Friday 6 July 2012


...ome(N)=2=home(E)=hone(Japonica)=bone(E)=omitl(N)=gugé(China)=g/cuce= icuci/oicucic(N)=madurar, formarse,=cocer(sp)=cook(E)=i kosci(Polish)= e ossa(Ital)=hueso(sp)=i kosti(Russile). refers to bone-forming as well. ...omelia(N)=doblar/torcer/poner dos cosas juntas, o hacer de dos una.= humilis(Latin)=humility=umil(Basque)=humble(E)=hombre(sp). ...omio(N)=que tiene huesos,=homme(Fr). ...cuxiltia/cuxitia(N/icuci)=hacer madurar algo/hacer cocer(sp)=cocina(sp) ...cook/icuci(N) has formed the word for bone: kost/oston(Gk) among the peoples of the mammoth regions, the slon(Russile)=elephant=s/z/tzontli(N)=hair= t/z(l)/s(l)on=woolly mammoth. elephant=iueli pantli(N)=powerful pant/flag. ...while omitl/bone(E)/bein(ON)=ben(Swe)=been(Du) comes over the northern arc, meaning Holland was a southern port, Scandinavian controlled. hone(japonica)? ...knogler(Dannish)=knochen(German)=noquia/onoqui(N/verb)=purge/sprinkle/ lose, well the Danes and Germans may not have used the bones of mammoth, but saved them for ritual contact? ...the Fenec/Finns certainly didn't. their word for bone=luutuotteet(F), sounds similar to, tuetano(sp)=marrow, but i perceive, -teet=tetl(N)= stones to break bones to extract pith. the finnish word meaning to put bone on back of a base stone, then nail it by top stone(phallic imagery), e.g., -lotl tetl(N)=stone slot? ...marrow=meollo(sp)=meya ollotl(N)=center/middle/hollow(E)flow/ omex(N/preterit of meya=(m)eya=eye=me/J). ...if we follow the gugé(China)/kocti(Russile)/kosci(Polish)/kost(Czech)/kostíte(Bulgar)/ ostón(Gk)/ossa(Ital)/os(Fr/Romania)/osso(Port)/hueso(sp), all rooted in icuci(N), we are following the route for the Mammoth Slon/Tzontli(N)into Europe, along the Mediterranean cuisine/cocina path. ...omelia/oomeli(N/verb)=make one of 2/ome(N)=homily/omelette. ...oomiak/umiak(Eskimo)=large boat of stretched skin,=ome-acolli(N)= 2-shoulders boat, e.g., kayak(Eskimo)=acalli-acolli(N)=shoulder boat/acalli(N).


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    1. ...yes, Bantu(reversal)=To-pan(N)=over us=
      their god is the Forest. when we left the
      sheltering forest our various power fantasies began, which maintain today, e.g., war, the
      eternal enemy. e.g., Atlamati(N)=to presume
      one has the protection of a powerful person,=
      ...since kayak=Acalli-acolli(N)=shoulder boat,
      i think Ome-acolli also refers to 2 rowers
      ...mallow-a=malva(Latin)=owns/wa/ua(N) malinalli(N/12 Tonalamatl)=herb, garland, wreath,=malhuia(N)=to tend a garden, value
      oneself(by medicine). mallow was used to
      clear the constipated digestive system, very
      important for Neander. altho you would think,
      marrow/mallow, the spanish, meollo/marrow, is
      the real trail as it gives mid-hollow/meyollotl
      (N)=meya ollotl/yollotl(N)=flowing hollow/ heart. here we have 2 possibilities in (N),
      with meya yollotl(N)being the best melt.
