Monday, 1 April 2013
2.kokor(p-B)=throat,=kokor(All dialects)=cocotl(N)=throat.
(Low Navarre)=gargle(E)=gargouillier(Fr)=cacallotl(N)=
4.kolko(p-B)=bosom(space between shirt and chest),=
cocomonia/cocomotza=savor the tit/suckling child,=
5.kiki(Basque)=pecho/breast=chichi(N)=Chichimecatl=maguey sucker,=techichi(N)=comestible dog, mute and
melancholy, prior name=Alco=S/al-co/uk(reversal)i=Saluki(Egypt)=a(l)co(N)=
ages/ago(E)/from on high,=acolli(N)=shoulder.
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ReplyDelete...sacbe(M)=iztac ue(N)=white big/way.
Delete...bow/flow/plow/bower/flower/poa or poua/opouh
(N)=the flute fuego fuel fuelle fuigo(J)word,
hmmm, not flute/pauilia(N)=limn, but fue(J).
...Beothuk=Peua/Potli Toca(N)=begin both/brother
Breeding/toca(N)=sow and bury. their history included mammoth hunting, cf., their seal/whale
hunting with detachable points, their canoes are skin with high prows, viking style.
descendents of the Solutrean peoples, 22k BCE,
best flint knappers in the world. fire was lit
by knocking 2 rocks together for chitoni/spark,
cf., kitten. Ozero/Ocelotl/oc(r)e/och(r)e means
they go back to original Fire Drill Flame hole.
...mayana(N)=to be hungry. makes one wonder what Mayan called themselves, as this Nauatl verb is laid on after their famine. roots and house gardens are resorted to when the frail corn crop fails. too much rain brings the fungus, Cuitlacoche(N)=when the corn sleeps/couches=cochi/ococh(N)shitty/cuitlatl, which eats the grain, and drought withers seed in ground, or elotl(N)on the stalk.
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ReplyDelete...boto/boat/boot(E/German for boat)/punt/pont/
Deletepond/puddle=potli(N)=both, brother(E). pool/foot/
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ReplyDelete...en/in toloa/dolor/duro/durance vile.
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ReplyDelete...odemen(Beo)=otli meya/omex(N)=road flow(for the dead, odol(Basque)=(b)lood flow. celia/ocelix(N)=revive,=oc(r)e/och(r)e-lix=Ocelotl(N/14)=tlauitl(N)=ochre(E)/ocre(sp)=
...Edom(H)=red=(r)etl/t/d om/ome/omitl(N)=2/bone=
tletl ome/omitl(N)=fire/t/l/red bone. at one time
ome(N)=2 was the only word for (b)one.
...Beowulf?=peyaua(N)=p/F(r)eya=Freya, the over-flowing, Norse/Teuton harvest deity,
-thuk=toca(N)=to/our being/ca, an auto-tribute
to spirit of Beothuk themselves.
...beth(H)=bett(OHG)=bed(E)=piedra/petra(Latin)=petla(N)=throw,=petlatl(N)=sleeping mat,=
petate(Mex Amerind), in transference, father/
mother, chief, governor, protector, cf.,
pochowhat/Bombax Ceiba,=bed.
...hook(E)=h/th/toca(N)=sow and bury(that's the
hook of life, but, hook(E)=hoc(OE)=haki(ONorse)
=h/th/t/tlaca(N/prefix)=body, but, h/ch/cocotli
(N)/cocotl(N)=neck/gaznate(sp), the hook for the head, hmmm, gaznate(sp)=g/cax(a)na(l)ti/a=
caxanaltia(N)=make someone let go of a thing,
i.e., you grab them by the neck until they do.
...macaua(N/verb)=maitl caua(N)=separate, let
fall the hammock once tied to separate trees,
(N)=sleeve/manga, side of something, e.g.,
tlamac o tlamapan(N/with postposition -c/-pan)=
to the sides, over the sides/ribs, over the reverse of something. hammock=sleeve/manga(sp).
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ReplyDelete...oh, Juanita!(Malay). woa(Beo)=wa(Malay)=ua(N)=
...shamash(H)=sh/xayacatl maca(N)=face maker
(out of the dark).
...shapok(Beo)=sh/xayacatl popoca(N)=face smoke.
xaua(N)=dress old style, paint up, color up, lit., own face/xayacatl.
...podebeek(Beo)=potli(N)=both opic(N)=pick
e.g., patla(N)=alternate(both),=paddle(E).
...pugatoit(Beo)=to throw,= totopechtli(N/reverse)=ball.
...poochowhat(Beo)=pochotl ua(N)=bombax cieba,
excellent wood used for construction, lit.,
owns father/mother/protector, roots used for
...memasak(Malay)=cook,=memeya(N)=flow from all sides(liquid),-tzaqua(N)=cover.
carry something over one's shoulders, tzocatl(N)=socket/zocalo(the center).
flow socket/tzocatl(N).
...ooish(Beo)=lips,=oome/uume(N/adj. freq. of ome/2)=both, each 2, from 2 in two.
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ReplyDelete...ladle(E)=-tlatl(N/particle)=tail(E)= cuitlatl(N)=quilate(sp)=teocuitlatl(N)=godshit,
...Beothuk were seal hunters. used skin boats and birch(for roofs of their houses, cf.).
...mitl(N)=missile/spear, e.g., nomiuh, imiuh(N)
=my flecha/arrow/spear, his arrow/spear.
...adad-imiuh/te(B)=atlatl imiuh(N)=spear thrower his spear=ladle/-tlatl.
...adadimite(B)=fish lure,=atlatl imiuh(N)=note
the combination of mitl/imiuh(N) and imite(B),
=spear thrower/arrow his barb/dart.
...aduth(B)=atl otli(N)=water road/blood/vein=
harpoon(E)=h/th/t/tlatl(N)=tail both=potli(N)=
...yard=garden=caltentli(N)=house lip/edge.
...adoltkhtek(B)=boat,=atl tollin teca(N)=
water reed/junco/carrizo(sp)/rush, teca(N)=
stretch out, e.g., mo-teca(N)=gather, tepan nini-teca(N)=work against the rest, have bad reputation, tepan nite-teca(N)=defame/dishonor,
nitla/nic-teca(N)=build. the Water/atl(N) Toltecs. toltecatl(N)=artist/maestro, pl.
tolteca. left Old Red/Ueuetlapallan the year
one Flint/Tecpatl(N/18 Tonalamatl)=596AD and at
the end of the 7th c. AD arrived at Tollantzinco where they established a state with capitol, Tollan. had 8 Monarchs, the last
of whom was Ce Acatl Topitzin, conflated with
Quetzalcoatl, who left the Monarchy Tolteca in
1052 as result of Plague.
...ladle(E)=hlaedel(OE)=h/th/tl a(e)t/(de)l=
Deleteatlatl(N)=the definitive root, as ladle is
shaped=sh/tlapa like the throwing stick, i.e.,
to re-enforce elbow power it supplies a cup/
spoon in which to place the spear butt, but
in ladle's case it's egg nog punch.
Deletemaca(sp/aphaeresis of hamaca/sp).
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...mamateek(Beo)=birch bark hut= mamaltia(N)=nonotla/nicno-mamaltia
(N)=carry something on one's back,=mama(N), e.g.,
teomama(N)=god carrier,= mamatech(N)=tech(N/posposición)= on/in/over/of/with, e.g., motech(N)=with you/contigo(sp), in tech(N)=with them/con ellos(sp). mama(N)=nitla-mama(N)=he who carries/carga(sp)on his back, e.g., father, mother,
chief, señor, protector, sostén(sp). the roof of
Beothuk houses is of particular interest.
...tapatook(Beo)=canoa(sp)=tapazolli(N)=bird nest,=
something,=tapaquentia(N)=cover oneself greatly,
put on many layers of dress, in this case tapa-toca
(N)=taparse la canoa como se viste/dress, quenched, and in layers.
...the Toniit Toltec Beothek/tec are Eurasian
DeleteRussile Baltic deer tribe, to name a few places, they have been. the Tlaloc Nomad Age, by definition, makes it difficult to pin down their
earlier locations but not their terminus, e.g.,
Ozero(Ocelotl), 71 pieces of ochre, Qafzeh, Israel, 100kya.
balls, also, clews=clowen(OE)=Coatl uentli(N)=
snake offering, of yarn.
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ReplyDelete=cudo(Port/2d particle)=cotoni(N)=pinch/cut.
...tem-betas(Port)=tentli petla(N)=lip throws, like
tent pegs, no allusion,=botao(Port)=button.
...Beothuk papers should be made available, with all
its errors it's not an isolate, to those Ammy lounguists who say it is, starting with Ivey Goddard,
now resting on a laurel.
...note the many words in B(e)o(th)uk/g that
Deleteswirl around the Russian word for, God=Bog(R).
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Deletebowl. kava=ca ua(N)=being owner,=es/c(l)a ua=
...ovillo(sp)=little egg/ovoid/hilo(sp),= clew(E))= Coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl)=snake,=chloa(OHG)
=kló(ONorse)=Coatl(N/5)=coal(E)=co(r)al(E/reef &
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ReplyDelete...part of the early slave trade, the Pear=Par(Fr)=pal(N)=(bound)for(market).
Coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl))=coatl(N)=tool of copper
with wodden handle; type of shovel or azadón(sp)=
...tok(P)=boat=potli(N),=toca(N)=to/our being/ca,=tloc(N)=beside,=dock/locate.
...khos(P)=charcoal(E)=kh/ch/Coatl(N/5 Tona).
timaloa(N)=supperate(pun), e.g., boil&boil=
...khmuc(P)=die,=kh/k/ca muchi(N)=being all.
...ches(P)=deer,=ce(N)=one offering=uentli(N)=
ciervo/cerf, but, chia/chie/ochix(N)=to wait
for someone, e.g., oc xic-chia(N)=wait a bit.
...hauc(P)=die,=h/th/toca(N)=sow and bury, e.g.
le tocó(sp)=it touched him.
...poul(P)=drunk,=poliuhqui(N)=pulque/polluted,and, potli(N)=pool(E).
tleco(N)=to rise/leg. of unkn. origin says
...thuk/touk(P)=East(where Sun rises),=to/our
being/ca, tonalli(N)=soul of our Universe.
...BeOThuk=be/peua Ollin Toca(N)=begins in
the Holy East/Our Being, say the Toniit.
tleco(N)=to rise/leg/location.
...toun(P)=egg,=Tonatiuh(N)=the yolk Sun.
(N)=to know,=ma/oma(N)=hunt land/sea with net=
...jan(P)=gibbon,=yani(N)=pilgrim, uan(N)=
relation(to be frank).
...hak(P)=give,=maca(N)=hand be,=h/th/t/tlaca=
body, in Nauatl.
...tou(P)=go,=-to(N/verb declension=towards)=
to go/ir(sp).
...ti(P)=hand=h/th/t/tlan d/tli=tlantli(N)=
(E)=te(J)=hand,=aite(J)=mate/spouse, ai(J)=love/blue=matlalli(N)=netland.
Pears speak SeaLang, shipped in by Japanese/
Arab Sea people, cf., Cema Naga(Assam), who
underwent similar pillage.
...kantun(P)=rabbit,=ka/ca tonatiuh(N)=sun being
...kos(P)=hawk,=Cozcacuauhtli(N/16 Tona)=king
...chil(P)=heart/mind,=chilli(N)=red pepper.
nami(J)=wave/billow,=-nami(J/sfx)=treat someone as one of the family.
...tao(P)=pod/ear,=tlaolli(N)=take corn off
the cob,=tha(Otomitl Amerind=otome(J)=maiden)=
...rap(P)=wash,=r/tlapacatl(N)=lavar ropa(sp)/
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ReplyDelete...poling(E)=each of 2 points in celestial/ocelot(N/14 Tonalamatl)=sphere,=potli(N)=
pool/punt/pull/both forward and back, side to side,=
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ReplyDelete...ghee=gh/g/ce(N)=cetl(N)=ice, the one/ce(N)ness
Deleteof water or whatever jells.
...pick out the great words of Nauatl and get to
know them, e.g., tlaca, tlapa, tzocatl, potli,
gives you a short cut to live etymology, ceti/
cetia(N)=ceceti/secret, set/sit/sitar/guitar,
settle, settee, ce(r)tain.
...Kha(m)pa=capani(N)=snap ones fingers,=capania(N)=make noise as one goes along,=campana(sp).
...cham=chamaua(N)=increase/get fat; eulogize/praise,=cha/shaman of positive aspect,
=xamani(N)=destroy, negative shaman.
...Bhotia(gens)=Potli(N)=both, brother, companion, e.g., podium(E)=elevated place,
balcony,=pódion(Gk)=diminutive of pod-pous/foot
...don't make the mistake of changing vowels,
yourself, between words of similar consonant
brackets because that introduces your own spin. allow yourself to observe and refrain, pia/pie/
piety, from that practice until you have seen
it done in print many more times and discerned
the method, if any, to this practice.
...once you know the greats, you are ready
Deletefor, integrity/integrál(sp/E)/integer=
in(N)=the tecetiliqui/tecetiliani/tecetlique
(N/plural)=s/he who unites/joins the people,=
cetiliztli(N)=union, conformity of persons,
unity,=cetilia(N)=do something together,
=cetia(N). in/tece/g(r)i/ty/tiliqui(N/E).
...Beothuk=people(E)toca(N)=pipiltoca(N)=noble our/to
ReplyDeleteca/being. the pipiltin Aztecs traced their nobility from Toltec
Empire of mid-Mexico(Tula, Hidalgo), 1k AD, after the fall of
Tlaloc(N)/Rarog(Russile)Teotiuacan, 750AD.
hairy mammoth.
...ebanthoo(Beo/Pip)=water,=t/epan(N/adv)right away,=
to go from one shore to another,=panauia(N)= overtake/eclipse,=eban/tepan(auia) to(N)=our, e.g.,
Algic/Algonquin(N)=Ago who/A(l)co(n)quetza(N)=who
conquered long ago,=acoquetza(N)=coquette/coq(Fr)=
get on top, e.g., Walch=Ualchiua(N)=to/wards on top (to)own.