Monday, 30 September 2013


...Aryan sky god first known to Greeks as a snake. a sky snake then, a weaver, under the shuttle/xiotl(N)star. T/Zeu(s)tli(Letra)=Teuhtli(N)=the upstone,=T/Deu(s)tli(Letra)=Teuhtli(N)=Dust(E)=D/Lust. .....Hera, sister of Zeus, seduced by her brother when Zeus disguised himself as a storm-tossed cuckoo so bedraggled by rain Hera took pity on him and put him in her girdle. Ix Chel, Mayan moon, rainbow, and weaving goddess did the same with a pesky bird perched on her hand loom, batted it, took pity, and put him under her faja(sp). in the same way Huitzilopochtli was born as the Sun when Lady Snake, mother of stars and moon, living out her old age as temple sweeper, picked up a ball of feathers and tucked it beneath her robes. surprise, all the of the goddesses involved gave birth when the time came. up until then Hera was normal, but that dirty trick set her epithet, Tetla(N)=stony, and added a root to her name,=T/Th/Her/tla (Letra), which allied her in character to petla(N)=petra/piedra=feral/fiera(sp)=tetla(N)=t/Theron Potnia, mistress of wild beasts, e.g., tetlamin(N)=wild rock dog,=mina/omin(N)=shoot arrows/darts, harpoon, the way to deal with tetlamin/rock dog. .....both deities, brother and sister, are the Grecian tribute to their emergence from the Stone Age as both their names=tetl(N)=stone, with tletl(N)=fire, mixed in, e.g., Hel(OE/ON/Du)=Hela(OFrisian)=Hera(Gk)= Hell(E/OSax)=H/th/tetl/tletl(N)=tetla(N).

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