Friday, 1 November 2013


...serf in ancient Sparta,=Helotes(Lat/plural)=elotl(Nauatl)=green ear of corn. slaves who brought in the grain harvest, e.g., Shiloh(H)=Xilo(N)=diosa de las mazorcas del maíz= maiz/s/sh/tl(Letra)= maitl(N)=hand,=Xilonen(N)=corn dolly,=Síle(Irish)=Cailleach(County Cork)=xilé(N)=sillín(sp)= the Welty, older sister of the SunTone, also known as, corn dolly. according to the legend in Cork, the farmer with the best crop had to feed the old hag=h/th/t/tlaca(N)=body over the winter. .....maitl(N)=hand/mate(E)=maite(Basque)=(mai)te(Jap)=hand=aite(J)=mate(E)=ai(Jap)=love/blue= matlalli(N)=netland=matlatl(N)=net,=ma/oma(N)= hunt land/ sea with net,=mano(sp)=hand= h/th/t/tland/tli=tlantli(N)= antler(E)=tl/antli(N)=tooth(E). antlers used at Stonehenge to dig its trench, 3k BCE. interlocking antlers used at Dolni Vestonice, 26k BCE early Gravettian, as roofs, singly as hafts/tools= toloa(N)=bow the head/tolerate. where the first ceramic kiln to make glazed Venuses found. .....1.tooth/hand/tlantli(N)=birth of flute=poa/opuh(N)=fue(J) bellows=fuelle(sp)in 3-part fire drill as incisors, where Neandertal shows wear inside, were the third hand, the other 2 revolving shaft in socket for friction. .....2.the Japanese were shipmates of the Basques and worked the maize/maitl/aite fields as the Olmec Quiauizteca, and the Maguey fields also, e.g., me(J)=eye,=meya/omex(N)=eya(letra)=eye(E)= metl(N)= Maguey Metis Meyauel, first deity of wisdom, mother by Zeus of Atena=atentli(N)=by the lip. both Olmec and Japanese have rabbit=conetl(N)=cony/coney(E)=c/ch/honey(E)=mëd(R)= mead(E)as their totem drinking animal, e.g., Ome Tochtli(N)= vicar/composer of the Pulque=Poliuhqui(N)Choir, the 2d day of the 3d trecena, Mazatl(N/7 Tona), totem animal of the Tlaloc Nomad Deer Age, 45k BCE- 10 BCE, Rain Deity of deer= deor(OE)=teotl(N)=theother herself, the great God of Teotihuacan, 250BCE-750BCE, and Rarog, Baltic deity of water spouts, e.g., T/l/Rar/loc/g(Letra)=r/Tlal/rog/c, the same deity with cortege of dwarf helpers, Tlaloques=Rarogues, e.g., typhoon(E)=taifu(J)= tlaini fu/popotl(N)=t/l/rain broom, e.g., Japan=j/dj/tzapa/tzapatl(N)=dwarf=d/t/za(r)p/f(Letra)= tzapa(N)=zapato/zapatero(sp)=shoe/maker. when Wa/Ua(N)/Own, was underway, Wei/Ue(N)=Way/Big China noted they were of small stature and magicians= mago(sp)=majo(J)=maho(J). of what kind? coming from the bottleneck deer Age of Tlaloc=Tlaloques(N)=rain dwarves/Tzapa, also found in the Olmec Quia-uiztecatl(N)= uiz/wiz(tec)ard/atl(Letra)=wizard(E), note atl(N)= water(E)=altia/oalti(N)=wash, the reverential of water,=Altai(Mts). some Altai tribes like the Dukkha(Generic term for tribe=breeder) and the Zaatan=Mazatlan(N)=Deerland stayed put, but the Japanese/Tzapan followed Tlaloc to the sea and majo(J)=run under full sail, to Amerinda, become the Mother race of pre-Mexico as colonialists, 2.2BPE-484c BCE, when they depart with their sailing echelon and migrate to their islands now, leaving their tribal Olmec, Otomitl, Toluqueño peoples as souvenirs for the uneasy masters=maitre(Fr)=maitl(N)and maid/tl(spaN) of their Basque sailing mates, the Spanish Panoa(N/verb))=pasar el charco. .....Leader of the Panoa/sea crossers was Quetzalcoatl, 4k BCE, whose grandfather, Perses, Titan/titlani(N)=messenger, of the Promethean Neander race, gave his name to Persia/Iran, the Basque Panoa connexion was Turkish Bithynia, who cross bred with the chthonic(Gk)= chitoni(N)= sparky fire drill race, 40k BCE, in Iberia/France, and the Panoa Neptune/Nippon of the Altai/SE Asia. .....names derived from Elotl(N)/Helot(Spartan)=El(i)ot, Her(i)ot, Ther(i)ot. note eliding (i) in chitoni(N) and its reverse in derivative names, Eliot, Heriot, Theriot., i.e., the tortured English etymologies of Feudal daze are their own reward. the Elyot/Eliot name said to be of Scottish/Schottisch/Xochitl(N/20 Tonalamatl))=Flower/rose origin.

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