Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Tlaloc nomad deer age

...Deer age, 45k bce-10k bce, a bottleneck for population and language, after cavetime/Neander, 300k bce-22k bce, after Mt. Toba bottleneck/72k bce/also the DNA date we had with Afrikan Eve. let's look at Russian as they still have deer tribes. the Even/Evenki= (s/c)even=ce uentli(N)=one offering/ofrenda(sp)=c/se-u/ven(7)=c/se(r)u/ve= se(r)ve=wendy/gwen=ca-wen(OE)=being,offering=queen=ce(r)f=c(i)e(r)vo= c/ch/hirvi(Finnish)=ch/cev(r)e=chevre(Fr)=goat=coatl(comes(to)water), but, chevre is our friend, ce uentli, and i count it with deer, as the name, Cheever, who was a talented old goat and a dear as well, as gwen wendy is the symbol of lust in the Tonalamatl, where it's position=seven(7)=ce uentli. other words from uentli(N)=venir/ vender/Wend/wind(run like the wind its Mexican calendric attribute). deer's name in Nauatl=Mazatl(N/7 Tona), in the western, Calli/house quadrant, the woman's side, 7 being the Flower Prince/Xochipilli(N)= deity of music/dance. those scottish and irish dances you see on Youtube are deer dances. =maz(OHG)=meat(E)=smazat(Russ)=annoint. the Russian word for deer=Olen=ollin(N)=holy. deer=dior/deor(OE)=d/teot/l/r(letra)=teotl(N)= deity. in Japanese, deer=shika(J)=s/chi k/ca(N)=on top/earth=tlalchi(N)= chi(J) being=ca/calli(N). chi(N) being used as front component of, chi-toni/chi-tlatla(N)=chthonic(gk)/cheetah, fire drill words, as red deer, during the glaciation that began the nomad deer age, was the tamati(N)=tamale=sustanance of cavetime in Europe at 40k bce, other prey having abandoned cavers to their freeze. when one looks to deer/shika(J) habitat in japanese, one finds derivatives of, Mazatl, such as, matsu(J)=pine tree, even, matsu(J)= wait/await, and we're sure to find traces of deer in Matsuri festivals in memory of the ancestors from Deer One, the Altai Mts. the Basque for deer=orein(B), a coincidence the particle,-rein, as it is plainly a spelling out of, Ollin(N/17 Tona)=holy, similar to the russian, olen, orein(B)would be, with r/l shift and reversal= in oren(N/article with R/deerword with(n/N)label. with the (r) having arrived after 3309 bc to the basques, from the Russians, or snaking through Egypt from the orient. the turkish=ge-yik(T), here we see, g/ce(N), perhaps of ce(uentli/N); however, yik(T)=destroy, but might be yectli(N), as in MazYectlalli(N), much later they were miners in the Altai and revolted to begin their identity during the horse age after 5k bce, at about 2.5k bce they are the Kurgan culture who sweep into scand/europe way before Ghenghis, their horse has a calendric name, at(T)=atl(N/9 Tona)=water, but rather more to the point, atlatl(N)=throwing stick=at/l/r-at/l/r(letra)=arrow(E), the double rr means there a frequentive root. this is the age our religious terminology is set: even/when/whence/ gwendolyn=uentli ollin(N)=holy offering/wend/went/wind/service/divine= teuentli(N)=someone's offering,=t/deven-tli(letra)=divine/reveren-ce. and all the water words, for this is the water deity's age, altia(N)= Altai mts=tealtia(N)=t(h)e altar/art=t/reality=theatre. ue altia(N)= bealté(OE)=beauty/beatitude. alaua/oalauh(N)=alabar(sp)=hallow/ hello/halellujah/allow/lavar(sp)/laude(Fr), meaning annoint and from whence, Allah, whose root is water/atl(N). the nomad age defines itself as, noma/nomatka/nomatzinco(N)= still, always, forever, the same, spontaneous. well, the ambience of religion, a true rapture sparked by our offerings to our animal deity who provides all, Wendy, the queen, who gives us shovels, clothing, meat=matso=mazeltov=mazatl toptli(N)=deer idol, milk, and a ride on her broad back. as to meat=Maz(OHG), tribes like the Dukha hunted/tlami(N)for theirs and kept their deer for milk=michiua(N). when Cortés came to Mexico, the amerinds called his horses, maçatl/mamaça(N/plural). Tlaloc, himself, is a christ who rises to heaven then falls to make all below green with his altars of water. his russian Baltic counterpart=Rarog=T/l/Rar/loc/g is the same deity with the T/L/R shift, both have rain dwarfs, the first we hear of them, and the Olmec Japonicas were deeply involved in dowser witchcraft, in fact, by breaking two Nauatl words out to the next language, we find, wizard=Olmeca Quiahuiztecatl(N)=the rain/storm Olmecs= Quia-uiz-(tec)atl=uiz/wiz(tec)atl/at/l/r(letra)=wizard, the -a(r)d particle can be letraded as, a(r)d=ad/t/l=atl(N)=water. dwarf=d/t/z(w)a(r)p/f(letra)=tzapa/tzapatl(N)=dwarf=zapato/zapatero(sp)= Santa Tlaloc's cobbler elves, but also, a nationality=t/z/Japa(N)=Japan. the Japanese were part of the Tlaloques and Rarogues as rain witches, including their women, if not all of them. the correspondence between, majo(J)=witch,=maho(J)=run under full sail, witchcraft/sorcery, note the wind illusion to storm/Quiahuitl(N) in majo/under full sail,=mago(sp)=magician=ma-quiza(N)=hand squeeze/ quiza=quizá(sp)=perhaps, meaning to escape from danger, as the French Maquisard, maquis(Fr)being shrub where one would hide, or flee, as we say in spamex: a salto de mata/bush. the Basque=sorgin(B), which is root of sorcerer/source(E)=so/ul/r(letra)=so/ur/s/z/tzol/r-ce(N)= one=onehole=sour-ce(letra)=-Tzol-=Tlatla-Tzol-Teotl(N)=cave birthing and fire drill deity,= -gin=g/c/s/z/tzin-tli(N)=saintly(E). the Basque Nahoa Nauatlaca go back a long ways, yet are protagonists of the global sea age, 4k bce. proto-christians of Quetzalcoatl, the global age christ and master craftsman, sailor, founder of Egypt and Amerinda, where he began looking for copper(in Chaunis Temoayan, Georgia) but arrived in Meso-Amerinda.

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