Monday, 27 February 2012


1.birch=birihha(OHG)=pilichtli(N)=wrinkled/musty,=ili/ilitl(N). 2.olgau(Basque)=play,=olqua-uitl(N)=olli/ulli=rubber ki/ tree/quauitl=ollama/ullama(N)=mesoAmerind ballgame. 3.ul/urki(B)=ul/ki(B/J)=tree,=olquauitl(N)=ulli/olli/quauitl(N)= ki(J)=q(uau)i/tl=qi=ki(B/sfx)=adar-ki(B)=firewood. 4.betu(Celt)/betula(L)/abedul(Sp)=petla ulli(N)=oil/olli/ulli bed.

Trilogy it too early to talk of the Judeo-Christian-Muslim tradition? not soon enough for the tone-deaf occupying forces of Afghanistan, who once again have popped the cultural clutch of an entire nation and are careening down the gully to the Nadir of foreign relations, a curséd kingdom doughboys and mercenarys too often inhabit. now to refer to the Manual left out of their basic training: 1)If in doubt donate relevant religious texts to the people they pertain to, i.e, Torah to Jew, Bible to Minister, Korans to Mullah. who knows, you might make a friend, touch a heart or mind. 2)Do not ridicule religion with the faithful present. try to remember you entertain a deity also, that He cares for you just as much as the other person's deity, they might not be the same, but share enough common attributes and answer enough similiar prayers to be essentially working on the same side of heaven, that there is even cross-referencing between them, e.g., that Isah has honorable mention in the Koran as He who awoke, that Mohammad's mouth is praise, that Allah annoints what is worthy as He is the reverential of Water, which enables life on our blue planet, making up 3/4ths of the surface. Isah/Jesus is the reverential of language, which in its highest form=Nauatl(N)=4waters, water of the spirit, as is Allah, the spoken word, his prophet, Mo-/your mouth/grammar=g(r)/c/ch/hammad/t/l/r(letra)= camatl/grammar/Mohammad. Yaweh=Ya ue(N)=Already Big, is the Promethean Originator of Language whose genes Arab, Christian, Jew all share, from Fire worship Tlatla= T/L/Ra(Egypt), Tlapa/Aplu/Apollo to atl/altia/altar/tealtia/theatre/ t/reality/ue altia/bealté(OE)=beauty/beatitude/alaua/oalauh/laude(Fr)/ hallow/halleluja/alabar(sp)/Allah annoints. it is time to have a Synod=cenotli(N)=one road, to connect the cenotes(Mayan=Arab) of the one water together so we can live in peace. gather the clergys of the religions in global concert, adding worships instead of warships as we go along.

Thursday, 23 February 2012


1.Tarquin=tlalqui(N)=talli qui=who earths,=harlequin= Harlec(Tlalloque)=harug(OHG)=stone altar,=har/tlal=tlallo=by tlalli Tlaloc=halo/rain diety of deer. 2.Cappadocia=capaxtic/spongy gather/toctia(N). 3.Anatolia=ana toliama(N)=grand tule marshes, tollin/bullrush lakes/amaitl(N)= atl/water hand/maitl=water fingers/piqui=create petlatl(N)= betti(OHG)=bett(G)=beds. 4.Euzkadi(B)=oz/totl e/catl(N/2)= cave life/wind Hekate. 5.toloa/tolontic(N)=tolerance/tourney/turn/torn/thorn/Toronto/ rond(F)/round/runt(E/dial.of unkn.origin)=old tree stump(xvi)/ small breed cattle(xvi)/dwarf(xvii)/stout variety of domestic pigeon=pipion(L)=pixoa/pipixoa(N)=fill with feathers/esparcir= e/sp(a)r(in)c/k(ir)le=sprinkle algo sobre el suelo.

Monday, 20 February 2012

yoni bulova

...Chauvet Pont d'arc cave, 30k bce, the goddess of the cave, feline birthing deity, a Tlatla-tzol-Teotl. she is not spotted, looks like a lioness, facing away from us with her head turned to the left, ah, left is a solar position as we face west, the sun comes north from that direction to give us the spring/summer seasons. the lioness has expression on her face, her jaw is open, she seems to be smiling in pleasure. behind her is the morphic duality of her hind legs, which melds into the legs of a cave Venus, of the kind we have found at Zatal Hüyuk, all over the cave regions, some of the oldest being 35k bce, the Fire Drill Phallic Flame Hole Deity, who later becomes solar, as T/L/Ra(Egypt). at the juncture of the lioness's 2 hind legs is a Vulva, quite large, painted in black=palli(Nauatl)=color, black dye; women use it to dye their hair, later,=palo(sp/sexual connotation)=Cuetzpallin(N/4)= Rising Phallus, the Lizard of the Tonalamatl, and Priapic Ueue Coyotl/ Old Coyote, sexual dancer, 4=growth, and is allied to Xilonen(N)=the young goddess of Corn,=Shiloh(Amerind Battlefield, Civil War), meaning where the corn seats=Xilé(N)=sillín/silla(sp). the optical illusion of the hind legs, melds the lioness with the lower parts of the Cave Venus, the lioness being the birthing animal Totem of the Goddess, and the Goddess being the Regent of the our Race and of the evolving Tonalamatl Birthing Calendar of a ritual 260days, a Venus(Planet)calendar, altho at 30k bce, Venus is still Red Deer/ Mazatl(N/7 Tona) as weaving is not quite ready for its deity to be Venus2, Ehecatl/Hecate/Ecatl(N/2 Tona), daughter of Perses/Persia and mother of Quetzalcoatl(N), the proto-Christ of the 4k bce Sea Age. balanced on the lioness's coccyx is the head of a Bull with quite long string horns, in the black dyed Palli(N)/Phallus mode also, just above the feline Yoni/Vulva, its chest being part of the Yoni pudenda, and below that, at the crux of the shared Lion/Goddess legs are the lower parts of the labia marked by a white, vertical alley which separates them. here, at last, we have the Feline Totem in action as symbolic surrogate for the Goddess, who is present also by Art's bimorph line, and the Phallic Bull, who lends his headbutt to the totemic, titanic coupling, a magic transfer whose strengths will empower the human creatures engendered, the mystic means by which the race will overcome dangerous animals who once dominated the environment, e.g., there is an age, the first, named, Ocelotonatiuh(N)=Sun of Ocelot, when big cats were top predator, like the bear, and we were their unwilling guests in the caves. cave painting represents much more than Xamani(N/verb)=destroy, =chamaua(N/verb)=eulogize, both verbs=Shaman(overused in doubtful contexts), ah, there is an exchange of powers hoped=tohopa(OE)= Toptli(N)=Idol/wrap(draw/sculpt)=toptia(N)=opt/obey(E), with no Sham/shamanic intervention necessary as the portraits have their own, self-contained power gallery, which goes directly to the viewer, to the pilgrim who enters the cave. there is no middleman. Lion/Leon(sp) springs from root Ocelotl(N/14 Tona), the order of letters not so important as they be present, in whatever order, e.g., lynx=lox(OE)=luhs/luchs(OHG/G)=lusis(Lith)=lug(MIrish), as in Leuk for its keen sight, says Onions, but is the element, luthe/-lotl(N) in Oclelotl(N), which does mean light/lumbre(lumber)/dar luz(sp)=birth. Leon=l/Teotl(N)=Deity, associated with fire/Tletl and Tlatla/Ra, solar. Synchronicity of meaning puts Leon with Ocelotl/Leo, also, ounce/ once(OFr)=O(n)ce-lotl(N), but, then,=lonza(Ital)=luncia(Roman)=lyceus (Latin)=lynx(E). however Leon(sp) has special uses, e.g., Tletl(N)= T/leer/l/ttl=T/lernia(OFrisian)=leo(r)nian(OE)=learning(E)= a Lion of Leorning, coming right up from Fire/Tletl's t/letra, as it is the English who put Learning in Lion's paws as Teotl Leon.

Saturday, 18 February 2012


=dance with posturing/fall helplessly,=stumble=tumeln(G)= fall,=tumer(OF)=tummyll(Sc.)=tomilia(N)=undo/unbutton. note lack of label n/nauatl in Sc./OF, but present in German forms.

when 2=4 when? whence?even?seven?= ce uentli(N)=one offering=uentli(N)=ue(N)=way(big)=-na(N)=4. ok, 2 4's: one from, Ecatl(N/2 Tonalamatl), but, as in anterior post, whether/weather, Ehecatl(N)/Hecate=2. how does it get to=4? hmmm, Uena(N)=wind, Ehecatl(N)=wind, aliento/breath=. so there it is. a peek into Walsh=Ual-chi-ua(N)=To-w(ual)rds (to)do=On top/ -chi-ua/to own, a conquering=acoquetza(N)=coquette(Fr)= coq/cock(of the walk)=co(n)quer(E)term, =Alqonquin(Amerind gens/ language group)=A(l)co=Aco(N)=ago/age(E)=-q/k/co(n)quetza(letra), which divides into 2 word groups: acoqui(N)=who long ago...,= acoquetza(N)=conquer, the melding would be: the long ago conquerers, and coquettes/cockerels/on top. ah, to follow the line of discourse, Cadwent(Walsh)=battle=paddle(e)=patla(N)=swap(E)back and forth/ alternate/altercate(E),=Ecatl uentli(N)=wind offering(E)=Ecauent/ Ecauentli(N). ah, so Ecatl=CAT=Clear Air Turbulence=wind=Uena/Uentli. we have a transference of meaning from one term to another, appropriate word, as we did in, uetzi(N/fall/2) and kata/Ecatl(N/2 Tona). always the interesting thing about Hecate, she is a 2/4 into her (b)ones=omitl(N)=2 dart/missile, let's make that windbone, the Mayan metaphor for Hell, or what i call, Tumbalán.

whether weather

...if(E)=whether(of 2, one or the other)=hwether(OE)=wedar(OHG)= weder(G)=xwetharaz(hypothetical etymologic form)=xweth=uetz(letra)= uetzi/ouetz(N)=to fall one side or the other(of 2). note the -araz (G)convention that places the (z), part of the root, uet(z)i, on the outside of the German, xwetharaz, mentioned examples in recent blogs. but what of, katards(Skrt)=katras(Lith/Skrt-based Baltic idiom), well, it's the prefix, kata-(Gk), but the Greek for whether/if=poteros (Gk)=potli(N)=both(of 2), and, the Skrt/Lith/Gk kata=cada(sp)=each(of 2), which is our old friend, Ecatl(N/2 Tona). note the Lith, katras=atras(sp)= behind, as opposed to, delante/front(of 2), cada(sp)=each. weather(E)=wetter(E/pun,G)==vethr(ONorse)=vydra(Lith)=storm,= vétra(OSlavonic)=wind/uitl(N)=arrive,=uitel/wheater/wetter/wedder=ecatl(N/2 Tona)=ecaitz(Basque)= ecauitz(N)=Hecate/windcomes/storm. there's an easier way to approach, weather(E), and that's to deconstruct the word to Nauatl=we/ue(N)-ath/tel/r(letra)=ue-atl(N)= waywater=way(big)water. affords us a shortcut slicing through laborious etymology, extremely rewarding nevertheless, but is another sign of Nauatl Headwater's whether/weather, i.e., if not one way, another even more basic, for weather is all about the ways of water/atl(N). note how we follow the meaning, from original Nauatl, uetzi(N)= to fall either one side or other(2), then pick up the fall/kataras(Skrt)/katra(Lith)/cada(sp)=each, meaning in Sanskrit with another (2)word, the oldest, the 2 deityday of wind/weaving/shuttle(xi/otli/N)star 2d Venus, Ehecatl/Ecatl(N/2 day of Tonalamatl)/Hecate. the Swedish comes right out and says om=whether, =ome(N/2), and, uetzi(N)=twist(E)=divided object, junction of (2) parts of the body muffin that opens and lets fall=xitini(N)=shit(E). hard to say now, which Nauatl root is older. i incline towards, uetzi(N), as ue(N)=way is very, very, old, -tzi(N)=2, as in, tzintli(N/Honorific), which splits(2)into Saintly/Fallen Asshole sense of the Holy. altho use of Ecatl/Kata, the 2d Venus, the weaver and 2d Calendric life-mother puts her about 9k-7k bce, daughter of Perses/Persia that she is, the arrival technology that eventually gives us the computer.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

of imitative origin?

...ululate(E)=ululare(Latin=in T/Lat-olli)=ululer(Fr), hmmm, de origen imitativo, pues, todavía no, vamos a buscar raíz en Nauatl, ah, e.g., howl(E)=ulular(sp)=owl(E)=ol(OE)=Ollin(N/17/ raíz/Tonalamatl)=Úlula(sp)=(Screech)owl(E)=úlulato(sp)=howl(E). pero, ulula(sp)=ololoa(N/verbo)=vestirse, cubirse(de llanto), arroparse,=Nite-ololoa(N/verbo)=amontonar, juntar, rodar. en Vasco Oztotl(N)=Euz-kadi=la idioma/viento/kadi/Ecatl(N) Ca(lli)u/ve=Cave/cueva=Oztotl(N)=Oz(e)catl=Euzkadi(B/V) tenemos: uhindura(B)=ondulación(sp)=undulation(E)=u/ol/h in-d/tol/ra(letra), hay que notar el (n) etiquetta que substituye para o(lli)n, = ollin toloa(N)=movimiento/roll toloa/con cabeza abajo, = tolerante(sp)=t/doloroso(sp). aquí vemos, uhin(Vasquence/B)=u/ol/hin(letra)=Ollin/(R)oll. el aspirante, H/h, aspira a cualquier otro consonante, en este caso, ll de O(ll)in. hay nueve(9) palabras del prefijo uhin/Ollin(N), pero aquí dos muestras más: uhin(V/B)=ola(sp)=Ollin(N)=wave(E)=ua ue(N)=owns way(E)=wa w/ve(letra). uhinurrategi(B/V)=Ollin-ol(o)l(o)a-tequiza(N)=M(o)vimiento arropado (con)piedra apretada/squeezed/quizá(sp). entonces el ubicuo -tegi=tequiza/otequiz(N/verbo)=petrificarse, volverse firme, como Carmen Aristegui=Qui-Ahui(tl/día 19/Tormenta/storm)-Tequi=Aristo(Gk)Tequiza, o, la cosecha/Harvest(E)/Aristo(Gk)=Espiga en tormenta, volverse sólido, adquirir consistencia, endurecer. Ahuitl(N)=A(h)u(i)-n-t/l(letra)=Aunt(E)=Tía, pues, que se case Carmen para no quedarse, Tía! Uhuka(B/V)=hoot(Scot/E)=hoten/huten(ME)=huta(Sw/Norse), ah, Uhu-k/ca(N)=being,=Ololoa ca(N)=persona que se cubre, se arropa en aúllo(sp). Entonces, hay que esperar antes de emitir la disculpa rutinaria de Etymología: de origen imitativo, porque la pregunta es desde que, cuando está de origen imitativo, en cual idioma? pues en la primera, Nauatl/4Aguas. Pilón Vasquence/Japonica: Ubide-gintza(B/V)=drenaje, canal,(socavón), ah, gin(J)=g/c/silver= zilar(B/V)=z/cit/lal/r-i(letra)=citlali(Nauatl)=estrella(sp)=star(E). Ginzan(J)=zilar/citlali(N)/silvermine,=ginzaiku(J)=cubiertos de plata, =ginpaku(J)=silverfoil=alpaca(sp),=ginko(J)=a bank, etc. and who can forget, the Ginza! -gintza(B/V)=sufijo que denota fabricación, manufacture, profesión, e.g., Zilargintza(B/V). hmmm, so it's Ginzburg vs. Goldberg, silver vs. oro.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Collalba gris catcher/Captamoscas, tengo un ave escarlatina muy brillante en el jardín, con una esposa gris de menos color. Oenanth Oenanth(Gk), Oino-anthus/acanthus=Aca(n)t/thus(letra)=Acatl(N/13 Tona)=caña,= anthus(Gk)=hoja/leaf. Oino(Gk)=vino(sp)=uino(letra)=iuintic/N/adv)= ebrio, borracho, drunk,=i(N)=(dr)in(k), tomar,=itetl(N)=estomago. pues, el Oenanth(Gk)=oino-nanth(Gk)=vino hoja/vine leaf, se nombra así porque regresa á Grecia cuando retoñan=Tonatiuh(Nauatl/Diós sol) la vid. también se llama/flama/tlatla(N), el NorthernWheatEar(E)= hoja/oreja de trigo, pero es para cubrir con sonido santo una phrase más pelada, White Arse(E)=Blanco Trasero, que tiene el Oenanth Oenanth. tiene más duende el nombre Griego para el Captamoscas, es como un refrán de canción, Oenanth Oenanth. En Español le dicen, Collalba Gris, pues, collar de alba/rosado, cuerpo Gris. pragmaticos los Panoa(N)=Gente de las cruzadas, desde los ríos, mares, esquinas con tienda abajo, hasta las Cruzadas religiosas. Collalba Gris es Mundo Viejo Captamoscas/Old World(EurAsia), su poblado es de 3 milliones entre Mundo Viejo y America. su colocar o esfera/range es de 2.3m sq. km, o, 0.87m sq. millas. su vuelo migratorio/cruzada ida y vuelta es 30k km/18,640 millas, con promedio de 290km/174millas/day, y si pusimos 10 horas de vuelo cada día, llegamos á 29kmph/17.4mph como velocidad del Oenanth Oenanth. en la lista de extinguir la especie Collalba Gris está notado como de, menos preocupación/least concern, al lado de la especie humana que se coloca en la misma fila. como va la Oenanth Oenanth, así vamos nosotros. y qué es el secreto del White Arse(E/caló)? pues, se nutre durante el viaje como avión á pipa volante, en el aire, de las moscas, animalitos que vuelan en la misma avenida avionica. ellos, Entomologos también de migra, o de encuentro. en el jardín Escalatina se encuentra el perchero y desde allá hace clavados al que vuela abajo. en la migra, me supongo, los encuentros son de un grupo grande haciá al otro, como peces, o, ballenas con krill, delfines hacienedo sardinal.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Phoenix dog

the Tesem(Egy)/techichi(N/Mex), Saluki(Egy)/Alco(N/Old Mex). Xoloitzcuintli(Na/Mex)/Anubis(Egy)=both underworld mutts. Xolotl=clown=colono=Kelb-Tal-Fenek/Phoenix(Malta) Kelb-Tal-But(Malta)=toy Kelb, Sha(Egy)Black symbol of Seth, red-haired son of Ra, as carrot-top Pharoahs after him. Fra Abela, 1647, Kelb=Cernechi, remove(r),=cenechi=Tecem(Egy)/techichi(N)= cenech=ce(n)ech=cece/che=cecemelti(N/part))=Te/tetl of Techichi(N)=Tesem= tececemelti(N)=clown/playful/likes people,=Fra Abela's remarks on Cernechi. Xolo/Cecemelti's have amber eyes, cry, are funerary vermillion, original color for mourning, suitable tint for shadowy Mictlan, blush making ears and nose pink, not barkers, cocinary breeds are mute, sensitive to cold, Meso-Amerinds used their abnormal body heat to cure chills. Kelb is classified as sight hound, but scents at night. Tecem/Cemel/Nemet=Nemesis(Gk)=Nemetiliztli(N)=raise/train right,=nemi/onen(N)=domiciled(all dogs cited domestic). Maltese Kelb-tal Fenek/Phoenician resembles Mexican Xolotl most.

Saturday, 11 February 2012


(E)=challange(E)=chalania(N)=clash(E)=chalanqui(N)=out of tune/discordant,=chaloa(N)=scold the innocent before the guilty,=calu(m/n label nawa)=c/chalo/a.

Friday, 10 February 2012


1.mostrenco(sp)=masterless cattle. 2.tarpan(E)=wildhorse,=tarpani(Turkic)= tlapalli(N)=paint(E)=appaloosa(horse). stick(Mousterian/300K-30K BCE)=atl/art/arrow= at/dar/tl=dart(E). 4.Tatar/Cossak divided wild horse/tarpan from feral takja/tlaca(N)=take/horses and feral muzin/motzincuepqui(N)=who has changed sides/horse. Nawa reversal of takja and muzin=moztlaca(N)=mustang.

Sunday, 5 February 2012


=quilla(Sp)=keel/quill=feather,=quilitl(N)=green plant,=s/quirr/lit/l=squirrel(E).


...starry(E/adj,Russ/old)=(s)t/lall/rry(letra)=cicitlallo(N/adj freq)= full of stars(E)=cicitlaltin(N)=plural of citlalin(N)= citlallo(N/adj)=extrellado(sp),full of stars(E)=Lal/lo(Name/Hispanic). hmm, Cit-lallo(Nauatl)=(C)it/id/Ed-lallo, to get, Edward? hmmm, better, Duarte, for Eduardo/Edward=ward of eder/wealth/good looks= eder(Basque)=beauty;pleasure;wealth/esteem, hmmm, Duarte, spanish and (OEnglish)origin=ward/guardian of wealth. a star, without doubt, =Lalo/Lallo Citlallo(N)=full of stars. Citlali/citlalin(N/singular)=star(E)=Tzintli tlalli(N)=Honorific/ Saintly Earth/Land=Tzi/Ci-tlali/tlalli(N)=Uey Citlalin(N)=Estrella(sp) grande, estrella(sp) de la mañana,=Citlalpol(N)=lucero/gran estrella de la mañana,=ste(o)rra(OE/(o)=ollin/reverential)=stera(OFrisian)= sterno(OHG)=stern(Germ)=stjarna(ONorse)=stairno(Goth), here we see in ON/Goth the (a) of tlalli(N) reasserting itself, while in OHG/ Goth/ON we get the -no/n/na label for Nauatl/4. it was, stella/ sterla(Latin) that supplanted the (a)in favor of(e)vowel, but we see the (ll) of -tla(ll)i, the (i)of C(i)t/lalli collapses. the Greek, aster/astron, adds leadletter (a), otherwise, ster/star/ stella(Latin). Old=O(l)de=ode(E)=uta(Japonica)=(w)ord=order(E)=Wodin/Odin= wo(r)ding=Otli(N/root)=road;vein=in/ve/uentli(N)=one offering= ue(N)=big=ueue(N)=old,=viejo(sp)=v(i)e/ue-jo=ue(N)=bigway/ueue/N). i decline to use, old/alt=altia(N)=wash=altar/art(E)=tealtia(N)= Theatre=T/Reality, but, being an old gopher=the wood Noah's ark was made of,=magofer(Amerind origin)=gouffre(Turtle)=ma-/hand cupper/-g/co/up/ph/fer(letra)=gopher(Amerind/E), and in decline, i'll give in and say, old age lays one on the altar/altia/Altai Mountains. Mapach(N)=Ma-/hand washer/-paca(N)=racoon. Citli(N)=liebre/lebrel(rabbit dog)=l/tepetl(N)=mountain, =Cicitin(N/plural)=Citli(N/2)=abuela/grandmother,=Citin(N/plural)= Citlaltepec(N)=hill of the Star/Orizaba,=Citlaltepiton(N)=little star(E)=Citli(N/myth)=person who died fighting the Sun, Toci(N)=our Gramma/Tonantzin(N)=La Guadalupana. another version of, magofa(Amerind)=mu(n)gofa, well, it has the (n)=Nauatl/4 label. the Gopherus Polyphemus hard-shelled land tortoise(Fla., Miss., Alabama)was used for mandolins= ma-ollin(N)=handrolls. coming full circle/orbit, the gopher is classified as a ground skworl, 5 yr old child's=chieltia(N)=shield(E) version of, squirrel, or, Citellus.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

13/26 Candle

...Ca(n)dl/tl=(E)catl(N/2/Tonalamatl)=cat/Catedral/cattle/quattre/ cuatro/ca(s)t=gha(s)t(Scot)=ghost, just a wind, cart/carta=card= charter=chatter. Cant/canticle/chant. Demo-c(r)at=D/Temo(N)=descent=To-/our descent/ -Temo(N)=Totem(E)=Temor(sp)=Timorous(E). note e/i vowel shift. vela(sp)=candle(E),=ue(N)=way(E)=uel(N/reverential)=well(E), speaking of one's personal candle. velar(sp)=to watch,appear above water(as rocks)=re-vela-tion/reveal(E)=velero(N)=sail-maker,=buque velero(sp)=sailing-boat,=veleta(sp)=weather(E) cock/vane. let's examine, weather(E), ah, velar(sp)=to marry=veil(E), vethr(ONorse)=vetra(Lith)/vetru(OSlavonic)=storm/wind, hmmm, vetra(Lith)=vetr/tla/t/la(letra)=ue-tlatla(N)=way(big)flame, or reduced to, vela(sp)=sail, watch. Chacayolli(N)=callos(sp)=callous(E)=hard(skin), thick-skinned. the spanish double ll=y, in English just an L. the Amerind Squaws= Quaxicalli(N)=Calabazas(sp)/Calabashes(E) had durezas/callos on top of their feet from mujer(sp)=muljier=moler(sp)=milling corn on their metates/metlatl(N)=nometl(N)=my metate, note, metl(N)= Metis Maguey plant, for which metlatl first used, and for cacao/ chocolate=chocolatl(N)=made from chocolate almonds and seeds of the Pochotl(N)=Ceiba tree in equal measures,=chocolai(N)=drink cocoa. metlapilli(N)=child of the metate(Mex)=mano/pestle. mapilli(N)=child of the hand, thumb, the youngest finger as Nenader Prometheus and Neandra, had 5 fingers and no thumb, =ma(r)f/pil-li(letra)=marfil(sp)=ivory=ivery(letra)=iv/ueli/ry (letra)=iueli(N)=poder-oso(pun)/powerful,=ue/uel(N/reverential)= well=vel/ver/ber=Bear(Winter Solstice Savior of Papa Sol, Tona). carving small ivory/marfil pieces develops weak thumbs/mapilli.

13 to 26

...Nauatl(13)to English, etc.(26). although the vowels 5/6, just like the days at the end of a tun(Mayan)=solar year of 360 days, called the Nemontemi(N)=useless days in early times of calendrics, shift among themselves, a opening to o, e/i confusing each other, o/u replacing each other, practically the same letter except when u/v/b/p, and no i/y in Nauatl). 13/26 concerns consonants, how they expand from the Nauatl originals to fill the 26 letter English alphabet, as one cannot say alphabet regarding Nauatl: it's ACE. there is no B. there are 2 ways to get to B: P(N)=B(all other idioms, e.g., pilcat-(N/prefix)=follow,=P/Bi(r)k/cat(letra)=Birkat(H)=(grace) following the meal. the 2d: ual(N/adv)=to-war-d(E)=varvar/barbar(Russ/soft b/v)= Bar-barian(E), also,=war(E), but, w=ua(N)=own(E), or, ue(N)=way(big)= uel(N/reverential of ue)=well(E). following ABC sequence, for Nauatl was not written, even by Aztecs, Simeón's work, isbn 968 23 0573-x, follows the French/Spanish/English, we arrive at, D, which one of the Grimm Bros. observed,=T, as in, Taletic(N)=little lizard,=T/Daleth/tic(letra)=Daleth(Phoenician/Hebrew)= the sign for letter, D. Synchronicity has D as little lizard head, and in Nauatl's companion calendar, the Tonalamatl Solar=Tzolkin(Mayan)= one calendar for all Amerinda, the 4th day of the Cempoalli(N)=Sample= Cuetzpallin(N)=rising phallus=Lizard, and the 4th letter of the ABC. the Sample is based on our digits/20. F=Ph=P(N). G/C(N)/Ch(N)/Qu(N)/K/S/Z/Tz(N). C(N)is both sibilant S/K. Z=Tz. T/Z is consonant dipthong, as is, T/L, meaning they split and even arrive, in case of T/L/(at) R, as in, T/L/RaR/LoC/G=Rarog=R/L/TLaloc (Baltic and Teotihuacan Rain Deitys, one and the same, with cortege of t/l/raini(N)=rain(E) D(w)a(r)f=D/T/Zapa/Tzapatl(N)=Djapan. H=no sound aspirant=H/CH/C, H/PH/P, H/TH/T/TL, H/GH/G, H/SH(X)/S. J/DJ/TZ(N). K/Ca(N). L, only inside Nauatl words/TL(N)=T/L/R, e.g., tlapa(N)=t/l/rap. M/N(N)=interchangeable, e.g., mana(N/verb)=5/4=flow. O(N)=Ollin(N/17)=m(o)ve(E)=ulli(Mex)=elastic=alaztic(N)=slippery. P(N)/B(idiom)/V(idiom)/U(N). Qua/Qui(N/Latin)=who/Qua(N). R/L/T, e.g., altia(N)=Tealtia(N)=the wash,=T/Reality,T/Theatre. S/C(N). T(N). U(N). Ue altia(N)=waybig altar,=Bealté(OE)=Beauty(E)Beatitude(E). U/O(N). V/U(N)/soft B(Russ/sp)/hard B(all idiom)/P(N). W/Ua(N)=own/Ue(N)=waybig/Uic(N)=wick. X(all idiom), but in Nauatl, X=Sh, e.g., Xamani(N)=destroy,=Shaman. Y(idiom). Z(idiom)=TZ(N/consonant dipthong, with, TL=T/L/R. T/Dz.