Sunday, 30 September 2012


1.fuh(Chi)=hand over/pay,=f/poh=poa/opouh(N)=count. 2.shanq(Chi)=hurt/merchant,=sh/xaqualoa(N)=shag/shake/flag, =xaqu(N)=hakushaku(Nihon)=count/earl/countess, 3.chyan(Chi)=money,=chi-ana(N)=chi/on top increase/na/4. 4.yang(Chi)=ocean/foreign,=ya(n)c/g=yacatl(N)=nose,= Yacatecuhtli(N/merchant god,=yak(beast)=Yakutsk(Siberia). 5.yuan(Chi)=dollar,=uan/yuan(N)=proximity/equal. 6.fen(Chi)=divide/portion/minute/cent,=pepena(N)= separate,=penny(E)=pfennig(G). 7.souk(Syriac/Arab)=market/rug,=Zocalo(spaMex)=zoka(J)= creation/nature/floral gift,=sock/wrinkle/wick/leek. 8.ostrog(R)=fort,=ost/ozt(r)oc/g=oztoc/oztotl(N)=cave. 9.oztoa/oztoua/uztoa(N)=fox=pozotli(N)=p/fox/z=pozoni(N)= boil(angry/rabid),=otso(B)=wolf,=oso(Sp)=bear.


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  2. ...yeah, DD, sockets before electricity or sprockets
    and rockets and socks and wind socks.

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    1. ...yes. in the Mideast turtle/ayotl/ayuti/yuhti/
      yuh'di(Hebrew)Neander is there in small groups,
      120K BCE(approx.)hunting fragile species tortuga, also at Mt Ca(r)mel(H/fruitful)=camileua/camilui
      (N)=yellow up, mature fruit,=camel(ship of the
      desert full of seamen, ha ha)named for yellow
      color,=Camil(Arab surname),where Neander practiced orchard/xocotl(N)=fruit/shuck culture? and, ayotl(N)=turtle,=ayotli(N)=zucchini/calabaza.
      then Neander disappears, out of Africa Eves/
      leaves/eua(N/verb)=leave(E)settles but at
      60k BCE Neandra is back. one source says
      both Neandra and AMHuman interfaced for 50k yrs, and in Iueli(N)/Iberia for 10k yrs on either side of the Ebro River. we will find
      it was more than that. so plenty of opportunity
      for mixing, transfer of Language Nauatl in its
      channels of Rite.
      ...Me'arot(H)=Meyaua Otztotl(N)=Flow Cave.
      here, oztotl(N)=o(z)r/t ot/l=orot=arot(H),
      on our way to, Grotto. the (a) of me(y)a-t/rot.
      peacefully, of course, as Neandra Prometheus
      was host=ostoc/oztotl(N)=cavern/cave. this is
      where Hebrew gets its Nauatl base, and Araby
      as well, as cousins with common ancestor,
      Abrahm/Abraham, they were one race at that
      time. pity now, but will be one again, as tribalism=tribu(sp)=tepulli(N)=male member/organ. just have to get the bully, pully
      phalli out of the way.
      ...sack=tzaqua(N)=close in, finish;cover, enclose(in sack).
      ...tzocatl(N)=suck=suc/gar=azucar(sp). in spanish you see more Nauatl root, e.g., sucio
      (sp)=dirty, because, tzocatl(N)=fill with tzo=
      mud=wrinkle, also, sucre(Ecuadorian monetary unit, which is the right idea about $: it's dirty suck).

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    1. ...7th/Sept 8th/oct 9th/Novem 10/Dec.
      the RCC, in their wise-hood has fucked up time
      and History, with their noxious enterprise, designed as political tool. beat the recent Jewish Holocaust by 3M Pipil-tin(N)=People,
      killed by their interpretation of the Pipil=
      P/Bible during the Inquisition begun in 15th c.
      (pretend),=Alvin(Name, the A was E/lphin).
      sam true for, Alif(Arab)=elfin/Elphin-, with
      addition of reversal for the original fin(N)=
      -if(Arab). interesting there are no Nauatl (n)
      tags in the word as Arabic is closer than
      Japanese to Nauatl, e.g., Old Frisian shows
      the same diregard for (n/Nauatl) labels.
      /thresh(E). roots leading up: vee(s)t(MDutch)=
      vij(s)t(Dutch). then, there's fustigate(E)=
      fustis(Latin)=cudgel,=fyst(OE), but y=i/u,
      the original=i, as in uitequi, but the u fork
      is taken in German, e.g., fust, even, Faust,
      yet, pesti(OSlavonic)puts fist back to a harmonic with pyat(R)=5(fingers)=opyat(R)=
      again, i.e.,(the command to switch to the other hand for counting in the chico(N)=reverse 5 system=chicome(N)=reverse 2=7(5&2).
      begun with ch/ci(n)co(sp)=(n)=Nauatl label.
      shod/tl, or, sh/foot(e), which is the most
      obvious of the early transcription mistake made
      in Monasteries, i.e., confusing cursive f with
      cursive sh so much the error invaded etymology.
      ...pedal=petla(N/verb)=arrojar/throw im-pet-us.
      when other words start crowding the root, one
      knows one's at First Water Language(PIE)Nauatl.

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    1. ...thumb/thuma(OE/OFrisian/OSaxon)/tomapil(N)
      changes a lot. carving small statuettes would
      strengthen thumb/tom(a)pil/tompoxtli in a young
      Neander/Neandra cross. remember a young skier
      whose forearms were curved from skiing, bones
      are flexible, another time a young leg snapped
      with a report like a rubber band playing soccer
      on a rainy day.
      ...fake=fache/hacer(sp)=do(thieve's slang).
      don't sweat the fakery, it's just another path
      to the truth, more difficult without facts, but
      like sand(E)=sh/xalli(N)=shallow(E)=shale(E),
      also, arena(E/sp)=sand,=atl r/l/tena=Athens=
      by the edge of the atl/water, a locative formation for finding sand.
      ...atlatl is a sling, but made of the same material as the haft. Tolucans used hondas(sp)=
      slings, as David=D/Tlauitl(N)=torch against Goliath. Neander hunting was highly intellectual, depending on knowledge of prey,
      positioning of hunters, a rodeo=r/to-teotl(N)=
      our deity/our road/our blood. they rode the
      big ones. lack of tech meant they didn't depend
      on gadg/jetry. their weapons also tipped with
      tlapatl/castor bean. lack of thumb, as pressure flaking using deer antler/tlantli/tooth depended on thumb/tom(a)pil strength, but my
      thinking is they in-tuit-ively=thuitoca(N)= imagine/creativity fostered by living at the animal level allowed them to capture animals
      in many different ways by out-thinking them,
      e.g., their level of tool tech stayed the same
      throughout their history. Anthros attribute
      this to lack of talent because as hi-tech we
      tend to think everybody is, but a different
      brain will do everything differently. the proof
      is Neander's survival record. he enjoyed hunting the way he did. it connected him to
      the animal in question.

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    1. ...Dravidian dawn tlau/v/w iz=Lawis/Lewis Island,
      Outer Hebrides=h/th/Tep/b(r)=Tepetla(N)=mountain region.
      basket, cesta/canasta, hamper, wicker/uic(N),=
      ...ichichiqui/oichichic(N/verb)=itch(E), rasp.
      co(i)l/cu(r)l/color(E)=the winding curls and
      coils that make a basket. Hecate/Ehecatl/Ecatl(N/2)is the wind/weaver who

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    1. ...ladle(E)=hlaedel(OE)=th/t/-tlatl(N)=last particle of, cui-tlatl(N)=tl/ta(i)l(E)=Lad/t/l=
      Lady(E)/late(E). Teo-cuitlatl(N)=godshit/tailing,
      truella(MLat)=truele/truelle(OFr/Fr)= truel/trowel(ME)=rowel(E)=spur wheel,=roel/roelle
      guess the t/tlalli, the r=road otli odos,
      and down the furrows we go. rodeo, then, road/
      surround. close to t(r)eow(OE)=tree=teotl(N),
      which means te/the road/otl/i.
      ...bracelet/pulsera(sp) means Denizov had Fire
      Drill. i think of the Altai Mts/Altar where
      that happened by Neandra Prometheus then spread
      west, although, the Old Mother of the West, a
      Feline/Ocelotl Deity is fixed by the Chinese,
      cf., my post, Tletl: Grandmother of the West.
      ...Tagalog(Austronesian)=T/Tlaca/ga tloc/g=
      Tlacatloc(N)=T/la(n)c/g ua/wa ge/ce=T/Language
      beside/location/lock. Phillipine tlacatlocation
      tla(n)c/g ua ge/ce=body/tlaca tlanga ua/owns
      one=ce(N)/ge. so tagalog=beside the body,
      its inseparable companion, ah, tl/t/dog/c.

    2. ...ladle(E)=without tail/tlatl particle=tlantli(N)=tooth(E)=
      ...ah, tl/t/dog/c logic(E).

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  11. ...tloc(N/adv)=lock/log/location....t/loc=t/dog/c.
    ...lash/leash=tlaza(N)=throw down.
    ...toggle(E/naut.)=tocatl(N)=spider, e.g., droghad
    (Isle of Man/Gaelic)=bridge,=d(r)/toc/ch/gh/at/d/l=
