Monday, 30 July 2012
Trent Whittle
=Rolls Royce Motor for Boeing-787, jet turbofan, cempoalli(Tonalamatl)=20 blades 3 titanium laminas each heated, injected with gas makes hollow paddle.
affix order by ringing their changes as in Akenfield(Ronald Blythe/1969)centuries earlier.
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ReplyDelete...kostenkij Mammoth Area,=kost(Rusiile)=bone,=
ReplyDeletecotoni(N), Dordogne, South Africa have pierced shells, bone needles in all 3 placed, likely of Dordogne origin
yet Afro-Eve and our Gene Pool with her at 72k BPE,
many leavings of Africa, chance of tech rebound back to
South Africa 30ky later, at 44kya. new is bow and arrow
giving a new type of fire drill and piered shell
industry, beeswax=cera(sp)=cel(i)a(N)=receive, admit=
celia/ocelix(N)=oc/ch(r)e=ocre/ochre(sp/E). the Nauatl for oc/ch(r)e=tlauitl(N), which is a Venus Fire word, e.g., tlauiz(N)=dawiz/dawn(E)=tlauilli(N)=
light, clarity, torch=to(r)ca(N)=to-/our being/-ca,
i.e., tletl/tlatla(N)=fire/flame.
...the castor bean poison=tlapatl(N)=paint, basic Nauatl word, along with, tlacatl(N)=body, spawns
thousands of words, e.g., tlapa/la(m)p/la(m)pa/wrap/
...Phoe=Poa(N)=to count, -nix=nextli(N)=ash, and the
same for Sphinx. the operating Number=13, the White Sweeper of the Aztec Sunstone, the balance for Leapyear shortfall, 674seconds/per year, multiplied
by 130yrs adds more than a day, which has to be subtracted from the day count addition of the Leap,
usually done by the Egyptians in units of 10 days
or 1300yrs. pyramid=tzacualli(N)=Saqqara, 2548BPE,
first pyramind: t/z/saqq/c(u)all/ra. pyra/piloa-
mitl/mid/tl=Spear/mitl piloa/from on High.
...note, Whittle, father of Jet Engine, has name
that comes from qua-whittle/-uitl(N)=witu(OHG)=wood=
tree=treow(OE)=teotl(N). the Deo of motores de reacción.
...pu(n)k/c=po-poca(N)=smo/ke/keadar(B)=column of smo/ke. spunk/sponge(E)=(s)po(n)c/ge=po-poca(N)=
ReplyDeletesmo/ke/keadar(B). Alkonquin=A(l)co-qui(N)=who long
ago/from on high=piloa(N)=pipiltin(N)=nobles=nopilli
(N)=my child/noble=pi/opic(N/verb)=to pick, i.e.,
the pick, e.g., la crema y nata(sp)/the cream of the
...carve is tricky as it is a ritual word from
Deletethe Nomad Deer Age when our blood religion began.
we go to the Dutch first as seafarers are the
purest of Deer tribe peoples who went straight to
boats from yurts, to horse from deer, to beeves,
to dogs/seadogs to guard them.
...kerva(OFrisian)=kerven(MDutch)=k/cel-v/uentli(N)=green/alone offering(of deer meat=
maz(OHG)=Mazatl(N/7=s/ce v/uen/tli). the English drop their (o)=olin(N)=holy on it=
ce(o)rfan, note how the various roots are
making the word, cerf/deer=kerfan(W.German)=
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Delete...qua=cua(N/verb)=to eat, quaff(E)=drink/eat.
ReplyDeletethe head does the eating. quail(Bird)=quaitl(N)=head.
...waffle/wafer/waver=wa/ua f/pet/l/ra=ua petla(N)=
own throw, e.g., the communion wafer of the Solstice
bear=iueli(N)=Iberia/Hibernia/Hibernate was a stoning
...holm(E)=island/oak,=holy/Olin(N/17 Tona).
oquichtli(N)=man, oki(J)=sea/embers.
homme(Fr)=hombre(sp), ko(s)t=k/cotoni(N)=cut, e.g.,
...carve not from curve=col/oa ue(N)=big cu(r)l.
carve=cerf=ce uentli(N)=one offering/slice of deer.
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ReplyDelete...chopinia(N)=bite(serpent). the axe/hacha(sp)=
Deleteh/th/t/tlaca(N)=body could be a coa(Mex)=planting
stick,=hoe/howa/Coatl(N/5 Tona)=snake with fang;
to peck(birds),=chupar(sp)=suck.
the holy sewing. older Nauatl word for, tzoma(N)=sew=tzo-/hole hand/-ma.
lex/ley/trek/lecture, etc.
...words roll into each other at Nauatl level,
like a busy bowling alley.
...atl xictli(N)=water belly button/oomphalos=
axictli(N)=water spout that runs,=axis/c.
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ReplyDelete...cerv/carve related to ve/uentli(N)=offering,
xo(r)mur/lli=Xomotl(N)=one who tells the Tonalamatl,=duck=one sign of Quetzalcoatl.
many corners in the 4-part Tona. maybe related
to dormer/dormir(sp) from early habit of sleepping protected back and sides.
...crooked from, cocked=acoquetza(N)=arise.
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ReplyDelete...Centli/Tzintli/Saintly=Bachelor Deity of Corn.
...Lincoln=Tilinqui(N/adj)=curved; firm, thick,
solid,=lincua(Lat)/lengua(sp). the Lincoln Log.
Teotzintli(N)=ancestor of corn, found in a wild
park in Guadalajara decades ago, perennial,
20 chromosomes, our fingers and toes/the sample
cempoalli/20 of the Tonalamatl.
...ce(N)=one, cem-poa-lli(N)=one count/20, tlamic(N)=
ReplyDelete20 mazorcas of corn/a slam.
...kaede(J)=maple,=quauitl(N)=tree, but maple=
Deletemapiloa(N)=point?,=mapilli(N)=thumb, maybe used
for carving, not incense,=ma(r)fil(sp)=ivory.
...Quercus(Lat)=oak, tries to be,
man owners. for, quechtli(N)=neck.
coq(Fr)=co(r)k(E)=alcorque(sp)=cork sole,=
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...oquichtli(N)=(O)Quechua(Inca), man is a tree.
...cua/quaff=eat/drink, where that takes place,
i.e., the head=h/th/tete(Fr)=tetl/tletl(N)=stone/
...Cua-uhtli(N/15 Tona))=the up quaffer, known for its head/qua, the Eagle.
...qua(N/verb)=bite, done by the head, where
teeth are.
aquí(sp)=here, aq/aqhet(Egyptian)=enter/spring.
...tatamachiua(N)=measure, measure again,=
ta(r)tam/n=tartan. Tartan patterns are recent.
...quechtli(N)=neck. Scot Gaelic=tossing a cup
back, employing the neck in drinking/cup.
...quacash/xitl(N)=vase/container in which put
the cut hair of slaves sacrificed.
...quac(N)=extremity of a thing/duckbill=quack.
...quachachal(N)=big-headed man/jug head. there
you have the cup/head metaphor, one of proximity, i.e., head to cup/cup to head.
...quachilton(N)=aquatic bird, sharp beak, redhead, black feet, gray body. quachilton=
red/chilli qua/head.
...try, potsdam/florentine codex vocabulary/
...maple/mapiloa(N)=acer(La)=sharp, ah, Acanthus=Acatl(N/13 Tona). Acanthus named
for its sharp/ak- leaves. the cup is where the
mash goes, even, maz(OHG)=deer meat(E).
...mazer/mazurka/mazorka. the Mazovian Deer tribe, 9c AC, slavic as Sorbs, kept Deer simply as Totem, as Sorbs did, once settled, e.g., Mazorca(sp)=spindle full of thread; ear of corn/female spike of maize/maíz, i.e., weaving/
aq(r)ui(N)-culture replaced deer-keeping.
green shoot(E)/sapling. nitla-xotla(N)=saw wood,=bud/grow/very hot=h/sh/xotla(N)=xotl(N)=
foot/shoe=xo-tla, e.g., pied-á-terre/hut.
...gua/cua(N)=quaff(E), for supping.
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ReplyDelete...closer to café. calli ue(N)=way/big house=cave=
ReplyDeletec(a)ve=c/gue=gua(Chi-na/Malay)=Guangxi, settled by
the 100 Yue=Tribe; Cantonese Language=Cantona=
Ca-tonatiuh(Sun being bear worship, altho Canton/
katonah/Calli(s)tona is not a chinese word, it does
mean the Yue/Yuhti(N)/Yud'hi/Jyu/Jyut, from the begining, Ju(s)t/Ju(s)tice Nauatl speakers were Yue,
and tribe, well, Deer tribe sliding down from the Altai, moving to the sea Guangxi NanYue, Gulf of
Tonkin/Quinzhou Port. where i think Olmec Chinese
Elite from, their Japanese Calpixque/Gardeners from
the same 100 tribes that founded Japan, inhabited
the Japonica islands of Taiwan, etc., when they
became maritime. still there are 30M chinese cave
dwellers as they are warm winter, cool summer.
Guangxi has oldes bone horizon outside Africa at
800K BCE, limestone shelving, water galore, sub-tropic, one of oldest places on earth, 44 species
of monkeys, e.g., where Ozomatli(N/11 Tona) became
Monkey, when very early it was, Oso(sp)=oztotl(N)=
Deleteas well may be the old word for cave, the best having a flat skirt in front to sun and play.
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ReplyDelete...elli(N)=(b)elly(E). axis(E)=axictli(N).
Delete...umbel=ome piloa(N)=2 spill=ombligo(sp).
Vulgaris/Cochinillifera). Vulgaris gives the
best tuna=ettuni(Mazaua/Deer Owner MesoAmerinds)=
etl Tona-tiuh(N)=frijol del sol/sun bean(E).
...nopalli(N)=my paint; nub/nop(E).
well(E)=ueue(N)=old/alt(G), v(i)ejo(sp)=ueO(N)=
...dome=d/toma(N)=undo, open, untie. a dome is made of small pieces, like bread loaves, then put together,=dom(R)=house, domoy(R)=homeward bound.
wash/wring out sheets(of paper/cloth). bark used for both, e.g., amatl(N)=inner bark fig=
(Walsh name)=ivery/ivory(E)=Iueli-pantli(N)=
Elephant=powerful banner/flag, ah, pantli(N)=
panther, also, uses its tail in tall cane.
...canto(sp)=ca(n)tona-tiuh(N)=Canton, named
for the ancient solstice Bear Rite, the animal
Christ of the Neander/Mazatl=Deer Age.