Monday 14 November 2011


...Presse, Nederlands/low lands, Holland, an 8k bce canoe, the oldest.
the date, 8k bce, ends Gobekli Tepe's hunter gathering temple, settles
the Finns where they are today.
let's look at Catamaran, the transpacific ship=chipeua(N)=begin/-peua chi-/on top
(instructions for dressing a log canoe)=chip/chipper/chipmonkey(E).
Cattu=ecatl(N)=wind, in malaysian=tie/bind, and, mataram(Tamil)=wood, but,
in reigning Nauatl, the cave and sea age language,=mat/lat/l/ram(letra)=matlatl(N)=
net=ma(N)=hunt land/sea with net,=Cattumaram(Tamil)=windnet, probably the first
ship a sail/windnet was developed for, being woven of natural fibres.
vaka(Tamil)=vaca(sp)=cow,=ua ca(N)=own being=hull/body of Catamaran.
aka(Tamil)=acatl(N)=cane(E), not specific enough,=iako(Hawaiian)=aco/acolli(N)=
from on high(ago)/shoulder(E)=iaculor(Latin)=thrown(across), yes. that's specific,
as it connects hulls to the, ama(Tamil)=amaitl(N)=laguna/body of water,=water hand,
named for the interval of water spanned by the outrigger, amaitl(N).
Hawaii=Auia(N/verb)=have/haber(content). Auianame(N)=happy girls, who consoled
the unmarried Aztec warrior.

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