Wednesday, 22 April 2015


(E)=booze=poxcaui(N)=mildew/rust out,=Tochin(pop.Aztec name)=rabbit(drinking totem of Aztec aztatl/cranes and Nihon tsuru(J)=tzoloa=folded=cranes=ancestor spirits,=Hoochinoo, Alaska tribal distillers.

1 comment:

  1. tzuru(J)=crane/canaua/canauhtli,=tzoloa(N)=
    tighten up/compress,=sorrow(E).
    origami(J)=olin/movement god/ca mitl(N)=
    being spear/mitl(N)=transmit/submit(E).
    Hoochinoo(Alaskan tribal distillers)=
    tochtli nouian(N)=rabbit everywhere,=
    onne huchi(Ainu)=fire goddess=
    ome tochtli(N)=vicar/composer/god of pulque
    on 2d day of deer/Mazatl(2d trecena),
    day 28 divided by 9 night nature gods,
    remainder=one=Xiuhtletl Ueueteotl,
    the old fire god, of time, the year,
    comets, herbs=xiuitl(N).
