Tuesday, 10 April 2012


(OF)=missel(F)=missal/missalis(E)=missile/miss(E)=mithas(Skt)= Mithra(Avest.)=Miza(OPers.)=mité(OS)=mitl(N)=spear,= admit/emit/transmit/Nunc dimmitis(Luke/Vulgate).


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. ...Libani(Genitive)is named for Mt. Lebanon. leb/l/tep/b
    =tepetl(N)=mountain. there is some rigmarol about Lbn
    being white, alban, but behind that conjecture is the sold l/tepe(N), and the double(N)'s=-anon of the
    Nauatl label. the marsh of Slovenia was a brick factory, Lub/tub(Egyptian)=brick jana/yana/llano(sp)=
    plain/flat. remember, L, is not a leadoff letter in Nauatl, when you encounter it in first place, it has to be, T/(L)/R, e.g., let(E)=t/let/l(N)=t/leer/l/t/l=
    t/l/red/t/l. is not Litani/titlani(N)?=rivers are
    messengers besides being their means of travel.
    once you get familiar with letra, you won't have to speculate, like a bird dog it will lead you right to the quail=quait/l(N).
    flow=poa(N)=power/flower, and the same for, fluid/
    flue/flume, but note you are concentrating on the,
    flu=f(l)u=pu/poa(N)=to count, e.g., f(l)ute=fue(J)=
    poa(N)=fuego, all these flu/fu/flo/po/plo=poa(N).
    ...flit lit light flight=the f/p is added on but has
    no say in root as that begins with lit=l/titla(N/
    particle)=between,=tide(E)=titl/t/de=titla(N), as
    light, lit is a between times action, night and day,
    keeping a pipe lit. the duality you are looking for
    in rooting/etymology is the meshing of form/letra
    with meaning, alternating between the 2 methods
    until you have a fit for both.
    vowels are the wild cards in the deck of sound.
    our main concern is with consonants. i almost never concern myself with grammar/g(r)/cammat/l/r(letra)=
    camatl(N)=mouth,=Mohammad=Mo-/your mouth/-h/ch/cammad/t/l(letra)=camatl(N). being able to ignore grammar is one of the beautys of letra.
    it can wait.

  3. ...google: tloc/ocular, and, fuego/fuelle, on tletl

    1. ...fue(J)=fuelle(sp)=fuel(E)=fuigo(J)=fuego(sp)=flauta
