Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Rumanian illume

...Romania between Rome and Stamboul, loan-words from both, and from French cavers, reaching as far as Lud=-Lotl=Ocelotl(N/14 Tona). dar luz(sp)=to give light/birth, most populated place in Europe 5k bce. hmmm, what if the wolf=wulpa(OHG)=ualpa(n)uetzi(N/)=come from below sea/land, that suckled Romulus and Uncle Remus was a feline. the wolf is supposed to come from the Etruscans, but that's hardly the case, as they are feline cavers of the Flame=Flama(R)=f/Tlatla- tzol-teotl(N)=Flame-hole-thea, whose animal is the Ocelotl/Ocelome (N/plural/14/Tonalamatl), as in their prayer: ati/atl, cathe/caO/ Caos/Ecatl(N), luthe/Lud(London)/lotus/-lotl(N/Oce-lotl)/(dar)luz (birth)/Ocelome(N)=lume(R)=world,/cel/celOim/cel(N), ah, Ocelome(N)=celOim(Etr.)=Elohim(Hebrew/double firedrill deity). so the etruscan prayer(Liber Linteus)reverses the 2 elements of the cave birthing animal, Ocelotl(N/14Tona)=-lotl(N)/Ocel- ...let's hunt for, cel(R)=sky=cel/celtin(N)=only, ah, c(i)elo(sp)= ceiling(E), so nocturnal Ocelotl/Ocelome is night sky, as, cheetah= chi-tlatla(N)=on top/chi tlatla/flame, Ocelotl=sky/star/moon=lume= luna(sp/from Oce-lotl as well)=lumina(R). ...let's find the firegod, Tletl, husband of Tlatla, ah, lumina(R)= light, no that's Ocelome/lume/luna, or, oce-Lo/Lunt/l/Lun-don/Tona= London=Moon/Tona/Sun, London is the sun and the moon. hmmm, T/let/l, T/l/red/t/l, T/leña/tl=leña(sp)=wood=lemn(R), with 2 markers/le(m/n) for Nauatl, one for each wood of the fire drill, socket/tzocatl and twirler. ...cenusa(R)=ceniza(sp)=nextli(N)=aesche(OE)=ash(E)=neci/onez(N)= appear,=necio(sp/adj)=onez(N)=nez(Fr)=nose(E). ...jar(R)=ember=iueli(N)=i-u/v/ber/l-i(letra)=i/(em)ber-i,= j/yal/r(letra)=yaliztica(N/verb)=going smoothly, slowly, step by step. ...so now we are ready to break Rome/Romania/Rumania=r/t/lume= -lome(N/2d particle of Ocelome/N)=-l/Rome/Romania. Rome/Rumania= Ocelome/celOim/Elohim moon, dual luminary birth Goddess, Totem= to-/our descent/-temo animal of Tlatla Flama. the only clue to Rome's origins were the twin luminarys, R&R., that, and the Wulpa.

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