Sunday, 8 January 2012


...Maghrib(Arab)=west/occident, hmmm, 2d element=-gh(r)ib=-gh/ch/cip/b(letra)= Cipactli(N/day one Tona/Dona/Dune)=c/chebbi(Moroccan)=(ek)-sibe(Turkish/Dune). the Berber Mazyes/Mazyectli(N) use the term, Tamazgha(Mazyes)=Maghrib, a 20th century coinage which incorporates, the particle, -maz-=Mazatl/N/day 7 Tona), as they are the Deer/Maz-Yectli/Yes people. Berber not being their name. as Berber=varvar(Russ)=Barbarian=ualual(N/adv)=TowardsTowards/To-To, and what gens would give themselves that name? came through the Greek. modern day Maghreb=Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Mauritania, but the older Maghrib refers to the smaller area between the Atlas Mts and the Mediterrain, where still are red deer=Mazatl(N/7 Tona/Dune), and whose residents were more connected to southern europe and western asia. at 10k bpe, 8k bce/Gobekli is buried, the area dried up, the nomad Mazyectli/Mazyectlalli(N)=Yectlalli(N)=Yizrael/Israel deer epoch was over, the North Afrikan corridor shut. the port citys of the Maghrib(Arab) were Phoenician, a general term, and Carthaginian=Ca(r)t/th(letra)=Ecatl/Ehecatl(N/day 2 Tona/Dune/Tune)=mother of Quetzalcoatl, windweaving Venus/2, daughter of Perses, who gave his name to Persia. by 3309 bc, her son, Quetzalcoatl, the proto-Christ, as she the proto-María, had voyaged to Amerinda in search of copper, and instead began its high plains culture when his Scribe=(S)c(r)ibe(letra)=cibe=Cipactonal castrated the metl/maguey/Metis plant, who was first deity of wisdom, mother of Athena and a rope goddess known as 7Snake/Chicome Coatl(N), and joined her with maize. Cipactonal(N)=Cipactli(N/day one Tona)=cipapu(Hopi)=hole of origin,= seppuku(Japonica)=gossip(E)=sibbolethe(H)=Mississippi, etc, was model for Ra's eldest son, Thoth, as script/scribe originates in his name. seprak(Phillipines)=kick, ah, the Mayan/Olmec ballgame, now known as Cujo in the orient. Tamazgha(Mazyectli/Varvar)is a pun, tamati(N)=tame(E)=rule/measure=tamalli(N), with Maz/Mazatl(N/7)=deer=Tamaz(MazYectli)=tame deer/deer rule, so the upper stone age Tlaloc rain diety nomad deer epoch did not go far from frozen europe, in fact, red deer were one of the few animals that stayed the glacial course there, while less hardy peoples went to North Afrika the way Germans go to Spain for a winter. it's just a short step from nomad to sailor, from deer/yurt to horse to sea horse, all the tech is there. knowing the Mazyes, once the name for the entire peoples of North Afrika, not just the Berber, who are a remnant of those glory days, filled the plebe of Carthage and whatever other new idea, such as weaving, came out of the mideast, sailors once nomads and nomads again, calli(N)=house= acalli(N)=ship/waterhouse, Phoenicians=count, power/poa nextli/to ashes, Tlatla(N/cave fire drill deity)=T/l/Ra(Egyptian solar deity). it's good to know who Carthage/Ecatl(N/day 2 DuneTune, solar root/route), linked to their age's proto-Christ, the global master craftsman, and his Mother, who became King Theodric's Aryan sky deity once she ascended the Danube/duna/tuna/Tona-tiuh(N)=solar deity, in 7k bce, as Lady Birdsnake of Belgrade, who traded for obsidian with, Tlatla at Çatal Hüyuk in Anatolia, who was so freshly out of the caves none of her houses had doors, one got in through the roof. Tlatla hunted with her totem animals, ocelome(N/plural), or, cheetah=Chi-tlatla(N)=on top/Chi-Tlatla/flame, and ran a breeding station as she was the cave Venus, known in Germany as Willendorf. one of her figurines=35k bce, when Neander was still in Europe.

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