Sunday, 12 August 2012




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    1. ...then there's ololiuhqui(N)=who covers, who
      protects, who wraps,=ololoa(N)=dress/cover,
      ah, Datura/Jimson/Loco weed, aka coaxiuitl(N)/
      snake herb, used to cure VD, and used by astrologers/Xomotl(N) to free themselves
      for telling Tonalamatl birth chart, a chamaua/
      shaman eulogy.
      ...tlauhxococ(N)=cheap/sour ochre/ocre(sp).
      not used for fire starting. the use is in the
      connecting color red for rebirth, Sun color,
      dawning/tlauiz=Lawis=Lewis again. starting greatly aided by copalli(N)=incense,=ocotl(N)=trementina/
      turpentine tree, e.g., Okhotsk(Sea/W.Pacific)=
      ...nerve=sinew/tendon=neuan(N/adv)=the 2, 2 together,=ne(r)v/uan=nerve.
      throw down/Lazarus/Laz(Neander Turkish Construction workers)/tza/tax/taxi/daze/haze/
      throw down(pistils)place. drill leads to music=amoxtli(N)=book,

    2. ...erratum: taza(sp)=cup,=tax=tazón(sp)=bowl.

    3. ...Neander's connexion to Eagle Talon and
      the Tonalamatl at end of this post.

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  3. ...there are as many fire drills know as lighter brands, but the first one that left record in ritual,
    astronomy, and Nauatl was, ome(N)=2 piece, shaft,
    e.g., Castor, one of twins, and, zoka(J)=creation,=
    Tzocatl(N)=Socr)ates=Wrinkles., Otzi was sacrificed, both accepted food offerings were in his stomach, chevre and uentli(N).
    check out his fire making kit. not ordinary homicide.
    h/th/tep/(r)b=tepetl(N). prepared every way.
    tzintli(N/Honorific=on/E)=saintly(E), also,
    peltarius(Lat)=pelt=petla(N)=throw/petra, and,
    ...stencil=stencel(ME)=tencel(N)=lip/edge green.
    the tentli cel effect in caves was blown through
    a hollow reed, or pipe=pipina(N)=eat,suck sugar cane.
    sleeves of open cane used to smoke ground tobacco mixed with lime, canuto(sp)=tube;joint/reefer.
    ...At Palenque there was sculpted Monkey head at the
    entrance, first building on the right through the gate, but later visit it was gone. Monkey=Ozomatli
    (N/ll=death Lord/Tona)=Tomb of Palenque Lord.
    ...don't find, tlau-uitl, but, tlauitl(N)=ochre/
    light candle; light someone's way by torch.
    check out FlorentineCodexVocabulary for
    many of these words in action.
    intermittent fountain,=pinaua(N)=brinnan(OHG)=burn.
    spin/burn/shame(redden)are combined, spin entering
    last with weaving, opinauh(N/preterit)=opinion(E).
    ...needle=nail=nal(N/adv)=on the other side of at/l.
    old word, and short, if you can find the adverb, that's the root. the other etymology is pylon.
    the creator/fire drill, e.g., tree/treow/teotl.
    ...hammer=yamania(N)=smooth, blandish, prepare,/
    at/l/r-at/l/r=arrow=atlatl ua(N)=owns atlatl/dart.
    antler etymology is Archery Center. A(r)ch/er/ly=aqui(N/verb)=enter,=aquí(sp)=here=
    based on this string, one sees r entering Europe
    through the Norse as they have it first, or maybe
    they settled after it arrived, c. 3309BCE.=atl(N/root
    of awl, it would seem, water).

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  5. ...what i call paradigm, my 2 cents=pair of dimes,
    ah, paradigm commotion=comoni(N)=breakfast Fire Drill/
    pi(s)ton bellows=Pitli (chi)toni poa=Older Sister's Spark Power Flute/fuelle(sp)=Blows.
    ...commotion=comoni(N)=co(s)mos, and the comoni(N)
    wordstring tells how it started, e.g., material lined
    up=uipana(N)=called into line=weaponed, forming a
    spear of matter/mater(Lat)=mother, drawn into the
    zoka(J)=creation tzocatl/zocalo(sp)/socket wrinkle=
    wick(E)=uic(N/adv)=vicar, them becomes wickiup/uica(N/verb), begins to spin=piloa(N)=pilot
    and the universe is off and winking, repeating itself
    at all levels of its nature.
    ...tetl(N)became tletl(N)=tetl/o(l)in=lava/rolling stone=fire,=alaua(N)=lavar(sp)=lava(E)/lava(sp).
    ...Al Maqar, 7K BCE, Arabia Feliz, horse/falcon/
    Saluki sight hound sculptures, went into India quite
    early, interacting with more advanced cities there.
    ...cerbatana(N)=popgun/peashooter/blowgun/ear trumpet
    =cel/r patlani(N)=one flight/shot.
    ...good: pipe=fyffe=fifth/five.
    ...Castor and Pollux, the Fire Drill Twins, an example of high paradigm,=Ca(s)t=Ecatl(N/2 Tona)&
    merchant, pochtli(N)=left-handed=opochtli(N)=opposed=
    but the t/z sock/pock is valid, front letter is just
    as unstable as a vowel when on the move, going to another consonant, lots of t/p lead letter transfers.
    ...stick=tzictli(N/verb), but, tecpatl(N/18 Tona)=
    stechen(G)=stick(E/noun). Tecpatl is flint knapping,
    tetl(ca)patla=swapstone/(ca)=human agency, but is
    associated with arrow/shaft. the verb=sticken(G)=adhere,=sticchen(OHG)=stigma=tzictli/
    chicle(Mex)=chica zapote, part of the rubber tree
    ...plunge/plumb. (m/n)=Nauatl=p(l)u/o(m)p/b=
    broom(E)=popote(Mex)=straw plunged into licuado/

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    1. ...senbo(J)=envy, target of, senbokyo(J)=
      periscope, senbu(J)=pacification.

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    3. ...pusat(Malay)=potia(N)=unite,=put(E)
      ...setam(Malay)=ce tamachiua(N)=one measure/weight,=tamaño(sp)=size.

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    1. ...tilinia(N)=line/linen/till. s in Nauatl, but (s) interjects, e.g.,
      ga(s)p=gap=capani(N)=make noise as one goes along. but there is sh=xiotl(N)=shuttle/shut=
      xi-=2 road=-otl/otli.
      ...render=r/tetl/tletl(N)=stone/fire, cf., Hel.
      ...brine=bryon(Gk)=mossy seaweed,=brinnan(OHG)=
      burn(E)=pinaua(N)=redden, be ashamed, opinion(E)=pine(E/noun/verb).
      ...brain=rain/drain=tlaini(N)=earth drinker/
      worker/cultivator. front letter displacement.
      go, move/agitate itself, follow its path; revolve, boil.

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    3. ...ACE(N)=ABC(E). is the sibilant string which includes,
      k/g: c/s, e.g., ceti(N)=set(E), and, c/s/g,
      e.g., ceti(N)=sitar=guitar, and, c/s/gu/sk, e.g.,ceti(N)=sitar=guitar=skittle(E/style).
      ...c/s/g/gu/k/z/sh(N/x)/ch(N), xamani/chamaua(N)
      =shaman(E). these consonants replace each other
      when using letra, e.g., x/ch/sh/khan=chamaua(N)=cham/chan(Chi-na).
      ...xitini(N)=drop,=shit(E). about 100 japanese
      words use the xit-(N)/shit-(J)prefix, shitaobe
      (J)=loincloth,=shitaji(J)=the ground, and all
      of them are related to the meaning of xitini(N), good way to learn japanese, as
      indications are, it was meant to be known
      in its entirety by memory, that's the ua/wa/
      own in lang-ua-ge.
      ...close the door does fit as it is a back and
      forth motion, shuttle/xiotl, open and shut is
      what a door does, just as language is a 2-function, a shuttle goes through an opening in the warp which then shuts, you have to look at
      the entire process, open and shut.
      ...throw=threow=teotl(N)=the-other is the simple
      meaning for throw, when throw happens it goes
      to the other, rather than staying with oneself. theology is involved.Fire drill is
      a throw. Teo/Theo/Deo is a throw, e.g.,
      creation is a throw as it creates/goes to the
      ...whinge(old spelling)=hwinan(OE/the droning
      flight of the arrow)=hvina(ON)=whiz/whistle in
      the air. but the basis for whinge/whine=uena/
      uentli(N)=way4/wind/wendy(the Queen for whom
      arrows)/windy. so if someone whines/whinges,
      we used to say, winger for whiner, tell them
      not to be Gwendolyn.
      ...words can be shuffled but not cracked by
      the unaided brain. to crack=cackle=cacalotl(N)=crow, ya gotta get

    4. ...155 xitini(N)=shit prefixes in Japanese.

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  9. ...the Ainu were tree cloth people. inner bark clothing seldom washed. their women couldn't get married if they didn't have their braided tattoos
    on their forearms.
    ...coloa(N)=coil/goil gurl/curl=colleen(Irish).
    ...bella=bealté(OE)=beauty/beatitude(E)=ue altia(N)=
    way big altar.
    ...Hel(Myth)=H/th/tetl, or, H/th/t/letl=stone or fire.
    grunt, murmur, speak betweenn teeth, stutter, speak
    a barbaric tongue. Buffalo grunt all the time.
    ...conetl(N)=conejo(Mex)=cony/cunny/gunny, e.g.,
    gatillo(Mex)=littl cat=trigger. gunny jumps.
    ...feolaga(OE)=f/teotlaca(N)=the-other body/tlaca.
    ...ruido(sp)=noise,=r/to/u ito/doa=to itoa(N)=our
    to ihiotl(N)=our breath, blow, air, spit/saliva,
    spume. yes. riot=r/to i(hi)ot/l.

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  11. ...cupreous=copina(N)=put one thing into another,=
    corpus/cuerpo/co(m)bine/c(r)op/c(l)op(horse hooves
    are cups with iron rings/horse shoes)/Cyprus=cuprum=
    copper=kupros(Gk)=the henna plant which dyes hair
    copper, after the copper deposits on island/coupe.
    oldest wells in the world on cyprus, 10K BCE, also
    signs of Nahoa sailors, e.g., cruciform steatite/
    soapstone axes/hachas(sp) with heads wearing strapped helmets smilar to the large stone heads
    found at La Venta, Tabasco. appear to be rowers=
    r/teotl(N), prisoners used to be Holy, for the gods
    only, Christ was one, but the tradition predates Him.
    ...kantong(SE Asia)=canaua toca(N)=like a can.
    the model version may have been copied from
    a copper/metal version, which became too expensive
    for ordinary use.
    -ca(N)=being(that)popoloa(N)=grunts. one takes into account that 3309BCE Nauatl arrived with Quetzalcoatl intact and in its fullest expression
    at the 5th Age, Naui Olin. the Northern Amerinds,
    over time, took the meat of the language apart with their palates, but the buffalo/popolo had already
    been named for them by the Amoxoaque/Book People
    of Quetzalcoatl in the same way Linnaeus or Aristotle named and wrote down species. curiously
    enough the literary tradition of Amerinda, their
    painted books/codices were able to transmit Nauatl
    in the very act of naming the buffalo itself, as the grunter/popoloca(N), and with the help of Letra
    we can get back to that moment for it spans the
    consonant bridge between then and now.
    you're still operating out of your head and not
    out of the material as it offers itself. present
    words may sound the same, but you have to work letra against the Nauatl tarp.

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      c(l)apper=capani/capania(N)=snap fingers, make
      noise as one moves along.
      ...when dealing with Malaysian, break the words
      down to their smallest part, as they are small
      particle Nauatl that has been eroded mucho
      by pop. pressure.
      ...Pygmy=pugmaios(Gk)=dwarfish,=pug(small dog)=
      bug/pug/poc=popoca(N)=pocyo(N)=smokey, dark, blackened,=cenca pocyo(N)=ipocyo(N)=its vapor,
      =tlalli ipoco(N)=exhalación, vapor de la tierra
      =vaho(sp)=steam. could be applied to Pygmies.
      the -my=meya(N)=flow,=Pigmeo/Pigmea(sp). in
      the spanish guise, Pigmeo looks like pigment,
      but the Gk=pug.
      ...practicing word string gives one an
      idea of not just letra, but all the other detalles=tallar/taller(sp)=tayár/tayér, e.g.,
      here, letra would think ll/y, and y/j=traje(sp)
      =suit, but, tallar/taller/talla means to work,
      so the ll/y/j=p=tlapa/trabajo/trabar. known
      as wrinkles/wicks=tzocatl(N)=sockets/sox.

    2., Cyprus BC, isbn 0 7141 1265 8,
      W.S.Cowell, Ltd., 1979, pp 19-22.
      ...pygmy=pyg(m)y=piqu/gy=piqui(N)=who picks,

    3. pygmy=piqui(N)=who picks,=finger(E)=

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    1. ...myth=mitotian(N)=dancer,=itotia(N)=see/itta and say/itoa(N)=mito(sp).
      ...moth/mother/mouth=motla(N)=run up against
      stone, in this case, teeth/tlantli(N),=moral/
      mortal/mot/motto(mouth pieces). good, i'd given
      up on you, but mouth comes from mountain, e.g.,
      tepetl(N)=in te(r)p(r)etl=interpret(E). where
      we talk to Deity.
      ...A(n)d/tes=Atl(N)=water,=Altia/Altai Mts.ña/dune/Tuna=
      Danube/tuna(prickly pear/Mex)=tuna/atún(sp)=
      atl tonatiuh(N).
      ...danu/down=d/tlan(N/locative of tlalli/tlantli(N)=diente/dan/Skrt. odd use of
      the (u)in danu, which usually means up, guess
      it means under/undar/untar=u/o(n)tlatoca(N)=
      otlatoco(impersonal)=make road, the most important journey is the one to the infra/under
      world upon death, cf., amerind Aztecs of Mexico
      Vaillant, G.C., Pelican PB, 1955.

    2. ...camotl(N)=yam=yamactic/yamania(N)=
      e.g., clam(E)=c(l)am=camatl(N).
      quedarse(sp)=set oneself down, locate oneself,

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    1. ...forest=forastería(sp)=inn for strangers,=forastero/-a(sp/adj/noun)=strange,
      exotic; guest; visitor(of a town)=f/pol/r ac/as=
      polacqui(N/verb)=submerged, sunk under water,=
      aqui(N)=enter,=polaqui(N)=put oneself in, sink
      under water,=pol(N/negative aumentive suffix)= ichtecapol(N)=grand thief. forest's root not connected to wood, but to water, i.e.,submerge with the idea of hide, to emerge, in the times when towns were small and surrounded by a sea of trees.

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    1. interest, the bow and arrow and the tlapatl
      (N)=castor bean poison. one Neander mind or AMH
      can create the revolution by itself for those
      around. one of the great advantages of species,
      i.e., one can know it all and take us there.

  17. ogon(R)=fire,=ocotl(N/root)=fogon(sp)=fog(E)=f/poc/g=
