Monday, 15 April 2013


...saol(OE)=soul(E)=alma(sp)=tlalli mana(N)=dyx(R)=d/toxaua(N)=toss(E), throw out ballast/lastre(sp),=sa/tzaua(N)=saw, old form of sew=tzoma(N)= tzo/hole/tzotl hand/ma(N), and, ol/olin(N/17 Tonalamatl)=holy(E)=the holy sawing/sewing. we get a soul when we start weaving, knitting, sewing, at least that's when the metaphor arrives, and, language Nauatl, too, gets put on the loom and is woven together, spin the strings, clew the yarn. ...caul(E)=woman's close-fitting cap, hairnet; investing membrane, omentum ome(N)=2, amnion(from amniotic fluid). on delivery the baby may be wrapped in a thin or thick membrane, sometimes covering the entire body or a part, e.g., only the head. the midwife will have to puncture the membrane around the child's nose so s/he can breath, then with a paper rub off the caul= c/saol/aul=saol(OE)=soul(E), being careful to not take away the flesh beneath. ...cale(OFr)=head-covering, but the English word is recorded earlier,= calli(N/3 Tonalamatl)=being/house. ...births with caul are rare: one in 80k. the caul itself is set aside to be later sold to sailors(England)who use it as talisman against drowning. the only cauls in use today are helmet liners for sport/military, made of wool for cold weather, or thinner fabric for temperate climes.

Saturday, 13 April 2013


...looking for the word, temple, assuming fearlessly that, -ple/-ble(E)= piloa(N)=spilla(Norse)=spill, i came up with, tempiloa(N)=tentli piloa(N)= lip/edge spill, not found in Rémi Simeón, the closest form=tempilolli(N)= small stone/tentetl(N)=lip plug placed slightly below the lower lip. although Nauatl is an agglutinate language, i could see any tempiloa would refer to facial adornment and impossible to be simply a reference to what goes on in temples, although, piloa(N)=spiel(G), a later development in German. ...there's nothing wrong with testing a Nauatl word with m/n for derivative words, e.g., tilmatli(N)=tilma(Mex)=til/ma(n)ta(sp)=ma(n)tle(E), and so i applied (m/n)to tepetl=te(m)pet/l=tempel=temple(E). the mountain, tepe, is first temple. Tibet and Thebes root back to Tepetl, and don't require an m/n injection as they are already tributary. ...aldea(sp)=alte/aldea=altepetl(N)=town=atl tepetl(N)=water temple(E). ...interpret(E/verb)=in te(r)p(r)et/l=in tepetl(N)=the temple/mountain.

Friday, 12 April 2013


...ivory(E)=marfil(sp)=mapilli(N)=child of the hand/maitl(N), iueli(N)= powerful,=uel(N)=well(E)=ue(N)=way/big,=ueue(N)=old(E)=alt(G)=altia(N)= wash(E)=atl(N/9 Tonalamatl)=iueli pantli(N)=powerful flag/bandera/pant(E)= pamitl(N)=famille(Fr)=family(E). ...Llewelyn(Name/Walsh)=iueli(N)=i-ue/ve/ber/li=Iberia/hibernate/Hibernia/ i(n)vierno(sp)=hiver(Fr)=infierno(sp)=Inverness=ver/ber=Bern/Berlin=Beira= White Goddess of Winter=Caillech/Carlin/Sile/Chairleg=older sister=Welty= Ueltiuhtli(N)=older sister of the Sun, Anthony=Tonatiuh(N)=Tonalli(N)=soul, =Tonalamatl(N)=Book of souls. Car/tlin=Ecatl(N/2 Tonalamatl)=the wind,= Caitlin=Ekatheron(Gk)=shuttle/xiotl(N)toss/toxaua(N)=Katherine. ...the Etruscan Liber Linteus/Linen Book is written in burnt ivory ink.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


1.foco(Sp)=light bulb,=1.focus(L)=hearth=h/tletl/th=fire,= fuego/fogon(Sp)=pocyo(N)=smokey,=ogon=ocotl(N)=pine. 2.fob(E)=pocket(E)=f/pop/b,=popotia(N)=unite things. 3.pocket(E)=pouch=poctli/pocyo(N)=smoking(gear). 4.piijjaker(Du)=picietl/tabac-jacket=j/acolli(N)=shoulder.

Saturday, 6 April 2013


...limar(sp)=file, instrument for abrading surfaces,=l/timalli/timallo/ timalloa(N)=pus/rot, i.e., file often used to take rot out of wood, and, leaves shavings, which, like pus, have to be wiped away. ...file(E)=fil(OE)= fila(OSaxon/OHG))=f/piloa(N)=spill(E)/pile(E). nothing to do with pick or pisati(OSlavonic)=to write,=piciliui(N)=thin,= pe(n)cil(E)=pitzauac(N)= subtle, long, small, stretched out, light, smooth,=piciltic(N)=thin, fine, subtlety, e.g., sutileza de manos(sp)=sleight of hand. ...file(E)=fail(archaic dial.)defile/foul=fylan(OE)=vulen(MLG)=viulen(MHG)= uilana(N)=drag on all 4's,=ui(o)lana(N)=viola, violet, violence,= guilan(Cornish)=gull(E/noun and verb)=wheel(E/noun and verb). ...file(E)=wire on which papers strung, xvi,=hilo(sp)=filum(Latin)=fil(OFr/ xvi)=fil(Port)=filo(Ital)=piloa(N)=spill(from above/on high)=spilla(ON)= pila(sp)=Pilot(the pen brand).

Monday, 1 April 2013


1.kokoc(proto-Basque)=1.chin,2.snout,3.nape,4.head, =okotz(Bizkai)=1/2=kokots(Roncal)=1/4=cocotl(N)= throat,=cocoyotl(N)=vein. 2.kokor(p-B)=throat,=kokor(All dialects)=cocotl(N)=throat. 3.kola(p-B)=nape,=gar-kola (Low Navarre)=gargle(E)=gargouillier(Fr)=cacallotl(N)= shell/conch/rind/husk,=cacalotl(N)=crow/cackle(E/verbs). 4.kolko(p-B)=bosom(space between shirt and chest),= kolko(Gipuzkoa/Biz)=golko(Lapurdi)=golgo(Ronca)= cocomonia/cocomotza=savor the tit/suckling child,= cocopina(N)=unbutton,=cup(E/verb). 5.kiki(Basque)=pecho/breast=chichi(N)=Chichimecatl=maguey sucker,=techichi(N)=comestible dog, mute and melancholy, prior name=Alco=S/al-co/uk(reversal)i=Saluki(Egypt)=a(l)co(N)= ages/ago(E)/from on high,=acolli(N)=shoulder.