Tuesday, 23 August 2011

n'r m'r

...Narmer, n'r=glyphs for catfish, and, m'r=glyphs for chisel=the two/2 hieroglyphs
for Narmer, later known as Horus Narmer/Horus Merinar. as you can see the two/2
Horus are the names reversed and deal with the same person, 3.1k bce, the Pharaoh
who first unified Egypt, and begins the king's list.
now, to all this problem with his dual names, let's examine his name=Na(r)me(r).
why, using (letra) we find his name to be, name! what does this mean? let's find the
root of name in the Phoenician sea language, the idiom of Quetzalcoatl/Cipactonal,
the language of languages, Nauatl/4water, hmmm, namiqui(N)=4death?, oh yes, marriage,
where names are given. whom did he marry?
Narmer may have been successor to the king who did unify Egypt, and through marriage...Neithotep(Eg)=Neith is pleased. why is she pleased, as this is the name
of his bride, a Princess of northern Egypt, the delta, the port where a sea person
would expect an alliance.
so Neith, the mother of Sebek/Sobek/Suchos(Gk)=Xochitonal Cipactli(N) would be pleased. ah, so the alliance is with the previous sea people where Cipactonal may
or may not have been King, San Sebastion=Seba/cipac-tonal/-t(i)on, Gipuzcoa=
Gip-/-gyp-/Cip-actli=Cipactonal, the scribe/script-king. well, Narmer does have
the Na- of Nauatl. we can't use mer, as sea, but as coincidence.
Let's look at the root, Cipactli(N/day1 Tonalamatl), if we divide Ci-pactli
to give it the Honorific, tzi-ntli=Ci-ntli(N)=corn god, then apply (letra) to
so we have the Set, Neith, Sobek triad set for the Honorable Catfish Narmer.
Neith, the weaver, echoe of Ehecatl/Hecate weaver, mother of Quetzalcoatl.
Seth/Set/Seti, twin eveningstar Xolotl to Quetzalcoatl/Jesus's morningstar,
Cipactli/Sebek/Sobek/Suchos(Gk)/Cipactonal/Sebastion, king and scribe.
the deeper echo is from Neander Prometheus and Neandra, hunter and fire weaver,
flautist=fue(J)=fuigo(J)=fuelle(sp)=fuego(sp), and where the various strands
of Pharaonic red hair came from. the stag beetle from the Tlaloc deer age becomes
the sacred scarab and mortuary decadence is on its way.
and the Tonalamatl, Quetzalcoatl, whose evangel the Vascos por Viscaya accepted
and identified with, as the Nahoa/Nauatlaca, was absorbed into the emporium of
Egyptian empire, and, if not for the role of succeeding priest castes, was proto-
christian, until the Pharaos became Gods.
the question remains, then where did Quetzalcoatl come from? if we rely on greek myth, ideas must have come from the homeland of Ehecatl/Hecate's father, Perses,
Persia, then blown far and wide by the earliest of sea ages. the lack of (r) in
Nauatl makes the movement appear euro-centric/scand, but the Danube had weaving
villages snaking up from present turkiye. her name from the Thracian/Dacian=
Donau/Duna/Tuna=Tonatiuh(Nauatl), the river the Toniti followed going west.
so the earlier layer of the Danube/Tona knows the Tonalamatl(N).
and language being what it was, is, and ever will be, a source of humor for us,
by us, and with us, the beginning of Egypt and China, the start of scribblings,
it remained intact, we can say, until just after the Quetzalcoatl expedition of
3309 bce.

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