Saturday, 28 April 2012
Toy Elk Alce Cholbon(Dolgan)Venus, Elk was (the) deal/t=tel(N/conjunction)=nevertheless,
Elk passed through Alce(spLat),
played with to give another Nauatl root besides Ollin/Olin/
holy/(r)ollin' insertion leading to deor/dior(OE)=deer of d/Teotl, e.g., rheod(OE)=reed/rod/rood=teotl(N), or, reel(E/dance/of the rod)=
rheol(OE)=rh/r/Teotl(N), e.g., eola/eolh(OE)=T/eot/l(N)=deor/dior(OE)=deer,
while e(l)k(E)=Ecatl(N/2 Tonalamatl)=wind/breath/deity of life/Hecate,
related to eola(OE)/elaho(OHG)teotl(N), but, e(l)gr(ON)=e(l)c/gr=Ecatl(N/2)=
a(l)g(Swede)=a/e(l)c/g=Ecatl(N/2), not forgetting, olen(Russile)=deer=
olin(N/17 Tonalamatl). roots=Olin/Ecatl/Teotl. wind/m(o)ve are in
the Tonalamatl Calendar at #2/#17. Olin incorporated to Te(o)tl.
which oldest? Eca/elk oldest? but Teo=stone/tetl road/o/tli, a hunting term. noun endings form last. the (o)=hunting/hunted m(o)ve,=olen(R)=deer,
...which brings us to eland, hmmm,=elend(Germ)=e/olen(R)=eola(OE),
the persistence of vowel (a) in eland/elapos(Gk)=t/lapa(N)=Lapp,
deer tribe, yet, persistence of (a/n), e.g., jeleni(OSlav)=lani(OSlav)=
hind(E)=haind=h/th/tine/d?=cerf/ciervo/chevre/ce uentli(N/root)/seven/
se(r)ve=even/when/Evenki/c/ch/hirvi(Finn)=deer... hind(E)=haind=serf/
servant;farm bailiff =hand(E)=h/th/t/tland/t/li=tlantli(N)=tooth,
=elnis(Lith/Skrt informed). put together, taking
...alce(sp)=elk(E)=e(l)k=ik(Mayan Tzolk'in/the Socket)=day 2=wind, as
in Nahoa Tonalamatl=Ehecatl/Ec-atl(N/2 Tona)=Ek/E(l)k, as deer/Mazatl=
Wind, as 7=reverse 2=chic-ome=2=Ehecatl(N/2)=WindHecate. fine, but there
is a greater harmonic=(h)a(r)monequi(letra/N)=amonequi(N/privative)=
without/a-monequi/necessity root=A(l)ce=Alco(N)=Saluki hunting dog,
9k bce,=(S)al(u)ki=Alco, a cuadruped as Elk/Alce/A(l)co=Aco(N)=from
on high,=Ago/Age/Ages Ago=A(l)konquin(Amerind)=who/qui(N/Lat)long Ago.
55k bce, Cosmic=Co(s)mo-ni(letra)=Cosmos/commotion(E)/start the breakfast fire with co-motion fire drill, the way the Universe began, shaft and socket, Ages Ago Alce Elk, when Deer gave us divinity and, uentli(N)/ Wendy/Gwen/Cawen(OE)=was our Queen.
...the Hoya(Dolgan)=dance,=h/th/toyaua/otoyauac/otoyauh(N)=spill, extend, pour liquids,=toyauilia/otoyauili(N/reverential)=give someone to drink.
Friday, 27 April 2012
sow&bury. Dukkha=D/Toc/kkha(letra)=Toca(N/Altai)touch.
Pleiades/sieve=s(i)eve(n)/7sisters/seven=ce uen-tli(N)
=one offering, 7=deer day in the Tonalamatl.
Olgar=ollin calli(N)=rolling being=Olen(Russile)=oren
(Basque)=deer. Olk/gar(letra)=olsi/los(Russile)=elh/
deor/dior(OE)/teotl(N). ceol(Celt)=song(E)=ce ollin(N)=
seolh/selk(OE)=seal/silky=ce atl(N)=one
elk=eolh(OE)=ce olin ca(N)=ceolca(N).
Udagen/Fire woman =otlamaxalli(N)=crossroads=Uda-gen
/ce(N)=one, i.e., bifurcation of fire by Neandra.
Main/god=the/in maitl/hand,=
ma/oma(N)=hunt land/sea
by net=matlatl(N).
Evelen/Elk=(c)e v/ue(le)n-tli(letra)=ce uentli(N)=
kargi=spirit,=kar/calli tzi/ntli/ z/s/c/gi=saintly
seveki=god of upper world=ceuechi/lilo(N)=chill(E)=ceuetzi(N)=cold,=cetl uetzi(N).
dzhab-dar=serpent,=tzapinia tlalli(N)=earth prick.
Hel=mother goddess of Dolgan=H/th/tletl(N)=fire/the long spoon.
Chol-bon=Venus=coloa/choloa/Xolotl=evening star,
bon=ponazoa(N)=fill with wind=Venus/venison/uentli=Xolotl ponazoa vein/uena(N)=Xolo fills vein/offering
with wind.
Hoya dance,=toyaua(N)=spill/sit/extend as liquid or
Sunday, 22 April 2012
green wonder
g(r)een=jeans=g(r)/j/ce(N)=one, gent=(de)ce(n)t=gentle=
wonder=w/onotiuh/oonotia(N)=to be/persist,=wundrón(Swede)=
undr(ONorse). onotoc(N)=lying down/stretched out,=onoyan(N)=
onoc(N)=be abed,=ic onoc(N)=be in bed,=oncan(N)=over there,
=on(N/adj)=far,=onaqui(N)=who laughs/burlar=burra/burro=
Friday, 20 April 2012
...the many-voiced mimic/mimati(N) Cyclops Titan who kept sheep in
his cave when he received a visit from Odysseus. the greek epithet
of, Poly-phemus, definitely implies the Nauatl wordstring which
describes Promethean Neandertal as the ability to hunt includes
mimicry of bird/animal calls, a survival tactic leading to song/speech.
...Baxajaun, Basque Lord of the Woods, is so familiar to sheep=
xipeua(N)=to flay, that their bells tinkle when he is nearby as
friend and protector. he shouts when storms approach.
according to the Basques, themselves, he unwillingly gave the seeds
to begin agriculture in a tale parallel to stealing of Promethean
Fire, containing an Almanac of information about the yearly seasons
and when to plant what, also, metallurgy in the form of Iron makes
him the first blacksmith, a story which may come from real Sea Age
contact with the Japanese during the 4th millenium bce, the Naui Ollin Global spanning headed by Quetzalcoatl, who helped found Egypt and
sailed to Amerinda, 3309 bc, for copper=tepuztli(N)=boiled rock, any metal. more and more, Baxajaun resembles a mil usos explanatory myth.
one thing is certain, however, he has voice, knows sheep and weather,
lives in caves, being very tall, a singleton cromagnon?, and guards
against wolves. along with the seeds, he is also the first miller.
and known as Basque Yeti, which, if accurate, makes him Neander.
oh, and he invented the saw, the axis for the mill, and how to weld
metals, e.g., flauta(sp/Port.)/flute(E)/fue(J)=fuigo(J)/fuego(sp)/
this flute/flue(E)example is a small sample of a larger vein(E/reversal)
=in v/ue(i)ntli(letra)=in uentli(N)=the offering of Basque/spanish
within the body of Japonica existing today.
...the Neandra Promethea wordstring her, Matildra or Matilda, and Neander, Mati(N)=to know, or,
Marti=(S)ma(r)ty. they begin by, ma(N)=hunt land/sea with net, which,
=mano(sp), from Iueli(N)=Iberia, presupposes weaving, the making of a,
matlatl(N)=net, for, Tlalli(N)=land=tlantli(N)=tooth=tl/t/th/hand/tli
(letra)=hand(E). why, hand from tooth/tlantli(N)? because incisors on
Neander/Neandra=Matty and Mati were worn on the inside from holding something, that something was the bellows flute=fue(Japonica)=blows=
all words from, poa(N), altho flute from the same string,=potli(N)=
potian(OE)=put(E). the 3d hand, the tooth, starts flute poetry.
the bagpipe/gaita(sp/Basque)=Ecatl itoa(N)=Ecaitoa(N)=Hecate talks(E).
...mati(N)=mati mati ca(N)=mathematic(E)=matlactli(N)=10=fingers of hands of body/tlaca(N),=matca(N)=peacefully, with sweetness,=mati(Skrt)=
consilium of elders,=maitl(N)=hand/mano(sp)=mai-te(Basque)=te(Japonica)=
Maitland(E/name)=noma/nomatca/nomatzinco(N)=still, the same, always,
forever, spontaneous,=nomad(E)=nomatlatl(N)=my net,=mattica(N)=know,
understand, be preoccupied/occupied interiorly,=mattiuh(N)=know, suffer,
=mimatca(N)=in a subtle and able way,=mimatca nemitiliztli(N)=life full
of judiciousness=yuhti(N)=from the beginning,=Yeti(Nepal)=Neander, =mimatca tlacatl(N)=prudent person,=mimatiliztli(N)= subtlety, curiosity, ability, prudence, modesty,=mime/mimic(E), cf., Stephen Mithin, Singing Neander,=imati(N)=prudent, perispicaz(sp); to be better/to be in convalescence, the passive=imacho(N)=macho(sp)=
imat-ca-nemi(N)=live prudently, with precaution, be alert, prevenido(sp)/preventive/provident(E),=imatca-tlatoa(N)=talk(E)with prudence, sensibility,=imati tlatoa(N), and the negative side,
besides that of convalescence=imati(N)=imattica(N)=
fear, be unquiet/uneasy, value a thing,=imattinemi(N)=fear, lack confidence, go carefully, be discrete=quittani(N)=witness(E)=Christian,
circumspect,=imattiuh(N)=walk, go slowly, with precaution, restablish
oneself little by little/convalescence.
there is the picture language/Nauatl draws of our Fallen Angel.
how could it be otherwise? Titlani(N)=Messenger Prometheus endured
the crushing bow waves of evolution with all s/he had. if we mock
her now from the pit of Apocalypse we have squirmed into, its because,
as a species we are ungrateful, focused, and vulgar narcissists,
who value frivolity above ethics=tetica(N)=hard/durable=tetl(N)=stone.
there is nothing wrong with our laws, education, or Constitution,
it's us, the soft plastic vessels that carry such excelsior inside
their unworthiness.
Sunday, 15 April 2012
chai tai tlaini
...may(thai)=not,=maca(N/syncope of, macamo)=no.
...taraan(Thai)=prison,=t/lanana(N)=open a ditch/foundation for a wall,=
tlalli ana(N)=land/earth extension.
...than(Thai)=penalty/punishment,=tla-namictilli(N)=paired, equaled,
assembled adjusted,=tla-namiquini(N)=he who deserves/incurs a penalty,=
namique(N)=nitla/nic-namiqui(N)=incur a penalty under law,=name(E).
...phit(Thai)=guilty/to convict, pitzaua(N)=become thin,=pitzauayan(N)=
small, narrow place, strait,=pitzcoyoctic(N)=strait, small, speaking
of a hole or opening,=pit(E)=pitza(N)=nitla/nic-pitza(N)=play the flute,=
...klaawaa(Thai)=accuse,=caua(N)=nitla/nic-caua(N)=deposit, leave, carry,
own up to being, finish, separate from someone.
...tatsin(thai)=to adjudicate=yuhti(N)=just,=tatzin-tli(N/noun)=Honorable/ Saintly Father. the Thai verb from Nauatl noun/tatli(N)=t/dad/tli.
...saan(Thai)=zala(Skrt)=the court,=t/zallantli(N)=port,desfiladero,neck,
throat,canyon,=tzalan(N/posposición)=in the middle of,=sala(sp), note,
the(n)of, saa(n), e.g., salmon(fish)=tzallantli monequi(N)=tzalmonequi(N)=
canyon/port(inlet)necessary, in order to stake out the living salmon
and cut fresh steaks out of it, also, the origin of, sal(sp)=salt,
as salt/sal(sp)needs a canyon to evaporate in. then, salary(E).
also, Allegheny/Allaghani=Tz/Alla(ghe)n/tli, canyon mountains/cave mts.
Saturday, 14 April 2012
homme(Fr),=t/laan=tlan(N/posposición en vez de, preposition)=with, after, near, on, under, among. sounds like an omen to me, requires 2/ome(N).
...chaen(thai)=curse=c/s/z/tzol-ce(N)=one mud/source(E)=tzotl(N)=soil/
sod/sot/soot, cursing is a blackening/sooting=hollin(sp)=ollin(N)=holy.
2 roots, chalani(N)=charlar(sp), but, chat/cha(n)t/enchant=Ecatl/
Ehecatl(N/2 Tona)=HecateWindweaver=uecaitta(N)=far/uecaitta/seeing= wicann/wicam(OE)=witch/bewitch(E/verb).
th/t/tleet/l(letra)=tletl(N)=fire, also, Tletl/Xiuhtletl(N)=first deity,
e.g., t/l/red/t/l=t/ler/l/t/l=lernia(OFrisian)=leornian(OE)=learning(E)=
pie/pia(N/Latin)=piety(E),=Atitlan(N)=atl(N)=water, in or near the
water=atl(N)=altia(N)=alaua(N)=annoint(E). altia(N)=wash,=tealtia(N)=
t/theatre(E)=t/reality(E)=ue altia(N)=bealté(OE)=beauty/beatitude(E)=
the waybig altar/altia(N)=alaua/oalauh(N)=Allah=hallow/allow=hallelujah= hello=alabar(sp)=praise=oalauh(N/preterit)=laude(Fr)=praise.
call into line,=ufano(sp)=exalted,=ufansis(Gk)=weaving, uipana=whip/
weapon. also, waay(thai)=ua-ayatl(N)=ayat(Arab)=sign of God, i.e.,
to own the fine cloth/tela fina del Diós=ayatl(N)=ayatia(N/verb)=
to own a fine garment, be honored, esteemed, be a Lord.
...buan(Thai)=juan/juana(sp)=uan(N)=owner of 4=Naos(Gk/highest temple,
originally, Uena/uentli, the wind, the deer=deor/dior(OE)=teotl(N),
as in Basque, lau=4, from, oalauh/alaua(N/reverential of water),
then, within Nauatl, Nau/Naui(N)=4 directions of wind/gwen/wendy/
cawen(OE)=Queen Deer of the Nomad Age, Holy Gwen/Gwendolyn/uentli(N).
buan(Thai)=to worship.
...matsayit(Thai)=masjid(Malay)=mosque=Mazatl yectli(N)=Deer Yes/
excellent. religious terminology comes from the Tlaloc Nomad period,
the Mazatl Deer Upper Stone/age, 45k bce-10k bce. all of North Africa
at that time was called Mazyectlalli(N)=excellent Deerland, the people
were the Mazyectli(N)=Mazyes/Berber=varvar(Russile)=barbarian=ualual(N)=
ual(N)=to-war-ds=wall/war(E), ah, yectlalli(N)=yis-r/l/tlalli(letra)=
Yisrael/Israel,=Mazeltov(H)=Mazatl/deer idol/toptli. all Semites.
...noma/nomatca/nomatzino(N)=still, the same, always, forever,
spontaneous,=Nomad, when religion, as we know it all over the globe,
begins. everybody was a Nomad, except for Arctic-bodied Neander in
his Euro-caves and his guests, but even them. all tropic-bodied people
had to Nomad because of the glaciation of 40k bc, the mideast was green,
rainy, the deer followed the rain deity, tlaloc/rarog=T/l/Rar/loc/g=
R/l/Tlal/rog/c, and we followed the fleeing/tlaloa(N)deer. then the
Deer/Mazyec peoples led to the Sea peoples, as in, Calli(N/3 Tona)=
house,=Acalli(N)=waterhouse/ship=chipeua(N/verb)=begin/peua chi/on top,
for a log bark(pun)=barque(chipped ship).
2.chaa(Thai)=chalani(N)=chat/tinkling of glass,=
3.chaya(Japonica)=restaurant/tea dealer,=chamise(J)=tea stall,=chaikhana(Silk road teahouse),
da(MChinese)=d/tai tzai chai tea,=tai/thai=tay/tea?
6.patithin(Thai)=calendar,=patilinia=pati/liquify extend/tilinia,=
9.Ratthabaan(Thai)=government,=tlatlapantli=tree for firewood
and/or planks.
war/teuatlachinolli toptli/idol.
14.narok(Thai)=naraga(Skrt)=hell,=na/4 our being/toca(no center)=na/4 take/tlaca(body/no center).
olin,=s/v/ua(r)ca=uacaloa=channel,=uacalli=cave in box form.
Thursday, 12 April 2012
...lyubeet(Russile)=love/like/adore,=Lubyanka(Russile prison)=Lubjana (Slovenia). what these names have in common is the, lub, as in, lubra=
loubra(Tasmanian)=aboriginal woman of Australia, or, lubber=lobre(ME)=
clumsy fellow/seaman. following letra, we know, L can't be the first
letter of the Nauatl root, nor can, R, as R forms T/L/R outside of Nauatl.
it has to be, T, as in Tub/Tob, which takes us to, adobe(Amerind)=tub/tob
(Egyptian)=al-tob/attob(Arab)=brick=b(r)/piccatl(N)=vulva. well, that
explains love/lyubeet(R), everybody loves one of those, and bricks/
children do come out of that oven to make other bricks, world without
end. Lubjana is a marsh from which came the adobe/Lub/tub/tob to build
the city, the water for the attob already being there, defining the mud
necessary for moulding unfired brick, and later fired brick. Lubjana=
Tub/Toptli-ana(Nauatl)=the idol/wrap increases, becomes gr-an-d, as
Topana's need for adobe/brick increased with building. hmmm, straight
forward enough. ah, renga(Japonica)=brick/piccatl,=r/tenca(Nauatl)=
lipped/vulva/edge being,=piccatl(N)=vulva. confirmation from another
...Lubyanka(R/prison, and a famous one)is straight forward as far as
Lubyanka/Topana-ca(N)=the Idol being of brick, but more is needed
since it is a prison. not just idol, but, lubber=l/Topile(N)=Police(E). we are doing this, think of Gobekli Tepe, first indication of
institutions Idolatrous preparing the way for City=ciuia(N)=agitate,
prosecute, stimulate(E)=s/c(t)i(m)u(l)a(letra)=ciu(i)a(letra).
the word string in Nauatl: Toptli/toptia=opt/obey, Tobey/Tobit/Topile/
topilli(N)=truncheon, made of topol(R)=poplarwood, the pruned tree.
that Toptia/obey(E)later becomes brick in Egyptian/Arab is telling,
as bricks/adobe obey where they are laid, edge to edge, lip to lip.
...thinking Gobekli, it's always been my contention, the people there
dispersed to the west/the north west, went into slavic regions where
they laid the foundations for their next culture with bricks and horses
as they tamed wheat=uitequi(N)=thresh/white/winter(E), not forgetting
rhubarb(E)/rawend(Arab)=r/l/t/latla-uent--tli(N)=fire offering along
the Rha=R/l/Tlatla(N)=Flame river(Volga). of course, Gobekli flowed
south into the Arabian peninsula its lessons on building learned as
the oldest citys are nearby. the westerners/northeners returned to
the Nomad ways of hunting=tlami(N)/horse/beeve. how do we know?
because the Russile tribes, proto-slavs, took the word Idol/Toptli
for their word for love and brick, one and the same idolatry/tub of
Adobe/toptia(N)=obey from an ecstatic but rigorous Eden, policed by
Poplar demand(pun).
...Idolatry is as clumsy as bricks are, i suppose that's where,
lubber/lobre(ME) came from, and, lubra/loubra(Tas.)=the wrapped idol
of woman. now all we need is the Lobo(sp).
...ah, here's lubber/rubber=topal(N)=one who dresses extraordinarily
and with presumption,=topalitoa(N)=praise oneself, prideful, superior,
=tope/toper(E)=drink/er,=t/Rube(Circus slang)=topi(Hindi= Tzintli/N/Honorific/=Saintly)=hat,=Indian name for EuroHat,
especially, pith helmet, topp(Ger)=top(E/Du/Hindi)=hat/helmet,
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
admit/emit/transmit/Nunc dimmitis(Luke/Vulgate).
Saturday, 7 April 2012
(sp)=comb(E)=cómbine,=pepenar(N)=select(E)=tleco(N),=penar(N/part)=pe(i)ne(sp)=weaver's reed.
Thursday, 5 April 2012
1.omitl(N)=bone,=no miuh=my bone,=omiyo/omio(N)=boney,=
(h)omme(Fr)=hom/bre(Sp)=imomio(N)=his bones,=
umi(J)=one's real mother,=umo(J)=feathers/plumage,=
xinilia(N)=nitetla-xinilia(N)=throw down,=ixincayo(N)=
Monday, 2 April 2012
Sunday, 1 April 2012
each(E)=aelc(OE)=elik/elk/ek(OFris)=elic/ellic(MDu)= ilk(E)ilca(OE)=same,=ilka(Sc)/ilk an(ME)/
ilcaua(N)=forget/unworthy,=a person, an each, of your forgetting, worthless and similar.
Nuts one keeps saying, language=tlacuatzin(N)=possum(marsupial)
comes from the body, even the marsupial, ah, lang=t/la(n)c/g(letra)=
tlacatl(N)=body, ua(N)=own(E), ge/ce(N)=one. Nauatl, we own4(limbs)=no atl/Nauh(N)=mind=mitl(N)=missile(E)=
thrown by Atena, daughter of Metis=me(n)tal,=my water/No atl/Nauh/
naui(N)=4/nous(Gk)=Nao(Gk)=highest temple(pun). our familiar=Naualli(N),
our soul=Tonalli(N)=Tonalamatl(N)=our birthing calendar=the Tone, and
we are Tona/tunes, our Sun=Tonatiuh(N)=Anthony intones. all that N/Na
makes us Juans and Juanas(sp)=Uan(N)=own4=proximity, parentage, kinship,
e.g., Wyandot(Amerind)=related to Huron(Fr. word for Amerind tribe=boor)
e.g., Cree/Amerind=Chretién/Fr/not cretién/cretan, altho at times it's
hard to tell the difference when one thinks of Westboro.
...from one nut to another, hnutu(OE)=neut(Du)=hnuz(OHG)=hnot(ON)=
cnu(OIr)=cneuwen(Walch), aha, now here in the Walchiua(N), we see what
may be, uentli(N)=offering, which makes some sense as they are offered
at table/tlapa(N). the c, first letter=ca(N)=being?, and is somewhat
redundant if one thinks of, knot/Knut, e.g., knight/knicht=nech(N/adv)=
to me!(rallying battle cry). so let's ignore the c- and look for,
-neuwen, in Simeón, isbn 968-23-0573-x, ah, hmmm, p.343, neuan(N/adj.)=
los dos/los dos juntos, e.g., neuan eua(N)=siblings of the same age,
neuan nemi(N)=the two live together, as 2 peas in a pod, or metaphor
equal to the intimacy. so not only does tetl/teme(N/plural)=stones/nuts
precede the arboreal version, bodyparts being founding metaphor,
we can also see in the plural of stones, teme(N), the verb, temo(N)=
to lower, the aim of normal coitus: que bajen los huevos.
...just in, cneuen(Walch)=cenuetzi(N)=to fall all at the same time/
caer varios juntos(sp). the tree=treow(OE)=teotl(N)=Teo/Theo/Deo comes
before the body.
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