Monday, 23 January 2012

say, cry

...Quitoani(N)=who talks, the Quito/Qu/Kh(r)i(s)to/Christ word is a parallel etymology for cri(OFr/Fr)/cry(E), but there's better. cea(N/not one/ce)=querer,consentir,conceder=(de)s/cea/r(letra)=desear(sp) =desire(E), dec/sir-e(letra)=decir(sp)=say=cea(N)=not one. one is not alone when one says, and desirous of decir/conversation/ceaing(saying). a child's education should be the many ways words can be spelled. spelling bees are all to the good, but one must learn inflect as an etymologist, not walk around all day with a hard for letters as it makes everything difficult, especially the quirky, White Goddess, Hecate, who, as wind, has no center, e.g., Ecatl(N)=(E)c(u)at/l/ro(letra)=cuatro(sp)=quattre(Fr)=4. reading too early, i.e., throwing the book at them, is another no-no, until they get sounds of their language right and have played extensively inflecting letters as their assignation is in eternal demand as (s)trumpets. sounds are definitely not montonously monagamous. cea(N)=say=ceay, let's put in, (r), c(r)e(letra), well or aha! in the etym. of c(r)y the (i) predominates but is not the crier at root: it's c(r)e of c(r)ea, creation of say, desire, and decir(sp). we c(r)e/c(r)y when we have no one to talk to, shout even, like the burro, Onaqui(N), ah, sh/xo/utla(letra)=xotla(N/verb)=shoot(vegetable), and out it whist. so now we have the root of Diction, dictionario, dicharazo, dicha(sp)= happiness, is talking, crying, whatever the ambivalence). no te digo? the last step to take when tackling a one syllable word frequent in English, e.g., know/say, is to entertain the possibility the word may be of 2-syllable origin, e.g., no atl/na-uh/kna-uh=know(E), and, cea(N)=c/say-ya=say(E), altho, cea(N)=c(r)e=s/creech. now let me hie myself to my Onions patch to check out, screech, as it surely comes from, cea(N)=not alone(the crux of Horror flics). ah, yes, here it is: scrykja(ONorse)=cry(E)=c(r)e(letra)=cea(N). let's add, skraekja(ON)=shriek(E)=s-cri-c-cettan(OE), and, shrike(E/butcher bird)=s-cri-c(OE/thrush))=s-chri-k(MLG/corn crake)= sól/s-kri-kja(MLG/snow-bunting)=shrika(Swedish/jay, hmmm, without the (c)ea.

Burro bureau

...he laughs, the Burro=burlar(sp)=laugh=naualaua(N)=(na)war/l a(i) (letra)=warai(Japonica)=laugh, once more,=na/war/l a(i)ua(N/J/letra), to go 4's/naua, or, lose the center. where does laugh come from, and Donqui for that matter? well, (D)on(a)qui(letra), hmmm, solar apellative=Tona/Dona and Donqui- xote has 4 legs, belongs to us and Cervantes, ok. Onager(E/Lat)=(O)nag(er), ah, the noun and verb, nag, although parallel root=knacker(E)=one who sells horse flesh. Let me stop and tell a story, now that Miguel de la Madrid is agonizing, may he rest in peace after his journey. while president he visited the abbatoir of Queretaro/Crow and his hosts had hewm choice cuts for his party, but the workers, who had made their way to the profession, knackerdom, by various means, wanted their familys to enjoy the best, so laid aside the choice cuts and served the party burro meat. word came back from the big table how very tasty it was! not often you can fool a politician, but then you don't get burro meat every day, and who's to say it's not better than horse, ah, beeve? ah, Onager(Lat/E)=Donqui(form)=onagros(Gk)=onaqui(Nauatl)= he who/-qui(N/Lat) has one on, laughs(from a distance). albur(sp)=ritual joking,=burlesque=burlesco(Ital=itallo= seen, approved)=burla(Catalan/sp/Pg), of unknown origin, until now, mi querido Onions: pol(N/aumentative suffix meaning to consider bad, en mala parte)= polacqui(N/adj)=submerged, immersed(in mirth). polactia(N/verb)=submerge, sink under water person or thing. polaqui(N/verb)=meterse, hundirse en el agua. polaquiliztli(N/noun)=immersion, acción de tirarse al agua. polaquini(N)=El que se mete al agua, abajo del agua. Pola-(N)=P/B u/o(r)la(letra)=Burla(Catalán=Ecatlan/N/= Windland/sp/Portuguese). al final we note the phrase, Polack joke, which inadvertently includes the root, Polacqui/Polaqui(N), of Burla/joke, giving the phrase hidden staying power, burla Polaka, but for this postwhat's important is, el burro albur. B words are easy to find in Simeón, isbn 968-23-0573-x, because Nauatl/Aztec doesn't have B, and most often it's P, so let's find, blue, look in Onions or whatever Etymology you use for the early form of blue, ah, best luck is with OSpanish, Portuguese/Pr= blavo(OSp)=blau/blava(Pr), ok, now v=u(N), so we go for the blau (Pr) version, drop the inset b(l)au, switch back to b/P, and look in Rémi Simeón for, Pau, ah, pauia(N)=chew for someone, hmmm, pauilia(N)=cebar(sp)/bait for fish or bird, ah no, that's to paul/paui-li(a/mn)=limn birds/fish, both are in blue sky but so what. back a bit, here we have it: pau-uetzi(N/cf.,panuetzi)= exalt/honor/praise someone much(to the skys). yes, pauetzi(N)= pa-/paint(from)one side to the other/up and down/-uetzi(N/verb)= fall(from the blue sky), paint the air blue, be blue, the blues exalting even tristesse, yeah, b(r)other, pauetzi(N)=pau-(N/particle)= p/b(l)au(letra)=blau(Pr), blue-berry hill, am i blue, aren't these tears(from the sky)telling you? maybe the burro isn't laughing, he's crying=cri/crit(OFr/Pr)= gritat(sp/Pr)=c/g/Quitoani(N)=he who talks,=Q(r)/C(r)i(s)toani= C/Ch(r)i(s)t/oani.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

chi na 2.chi(China)=seven=center vent,=chi(N)=cima/ocin(N)=defibre maguey leaf for rope,=ChicomeCoatl(N)=7Snake=Metis Meyauel, 1st goddess/Wisdom. 3.chinoa(N)=burn fields. 4.chinamitl=bamboo close. 5.chinantia=close in. 6.chinan/toctli=Shenandoah(Amer)=dohtar(OS)=tohter(OHG)= tochter's close.

Saturday, 21 January 2012


...tloc(N/preposition)=beside,=t/l/rock=stone(E/solar)=tun(Mayan/360solar year)=town(E)= shtetl(H)=stein(Germ)=(s)te-in(letra)=in tetl(N/the stone)=tetl(N)=stein/stone(G/E)= T(l)etl(N/fire, first deity)=Te(o)tl(N/Deo generic). where are (l/o) coming from? well/uel(N/reverential of ue/waybig), from Ollin(N)=m(o)ve, holy=(O/ll). so man/woman makes deity from what's beside, a rock, but has to wait for the first deity, Tletl, T/let/l, T/l/Red/t/l, T/ler/l/l/tl=T/lernia(OFris)=le(o)rnian(OE)= learning to arrive. Tletl/Fire does all that and more, makes Leon/Lion(E), and out of what? out of the ashes, comes Letra, from stone come the deitys=d/teteo(N)=deos/Dei. no learning without Teo/Theo/Deo, fuel(E)=fuelle(sp)=bellows/b(el)lows=fuigo(J)= fuego(sp), fue(Japonica)=flute(E)of creation, that is, the paradigm, the midwive of creation repeated again and again from the universal firedrill that set calaqui(N)= c/galaxys going. para=pal d/tic/gm=ticitl(N)=for midwive, doctor(tiger=feline is totem of birth Tlatla). are we behind the Gods? i'll say, and pushing. another word for what has been happening since gravity=g(r)/cauitl(N)=(birthed)time and fire/Tletl(N)made it's count=poa/opouh(N)=power/flowering imperative, to begin=b/peua/opeuh(N)=open(E), actually, begin=peg/c/z/tzintli(N/honorific)=saintly, the saintly beguiño, in the wink=wick=uic(N) of an eye=(m)eyauel(N)=flow,=metl(N)=me(Japonica)=bud, eye,=metl(N/plant)=Metis(mythic mother of Athena and 1st deity of wisdom, rope deity)=mecatl(N)=string,=mecania(N)= hang in air,=mechanic(OE)=hangman,=me(r)cado(sp)=mercer(E)=merecer(sp)=earn(by market), mezclar(sp)=mix=mixtli(N)=cloud=miztli(N)=puma,=mixitl(N)=mistletoe(E)=mistilteinn(ONorse) =mister/mistress. not all these roots are primary, but one can see how Nauatl=nawa(Japonica)=rope conspires its strings to make one language=t/la(n)c/g-ua(N)=own-ge/ce(N)=one for the blue planet.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Solar Adonis

between Nihon/Ñañu/Nauatl/Spanish: otona/otosan(Nih)=adult/man. Oton(Ñañu/Nawa)=chief/diety, of the Otomi=otoño/autumn,= tona/otonac(N)=Tonatiuh(N)=sun,=To-na(N)=our4= Tonalamatl=birth span=260days)=tonalli=soul. Otome(Nihon)=maiden,=Otomitl(N)=cave dwellers, uspi(Ñañu)=hearth,=usool(A)/Usulutan(San Salvador)= Ocelotlan(N)=oztopiccatl/ozpi=cave vulva=regent Tonalamatl, totomitl=birdshooters/fletchers Aztec cavalry. Tona/Dona/Doña/Don/Doncella/Doncel(Sp)/Dunce=page of Duns Scotus,=donaire(grace)/donar(Sp)/donor.

Sunday, 8 January 2012


...Maghrib(Arab)=west/occident, hmmm, 2d element=-gh(r)ib=-gh/ch/cip/b(letra)= Cipactli(N/day one Tona/Dona/Dune)=c/chebbi(Moroccan)=(ek)-sibe(Turkish/Dune). the Berber Mazyes/Mazyectli(N) use the term, Tamazgha(Mazyes)=Maghrib, a 20th century coinage which incorporates, the particle, -maz-=Mazatl/N/day 7 Tona), as they are the Deer/Maz-Yectli/Yes people. Berber not being their name. as Berber=varvar(Russ)=Barbarian=ualual(N/adv)=TowardsTowards/To-To, and what gens would give themselves that name? came through the Greek. modern day Maghreb=Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Mauritania, but the older Maghrib refers to the smaller area between the Atlas Mts and the Mediterrain, where still are red deer=Mazatl(N/7 Tona/Dune), and whose residents were more connected to southern europe and western asia. at 10k bpe, 8k bce/Gobekli is buried, the area dried up, the nomad Mazyectli/Mazyectlalli(N)=Yectlalli(N)=Yizrael/Israel deer epoch was over, the North Afrikan corridor shut. the port citys of the Maghrib(Arab) were Phoenician, a general term, and Carthaginian=Ca(r)t/th(letra)=Ecatl/Ehecatl(N/day 2 Tona/Dune/Tune)=mother of Quetzalcoatl, windweaving Venus/2, daughter of Perses, who gave his name to Persia. by 3309 bc, her son, Quetzalcoatl, the proto-Christ, as she the proto-María, had voyaged to Amerinda in search of copper, and instead began its high plains culture when his Scribe=(S)c(r)ibe(letra)=cibe=Cipactonal castrated the metl/maguey/Metis plant, who was first deity of wisdom, mother of Athena and a rope goddess known as 7Snake/Chicome Coatl(N), and joined her with maize. Cipactonal(N)=Cipactli(N/day one Tona)=cipapu(Hopi)=hole of origin,= seppuku(Japonica)=gossip(E)=sibbolethe(H)=Mississippi, etc, was model for Ra's eldest son, Thoth, as script/scribe originates in his name. seprak(Phillipines)=kick, ah, the Mayan/Olmec ballgame, now known as Cujo in the orient. Tamazgha(Mazyectli/Varvar)is a pun, tamati(N)=tame(E)=rule/measure=tamalli(N), with Maz/Mazatl(N/7)=deer=Tamaz(MazYectli)=tame deer/deer rule, so the upper stone age Tlaloc rain diety nomad deer epoch did not go far from frozen europe, in fact, red deer were one of the few animals that stayed the glacial course there, while less hardy peoples went to North Afrika the way Germans go to Spain for a winter. it's just a short step from nomad to sailor, from deer/yurt to horse to sea horse, all the tech is there. knowing the Mazyes, once the name for the entire peoples of North Afrika, not just the Berber, who are a remnant of those glory days, filled the plebe of Carthage and whatever other new idea, such as weaving, came out of the mideast, sailors once nomads and nomads again, calli(N)=house= acalli(N)=ship/waterhouse, Phoenicians=count, power/poa nextli/to ashes, Tlatla(N/cave fire drill deity)=T/l/Ra(Egyptian solar deity). it's good to know who Carthage/Ecatl(N/day 2 DuneTune, solar root/route), linked to their age's proto-Christ, the global master craftsman, and his Mother, who became King Theodric's Aryan sky deity once she ascended the Danube/duna/tuna/Tona-tiuh(N)=solar deity, in 7k bce, as Lady Birdsnake of Belgrade, who traded for obsidian with, Tlatla at Çatal Hüyuk in Anatolia, who was so freshly out of the caves none of her houses had doors, one got in through the roof. Tlatla hunted with her totem animals, ocelome(N/plural), or, cheetah=Chi-tlatla(N)=on top/Chi-Tlatla/flame, and ran a breeding station as she was the cave Venus, known in Germany as Willendorf. one of her figurines=35k bce, when Neander was still in Europe.

Saturday, 7 January 2012


Erg chebbi(Moroccan dune)=Ecatl/Cipactli(N/2/1/Tona)= eksibe(Turk)=dune)=wind/ecatl cipactli/scribe. ek/sibe(T)=sibbo/sip oblivion/lethargy/lethe(Gk). Lilit(Heb)=lilu(Akkad)=spirit,=lili/lilitu(Nippur incantations)= male/female spirits,=lili(Sumer incantation/Text 313)= tlilli(N)=black.

Friday, 6 January 2012


(lake/W.NY State)=michuatzaltepiton(N)=charal(sp)=small fish,=michua=Michuacan=Michigan=michuacaua=chief of fish owners,=michuaque(pl)=michuatoquia/otoqui(N)=michua/fish owner pokes fire,=michuatoquayaya=fish owner(arm)pit smells.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Mitla and Gobekli

Mitla/Mictlan, land of the dead, Zapotec=zapa/zapatl(N)=dwarf=d/z/tz(w)a(r)p/f= tzapa/tzapatl=tz/dz/japa(n), and the Tzapotl tree. one has yellow drupas, hmm drupa/dzaupa/ tzapa?, like squash, another pauatl(N)=papaw(Amerind slang)=fruit like chocolate pudding with a spark to it, and another is the rubber=ulli(Mex)=ollin(N/17 Tona)tree, which gives us the Naui Ollin age. in Ancient scripts(Google), one finds Zapotec and epi-Olmec, glyphs somewhat mayan, but root is Olmec. the Deity is Cocijo, similar to ritual ballgame Olmec/Zapotec played, known in Asia as, Cujo. Mitla(sp coinage)=cloud people=mixtecatl=mixtli(N)=cloud,= mist, the ancestors, be they Tlaloques out of Tlaloc Deer Age(45-10k BCE). totem descent for the Zapotec tzapo/tzapas from puma/felines(TlaTla fire drill's cave time), =to-temo(N)=our descent, as Olmecoid. Zapotec Cocijo=lightning deity/a Tlaloc, who settled for corn. Tarot(divination cards)=Tarocco(Ital)= Tlaloc=Halogi(Kven)=fire deity,=halo(E). Ollama(N/verb)=Ollin tlama=tlama=slam= tlamacazqui(N)=priest,=Rama(India). play=Oynamak(Turk)=olgau(Basque)=yugi(J)=jugar(sp). yza(Zap)=solar year,=iça(N)=revive,=Isah(A)=Yeshwa. piye(Zap)=260(birthing)calendar=Tonalamatl,=pie(N/Lat)=piety(E). high priest=Uija Táo=Uica/Vicar(of)Cornroll/Tlaolli(N)= Tao(China). Mitla=corn growing heaven. also funerary city where ancestors buried, who were descended from miztli(N)=puma, afterlife in mist=mixtli=cloud=nimbus of Cocijo, played Cujo(Asian)Ollama Tlachtli, harked back to Epi-Olmec, interceded for living below, Amerind ancestor worship. Gobekli a funerary city/hillock/mausoleum of 20 rings, one each day of birthing/dying Tonalamatl=sample(E)=cempoalli(N)=20. Tona traces back to 35k bce/Chauvet Pont d'Arc cave, Lagar Velho burial/26k bce, Shanidar(flower)burial#4/80k bce to provide Gobekli calendrics&Nauatl. the Frieze zoo of animals=hellish ceremonial circles. nobody resided there: Mictlan(N)/Mixtla, had Uija Táo/Uica Tlao(N)=Corn Vicar=Gobekli, Vulture priests,=16th day Tona=Cozcacuauhtli(N)=jewelled eagle, writing sign, 4X4, explicit in the Mayan Tzolk'in= 16.T'sib(M)=wax,=Cipactli(N/1/Tona)=scribe. Gobekli had enough plumed geese and rushes for pen&paper. 40% of sacrifices ravens=rawend(A)=r/tlatlauentli(N)=flame offering, who show up when agri/grains dawn. Gobekli countryside attraction(60 mile radius), similar complexes nearby, funerary, rejoice, remember and hallow life and time's touching= tocar(sp)=toca(N)=to/our being/ca(N)=sow and to bury. what happened to Gobekli itself, lovingly interred(8k BCE)by tanatli(N)=capacho/2-man sling,= thanatos(Gk)=death/tetl/shtetl/stone. Mixcoatl/Cloud Snake, deity of hunt in global Tlaloc tlaloa deer time. Otomitl(N)=Oton(Deity&Chief)=otona(J)=adult,=otome(J)=doncella/doña/tona. Chichimeca=Ichichiuh Mecatl(N)=Maguey itchers=ichichiuh(N). Huexotzingo and Tlaxcala= Mixcoatl=Camaxtli=camatl=mouth became Huitzilopochtli when war found its frac(sp)=tuxedo.

Sunday, 1 January 2012


1.when Neander, out of the depths of his cautious and prudent mind=mitl(N)=spear, began to mime=mati/imati/mimati(N)his wordstring, solstice=tzotl ticitl(N)=hole's midwife cave bear intervened for father Tonatiuh(N) on his weakest day as iueli(N)=Llewelyn=poder-oso/powerful, first animal savior, who revives in springtime, but sacrificed at winter solstice. later bear worship of Scand/Finn/Berlin/Bern/Iberia/Siberia/Hibernia/ Inverness/invierno/infernal/hiver(Fr)worship use the pinaua(N)= redden/shame,=pine tree as first cross, descending for a sin/raka=tlaca and ascending through the pine decked with bear skull and bones to take his place again as plow and star. 2.Neander Prometheus becomes first human savior, after being martyred by Zeus, who was tricked by him over bones/fire (wrapped hollow stalk of fennel)=steal=s/te(a)l=tel/tletl(N)=fire. 3.third savior is deer/rain god, Tlaloc from the Upper Stone Age,= tlallo/tlalloque(N)=halo/harlequin/Herla(1st king Prieden=pitli= older sister Briton=Breton). Tlaloc=tarocco(Ital)=Tarot cards/ecatl(N/2). Age of our religious terminolgy, and 1st verborea of divine=deven=d/te-uentli=heaven. orchard=xocotl(N)=fruit. bumper crop and magnums accompanied this happy age. at the end of it, we had games, dance, cards, monotheism/kings/Queens from first Queen, Gwendolyn=Uentli ollin(N)=rolling/moving offering, Wendy wren deer/dior/teotl. 4th. savior is proto-Christ/Quetzalcoatl, sailor/priestcraftsman/statesman, and his windweaving mother, Lady Birdsnake Hecate Ehecatl, plural deity, who presided over a flowerbed of gods when naming was windy caO(Etr)/caos(Sp)/khaos(Gk)/chaos. mozaic(San Apollinari Church, Ravenna)by convert HRE Theodric, links Tonalamatl days and deitys to first stir of RCC Mariology, beginning of fictions(5c.AD) that violated history/calendrics/pueblos falling from it. 5th. Christ, dear Saintly figure=nothing more/nothing less than spoken language, companion spirit by us every age. our challenge:strengthen the spoken word by tracing the knit design on loom and tongue of air into unity more palpable than engraved words not our own. we have pre-Babelian stems to taste, the better to save ourselves from the vulgarity we are living.


Kemet/KMT, MDR, MD-R, MisR(Arabic)=Egypt. ke/keadar(BasqueNahoa)=smoke/column of smoke, ki(J)=tree/wood;time/an age;yellow;raw, kem(Egypt)=quemar(sp)=chemist, qaeda(Arab)=campfire/HQ, kaede(J)=maple,=cedar(E), quauitl(N/root)=tree/treow/teotl(N). KMT(Egypt)=ki(J),ke(B)=met/metl(N)=strength,=mitl=spear,= KemeT=Quema/Tlalli=burning land. MDR=Mitl R/Tlalli(N)= Spearland of Ra. MisR(Arab)=Mis/th/t/tl=Mitl Ra=Ra's Spear. Mitla(sp)/Mi(c)tlan(N)=Hell. friezes of polished stone, set without mortar, background red, the color of after life, found on no other ruin in Meso-amerinda, began as fortified village, 900 BCE, on edge of the Tlacolula Valley, named Lyobaa(Zapotec)=place of rest,=1.tlaoppauilo(N)=impers.of oppauia(N)=sown twice,= tlaoppailpili(N)=twice tied,=daffodil/asphodel. 2.Lyo/topal/topalitoa/topalnenqui(N)=dress/adorn with vanity. 1000CE, the Mixtecatl(N)= cloud people invested Mix/ctlan. the Uija Táo/Uica Tlaolli(N)=Corn taoite(China)/vicar, High Priest, ruled noble cloud people, choir of souls above guiding the living. Mixtlan, node of sky/earth in mortuary myth, as Egypt funerary.


older son of Ra=R/l/Tlatla(Nauatl), deity from previous belief of Egypt's founders, 1.Nahoa Basque(Guipuzcoa/Quetzalcoatl), 2.Mazyes of North Africa,Tlaloc Rain/Deer Age,45k bce-10k bce) =Phoenician Confederate=Poanex(N)=Poanextli(N)=Power ash=the day subtracted after adding leap days for 130yrs, or 10 minus after 1300yrs(Egypt). Thoth=The-other(E)=Teotl(N)= Tetl/stone road/Otli,=Cipactli(N/1 Tonalamatl)= s/c(r)ip(ac)t/li=script(E) =eksibe(Turk)=Ecatl/wind dragon/Cipactli(N)=dune=d/Tonatiuh(N) =sunTone,= Cipactonal(N)=Nahoa navigator to Amerinda honored by Hopi as Cipapu(H)=hole of origin, Nihon as Seppuku(J), Greeks as Sebastion, Basques as San Sebastion, capital port of Gipuzcoa, and Egyptians laud him as Cebek, creator god/Nile crocodile. Nauatl/Egyptian wordstring: ai/ay(N)=hay(sp)=there is,= aci(N)=hacer(sp)=do/done/Tona(N)=aqui(N)=enter,= aquí(sp)=ici(N/Fr)=here,=aq(Egy)=enter=aqhet=plow/spring,= aqui/ag(r)i= agitate/agricoloa(Lat/N). old name for Egypt= KMT/Kemet=quemar(sp)=chemistry=burnt land/red land. Amerind place of origin, Uey Tlappalan(N)=Old Red, but tlapa=Lapp Deerland. Egypt was a funeral, not a beginning.