelotl(N/14), being life's breath itself, even(E)=c/e v/en/tli(Letra)=ce uentli(N) Cailleach Ueltiuhtli Beira managed deer herds.
one asks whether that was done at Mal'ta. 10.Tecpatl(N)/Flint flaking/arrow ends its trecena as
Itzcuintli(N)=dog, joined by dark deity 5.Mictlantecuhtli, his Lord. Mal'ta: dog bone spike hair pin on the hunt along the Belaya river/iueli(N)with
Tonatiuh/deer nomads?=noma/nomatka/nomatzinco(N)=still, the same, forever, always, spontaneous(art=altia)=Mazatl(N)=matlatl(N)=atlatl(N)=mati(N)=matimati ca(N)=s/ma(r)ty=
ma/oma(N)=hunt land/sea with net/matlatl(N). be better/curing,=pati/opat(N)=melt water,=patia/opati(N)
=to cure/restore/correct/remedy,=Patecatl(N).
.....E(5th letter of 26)= m(13th letter of 26), c(3d letter of 26)= squared,= 5(=)13x9=117,
E=mc2= 1/5th Venus cycle
Saturday, 19 October 2013
(N)=foot/shoe(E),=xotla(N)=shoot/hot/shot/shore/bud/blossom,=tlalli xotla(N)=earth burns,
nitla xotla(N)cut cloth/make lines(shore)/cut wood(hut/shut),=xodeet(R)=go(freq),=xiotl(N)=
shuttle(E)=joder(Sp)=step on,=xotl(N)=foot/shoe/shute.
seen=Italy= mir/tta=miru(J)=mira/mirar(Sp)=mirror(E)= itotia(N)=dance,=itoa ittitia(N)=talk and show,=
tloc(N)=local=tl/oculus(L)=eye. xochitl(N)=flower/poa(N),=
orchil(E)=lichen dye,=x/o(r)chit/l=xochitl(N/20/Tona).
Friday, 18 October 2013
(E/arch.)=went,=y/xotl/de=foot/shoe=joder(sp)=step on=
=var. of zede(ME)=yezda/yezdeet(R)=go. or, ede(ME)=idti/
itti(R)=itta(N)=see/altepeitta(N)=go see town/aldea(sp)=
weaver Hecate.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Kyloe( name)=kyly(dialect)=cy-leah(OE)=
pasture/Highland cattle breed,=silo/shire/Shiloh(H)=xilé(N)=
sillín(Sp)=birthing chair,=Xilo/Xilonen=female corn deities.
Monday, 7 October 2013
...(E)=osler(E)=stableman, restricted to this sense, osteon(Gk)=oyster(E)=osteo-(Gk/prefix)=bone,=ostmen(E)
ancient invaders of the western isles,=aust-/east(E)= ostreger/ostringer(E)=keeper of the goshawks,= ostruchier(OFr)=oztoc(N)=oztotl(N/root)=cave,=ozcoa/oozco(N)=warm oneself by the fire,=oztoa(N)=fox, cuadruped,
who lives in caves and eats rats, squirrels, and rabbits,=oztoyo(N)=full of caves,=Oztotolan(N)=population
on the western coastal slopes of Mexico,=oztomecatl(N)=merchant(E)=mercer(E)=mercado(sp)=mecatl(N)=string/
cord,=metl(N)=Metis(Gk),= Oztopolco(N)=water caves, place near Tetzcuco(old Acolhuacan) where the original population of Tenayocan(N)=Tenamitl yocatl(N)=wall owner, west of Tenochtitlan came from, in 1224 Xolotl, Chichimec chief, made Tenayocan his capital, now an archeo-site. as mountain/tepetl(N)=first te(m)p(l)e(E), so oztotl(N)=cave=calli ue(N)=way/
big house/being=first church/kirk/circle=ci(r)/c/s/z/tzintli cel(N)=saintly cel=Ocelotl(N/14 Tonalamatl)=
c(i)elo/cerro(sp)=cella(Latin),=hostel/hotel(E), even the communion wafer(E)=ua petla(N)=own throwing stone,
i.e., Solstice Bear First Christ Sacrifice to help Father SunTona on his annual January journey.
Sunday, 6 October 2013
...(E)=leftovers, scraps,=orten(LG)=leave remains of food/fodder,=o(r)ten(Letra)=oten/temi(N)=to be full,
replete, e.g., tentimani(N)=full, replete, level. the root, oten(N)=filled, gives orts their entrance.
.....mani(N)=to be, located,=remain(E).
.....temi(N)=fill to ext(r)emes(E),=Hermes(Gk)=h/th/temi(N)=glutton child who stole Aeolian cattle, ate 4
of them, Alchemist.
Haru Horace
...=Horus=Haru(Egypt)=h/th/t/Tlalo-tiquiza(N)=throw oneself with impetus, attack running(flying), overwhelm with violence,=tlalo-tiuetzi(N)=collide rapidly, precipitously, running(flying), e.g., uetzi(N)=fall/plunge, go from side to side, tlaloa(N)=run, huir(sp)=flee(E)=fluir(sp), disperse, fly before and fly far., hmmm, related to Tlaloc and his Tlaloques,=tla/ta/tha/halo(E)=nimbus. falcon is not Tlaloc's bird, but that of his
2d wife, Jade Skirt=Chalchiuitlicue(N)= Ch/halc/ch(Letra)=halcón(sp)=falcon(E), goddess of waters, bays,
lakes, and seas, e.g., uinetli(N)=merlin/goshawk,= Winnetka, Lake Michigan=Michuacan(N)=fish owner,= Michoacan(Mex),=Wauwinet(round bay),Nantucket(Natick amerind)= Nantli tzocatl(N)=Mother socket.
Saturday, 5 October 2013
...(E)=knock/strike,=urtar(Provence)=urtare(Ital)=hurter(Fr)= shoulder of an axle against which the nave
strikes,=hurt(ou)oir(OFr/13th c. AD=xiii)=ur/olini tlalli/tare(Letra)=auh in tlalli olini(N)=and the earth
moves/trembles(Olmos, Grammar of language Nauatl or Mexican, 1547),=tlalolini(N)=tremble, speaking of earth.
.....Provence has a 1m BC prehistory horizon of stone tools, a 600k BC horizon for more sophisticated stone tools(worked on both sides of stone), tools from 400k BC and some of the first fireplaces in Europe found at
Terra Amata, Nice, Middle Paleolithic tools(300k BC) and Upper Paleolithic tools(30k-10k BC) at Observatory
Cave, Monaco, and close by in the Ardeche, Grotte Chauvet/Chauvet Pont d'Arc roughly dated 30k BC.
.....whoever started the Promethean Neandertal Fire Drill, began the process today, called Modern Times.
Friday, 4 October 2013
toptli(N)=tohopa(OE)=hope=drop? nope,=
...(E)=border, edging, strip,=listón(sp)=ribbon,=4.list(E)=of names,=5.list(E)=careening of a ship,=l/titla
(N)=between,=3.list(E/archaic)=listen(E)=1.lithe(E)=mild, gentle, pliant,2.lithe(E/archaic)=listen(E)=
litter(E)=portable bed/couch=cochi/ococh(N)=sleep,=littoral(E)=shore,=tide/tidings/title/tithe/triste(sp)=
titla(N/root)=litre(E)=measure,=literal(E), only first and last letters are not between other letters=tletl
(N), but are between words, except for the first and the last,=litigation(E)=liturgy/litany=titlani(N)=
Thursday, 3 October 2013
...(E)=sound of bell struck or rung,=cnyll(OE)=knell(G),=nelhuia/onelhui(N/verb)=agitate, shake someone,
disorer, revolve something,=neloa/onelo(N/verb)=agitate, mix/beat something, e.g., neluayotl(N)=principle,
foundation, base, root, genealogical origin, related to uel(N)=well(E)=ue(N)=way(big)=ueue(N)=old, formed
by replacing u/nel(N/particle), and related to bell(E) by the circuitous process of Letra: u/v/bell, e.g.,
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
...(E)=harmagedon(Rev. xvi 16)= harmegiddon(H)=magaddu(Assyrian)= amaca/hamaca tonalli= hanging bridge
of the soul,=amaca tonalli(N)=water the soul,=maca/ga ddu/ddo/ddon/tonalli(N), e.g.,
maca(N/verb)=to hand over, surrender,=maca/macamo(N)=no(E/negative).
...(E)=tragonia/tarchon(MedLatin)=tarkhón(MedGk), no connexion to drakontion(Gk)=distant relations to lillies
=tlilli(N)=black, as they are poisonous(E)=ponzoña(sp)=ponazoa(N)=bounce/pounce(E),= trago/tlacoxihuitl(N)=
medicinal plant also called, tlacoxochitl(N).
.....many species, white flowers used to adorn Aztec Temples, the root is somewhat sweet tasting, e.g., tarhun, a sweet, bright green drink of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia is quasi/casi(sp)anise flavored.
.....tlacoxiuitl/tlacoxochitl(N) were used to stop bleeding and increase urine output, but it seems many plants have carried this name, and today it's difficult to separate them.
(E)=tlalia(N)=put on shore=nic-tlalia(N)=unload/land,=
pauilia/opauili(N)=bait/limn=tlalia pauilia(N)=tlalpauilia(N)=
tl/tar/l-paulin=tarpauilin(E)=load bait/unload catch. tlalia(N)=
apply, slip of tar=tl/tar/lia(N)to preserve tarp.
...(E)=damnable,=tlanauhtiuh(N)=go from bad to worse, speaking of a sickness, tlanaui(N)=to be very sick,
=tlantiuh)N)=to be finishing, consuming oneself, terminating, finishing.
.....eternal/eternity=tenitl(N)=someone who doesn't speak our(Nauatl)language, stranger, grosero(sp),= e/te/r)nitl(Letra)=eternity.
.....tarnish(E)=tlantli(N)=totlan(N)=our teeth,=to(o)th/t/tlan(Letra)=tooth(E).
.....tarn(E)=small mountain lake,=tlan(N)=nearby, e.g., tepetitlan(N)=near the mountain, quauhtitilan(N)=
near the trees, atlan(N)=in the water.
=fine cotton fabric,=mussolina(Ital)=Mussolo=Mosul(N.Iraq)=
muslin origin,=mauzil(Arab)=mauiztilia(N)=mauiztililo iyeyan=seat of honor,=mauiztic=majestic,=Muslim(given name)=mauiz
xilé(N)=seat of awe(E)=maui/omauh=fear,=
Maui=Hawaiian/Auia volcanic island.
...(E/archaic)=shield=chieltia(N)=child(E),=ta(r)c/ga(Letra)= tlaca(N)=body, hmmmmm, tataca(N)=dig, and dig
again,=attack(E)=tack(E)=stutter(E)=targa/targe(OE)=targa(ON)=zarga(OHG)/zarge(MHG)=edging, border,=tzaqua
(N)=close in, stop, finish; cover, close. from the German as Onions says.
...mekon(Gk)=poppy(E)=pavou(OFr)=papaver(Latin)= papaqui/opapac(N)=estar a gusto, be happy, glorificarse;
serve oneself something sparingly but often,=mohn(G)=monequi(N)=necessary, convenient,=mekon(Gk)=mecachiua
(N)=make chords,=mecaecauaztli(N)=scale/ladder of a chord,=mecamalina(N)=make cords, twist them, e.g., teuic
temecapal(N)=slave, servant,=mecotl(N)=dry maguey,=metl zotl(N)=piece of cloth/white clothing,= maku(OSlavonic)=macuillixochitl(N)=Carophyllum Mexicanum=clove oil. opium(Latin/OFr)=opion(Gk)=opouh/poa(N)=
count, e.g., opora(Gk)=the counting, harvest season in the old Greek 7-part Calendar of Orchard Culture at end of the Nomad Upper Stone Age, 45k BC-10k BC, and beyond.
.....Macu-illi Xochitl=5 Flower=pre-agriculture tobacco deity of Mexico, before corn, and Quetzalcoatl Expedition for copper, 3309 BC=beginning of the 5th Age, Naui Olin=4 movements of Suntone. Macuilli(N) resides in the 16th trecena, southern pillar of Tlalli/Earthland(E), also 16th day=Cozcacuauhtli(N)=Jewelled Eagle/King Buzzard/Tzopilotl Rey, the night deity of 5 Flower=Itztli(N)=deity of Obsidian knife, who is another form of the Evening star, Xolotl, black dog Anubiscuit, twin of Quetzalcoatl, who is Morning star, Lord of Dawn House=Tlauiz-calpan-tecuhtli(N). later myth, Xolotl=choloa(N)=to flee, becomes the dog between the Fool's(E)= F/sh/Xolo(N)=follow(E) legs in Tarot=Tarocco(Ital)=Tlaloc(N)=rain deity of Deer/Orchard Age. the Fool being paired with St. Michael, who in older Venus star myth=Mictlantecuhtli(N)=Mickey=Miquiztli(N)=Lord of Dogs and Death, Xolotl's master, whom Evening star sees every night as he escorts the Suntone through mid-earth. as later myth makes Morning star, Christ, so Xolo becomes the Devil=teuilotl(N)=glass dribble(E)/drivel(E)= d(r)/teuil(Letra)=teuilotl(N).
.....the curse of Slavonicks has always been their proximity to Poppy.
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