Tuesday, 25 September 2012

chi/na na/uatl

...-tz(Chi/suffix)=tzyy(Chi/independently read)=child=Pil-tzin-tecuhtli(N)=Deity of Princes(E), son=pilli(N)=nopilli(N)=noble(E)child, master=tzintli(N)=saintly(E)=Teotzintli(N)=ancestor of corn,=Tzi/Cintli (N)=young bachelor Deity of corn. ...ren(Chi)=man,=r/ten-tli(N)=lip,=Atena(sp)=Athens(Gk/city)=by the edge/ lip of atl(N)/water(N). Tenitl(N)=one who doesn't speak our language,= e/Te(r)nit/l=Eternity(E). ...tzyh(Chi)=character,=tzintli(N/honorific)=saintly(E). ...tzuoh(Chi)=make/do,=tzo/ma(N)=sew(E). ...shyr(Chi)=time/moment=sh/xilé(N)=sillín/silla(sp)=xylo-(Gk)= wood=witu(OHG)=qua/uitl(N),=sylvanus(Latin)=selva(sp)=self/selve(E)= silent(E)=sh=x/file/fill(E). fill=temi(N)=time(E)=t/th/He(r)mes(Gk/ Messenger). ...juan(Chi)=special,=uan(N)=proximity, relation, community of origin, =one(E/number)=uanyolqui(N)=Wyandot(Amerind)=related to the Huron,=Juan/Juana(sp/first name)=own/ua n/4/naui(N). ...torng(Chi)=same, alike, together, with,=to(r/n)c/g=toca(N)=tocar(sp)= touch-ing(E). ...leh(Chi)=joy,=t/leh/th/t/l=tletl(N)=Fire=xilé(N)=f/pIl/roa=piloa(N)= spilla(ON)=spire/pyre(E),=t/let/l=letter(E)=t/l/red/t/l=read(E)=leer(sp)= t/leer/t/l=t/lern/t/l=lernia(OFrisian)=le(o)rnian(OE)=learning(E), e.g., Fire Drill Tletl/Deity begins time/moment...also read, yueh(Chi)=music= amoxtli(N)=book=b(r)ook=b(r)ach(OE)=bach(Ger)=paca/opac(N)=wash=atl(N), yuhti(N)=from the beginning,=just/justice(E). ...shyr(Chi)=to eat,=xilé(N)=banco(sp)/stool(E)=s/toloa(N)=bow the head, tolerate(E).


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  2. ...interacting with flora/fauna brought us to the
    religious state. a common language rose out of
    common=comoni(N)=breakfast Fire Drill=Co(s)mos.
    the Eurasian Arc in the Upper Stone Age united
    tribes under Cawen(OE)=Queen WendyGwen wentli/wend, the earth was our sea, the calli/acalli(N)=house/
    water house. then to horse, beeve, sheep, ship,
    the Sea Age, 4k BCE.
    ...Fish begin in the Devonian, 411M BCE, in the
    Karst Limestone cave incubators, protected, teeming
    like artists in Bohemia, then out to the Oceans.
    are catfish/horn pout really sharks. there are fresh and salt water. fresh water first?
    patla(N)=paddle/battle/p(r)ate/pato(sp)=duck, hmm,
    f/petla/patla ticitl(N)=throw/swap doctors/midwives. hechizo(sp)=bewitch/charm/spell,
    but lacks fet/fat/pet/pat.

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    1. ...pukki(Finn)=bock(Ger)=goat=chevre(Fr)=
      ch/ce v/u(r)e/ntli(Fr/N)=chevre(Fr)=one offering,
      to establish the goats smokey sacrificial status.
      remember Tyrolean Otzi had 2 meals in his stomach
      when found 5k yrs later, both were offering=
      ce uentli(N)meals=c/seven=Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)=
      hirvi(Finn)=2d offering=chevre(Fr)=goat/Coatl.
      ...puki(Malay?)=birth canal,=pochotl/pochotilia
      opochotili(N)=to become larger(birth canal), e.g., animo-pochotlilia(N)=to be simple, modest, not praise oneself,=pochotl(Bombax ceiba/cotton tree)=father/mother/chief/protector,=
      ich-poch-caconetl(N)=very young girl, of tender age,=ichpochyotl(N)=viginity,=ichpochcaconeotl
      (N)=infancy, tender age.
      ...you grabbed the wrong word,
      popoca(N)=pom/broom/smoke/incense. to make sense you have to match the meaning to, puki(M)
      =womb, and that would be search until you
      find poch(c/ki)otl(N)=Ceiba Bombax/tree, because that's what a woman has inside her,
      the birthing tree. isbn 968-23-0573-x/Nauatl.
      you have to get the Diccionary/Simeón, can't
      do it by harmonics alone because words come in
      families of form, but with different meanings,
      and it's the meaning that determines whether
      root or not. the form determines until the
      meaning decides. it's not easy, and you have to work from print, out of lexicon/dictionary is the method required because that's the proof you know what you're talking about. to yourself
      and other people.

    2. ...puki(Mala)=womb,=bock(Ger)=popoca(N)=smo/ke,=pochotl(N)=Bombax ceiba=ce(i)pan(OE)= keep(E)=Bog(R)=protector, chief, God. popoca(N)/smo/ke is related to tree,
      to offering=chevre(Fr)/ciervo(sp)/cerf/hirvi (Finn)=ce uentli(N), it's part of the offering cycle that goes up to Bog=pop/BoG/ca=boca(sp)= mouth. we use fire/Tlatla=Ra, because we are
      Fire Drill metaphor/flamers.
      ...so if we have matching form, puki/poca/bock/boca/Bog/pochotl(N)
      wehave a match for womb/popoca(N).
      ...had to open my mind wider. usually thinking at night helps.
      ...what we have here is the ancient connexion for Animism, e.g., Gwen/Cwen/Cawen=Queen,
      whose vulva/puki(pokey)is worshipped:
      that first was 7.Mazatl/Deer/Deor/Teotl,
      and, 14.Ocelotl(N), cf., my post, Yoni Bulova.

    3. ...womb=wamp(OE)=wamba/wampa(OHG)=wamba(Goth)=
      w/ua(m)pa-ua(N)=to have swollen nerves, spasms,
      to become hard(pregnant)/rigid, speaking of an object. well, a living object, if it has nerves, vaguely the description of being with child,
      the womb being a cult object.
      ...uapauac(N/adj)=rude, hard, stiff, tense;
      force oneself(to deliver);raise children(give
      birth to them), animate, incite, help the rest. uapa/wa(m)pa. wonder where that leaves
      in Mex as everywhere, children are social security. the burla/joke goes: Qué hacemos?
      Niños, y los vendemos! what will we do/make?
      children, and sell them! the parentheses are
      mine, to help the mind along the connexions between womb/uapaua(N).

    4. ...womb=wa(m)ba/wa(m)pa(OHG)=ua-pa-ua(N)=
      =paw paw(Amerind slang)=papaya(Amerind)=paua(N).
      there is no word for papaya in Nauatl, closest=
      papauaque(N)=priests with wick of bloody hair
      from sacrifice, so, although we have the form, not
      the meaning, unless the bathed/bañados/victim's
      hearts are the fruit/ettuni(Mazaua)=etl Tonatiuh(N)=sun bean, tunas of the sun, and
      they are! often red and the shape of an anatomic human heart.

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    1. ...foal=f/sh/Xolotl(N)=follow(E/the following,
      evening star)=deity of twins/monsters, twin of
      proto-Christ morning star, Quetzalcoatl.
      birthing the race(E).
      ...ticatla(N)=midnight, at half the night.
      implies a t/di(s)c/atla=disc
      ...dwarf=d/t/za(r)p/f atl=tzapatl(N)=t/DJapa/n.
      ...dog=d/toc/g=toca(N)=sow and bury(our being).
      ...circle=cercle(OFr)=cel ce(N)=alone one/cell.
      ...pony=Aponyi(Hungarian Royal Name)=Apollo=
      Tl/apony=tlaponazoani(N)=who inflates(horses
      can't vomit so they blow up! ponies more than
      most, being small).
      ...run/ran=r/tlan(N/locative of tlalli/races
      measured over land/tlalli/earth.
      ...Nippon=Neptonatiuh(N/Sea Lord)=Neptune.
      ...polo=poloa(N)=destroy, annihilate, rob.
      the early version of the game, played with a
      goat's headless body is based on stealing the
      body from one rider to another.

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  6. ...shark=shake=sh/xaqaloa(N)=shag/rub. there are fresh water/salt water sharks, river and bull,
    at 420Mya they had the jump on Horn Pout/Catfish.
    no scales on catfish, scutes/boney plates grow from
    spine. there is a walking catfish/Clariidae.
    ...Tilapia=Tlilatl pia(N)=Tlilapia(N)=Black water
    piety/guard and abstain. don't know why. almost equal
    to catfish as food source, important in Africa and
    the Levant, shallow water fish. Ancient Egypt, Nile
    Tilapia, hieroglyph K1 of the Gardiner list=in.t

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    1. ...ca(r)p=capani(N)=snap one's fingers. carp
      snap their tails.
      ...tlilapia(N)are sold here, lots of scales,
      black/tlil. don't think -pia(N)=piety is a
      prohibition, but it might have been for the
      Royal House of Egypt, yet it is a Nauatl word,
      Cipactli(N/one Tona)=Ci/Tzintli p/bag/ctli=
      bag(r)e(sp)=catfish. very important fish in
      the Russian Riverine where the healthy Neanders
      were, e.g., at 260kya there is pebble flake
      site NE Siberia.

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    1. ...moose has dendritic antlers. we know from a
      recent post, tlantli(N)=tooth=antler, so, dendron
      =diente=tlantli/antler, yet the best description
      from the Nauatl=Macpalli Tlantli(N)=palm antler.
      moos(Alkonquin=who long ago conquered)= mos(Abenake=Tlapa nacatl(N)=SunFlesh people),
      moosu(Alkonquin)=he strips off/all=mochi/muchi(N)
      mooswa(proto-Alkonquin? have my doubts about
      proto-language designations.
      the root of Moose=Mochi/Muchi(N)=much(E)=all,
      ...elephant=ieuli(N)=powerful -pantli(N)=flag/
      trunk. Llewelyn Iueli(N)one of the roots for,
      Berlin/Bern/Iberia, etc, oh, ivery/ivory=
      ...musk=mucus=mocos(sp)=slang for sperm/snot,=
      muchi/mochi(N)=muck(E)/murk(E). big word, muchi

    2. ...Abenaki has many variations, one of the easternmost Alkonquin tribes, so Tlapa/Sun
      (E)=people of the dawnlands(the east).

    3. ...gajah(Malay)=iuelipantli(N)=ga/ca(N)/being

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  10. ...Nenets=nenetl(N)=vulva/idol=doll, means sister
    in Nenets, figures-
    ...raak/rakk/rak=tlaca(N)=body, Rak(Finn)=sin, i.e.,
    having a body/tlaca/t/l/raka means sin, automatic.
    ...kurakura(Iraq)=coloa coloa=caracol(sp)=call(i)-a-coloa(N)=cu(r)led/co(i)led house/calli(N).

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  12. ...slon(Russile)=s/z/tzontli(N)=hair(mammoth).
    ...mochi/muchi/moos/mos/moose makes the best and
    softest leather for mocassins=mo-cac-tzintli(N)=
    your Honorable/Saintly shoes, e.g., gangen(Aberdeen/
    Scotland)=g/ca(n)c/gen=en/in cactli(N)the shoes/xotl
    (N)=foot, i.e., gan(OFrisian/OHG/OSaxon)=gaan(Dutch)=
    gam/gant(OHG variations)=gangen/cactli(N).
