Monday, 23 January 2012
Burro bureau
...he laughs, the Burro=burlar(sp)=laugh=naualaua(N)=(na)war/l a(i)
(letra)=warai(Japonica)=laugh, once more,=na/war/l a(i)ua(N/J/letra),
to go 4's/naua, or, lose the center.
where does laugh come from, and Donqui for that matter? well,
(D)on(a)qui(letra), hmmm, solar apellative=Tona/Dona and Donqui-
xote has 4 legs, belongs to us and Cervantes, ok.
Onager(E/Lat)=(O)nag(er), ah, the noun and verb, nag, although
parallel root=knacker(E)=one who sells horse flesh.
Let me stop and tell a story, now that Miguel de la Madrid
is agonizing, may he rest in peace after his journey. while
president he visited the abbatoir of Queretaro/Crow and his hosts
had hewm choice cuts for his party, but the workers, who had made
their way to the profession, knackerdom, by various means, wanted
their familys to enjoy the best, so laid aside the choice cuts
and served the party burro meat. word came back from the big table
how very tasty it was! not often you can fool a politician, but
then you don't get burro meat every day, and who's to say it's
not better than horse, ah, beeve?
ah, Onager(Lat/E)=Donqui(form)=onagros(Gk)=onaqui(Nauatl)=
he who/-qui(N/Lat) has one on, laughs(from a distance).
albur(sp)=ritual joking,=burlesque=burlesco(Ital=itallo=
seen, approved)=burla(Catalan/sp/Pg), of unknown origin,
until now, mi querido Onions:
pol(N/aumentative suffix meaning to consider bad, en mala parte)=
polacqui(N/adj)=submerged, immersed(in mirth).
polactia(N/verb)=submerge, sink under water person or thing.
polaqui(N/verb)=meterse, hundirse en el agua.
polaquiliztli(N/noun)=immersion, acción de tirarse al agua.
polaquini(N)=El que se mete al agua, abajo del agua.
Pola-(N)=P/B u/o(r)la(letra)=Burla(Catalán=Ecatlan/N/=
al final we note the phrase, Polack joke, which inadvertently
includes the root, Polacqui/Polaqui(N), of Burla/joke, giving
the phrase hidden staying power, burla Polaka, but for this postwhat's important is, el burro albur.
B words are easy to find in Simeón, isbn 968-23-0573-x, because
Nauatl/Aztec doesn't have B, and most often it's P, so let's find,
blue, look in Onions or whatever Etymology you use for the early
form of blue, ah, best luck is with OSpanish, Portuguese/Pr=
blavo(OSp)=blau/blava(Pr), ok, now v=u(N), so we go for the blau
(Pr) version, drop the inset b(l)au, switch back to b/P,
and look in Rémi Simeón for, Pau, ah, pauia(N)=chew for someone,
hmmm, pauilia(N)=cebar(sp)/bait for fish or bird, ah no, that's
to paul/paui-li(a/mn)=limn birds/fish, both are in blue sky but
so what. back a bit, here we have it: pau-uetzi(N/cf.,panuetzi)=
exalt/honor/praise someone much(to the skys). yes, pauetzi(N)=
pa-/paint(from)one side to the other/up and down/-uetzi(N/verb)=
fall(from the blue sky), paint the air blue, be blue, the blues
exalting even tristesse, yeah, b(r)other, pauetzi(N)=pau-(N/particle)=
p/b(l)au(letra)=blau(Pr), blue-berry hill, am i blue, aren't these
tears(from the sky)telling you?
maybe the burro isn't laughing, he's crying=cri/crit(OFr/Pr)=
gritat(sp/Pr)=c/g/Quitoani(N)=he who talks,=Q(r)/C(r)i(s)toani=
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