Sunday, 1 April 2012

Nuts one keeps saying, language=tlacuatzin(N)=possum(marsupial) comes from the body, even the marsupial, ah, lang=t/la(n)c/g(letra)= tlacatl(N)=body, ua(N)=own(E), ge/ce(N)=one. Nauatl, we own4(limbs)=no atl/Nauh(N)=mind=mitl(N)=missile(E)= thrown by Atena, daughter of Metis=me(n)tal,=my water/No atl/Nauh/ naui(N)=4/nous(Gk)=Nao(Gk)=highest temple(pun). our familiar=Naualli(N), our soul=Tonalli(N)=Tonalamatl(N)=our birthing calendar=the Tone, and we are Tona/tunes, our Sun=Tonatiuh(N)=Anthony intones. all that N/Na makes us Juans and Juanas(sp)=Uan(N)=own4=proximity, parentage, kinship, e.g., Wyandot(Amerind)=related to Huron(Fr. word for Amerind tribe=boor) e.g., Cree/Amerind=Chretién/Fr/not cretién/cretan, altho at times it's hard to tell the difference when one thinks of Westboro. ...from one nut to another, hnutu(OE)=neut(Du)=hnuz(OHG)=hnot(ON)= cnu(OIr)=cneuwen(Walch), aha, now here in the Walchiua(N), we see what may be, uentli(N)=offering, which makes some sense as they are offered at table/tlapa(N). the c, first letter=ca(N)=being?, and is somewhat redundant if one thinks of, knot/Knut, e.g., knight/knicht=nech(N/adv)= to me!(rallying battle cry). so let's ignore the c- and look for, -neuwen, in Simeón, isbn 968-23-0573-x, ah, hmmm, p.343, neuan(N/adj.)= los dos/los dos juntos, e.g., neuan eua(N)=siblings of the same age, neuan nemi(N)=the two live together, as 2 peas in a pod, or metaphor equal to the intimacy. so not only does tetl/teme(N/plural)=stones/nuts precede the arboreal version, bodyparts being founding metaphor, we can also see in the plural of stones, teme(N), the verb, temo(N)= to lower, the aim of normal coitus: que bajen los huevos. ...just in, cneuen(Walch)=cenuetzi(N)=to fall all at the same time/ caer varios juntos(sp). the tree=treow(OE)=teotl(N)=Teo/Theo/Deo comes before the body.

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