Thursday, 10 November 2011

first letter/tl

...tle(N)=something/what thing,=tletl(N)=fire,= t/l/red/t/l, t/let/l, t/ler/l/tl=lernia(OFrisian)= le(o)rnian(OE)=learning(E). tetl(N)=shtetl(H)=stone(E)=(s)tone/tona(N)= solar appelative=Tonatiuh(N)=town(E)=tonalli(N)= soul/sol(sp)=Tonalamatl(N)=soulpapers calendar. Ollin(N/17)=holy supplies the (o) of le(o)rnian, and the (l) of t(l)etl, making the word reverential, as in, te(o)tl=deo/deity. the tl, as in tle(N)=what thing?, was Neander's hunting click. it's mate, tz, is also a click, in Ainu. both separate their 2 elements, as, t/l/r, nice to know, t/r, and, l/r, and all, t/l/r, as in, T/l/Rar/loc/g, the rain god, deity of deer= deor(OE)=d/teor/l/tl(letra)=teotl(N)=deo/dear. atle(N)=negative/no(fire). Nauatl is the fire drill language, first out of the caves of Neander, his crosses, and homo sap sap. atleti(N)=burn,= athlete(gk/E), to the fire verb. note verb to noun shift: nouns formed last. tle(N/pronoun)=tlei(N/ad,.)=something,=te-(N/ relative pronoun)=someone, e.g., tealtia(N)= someone's wash,=theatre(E)=t/realtia(letra)= reality(E). playing with tl/e=tl/t/the(E/definite article)=the altar(E)=theatre(E)=tealtia(N)= t/reality. te-(N/rel.pron.)=t/the(E/def. art.). atl(N)=water,=a-tl(N/water)=not(privative a-) fire=tl-e-tl(N). tla/tla(N)=tlalli(N)=earth/flame=tlatla(N). Tlatla-tzol-teotl=birthing, flame-hole-Thea. later, T/l/Ra of Solar Egypt, Ra as first cognate for the Volga=(V)ollin ca(N)=roll being,=Olga(Name). why Volga/Ra? pues, rawend(Arab)=rhubarb(E)= lavender=law(r)en-ce=T/latla-uentli(N)=Flame Offering(E)=t/l/raven(creator deity, pacific northwest Amerind)=Ravenna(Urb)=Lave(r)n Baker (singer hot hot).

1 comment:

  1. tleco(N)=in the fire,=in tleco(N)=the trek,=
    intellect,=ce tleco=select/elect=c/e(N)=one.
