Saturday, 18 February 2012

whether weather

...if(E)=whether(of 2, one or the other)=hwether(OE)=wedar(OHG)= weder(G)=xwetharaz(hypothetical etymologic form)=xweth=uetz(letra)= uetzi/ouetz(N)=to fall one side or the other(of 2). note the -araz (G)convention that places the (z), part of the root, uet(z)i, on the outside of the German, xwetharaz, mentioned examples in recent blogs. but what of, katards(Skrt)=katras(Lith/Skrt-based Baltic idiom), well, it's the prefix, kata-(Gk), but the Greek for whether/if=poteros (Gk)=potli(N)=both(of 2), and, the Skrt/Lith/Gk kata=cada(sp)=each(of 2), which is our old friend, Ecatl(N/2 Tona). note the Lith, katras=atras(sp)= behind, as opposed to, delante/front(of 2), cada(sp)=each. weather(E)=wetter(E/pun,G)==vethr(ONorse)=vydra(Lith)=storm,= vétra(OSlavonic)=wind/uitl(N)=arrive,=uitel/wheater/wetter/wedder=ecatl(N/2 Tona)=ecaitz(Basque)= ecauitz(N)=Hecate/windcomes/storm. there's an easier way to approach, weather(E), and that's to deconstruct the word to Nauatl=we/ue(N)-ath/tel/r(letra)=ue-atl(N)= waywater=way(big)water. affords us a shortcut slicing through laborious etymology, extremely rewarding nevertheless, but is another sign of Nauatl Headwater's whether/weather, i.e., if not one way, another even more basic, for weather is all about the ways of water/atl(N). note how we follow the meaning, from original Nauatl, uetzi(N)= to fall either one side or other(2), then pick up the fall/kataras(Skrt)/katra(Lith)/cada(sp)=each, meaning in Sanskrit with another (2)word, the oldest, the 2 deityday of wind/weaving/shuttle(xi/otli/N)star 2d Venus, Ehecatl/Ecatl(N/2 day of Tonalamatl)/Hecate. the Swedish comes right out and says om=whether, =ome(N/2), and, uetzi(N)=twist(E)=divided object, junction of (2) parts of the body muffin that opens and lets fall=xitini(N)=shit(E). hard to say now, which Nauatl root is older. i incline towards, uetzi(N), as ue(N)=way is very, very, old, -tzi(N)=2, as in, tzintli(N/Honorific), which splits(2)into Saintly/Fallen Asshole sense of the Holy. altho use of Ecatl/Kata, the 2d Venus, the weaver and 2d Calendric life-mother puts her about 9k-7k bce, daughter of Perses/Persia that she is, the arrival technology that eventually gives us the computer.

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