Sunday, 20 October 2013

selo Mal'ta-Buret'

...(Russile)=village,=Ocelotl(N/14 Tona)=cella(Lat)=innermost part of church,=cel/celtin(N)=alone, only,=ce(Nauatl)=one. 2 villages of Magdalenian period, 22k-19k BP, and lithic flaking industry of Mousterian period, 300k-30k BP, connected them to arctic-bodied Cave Neandra Promethea as they went through the Tlaloc Nomad Upper Stone Age Northern Arc Bottleneck, fire drill, language, ivory carved Venus figurines kept by their women, goose/swan/duck hunting talismans worn around the necks of their men, and the tenamaztli 3 slab-stone hearth=h/th/t/tletl/t/th(Letra)=fire,=Xiuhtletl(N)=Ueueteotl (N)=old god/fire god. Gravettian villages then, with partially buried houses, interlaced antler roofs, amanteca(N)=feather workers, from the swans/geese/duck come feather capes, down filling for clothes, and flutes(cf., Hohlen Fels)for music(E)=amoxtli(N)=book. the Venus figurines are dressed in fluff patterned clothing other than fur, and artisan ego surfaces in individual faces for particular figurines. .....tena-maz-tli(N)=3 stone hearth,=maz(OHG)=meat(E)=Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)=deer/deor/teotl(N)= the first Venus, ce uentli(N)=one offering,=uena(N)=4 direction offering,=ciervo(sp)=cerf(Fr)= hirvi(Finnish/Fennec/Uenic)=Mazatl/deer. .....the 3 cobra=co(br)a(Letra)=Coatl(N/5 Tona)disk is the hunting charm=chamaua(N)=eulogize, fatten,=xamani(N)=destroy,=Shaman for Mazatl. on the body of each snake are 7 sharp elbows apiece=3 deer/Yei Mazatl, third day of Coatl, the 9th trecena/13 day period of the 20x13=260 Tonalamatl birthing cave calendar. 3=calli(N/3)=being/house. Coatl(N/5)=coa(N)=shovel=arrow= atlatl(N)=at/dar/tl(Letra)=dart, e.g., xiuhcoatl(N)=arrow of Huitzilopochtli, sungod/wargod of Aztecs, who shares his pyramid with Tlaloc, deity of Mazatl(N/7), and 9th deity of darkness, a set of gods which reprises the first 9 days of the Tonalamatl, symbol of the 9 crossings/vados of Mictlan's darkness and death. 9=atl(N/9)=altia(N)=wash/altar/Altai(Mts)=alaua/oalauh(N)=slip =smazat'(Russile)=oil. the Cobra disk represents the 9th trecena, Coatl, containing 3/Yei Mazatl/deer, and ending in olin(N/17 Tona)=olen(Russile)=deer=Gwendolyn(E/name)=Uentli olin(N)=holy(rolling)offering= Gwen(E/Name)=cawen(OE)=queen(E). 13 olin=117th day of the Tona,=1/5th cycle of Venus=585days= 5x117. .....there is a 3/Yei Mazatl/deer drinking bowl with 8 panels, the shaman=medicine god, Patecatl, who donated the herbs/xiuitl(N)for poliuhqui/pulque, deity of 11, the death/Christ/Scape goat number, surrounded by 2 8=Tochtli(N/8 Tona)incisions, which=ome tochtli(N)=2 rabbit, 2d day of 3d trecena, Mazatl(N/7)/deer), then a panel with 9 incisions=9.Coatl trecena, and 3 panels with 7 incisions=the 7 elbows on the 3 cobra/coatl snakes, whose bloated heads indicate an attempt to stun the deer with poison=ponzoƱa(sp)=ponazoa(N)=pounce/bounce. .....the next trecena, after 9th, Coatl(N/5)=10.Tecpatl(N/18)=wind Hecate quadrant, and of course she is Venus sucessor/dominator of all wind animals, such as Ocelotl(N/14), being life's breath itself, even(E)=c/e v/en/tli(Letra)=ce uentli(N) Cailleach Ueltiuhtli Beira managed deer herds. one asks whether that was done at Mal'ta. 10.Tecpatl(N)/Flint flaking/arrow ends its trecena as Itzcuintli(N)=dog, joined by dark deity 5.Mictlantecuhtli, his Lord. Mal'ta: dog bone spike hair pin on the hunt along the Belaya river/iueli(N)with Tonatiuh/deer nomads?=noma/nomatka/nomatzinco(N)=still, the same, forever, always, spontaneous(art=altia)=Mazatl(N)=matlatl(N)=atlatl(N)=mati(N)=matimati ca(N)=s/ma(r)ty= ma/oma(N)=hunt land/sea with net/matlatl(N). be better/curing,=pati/opat(N)=melt water,=patia/opati(N) =to cure/restore/correct/remedy,=Patecatl(N). .....E(5th letter of 26)= m(13th letter of 26), c(3d letter of 26)= squared,= 5(=)13x9=117, E=mc2= 1/5th Venus cycle

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