Sunday, 19 August 2012
over), coaca(N)=coax/invite.chico(N)=reverse/perverse,=
ch/ci(n)co(Sp)=5. nepa/nipa(N)=back and forth,=nerpa(Russ)
=seal=nepanna/nipau(Narragansett)=5. go(J)=5=sfx of chico
(N)=g/co(N/postposition)=come,=comesto water,=coatl.
1.hing(Armenian)=h/ch/ci(n)g/co(N)=cinco(sp)=5. 2.diw/tiw/tiou(Egypt/Coptic/Sahidic)=5=dieu(Fr)=dios(sp)=
teotl(N)=the other. 3.hamsa(Arab)=hamis(Akk)hamsi(Cypriot)
=5=tamachiua(N)=measure,=tatamachia(N)=fold and fold again,
=tatami(J)=tartan(SC). 4.pram(Khmer)=5=pamitl(N)=banner/
flag. 5.nam(Vietnam)=5/river. 6.Austronesia:a)tarima=5=
tarima(Sp)=low bench,=tlalmana(N)=level/flat=tlalli mana
(N)=earthflow. 40 other Austronesian idioms use lima(Sp)=
7.pxi(Nakh Bats)=5=piqui(N)=who picks=fingers=pixie.
maitl(N)=mate. 9.Gaullish/Breton/Wales=pemp/pimp/pump=
pipina/opipin(N)=piper=Amerind 5-hole flute. 10.coig
(Sc-Irish)=5=co(N)=come here=ig=ic/ici(N)=icí(Fr)=cuig
(Ir)=queig(Manx). 11.Germanic: fimfi/fimf(Goth)=fyuf
(Gothic Crimean)=fif(W.Ger/OE/OFris)=fyffe(Scot).
12.veeve(Yola)=v/b/feefe=fyffe xvi. 13.penke(Gk)=peqe
=pieci(Latvian)=piqui(N)=fingers. 14.pyat'/opyat(R)=5/
again,=patla(N)=swap. 15.Romani=pantsch=5=paha(Sinhala)=
xuti(OGeorgian)=woxus'd(Svan). 17.5=go(J)=go/co(N)=come
(E)=chi/co(N)=reverse. 18.ichichi(Okinawa)=5=ichichiqui
(N)=itch(E)by hand. 19.tabuan(Mongol)=5=tlapanauilli(N)
=pass/take to other side,=tavuan(Dongxian)=tab(Khalka)=
taban(Buryat). 20.marun(Yoruba/Nigeria))=5,=matoma/
matuma(N)=split hands,=me(Yor)=ome(N)=2=mewa(Yor)=has 2
hands=10. 21.Chinese=wu=5=less,=w/v/b/po/potli(N)=both/
equal. 22.Turk: besh(Uzbek)=5=bies(Yakut)=pexoni(N)=
fill/overflow. 23.Uralic Finn:witte(UrFenn)=vici/viis
5/7. 24.ot/öt(Magyar)=at(Mansi)=5,=otli(N)=route/ot
(Russ)=from,=out(E). 25.Uralic usage=wett(Khanty)=5=
uetzi(N)=fall/turn=auic ni-uetzi(N)=go fm side to side.
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ReplyDelete...tocotoco=t/rongo=to(n)qu/ca=to-/our being/-ca.
Delete...kata=Ecatl(N/2 Tona)=breath.
one follows form here and sees these words are
part of the wash/paca(N)string, which has to be observed before one can go forward to say=cea(N)=desear/decir(sp)other things.
i see, glot/spigot/spoke/spike/pi/opic(N)=pick
one's words. the axictl(N)=axis of spoke is
the collar/coloa of throat, the spoken radiate
from that center/colotli(N)=armature coil(E).
as one says, language=tlac-ua-ce(N)=body owns
one, comes from the body, e.g., axictli(N)=
water belly button/spout, ah, Gobekli(T)=
ombligo=ome piloa co(N)=where 2 spills,=
G/cop-ecatl(N)=wind/breath cup(put one thing
into another).
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ReplyDelete...tsumani(J)=tzo-namiqui(N)=marriage of mud/tzotl(N)=sod/soil/(m)ud/zud(Mongolian).
Delete...good on brine/rime. ver-/uel motla(N)=
well and good for stoning/mo-tla(N)=your flame
...c(r)ime=cima(N)=hand on top/encima de(sp)=
simo(ON), in Buck's selected Indo-Euro Roots,
may have the sima/simo/sime mixed,=rope=rap(OFris)=tlapa(N)=trap(E).
my child/chieltia(N)=noble. yes, the 5th day,
all creatures that crawl, Coatl/5 is in the
solar/light cuadrant, and birds created from
the atl/9/waters of this day descend from the reptiles/snakes. the Tonalamatl is more than
the Aztec Calendar, it's just the Aztecs=
Aztatl(N)=g-a(r)za=garza(sp)=crane, a Japanese
symbol begun Amerinda?, were the last to have
this, our oldest calendar, first used in Eurasia.
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Deletec(r)ui/mh=(o)cui/m/n=Nauatl label,=c(r)uinn
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ReplyDelete...lima(sp)=file(snake-like)=timar(sp)= cheat/swindle; gaze into eyes/exchange winks=
...good one=ram/lamb=tlapa=r/tla(m)=slam=t/la(m)b
...source=s/z/tzol-ce(N)=source one=Tlatla-tzol-
Deleteteotl, regent Tonalamatl, Neandra Promethea.
...loom(E)=tool/bucket;weaving apparat, furniture, broom(E)=b(r)/po(p)otl/m=popotl(N)=
popoa(N)=clean, return, pay something,=loom(E)=
move slowly up and down(sweep/comb), appear
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ReplyDelete...yes, the same way, tlaca=plaque, e.g., atlapalli(N)=
tlaza(N)=throw down,=t/plaza(sp).
...flut=float=boat/boot=b/potli(N)=both, a flutter is
when both wings/atlapalli are out.
...atlapalli(N)=bird wing;, leaf of plant, etc.;en s.f.
=sentido figurado/figurative sense=subject, vassal=
uuas(OBreton)=wassail=sala(sp)=hall, e.g., subject
of a castle=Ecatl(N/2/wind/Tona).
...limb/limp/timber=timalli piloa(N)=refering to a
building/edifice whose beams are alive with bugs,
larvae, pus, usually caused by uncured wood. the moon's timber=metztli(N)=limb/leg=tleco(N)/pierna,
moon, month/mes(sp), is a pure beam(pun).
...loom shares root with toma(N)=open, untie, undo,=
t/Roma, room,=toma(sp)=water spigot, tomado(sp)=drunk, a habit of looming, not being seen
distinctly, or seeing clearly, ah yes.
entirely, completely,=uel cen(N)=por completo, enteramente,=l/timalli pia(N)=pus pious=removed.
Deletesheep/xip-(N/first particle). there is reversal
to fleece(pun), e.g., -ce/shee(l)f/ph/p.
the Aztec sacrificed Deity of Springtime, a Christ of the usual scape-goat/Coatl religion
we use today=Xipe Totec(N)=Our Lord, the flayed one.
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Deletebanter=patlani(N)=fly, pato(sp).
...belt=petla(N)=throw, bet/pet/pelt/petra/piedra
...walk=ualcui(N)=ual/forward with esteem/cui=
carry/bring something.
...hood=xoda(W.Ger)=xotla(N/verb)=shoot, wonder
if shod would mean wearing a hat? on your foot.
...cowl=cuculla(Latin)=acoquetza(N)=get on top=
coq-olla=ololoa/oololo(N)=dress/cover, or simply, coloa(N)=curl/coil/gurl/goil=cowl.
men shouldn't wear them, they're for colleens
...cape=capani/capania(N)=snap fingers, make
noise as one rustles along, shaped like a
ca(m)pana is the cape=ca(m)p.
...kilt=quilt(E)=cuicuiltic(N)=of many colors various,=guilt(E)=of many colors/Joseph's coat,
from, cuicui(N/verb)=have sexual relations with
a woman; sculpt, give form to wood,=quiltic(N)=
green, e.g., quiltic chalchiuitl(N)=emerald,
from, quilitl(N)=quelite(Mex/green plant).
...try and try again=try=t(r)i=titla(N)= between. also, ticitl(N)=midwife,=trick/Tiger.
toptli(N)=idol; wrap,=thorp/dorf=village.
...Cuba cuando?=Copa Cabana.
...iquiti/oiquitic(N)=weave/make cloth, quilt(E)...iquittli(N/adj)=woven,=quilt(E).
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ReplyDelete...vermis(Lat)=vermin(E), the (e)form of worm.
Deletegiven the (a)form by, ua(N)=own timalli/rimma(H)=pus/worm, waurms(Gothic).
...vessel(E), again, has (a)form=uassail/wassail=
salutation in which vessels used,=ua(s)cel(N)=
owns cel/cella(Lat)=innermost part of church,
e.g., vein=ve/ue(i)n-tli(N)=offering, or, reversal
=in ve/ue-ntli(N)=the offering. vein in Nauatl, otli=odos(Gk)=road/ruta(sp)=uta(J)=verse,=
wind, the first offering, along with Wendy
deer, reverse 2/ome=chicome/7.Mazatl(N/7 Tona)=
ome/2.Ehecatl(N/2 Tona)=wind/breath Deity,
2d Venus after Deer/deor/dior(OE)=teotl(N).
...w(r)en(Bird offered in England at Spring
...Robin(national bird of England)=R/Tobin=
reversal=In Toptli(N)=the idol, for its smeared
red chest.
...J/Yehovah=Yahoveh(correct version)=Ya(o)ue(N)=Ya(olin)ue(N)=Ya(sp/N)=
already way/big rolling/holy, e.g., ueOue(Etr)=
wayhOlyway(E)=Jove(Roman)=joven(sp)=young, i.e., the young are Gods, having just come from
there, which is why teachers borrow their holiness from their pupils, but to mistreat them? no.
...Good. ati/cath/luthe/celOim(Etr/creation prayer)=Elohim(H)=Ocelome(N). in Nauatl,=
luth=give birth/dar luz(sp)=-lotl(N/birth side
of Ocelome plural,=(O)cel=living cell(E).
...Shiva=S/Chi ua(N)=own on top,=chiua(N/verb)=
torment oneself, to be moved; occur, overcome, pass, make oneself, e.g., tepan nino-chiua(N)=
mimic, imitate, play a role,=nite-chiua(N)=
produce, create, engender,=chiuililo(N/pasivo)=
something has been done to me/i have been touched by something.
...chevalier=chevre(Fr)=goat, but offering=
ch/ce v(r)/ue-ntli(N)=one offering,=seven/even/
cerf/ciervo/hirvi(Finnish), when, etc.
ross/horse an offering animal for French.
...tool=toloa(N)=bow the head, over the work,
and tool at hand,=tolerance, word used for fine work.
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ReplyDelete...dive(E)=dyfan(OE)=topan(N)=over us. the y/o
Deletewins root, e.g., dufan(OE)did not survive,= daub/dup/dub, but, deep=d/teep=tepetl(N)= steeple.
one spill/plunge/from on high. yeah,(n)elides.
quickest and most efficient=root.
entre/between, e.g., totzalan(N)=between ourselves, tetzalan(N)=between themselves.
...shalom=sha/face=sh/xayacatl l/tomi/oton(N/verb)=open,=sholom(H)=sh/x(a)-
oton(N/preterit of tomi)=undone/opened, a solar greeting, as, Oton=Solar Deity of Otomitl Amerind=otona(J)=adult,=otome(J)=maiden.
the equivalent of face opened=opeuh/peua(N)= pe/begin/the sun=top of the morning.
...le chaim/chayyim(H)=hayah(Arab)=chayaua(N)=
sow wheat/corn, e.g., cemitta(N)=cemilla(sp).
e.g., faire bonne cheré=chier/lia=chielia(N)=
to wait for someone and have something for them when they arrive, e.g., chialtia/chieltia(N)=
...chair=chialia(N). a quicker root than cadera(sp)/cathedral/catedral(sp)=chaiere(AN)=
Deletecat/dera=seat of wind=Ecatl(N/2 Tona)=cate/re=care, hmm, it's the endurance of
the(i), often elided, gives nod to chialia(N).
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ReplyDelete...skate=(s)kate=Ecatl(N/2 Tona)=wind glide=
Deleteg(l)/ce/it/di=ceti/cetia(N)=sit/set, meaning
the feet don't move as in sitting. shuttle/
xiotl(N)=2/xi-otl/road, nepa/nipa(N)=back&forth
...Flemish=Vlam=Flame=Tlatla(N),(a)wins out.
...limn=pauilia(N)=cebar(sp)/bait birds/fish,=
=(paui)-liam/n=limn(E). the other limn/illuminate(E)=lumbre(sp)=light, is false addition piled on. lume, aha,=loom(E)=luna(sp).
...limnology=limné(Gk)=study of lakes/tlaca(N),
well, that's where birds are to be pauled.
...lip=the tip/tepetl(N)of the mouth, its tipi=
lefs/leps/lefze, ah, the Indo-Euro is helpful
here, leb(PIE), but note it uses new letter,
(b)instead of old(p)=lep, thus forfeiting its
right to be called IE.
...hub=h/th/toptli(N)=idol;wrap, e.g., hubcap.
haber(Lat)=haberes(sp)=havings, e.g., fortune,
house, fields, horses, props(in theatric sense).
tlapa(N/grand prefix, along with tlaca) =flame/earth paint,=fire, solar/terrestrial paradign.
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ReplyDelete...milky it's not. for the Mayan it was a snake.
who(E)=hva(OE)=(h)va/ua(N)=own, ah, who enters/
penetrates the house of being/Calli(N)=3 Tona)=
calar(sp)=penetrate, soak, drench(with milk?).
...lobster=lopustre(OE)=l/to po(s)tli/tre=
to potli(N)=our pool/tank fish=tope(Cornish)=
small sand shark/pool shark, but, turbot(E)=
Rhombus max.=tornbut(OSw)=thornbut(E)=
...Alp=alpichia/oalpichi(N)=wet someone spraying water from the mouth,=nitla alpichia(N)=sprinkle/shower something.
...language comes from the body.
...snakes and mountains are intimate. rim/him/
Himalaya is a new word, timalli(N)is old, the
idea of pus was long ago replaced by hrim/hoar=
h/ch/coatl/snakefrost, and in naming the Himalaya the coiners were thinking of frosty=
f(r)/po(s)t/ly=potli(N)=brother(of pus), not
both. golly, pus=pu/os/tli=potli(N)=pond, oh no, ponds of pus broth=b(r)/poth/t/li. gee,
this language will not obey my commands, great
thinker that i am, why won't the old yield to
the modern as it should? maybe i'm not humble
enough to let the material talk to me as it rolls in the deep ages and hears not my squeak.
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ReplyDelete...Judea, Odia, Hobson-Jobson, p.465. these names are often given in old writers to the city of Ayuthia(=Yuhti/Nauatl)or Ayodhya(=Ayotl/Nauatl=
Deleteturtle;not alone), which we now call Oudh. (oddly
enough i know a girl from India named, Audry,
married to someone i know, both Jewish. the parentheses are
mine in this H-J quote) called apparently after
the Hindu city of Ayodhya, which we now call Oudh,
which was the capitol of Siam from the 14th c. down to 1787 when it was destroyed by the Burmese and the Siamese royal residence transferred to Bangkok.
...the dates are not important, but the presence of the Yuhti(N)=Yuh'di in southeast
Asia is, as resident traders. the same applies
to Cantonese=Yue=Yuhti(N)/Yuh'di(H)=Jyu/Jyut,
words meaning, from the beginning, of peoples
and language. the Ayotl Neander are clocked at 100k bce, e.g., camileua/camiliui(N)=yellow/
mature/ripen(fruits)=Mt. Ca(r)mel=Fruitful.
...cemitta(N)=semilla(sp)=seed. they are still
grain merchants today as they were with their
Arab cousins after Gobekli Tepetl(N), after 8K
BCE. at 7k BCE, Al Maqar, Arabia Feliz/Saudi,
Arab horsemen entered India. they already had
weaving, stone sculptures of horse/falcon=
Chachihuitlicue(N), large stone bowls, grinding
...ah, i have Carmel wrong. by 90K BCE it was
AMHSapiens out of Africa, but worsening climate, drought, Neander replaced them by 60K
BCE, cf., Wiki/History of the Levant.
...the particles for Hebrew biru are interesting but not assigned a language?
apa=tlapa(N)=Arab=Lapp=t/la(m)b, animal herders.
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ReplyDelete...rim(of a wheel/sore/frost spot)=
Deletetothrimma(ON)=tooth rim(E)=to timalli(N)=
our pus. gums are notorious victims of timalli.
tooth/t/lantli(N)=our tooth.
...rimi(ON)=ridge of land, of which no other
cognates are known? ridges=rig/rec=tleco(N)=rise.
but rimi=rim/edge/snowline?
...The Forest People, Colin Turnbull, Pimlico, 1961/1993. a good read on Pygmy. lots on forest.
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ReplyDeleteI guess the basket is full.