Monday 23 January 2012

say, cry

...Quitoani(N)=who talks, the Quito/Qu/Kh(r)i(s)to/Christ word is a parallel etymology for cri(OFr/Fr)/cry(E), but there's better. cea(N/not one/ce)=querer,consentir,conceder=(de)s/cea/r(letra)=desear(sp) =desire(E), dec/sir-e(letra)=decir(sp)=say=cea(N)=not one. one is not alone when one says, and desirous of decir/conversation/ceaing(saying). a child's education should be the many ways words can be spelled. spelling bees are all to the good, but one must learn inflect as an etymologist, not walk around all day with a hard for letters as it makes everything difficult, especially the quirky, White Goddess, Hecate, who, as wind, has no center, e.g., Ecatl(N)=(E)c(u)at/l/ro(letra)=cuatro(sp)=quattre(Fr)=4. reading too early, i.e., throwing the book at them, is another no-no, until they get sounds of their language right and have played extensively inflecting letters as their assignation is in eternal demand as (s)trumpets. sounds are definitely not montonously monagamous. cea(N)=say=ceay, let's put in, (r), c(r)e(letra), well or aha! in the etym. of c(r)y the (i) predominates but is not the crier at root: it's c(r)e of c(r)ea, creation of say, desire, and decir(sp). we c(r)e/c(r)y when we have no one to talk to, shout even, like the burro, Onaqui(N), ah, sh/xo/utla(letra)=xotla(N/verb)=shoot(vegetable), and out it whist. so now we have the root of Diction, dictionario, dicharazo, dicha(sp)= happiness, is talking, crying, whatever the ambivalence). no te digo? the last step to take when tackling a one syllable word frequent in English, e.g., know/say, is to entertain the possibility the word may be of 2-syllable origin, e.g., no atl/na-uh/kna-uh=know(E), and, cea(N)=c/say-ya=say(E), altho, cea(N)=c(r)e=s/creech. now let me hie myself to my Onions patch to check out, screech, as it surely comes from, cea(N)=not alone(the crux of Horror flics). ah, yes, here it is: scrykja(ONorse)=cry(E)=c(r)e(letra)=cea(N). let's add, skraekja(ON)=shriek(E)=s-cri-c-cettan(OE), and, shrike(E/butcher bird)=s-cri-c(OE/thrush))=s-chri-k(MLG/corn crake)= sól/s-kri-kja(MLG/snow-bunting)=shrika(Swedish/jay, hmmm, without the (c)ea.

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