Tuesday, 9 April 2013


1.foco(Sp)=light bulb,=1.focus(L)=hearth=h/tletl/th=fire,= fuego/fogon(Sp)=pocyo(N)=smokey,=ogon=ocotl(N)=pine. 2.fob(E)=pocket(E)=f/pop/b,=popotia(N)=unite things. 3.pocket(E)=pouch=poctli/pocyo(N)=smoking(gear). 4.piijjaker(Du)=picietl/tabac-jacket=j/acolli(N)=shoulder.


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  2. ...no. ochre/oc(r)e(sp)=celia/ocelix(N)=to revive,=
    oc(r)e-lix. tlauitl(N)=och(r)e/ocelix,=tlauiz(N)=
    dawn(E). the sun is born=tlacati(N)=takes body/ tlaca
    every day=tlacatli(N)=tac/tag/dag(G), that's the metaphor: rebirth/reviving after journey to Mictlan/ Center Earth). red= Tonatiuh/ Tonalli(N)=soul tone/tune=tlauitl(N)=Lewis/Lawis=
    tlauiz(N)=dawn(E). rebirth idea embodied by Tonatiuh/Anthony, soul of our universe, day by day.
    ...your etymology needs a larger frame, an understanding of paradigm, i.e., the same model
    repeated at every level is the kind of world we
    live in. i do appreciate your steering, you're good
    at it, as for course, allow me to call out an adjustment now and then.

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    1. ...the cup/copina of meaning co(m)bines, runs
      over. poke and pluck, but if you poke a fire
      it may popoca. volk may be welk/welkin=weolcen
      (OE), in fact, is. nepa(N)=Neptonatiuh=ne(r)pa(Russile)=seal=
      ce atl(N/Tonalamatl sign). foca(sp) likely popoca for it gray coloring, smoke on the water. poking the pot is metaphor for poking the fire, and usually smoke is produced when done, or done to make the burn cleaner.
      ...this is the part of word play i like, means
      i'm poking around in pie Nauatl, sharpening my
      subtleties for the game. don't know where you
      get focus as ochre, oh yes, the reddest ochre,
      favored by most, is heated, hmmm, doesn't have the rebirth potential?suppose as fire it does,
      metaphor for the Sun. seals/foca smoked too?
      ...ochre is how we know the Beothuk are Toniit/
      Tonatiuh people. Ochre Runes, Himba maids.
      miltepiton(N)=dimin. of milli/field,=
      part of an inheritance, portion of a field, ah,
      this is the rebirth potential in ochre, by extension.

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    1. ...pick, pock, puck, the focus of H/th/tockey=
      toca(N)=toca(sp)=play,=touch. the p/t relation
      in Nauatl is interchange, a poke is a toke/touch.
      ...for abort one has to know ab(Latin)=from, e.g.,
      ab o(r)tli=from the road/off the road/vein/verse=
      ...forth can also be potli(N)=both, if a return
      journey, or with brother(E)=po(r)tal=potli(N)=
      po(n)t(Latin)=bridge(E/root of potli).
      ...dogs do not originate on an island, neither
      Malta, nor Phu Quoc, being brought there from
      Egypt in the 4th Millenium Sea Age by the
      Anubis/Xolotl sailors of Quetzalcoatl.
      ...u-tuk(?)=toca(N)=sow and bury/breed.=t/dog/ca.
      note the n=Nauatl label.
      ...good work on, S(u)a(t)l(uk)i. saluki/Anubis/
      Xoltol dogs mark the early passage of Egypt/
      Arabia/Xolotl through southeast Asia, Malta
      (the Med), and Amerinda. the Sea Age had a
      hand in china too, as the early maps show
      the northernmost river first populated, and
      a discovery of Saluki types will be further
      confirmation on who, altho the proto-Chinese were raising dog and pig together since 8k BCE.

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    3. ...tsuchi(J)=the ground, earth, soil/coil, mud/
      tzotl(N), clay=clam(OE)/clammy/camatl(N)=mouth.
      ...tzocatl(N)=socket,=tsugai(N)=a pair, couple,
      brace(of ducks).
      ...jomon(J)=straw rope pattern pottery,=
      remove, speaking of parasites. early pottery,
      rope/nawa, links to hair grooming and style.
      having trouble linking jomon to the other side
      of your equation.
      ...H/Chi(m)pa(N)=on top/Chi(m)pa/paint.
      ...Ovahimba=Ouatl chi(M)pa(N)=corn Himba.
      ...Omuhimba=omio chi(m)pa(N)=boney Himba.
      ...Mukuru(H)=muchi(N)=all -ru=r/tu=to(N)=our,
      =our everything, Great God.
      to be pregnant.
      ...you can't put in (m)/Tibet unless you have
      seen it in print: Tib/Tepetl(N)=mountain,=

    4. ...the more roots for ochre the better. their
      meaning has in common the rebirth of the Sun.
      i don't see that in pocyo/poctli(N)=smoke, but
      it is the fire/solar metaphor, e.g., dym(R)=
      ...remember Russian=Greek, and the y/i/o/u shift is on, making, dysha(R)=d/toxaua(N)= toss(E)out ballast, and, toca(N)=to/our ca/be, as possible roots,=dysh(R)=douche(Fr/E).

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    6. ...Thimpu=th/tzimpuztequi(N)=break the kidneys,
      deslomar a alguien. tzintli puztequi(N)=break,
      destroy, ruin a country, by extension, warn,
      argue/reñir, correct, e.g., postequililo/
      opaztequililoc(N)=has been lowered, has lost
      its power. now revived again by the young King.
      Saintly Break-back.

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    1. ...multiple roots=pie Nauatl, e.g., hook(E)=h/th/t/z/zh/h=tzoocatl(N)=wrinkle,=
      socket/sock. when hook=hako(OHG)=tlaca(N).
      ...spoon(E)=potli(N)=both sides, can also be used
      as knife,=pond/puddle/punt/potage.
      ticitl(N)=midwife of the table is a plate,
      midwife of furniture is a table.
      ...bole(E)=tree trunk(where 2 branches meet)=
      ...castor=Ecatl(N)=wind up, pollux=potli(N)=
      both(2 stick fire drill)=poliui(N)=pollution.
      ...h/ch/curl=coloa(N)=double, pleat, twist,
      turn, circuit. the curling refers to acolli(N)=
      ...piglet=pig little.
      =tetica(N)=de piedra/con piedras,=ethic/ethical
      that's the ticket(E)=phrase of approval.
      ...ha(r)ness(E)=h/ch/canixti(N/plural of can)=
      can(N/adverb)=where? in what place?,=plural,
      canixiti: ioccanixti(N)=in 2 places,=
      harness(E). harness is always in 2 places as
      there are to sides to any hooked/toca beast.

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    1. ...the Phu Quoc dogs are crossed with Anubis/Xolotl. the point is an island
      does not originate any breed. it comes
      from the mainland.

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    1. ...dew(E)=thaw(E)=tlauiz(N)=dawn(E).
      ...doll(E)=d/toloa(N)=to bow the head, but also
      a form of otli(N)=road/vein=odos(gk)=odol(Basque)
      =idol(E)/doll(E), e.g., Ka-chi-na(Hopi=toptli=
      ...char(e)=ch/car/t/l=e/catl(N)=wind. the word
      char(E)=fish,=charales(Mex)=dried fish,=charqui
      (sp)=beef cut into strip and dried in sun,=
      charque(Arg./Mex.)=jerked(dried)beef. so i put
      it to you that char begins as wind/air then
      becomes associated with charcoal, which is also
      air dried to the extent that it is not allowed
      to burn completely down to ash.

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    1. ...da=d/tlalli(N)=earth?is big.
      ...marijuana=malinalli(N/12 Tonalamatl) ua(N)owns
      4/-na(N)=no center,=the herb that has no center,
      is a 12 in the Cempoalli(N)=sample=20=3x4, is
      also a broom/sweeps the mind, and a garland fools
      enjoy wearing.
      ...alp=alpichia/oalpichi(N)=to wet someone spraying water through mouth, e.g., nitla-
      alpichia(N)=irrigate something.
      ...yes. the tan and tawny color of dawning when
      the dew/tau(G) thaws.

  10. ...dama=tamati(N), who measures, makes tamalli(N),
    ...metl(N)=maguey/Century plant,=miel(sp)=melt=
    melassa(sp)=mëd(R)=mead meadow(E):
    ...maguey=mac ue(N)=way/big 5/macuil(N)=calendric
    number/Tonalamatl. i would guess, day 252=5/macui
    Malinalli(N/12)=trecena Tochtli(N/8), the 20th
    trecena, the same number of chromosomes as corn,
    the human digit number, the sample, then divide
    252 by 9=remainder=0=Tlaloc, the Rain God, the
    Deer/Mazatl(N/7)=the 3d/Calli(N/3)trecena.
    Tochtli=ocho=rabbit=totem animal of the Maguey/
    macui ue(N).
    ...by no center, i mean: 12, an even number has no
    center because it divides by 2, but 5=2 on either
    side with 3 as center, or, 13=6/6, but 6/7/6=7 center.
    ...poker is not the main root of och/c(r)e=ocelix(N)=celia(N)=revive/resuscitate,
    related in for to, Ocelotl(N/14)=totem birthing
    animal of cave Venus, Tlatla-tzol-teotl(N)=Flame-
    Hole-Thea. once rite enters, side roots fade away.

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    1. ...Pericu Gods: Niparaya=Nipa/Nepa(N)=Neptonatiuh
      =back and forth, aquatic, e.g., ne(r)pa(R)=seal,
      =-raya=r/tlayacapan(N)=first child, e.g., notlayacapan(N)=my oldest son.
      ...Amayicoyundi=Amaitl(N)=laguna, extension of water,=coyunca(N)/coyoni/ocoyoni(N)=to open
      oneself, hole.
      ...the creator pair above. 3 sons, below.
      ...Quaayayp=oldest son,=Quauhqui(N)=woodsman,
      person of low condition,=ayapopolli(N)=
      tilmatli(N)=manta(sp)=mantle of rough bast
      material, e.g., quauitl(N)=tree, made of the
      inner bark, as Ainu used to dress.
      ...Acaragui=Acalli acolli(N)=qajaq/kayak, e.g.,
      the larger version=omiaq=ome acolli(N)=2 sets
      of shoulders(E).
      ...Wac=Ua calli(N)=to own being, to own acalli(N)=boat, or his other name according to
      sect, Tuparan=Topal(N)=he who dresses extraordinarily, with presumption, with pride,
      e.g., toper(E)=well-dressed drinker, remember
      Topper, 1955, with Leo G. Carroll?
      ...the Pericu from the Pacific NW.
      ...note the forms, Añuiti(Mission of San Jose
      del Cabo), Aiñini.
      ...yeneca=yeni(N)=here is found, what is in some place, -ca/calli(N/3 Tonalamtl)=houses,
      e.g., Ocala, Fla.=otli calli(N)=ocalli(N).
      ...yenecamu=yeni(N)=here is found,=-camu=

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    1. ...Kamzar=Camatl tzalan(N)=between mouths.
      ...Oman=mana/Oman(N)=give of oneself, wrap oneself, stop; present, show something.
      ...Hormoz=H/ch/coloa(N)=curl, moz/motzacqui(N)=
      closed, retired, isolated, i.e., strategy on
      how to take strait.
      ...India, cf., Dravidian Datil post/Tetl,= date palm=kint(proto-Dravidian)=ind/j(proto-S. Drav)=int(proto-Telegu)=sind(proto-Kolami-Gadba)=cint(proto-Gondi-Ku)=kind-a(proto-N. Drav).
      ...Kambhat=Camatl patla(N)=alternating mouths.
      ...Narmada(River)=Nal(N/adv)=on the other side/
      bank of the river,=-mada=matlatl(N)=net.
      imagine that.
      ...Bhimbetka=Bhimabaitha=Bhima patla(N)= paddle/battle,=petla(N)=throw,=petra/piedra.
      Bh/ph/Pilli(N)=son thrower/paddler/battler.
      Caves 30k BCE.
      (N)=get very wet,=Champa(River)=chapani(N).
      ...Son(River)=s/z/tzonyotl(N)=the top, high point(North?).
      or the one-being river.
      ...Jamuna/Jomuna(Lake)=Yomotlantli(N)=flank of a person or a mountain. here, a wide river.

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  14. ...throat(E)=th(r)o(z/c)a/to(z/c)at/l=tozcatl(N)=
    t/voz(sp)=garganta(sp), buche, paladar.
    ...enjoyed it, DDeden, school's out. it's all there
    in the posts when you have time to figure out Letra. Good luck.

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  17. ...in above post, adding root, focus(Lat)=fogon(sp)=f/ocotl(N)=
    aromatic pine turpentine,=Okhotsk(Sea/work settlement).
