Monday, 30 July 2012
Trent Whittle
=Rolls Royce Motor for Boeing-787, jet turbofan, cempoalli(Tonalamatl)=20 blades 3 titanium laminas each heated, injected with gas makes hollow paddle.
affix order by ringing their changes as in Akenfield(Ronald Blythe/1969)centuries earlier.
Sunday, 29 July 2012
1.motla(N)=throw/petla,touch/toca=to/our being/ca,=
molten(stone),mother. 2.tepetl(N)=tetl/stone piled/
pepena,=alde/a(Sp)=alte/petl(N)=1st towns,=step/steep/
in/te(r)p(r)et/l=tepetl=the mountain=mou(n)t/la=motla=
Friday, 27 July 2012
=Cypria moneta=moneda=money,=small gastropod shell,=
kaparda(Skt)=ca patla(N)=being swapped(moneta),=
kapardika(Skt)=ca patica(N)=being medicine, treats
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Rune Tona-lamatl
...the Rune Tonalamatl connexion is at the level of the Cempoalli(N)=
one count/sample(E)=20 digits, the Tona's basic numerical level.
let's begin with 17.Olin(N)=m(o)vement(E)=holy(E). i put the Tona first
as the Runes follow the Tona/Tuna/Donau=Danube, which made its way up
the river with Hecate/Ehecatl(N/2 Tona), her father being Perses, the
Titan, who gave his name to Persia.
...17.Olin(Tona)=movement=17.M(Rune)=movement. bingo.
natural forces that damage. bingo.
...20.Xochitl(N/Tona)=CempoalXochitl, orange flower of Death,=20.R(Rune)=journey, refers to the soul after Death. bingo.
...9.Atl(N/Tona)=water(E)=atlatl(N)=throwing stick,=at/l/r-at/l/r=
9.S(Rune=slanted, straight-edged S)=defence/yew bow/averting powers. bingo.
...8.Tochtli(N/8 Tona)=Rabbit,=Toca(N)=sow and bury=To-/our being/-ca(N)=tocar(sp)=touch(E)=8.Interfaced C's(Rune)=fertility, legendary Hero, Ing=In-g/ca=In-ca(N)=the being/ca, later a God, but we can see She's female, as carriers of the Race/Raza=r/l/Tlaza(N), Heroines. bingo.
...10.Itzcuintli(N)=dog,=10.Spread TridentFork(Rune)=protection/defense/
the Elk, hmmm, Itzcuintli refers to their cutting antlers. bingo.
...7.Mazatl(N/7 Tona)=deer,=Matlatl(N)=net,=Noma/Nomatca/Nomatzinco(N)=
still, the same, always, forever, spontaneous,=Nomad(E)Deer Upper Stone
Age, 45k bce-10k bce,=the Nauatl Deer name=this animal, Maz(N/OHG)=
meat(E),taken by net/Matlatl(N),=7.X slanted to left(Rune)=constraint
(net/cross fibers X)/need, necessity(to keep deer from wandering off):
...2.Ehecatl/Ecatl(N/2 Tona)=Hecate/Ekatheron(Gk)=Katherine(E)=Goddess
of wind/breath(mouth),=2.Rune, depressed F=God Loki=Tloque Nauaque(N)=
expression to designate God, i.e., he who is close to things, and in
Loki/Tloque's case, too close, e.g., Tloc(N)=Location(beside)and
Nauaque/far. that's Loki, near and far. he shares atributes with
Ehecatl/Hecate's Dogson, the evening star, who is cigarette deity
of Mexico, becomes Anubiscuit, then settles in as the clown devil
for Christianity, his twin, morning star, being the proto-Christ
of his age, and Ehecatl/Hecate, proto-Maria, breath/mouth deity of
all young, living things, cf., King Theodric's Mosaic, San Apollinari,
Ravenna=Tlatla-uentli(N)=Fire Offering, e.g., the number count of its
participants allows us to enter the Tonalamatl, 22 days, and land on
Quetzalcoatl's birthday. bingo.
...ok. i stop now with a mexican phrase, Ciegos que no vean, that
Nauatl is Planet PIE/Proto-IndoEuro.
...hmmm, ok, 8 matching samples/cempoa(N/verb)=add/sum between the
Danish/Baltic Runes and the Tonalamatl(N), narrowly called the
Deer Calendar, 2d notice of which we have in shovel archeology at
35k bce, Chauvet Pont d'Arc cave at 35 k bce, the killed-number of
Felines in the cave=the number of times the ritual Tonalamatl revolves
in a 52yr 360 solar period=71=Qafzeh, Israel where 71 pieces of ochre
are found at 100k bce=26k bce, at the Lagar Velho Child Burial, cf., 8 ochre Rabbit bones
on ankle=8.Tochtli(N/Tonalamatl)=Rabbit,=ocho(sp)=8. is the Tonalamatl Deity of Deer/Mazatl Trecena three=Calli(N/3
Tona)=being/house, tepees made of deer hide, Mazatl=Maz(OHG)=meat(E),
our sustenance and idol=Mazeltov(H)=Mazatl Tov/ptli(N)=Deer Idol/Wrap=
Chicome-nolhuia(N)=the 7 wraps/candles/nurses=(chico)menor/lhuia=
the Menorah(H/7), and, Matso is now bread when before it was meat=
Mas(OHG)=Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl). then, in sequence, we move from
Tlaloc, principal Deity of Teotihuacan, to Rarog, of the Baltic,
e.g., T/l/Rar/log/c=R/l/Tlal/rog/c, with their band of dwarves,
Tla/Rarogues/-loques, evidently the same Deity, who survived the
Deer/Mazatl Age as its Rain=R/l/tlain/i(N)and tl/drain Deity whom
the Deer followed as Nomad tribes followed the Deer, coming over
the Northern/Norway Arc, moving into w. German as the Sorbs, everyone
was Deer Tribe, conspiring with the main Deity, Tonatiuh/Anthony,
the sun, to leave the Tonalamatl traces in the Runes, depart for
Teotihuacan following Tlaloc, the Danish first Blue Tooth building
the Ciudadela with the Temple of Quetzalcoatl inside, 150-200 ce,
then, 935-985 ce, Harald Blue Tooth Gormsson erects the Jelling Runes
for his parents, based on the Old Tonalamatl Tlaloc/Rarog/Mazatl Deer
...Google further, Mazyes/Maz-yectli/Maz-yectlali=-yectlalli/
yiz-t/l/ralli=yizrael=Israel, mazyectli/Mazyes=Berber, originally
the name for all inhabitants of the North African Deer/Mazatl Corridor
which was green during the Euro glaciation, 40k bce. the Berber/Mazyes
have the oldest sister haplo group in europe at 45k bce, the Basques
clock in at 40k bce.
Saturday, 21 July 2012
(E)=harvest hook with toothed edge,=sicol/sicel(OE)=tzicoa(N)=Nitla-tzicoa(N)=hit/fix/stick(E)/
Sunday, 15 July 2012
heat/inflamed(oxotlac)bud/blossom(shoots),=tlalli xotla=earth scorch=xo(r)xotla(N)=scarlet/silk cloth/firefly,=bloodletting/
saw(tzaua)/cut(cotona)wood/cloth,=xoxotl in tetl=cut stone,=
hut(E)=hutta(OHG)=xotla=shor/tla=shore up(E).
Friday, 6 July 2012
icuci/oicucic(N)=madurar, formarse,=cocer(sp)=cook(E)=i kosci(Polish)=
e ossa(Ital)=hueso(sp)=i kosti(Russile). refers to bone-forming as well.
...omelia(N)=doblar/torcer/poner dos cosas juntas, o hacer de dos una.=
...omio(N)=que tiene huesos,=homme(Fr).
...cuxiltia/cuxitia(N/icuci)=hacer madurar algo/hacer cocer(sp)=cocina(sp)
...cook/icuci(N) has formed the word for bone: kost/oston(Gk) among the peoples of the mammoth regions, the slon(Russile)=elephant=s/z/tzontli(N)=hair= t/z(l)/s(l)on=woolly mammoth. elephant=iueli pantli(N)=powerful pant/flag.
...while omitl/bone(E)/bein(ON)=ben(Swe)=been(Du) comes over the northern arc, meaning Holland was a southern port, Scandinavian controlled. hone(japonica)?
lose, well the Danes and Germans may not have used the bones of mammoth,
but saved them for ritual contact?
...the Fenec/Finns certainly didn't. their word for bone=luutuotteet(F), sounds similar to, tuetano(sp)=marrow, but i perceive, -teet=tetl(N)= stones to break bones to extract pith. the finnish word meaning to put bone on back of a base stone, then nail it by top stone(phallic imagery),
e.g., -lotl tetl(N)=stone slot?
...marrow=meollo(sp)=meya ollotl(N)=center/middle/hollow(E)flow/ omex(N/preterit of meya=(m)eya=eye=me/J).
...if we follow the gugé(China)/kocti(Russile)/kosci(Polish)/kost(Czech)/kostíte(Bulgar)/
all rooted in icuci(N), we are following the route for the Mammoth
Slon/Tzontli(N)into Europe, along the Mediterranean cuisine/cocina path.
...omelia/oomeli(N/verb)=make one of 2/ome(N)=homily/omelette.
...oomiak/umiak(Eskimo)=large boat of stretched skin,=ome-acolli(N)=
2-shoulders boat, e.g., kayak(Eskimo)=acalli-acolli(N)=shoulder boat/acalli(N).
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Allah is Water
...the upper stone age was water time, Tlaloc, rain deity of deer/deor/
dior/teotl/deo/thea. an Isah/Jesus in reverse, rose to heaven, seeded
his father's clouds from tlalli tloc=Tlaloc vapors, ah, tloc(N/beside)=
t/l/rock, or stone, the last half of t/l/raini/Tlaini(N)=rainy deity's
name, his elves/dwarfs/alves omit tloc/rock in their names but do have
the tlalli=tlalchi(N)=on earth/land=tlantli(N)=tooth,=chi(Japonica)=
...the Wo(Chi-na)=dwarf, first name for Japan in Chinese chronicles, ah,
=wa(J)=peace, unity, harmony=(h)a(r)monequi=amonequi(N)=without necessity,
sum; circle, ring, link, hoop, loop, smoke rings. there are also cloud rings around the (m)eye=me(J)=meya(N)=flow of Tlaloc, giving him the look
of a goggled pilot flying without canopy. his association with stones,
e.g., Thor's wedges, dwarfs who turn to stone when Tonatiuh arrives,
stone itself being tone/solar, stein/shtetl/tetl(N)=te(o)tl(N)=
t/the-oth/t/tel/ter=the other(E).
...Han(Chinese)=ha(J)=tooth,=ha/tha(Otomitl Amerind)=corn,=ta/tlantli(N)=
mountain, yamaztic(N/adj)=tender, bland, light, fine, ground=muelle(sp).
...tane(J/verb)=sow seed=ce(N)=one,=ceti/cetia(N)=set/sit, source, origin,
tlantli(N)=tooth. atl(N)=altia(N)=Alaua(N)=Allah,=Yuhqui(N/adj/adv)=
natural,=Yuhquiyotl(N)=natural form,=Yuhti(N)=Ju(s)tice, origin/source.
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
...uipilli(N/Mayan)=wimple(Euro)=uipana(N)=call(people)into line,=
ufansis(Gk)=weaver, ufano(sp/adj)=proud,=weapon/whip/wife(E).
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