Friday, 20 April 2012

...the Neandra Promethea wordstring her, Matildra or Matilda, and Neander, Mati(N)=to know, or, Marti=(S)ma(r)ty. they begin by, ma(N)=hunt land/sea with net, which, =mano(sp), from Iueli(N)=Iberia, presupposes weaving, the making of a, matlatl(N)=net, for, Tlalli(N)=land=tlantli(N)=tooth=tl/t/th/hand/tli (letra)=hand(E). why, hand from tooth/tlantli(N)? because incisors on Neander/Neandra=Matty and Mati were worn on the inside from holding something, that something was the bellows flute=fue(Japonica)=blows= b(l)/poa(N)=power/flower/plower/blower(E)=fuelle(sp)=fuigo(J)=fuego(sp), all words from, poa(N), altho flute from the same string,=potli(N)= potia(N)=put/putter/sp(l)utter(E)=flowte/floite(Chaucer)=f(l)/potia(N)= potian(OE)=put(E). the 3d hand, the tooth, starts flute poetry. the bagpipe/gaita(sp/Basque)=Ecatl itoa(N)=Ecaitoa(N)=Hecate talks(E). ...mati(N)=mati mati ca(N)=mathematic(E)=matlactli(N)=10=fingers of hands of body/tlaca(N),=matca(N)=peacefully, with sweetness,=mati(Skrt)= consilium of elders,=maitl(N)=hand/mano(sp)=mai-te(Basque)=te(Japonica)= hand,=aite(J)=mate(E)=ai(Japonica)=love/blue=matlalli(N)=blue/netland,= Maitland(E/name)=noma/nomatca/nomatzinco(N)=still, the same, always, forever, spontaneous,=nomad(E)=nomatlatl(N)=my net,=mattica(N)=know, understand, be preoccupied/occupied interiorly,=mattiuh(N)=know, suffer, =mimatca(N)=in a subtle and able way,=mimatca nemitiliztli(N)=life full of judiciousness=yuhti(N)=from the beginning,=Yeti(Nepal)=Neander, =mimatca tlacatl(N)=prudent person,=mimatiliztli(N)= subtlety, curiosity, ability, prudence, modesty,=mime/mimic(E), cf., Stephen Mithin, Singing Neander,=imati(N)=prudent, perispicaz(sp); to be better/to be in convalescence, the passive=imacho(N)=macho(sp)= imat-ca-nemi(N)=live prudently, with precaution, be alert, prevenido(sp)/preventive/provident(E),=imatca-tlatoa(N)=talk(E)with prudence, sensibility,=imati tlatoa(N), and the negative side, besides that of convalescence=imati(N)=imattica(N)= fear, be unquiet/uneasy, value a thing,=imattinemi(N)=fear, lack confidence, go carefully, be discrete=quittani(N)=witness(E)=Christian, circumspect,=imattiuh(N)=walk, go slowly, with precaution, restablish oneself little by little/convalescence. there is the picture language/Nauatl draws of our Fallen Angel. how could it be otherwise? Titlani(N)=Messenger Prometheus endured the crushing bow waves of evolution with all s/he had. if we mock her now from the pit of Apocalypse we have squirmed into, its because, as a species we are ungrateful, focused, and vulgar narcissists, who value frivolity above ethics=tetica(N)=hard/durable=tetl(N)=stone. there is nothing wrong with our laws, education, or Constitution, it's us, the soft plastic vessels that carry such excelsior inside their unworthiness.

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