Sunday, 8 September 2013


...=Ogumaza(J)=Oso Mayor/Ursa Major/Big dipper,= kuma(J)=bear=b/v/uel/r(Letra)=uel(N)=well(E)=ue(N)=way(big)= ueue(N)=old=alt(G)=altia(N)=wash=atl(N)=water, =iueli(N/adj)=powerful/poder-oso(sp)=hibernate/Hibernia/hiver (Fr)=h/river(E)=Iberia=Inverness=invierno/infierno(sp)= ivery/ivory(E)=iueli pantli(N)=powerful flag, =elephant=iu/eliph/pant/li(Letra)=Llewelyn(Wales/name)= Bern/Berlin,=k/c/s/zuma/zoma(N)=to get angry,= zumbar(sp)=buzz,=Moteuhzoma(N)=your/Mo teuh/Lord angry/zoma, Oguma/Ozoma/tli/za(Letra)=Ozomatli(N/11 Tonalamatl)=Monkey. in the Tonalamatl that has come down to us, from the Grandmother of the West, who was Beira/Cailleach(County Cork=coq=acoquetza(N)=conquer)from iueli(N)=Iberia=bear=Ozomatli(N)=oso(sp)= otzo(Basque)=wolf=wulpa(OHG)=w/v/ualpauetzi(N)=come from below(land/sea),=oztotl(N)=cavern=cawen=queen(E)= cave=calli ue(N)=ca-u/ve. Ozomatli(N/11)=monkey came from Guangxi karst cave area in SE China, 800k BCE hominid bone horizon, oldest outside Afrika, SE of the Altai Mt. Area, the Dukha=Toca(N)=to/our being/ca= sow and bury,=tocar(sp)=touch(E)stone of Zaatan(Altai)=Mazatlan(N)=DeerLand. in subtropic Guangxi, southern paradise to Altai's northern sky, atl/altia(N)=ue altia(N)=bealté(OE)=beauty/beatitude, there are 44 species of monkey. ...Neanderthal habitat extended from Dordogne/Basque Iberia to the Altai Mts. in Chauvet Pont d'Arc, 35k BCE, the Tonalamatl is being worked out, 7l felines, the holed number for 72, but leap year, 73, had not been figured yet, the number of times the 260day birthing calendar goes into a 365 day year, no, at Chauvet they were still dealing with the tun(Mayan)=360day solar year, and 420 total drawings=20x20&20, so they had the sample=cempoalli(N)=20 days, which included, Ozomatli(N/11 Tona)as oso/bear.

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