Friday, 8 November 2013


...(E)=ruler of diocese(E)=dioikein(Gk)=keep house, =di(a)(Gk)=thoroughly/through & oikein(Gk)= inhabit/manage,=oikos(Gk)=house, cf., wick(E)=vicar(E)=uic/uica(N)=govern,=Viking/Nike. .....biscop(OE)=biskop(OFrisian/OSaxon)=biscof(OHG)= biskup(ONorse)=biscopus(popLat)= episcopus(ecclLat)= episkopos(Gk)=overseer(of harvest)= evesque(OFr/Provenzal)=eveque(Fr)= obispo(sp)=bispo(Pg)=vescovo(Ital)=escop(OIrish)= esgob(Walsh)=jepiscupú(OSlav)=jepiscop(R)= easbog(Irish)=easbug(Gael)=pixca copina/ocopin(N)= bishop/episcopal(E)=harvest cup(E)= pesca copa(sp)=pistachio cup/pistacho copa(sp). .....pixca copilli(N)=harvest crown. harvest=auitl(N/element)=Quiauitl(N/7th day/7th trecena Tonalamatl)=rain storm,=7 Coatl(N/the 7th day of Quiahuitl)=Harvest Deity 7 Snake, of feast and famine=the Empress and the Star in Tlaloc(N)=Tarocco(Ital)=Tarot(E), title 7 Coatl originally held by Metis Metl(N)=the rope plant, first Deity of Wisdom and Mother of Athena. .....from Quiahuitl(N)=auitl(N)=aunt(E)=aruist/harvest, although not pixca(N), gives the bishop another title, the Aunt's crown, or better, pitli(N)=older sister,=p(r)i(es)t/li(Letra)=Priest's Crown, but not so grand as Harvest Crown, or even, pitli copilli(N), which also is found in Briton=Brit/Pitona(N)=Pitli Tonatiuh=Older Sister of the SunTone=Cailleach Síle, corn dolly= Xilonen(N)=idol of young corn, nenetl(N)= vulva/idol/doll,=Nenets(R)=Deer tribe,=Xilo(N)=Deity of the corn ear/mazorka(sp), whose image is dressed in bright red uipilli(N)=blouse,=wimpel(OE)= wimple(E) dyed with cochinilla,=Shilo(Amerind battlefield)=Shiloh(H)=capital of Israel 300yrs before Jerusalem=Yeloatzallantli(N)=being in a canyon(Jerusalem is between 2 hills),=xilé(N)= sillín=little seat, the Cailleach Carlin's chair=char=ecat/r(Letra)=Ecatl(N/2 Tona), a stool= toloa(N)=bow the head,=tolerate, first piece of furniture. .....the Hag/Carlin founds the 7 races of the 7 caves= Chicomoztoc(N) becoming younger at start of each race, and as wind and winter=uitequi(N)=thresh(E)= ui/wi(n)te/qui(Letra),=tequitl(N)= t/th(r)esh/qui(Letra)= te/quid/tl(Letra)=quid(por quo)(Latin)=community service in=the quit(E), and in Latin, later English, quid, where one gets paid, rather than, de oquis(Mex/N caló)=de(sp) oquichtli(N)=for free,=like a man/oquichtli(N)=orquid(E). .....the Windhag=first harvest Deity, reaping drops by wind as in Orchard/Xocotl(N)=Fruit culture, herds deer while moving to agriculture. as spirit of winter, Beira=Iberian Bear washes out her white tartan= tatamachiua(N)=measure and measure again,=tatami(J), arranges Cork topography by gathering mountains in her apron which she spills over the terrain. cf., Baxajaun, the Basque simulacrum of Neander, husbands sheep and gives agricultural advice. of weaving, no mention, but obvious ramification(pun)of sheep=xipeua(N)=to flay,=Xipe-Totec, Aztec Deity of Springtime. cf., Cyclops of Odyssey=Otli(N)=odos(Gk)=road(E), sheep keeper.

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