Wednesday, 12 February 2014


...(former head-hunting tribe, Sarawak)=Celia/ocelix(N)= receive/admit/put someone up, bit/pitzotl(N)=pig(E), referring to Ngelua(K)=Luau(Hawaiian) anak(K)=nacatl(N)=flesh, pig ceremony, a blood smearing rite, where initiate is passed twice=ome(N)=pitzome(N/plural)= pigs(E) under blood sacrifice shower=xaua(N)=dress old style/color up, e.g., eztli(Nauatl)= blood= odol(Basque)=otli(Nauatl)=odos(Gk)=road(E),= hezle(Basque)=teacher/trainer, i.e., who initiates. .....Kelabit make their own salt, putting it in bamboo tubes and roasting it over fire. smoke their meat=labo belatuh(K)=tlapa(N)=flame paint(smoke), petla to(N)=our/to petla/throw(hunt). citrus raised for domestic consumption, i.e., Arabic contact, another sign of which is music instruments of sape'(K)=plucked lute,= tzapa/tzapotl(N)=dwarf/zapote(tree), and, pagang(K)=tube zither,=papachoa(N)=squeeze/strum=papacho(Mex)=caress. to language, mado(Japanese)=window,=mado(K)=far away, a loan word. nacatl(N)=flesh, found in ceremonies,=Irau Mekaa Ngadan/Irau Naru Ngadan(K)=thanks for children, e.g., Cema Naga of Assam, head-hunters also. Kelabit/Celia Pitzotl(N) are now Christians, a natural step after being previously contacted by the Sea Age proto-Christ/Quetzalcoatl(Nauatl/Basque), 3309 BCE, and pre-Allah Arab consortiums under the same flag, e.g., the Lute=5kya. ...dress for men=ebpar(K)=loincloth,=maxtlatl(N)= eptli(N)=conchshell,=epi(Gk/prefix)=on top/over, par(Fr)= pal(N)=for,=for on top, and a jacket=iaco/saco(sp)=acolli(N)= shoulder cover of woven tree bark. the Kelabit prized yellow= cozcatl(N)=necklace/jewel/yellow beads=bao alai(K)=opa alaua(N)= paint hallowed beads/bao above all other bead heirlooms, a sign they would have sold Manhattan, if they had been at the quay to receive sails. .....for more Luau(Hawaii/Auia/Have), cf., Tarima Post, 2/2/2014, Tletl Blogspot.

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