Saturday, 21 January 2012


...tloc(N/preposition)=beside,=t/l/rock=stone(E/solar)=tun(Mayan/360solar year)=town(E)= shtetl(H)=stein(Germ)=(s)te-in(letra)=in tetl(N/the stone)=tetl(N)=stein/stone(G/E)= T(l)etl(N/fire, first deity)=Te(o)tl(N/Deo generic). where are (l/o) coming from? well/uel(N/reverential of ue/waybig), from Ollin(N)=m(o)ve, holy=(O/ll). so man/woman makes deity from what's beside, a rock, but has to wait for the first deity, Tletl, T/let/l, T/l/Red/t/l, T/ler/l/l/tl=T/lernia(OFris)=le(o)rnian(OE)= learning to arrive. Tletl/Fire does all that and more, makes Leon/Lion(E), and out of what? out of the ashes, comes Letra, from stone come the deitys=d/teteo(N)=deos/Dei. no learning without Teo/Theo/Deo, fuel(E)=fuelle(sp)=bellows/b(el)lows=fuigo(J)= fuego(sp), fue(Japonica)=flute(E)of creation, that is, the paradigm, the midwive of creation repeated again and again from the universal firedrill that set calaqui(N)= c/galaxys going. para=pal d/tic/gm=ticitl(N)=for midwive, doctor(tiger=feline is totem of birth Tlatla). are we behind the Gods? i'll say, and pushing. another word for what has been happening since gravity=g(r)/cauitl(N)=(birthed)time and fire/Tletl(N)made it's count=poa/opouh(N)=power/flowering imperative, to begin=b/peua/opeuh(N)=open(E), actually, begin=peg/c/z/tzintli(N/honorific)=saintly, the saintly beguiƱo, in the wink=wick=uic(N) of an eye=(m)eyauel(N)=flow,=metl(N)=me(Japonica)=bud, eye,=metl(N/plant)=Metis(mythic mother of Athena and 1st deity of wisdom, rope deity)=mecatl(N)=string,=mecania(N)= hang in air,=mechanic(OE)=hangman,=me(r)cado(sp)=mercer(E)=merecer(sp)=earn(by market), mezclar(sp)=mix=mixtli(N)=cloud=miztli(N)=puma,=mixitl(N)=mistletoe(E)=mistilteinn(ONorse) =mister/mistress. not all these roots are primary, but one can see how Nauatl=nawa(Japonica)=rope conspires its strings to make one language=t/la(n)c/g-ua(N)=own-ge/ce(N)=one for the blue planet.

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