Sunday, 9 September 2012
signs of Orchard=Xocotl(N)=shuck(E)culture in Basque, where the name for
deer appears as the name for table=tlapa(N)=
la(m)p, fueled by animal fat,=
tabernacle(Lat/ancient Roman)=tlapa nacatl
(N)=table snack(E),=mishcan(H)=mish/xtli can=mixcan(N)=cloud place/time/part,
madari(B)=pear, madaridi=pear orchard,=madarisagar(B)=
apple resembling pear,=matl/t/d at/l/r=matlatl(N)=net,=
Somali Bantu speak Maxaad/Maxaa
=Mazatl(N). Eastern Cushite Maay or MaayMaay, related to Somali
Maxaad/Maxaa. Maay are earliest wave of Somaloids, now a Sunni Muslim
nomadic pastorals of 2tribes: Digil=d/Tic/g it/l=
Ticitl(N)=midwife/doctor, and, Rahawin=r/T/la h/th/t/la win/
uentli=Tlatla-uentli(N)=Flame Offering people,=lavender/raven/
rawend(A)=Rhubarb(E)=Ra(Gk), first name for Volga=Ollin ca(N), where Scyth pastorals grew
Rhubarb along banks, first tea before China dawned. the Ticitl(N) and Tlatla-uentli(N)live Lower Jubba Valley, part of the Deer/Mazatl tribes, Upper Stone Age, who
shifted to camel/sheep when N.Africa dried out. Scythians went to
cattle/horse, as did Al Maqar, Arabia Feliz, 9kya.
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ReplyDelete...Hawaiian=auia(N)=have(E). lau=oalauh(N/preterit of alaua/annoint/laude(Fr).
Deletelama=llama(sp)=tlama(N)=doctor, who uses flame(E).
ReplyDeletepainted flame being. have to treat, lip(E), as elided
form of tlapa, altho usually vowels broaden when they get to Windland/England/Ecatlan(N)/HecateLand, e.g.,
...kelapa(Malay)=ke/ce t/lapa(N)=one flame/tlatla ca/being=ce t/la(m)pa=lamp. correct. the MButi, apa=
...acorn(E)=acern(OE)=aker(Dutch)=acel(partial N)=
tlaza cel(N)=tl/t/th/hazel(Nut). acorn/hazel(nut)
have same root. hazel(nut)used very early, e.g.,
lake dwellers Switzerland. acorn/tlaza cel of later
use, e.g., California Indians ground acorn seed into flour then spread it on stones they heated
in fire, e.g., kettle(E)=cetel(OE)=ce tetl(N)=one
stone cooking.
...mast/mash=maz(OHG)=mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)= meat(E), even today the inside of nut is referred to as meat.
...mush/mu(l)ch(E)=muchi/mochi(N/adj)=all, e.g.,
mochilia(N/verb)=throw stones at someone,=motla(N)=
...human=h/th/to-mana(N)=our flow(ma/5 4/na), but,
homme(Fr)=omio/omiyo(E)=omitl(N)=(b)one(E), that which has bones.
...humid/humus(E)=ometema(N)=double something, e.g., omelia(N)=make one of 2/ome(N)= homily/omelette, e.g., humble/humility(E)=ompa/umpa(N/adv)=over there,
far away, on the other hand, as verb=copy, imitate,
move to another place/humility(E)=omelia(N)=make
one of 2.
vulva,=p/b(r)ick(E), e.g., renga(Japanese)=r/tenca=
tentli ca(N)=lipped being,=brick.
...if by what breathes, one means, the-other= teotl(N)=t/deor/dior(OE)=deer(E). it's not simple,
as there are many teteo(N/plural).
octli(N)=wine(Maguey Metis), e.g., o(i=drink)n=
...i(N/verb)=dr-in-k(E). the letter, (i) is an
ellipsis even within Nauatl, e.g., ch(i)toni(N)=
chthonic(Gk)=spark(not just earth, chthonic=
Fire Drill). (i)elides more than 90% of the time
so when you see it, take it out when rooting, e.g.,
...stagnant refers to a body/tlaca/lake of water,=
(s)t/lac/g/nant=tlaca(N)=tlalli ca(N)=earth being.
...tannic=tlan(N/locative of tlalli)=ta(r)n(E), referring to tanning vats. in SMA many living rooms
were once tanning vats before 1812.
...(s)tall=tlalli(N)=earth,(s)tand=tlan/tlantli(N)= locative of tlalli(N)/tooth/tand(Dutch), (s)tack=
...(s)till=tilinia(N)=stretch, pile up, (s)table=
tlapa(N)=table, sedan=se/ce d/t/lan=ce tlan(N)=one
place/locative, the original meaning of the 2-poled
closed vehicle for one person, sedentary=same root
as sedan/ce tlan(N)=one place, set=ceti/cetia(N)=
sit=sitar=guitar, e.g., secret=se/ceceti(N/frequentive). the problem with
keeping a secret is it's a frequentive, one has to
keep sitting on it, so best not to have one=ce(N).
...semit?=cemitta(N)=examine someone's life=
ce(m)itta(N)=center look/itta(N)=semilla(sp)=seed=
...Gebt=Cipactli(N/1 Tonalamatl)=gibbous script.
...Dji-bouti=Dji/Tzintli-potli(N)=Saintly Punt(E).
...Altia(N/rev of Atl/water)=wash(E)=elder/altar/
Altai Mts/alti(Turkish)=6=Miquiztli(N/Tonalamatl)=
skull/priestly number/northern Bacaab)=Altin(N)=
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ReplyDelete...kadoor(H)=ball/palli(N), (s)ph/per/t/la=
toloa(N)=bows the head,=dolorous(when hit)=
tolontic(N/adj)=Toronto(council circle)=ront/
...equator=eco/ehco(N)=here/ecco/to arrive, and
ka/cadoor(H)=tor/toloa(N)=bows the head, referring to the earths 24 degree inclination
which gives us the 4 seasons/Solstice&Equinox,
and it begins at the equator/kadoor(H).
...what's related to ka/ca door/toloa, is just
gwelan(Breton)=Whelan(Name Irish)=voilenno
putting the (o)=goéland(Fr)=goelann(Breton)=
foilenn(OIrish)on the other side=viola/violin/
...tonalli&tlactli(N)divide at, tonal-li &
tlac-tli, the -li&-tli=noun endings(forming
last). the tonal-&tlac-=our4 on the other side/
nal(N) & tlac(N)=tl/tru(n)k, possibly, but
more likely, tr/tloc(N/location), or, tr/t(l)oca(N)=to-/our being/-ca, for the trunk
contains the vital parts. Nahoa Etymology is
a subtle study as roots are dense.
...sub-tela=sutil(sp)=tzoma-tilinia(N)=to sew/
to saw-to stretch/squeeze=quiza(N)= quizá/quizás(sp)=perhaps.
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ReplyDelete...yes. if i remember correctly, it was an
DeleteAmerind legend, as in quite early times southeast
asian peoples migrated northeast to the Bering.
teotl(N)=teo/theo/deo,=qi/ki(J)=the heaven tree
of stars, hung with humid night-blue fruit
(James Joyce, Ulysses), but in this case implies fire which connects to solar fire,
very close to, ke(Egypt/Basque)=quemar(sp)=burn/smo/ke(E).
...jour=j/yo/ul/r=yoli(N)=to be born,=
morning(E)=muztla(N). here one sees how useful
it is to know the sibilant/hard c/k slide=
c/g c/s/z g/s/z. start learning the Tonalamatl
as the cempoalli(N)=sample(E)is the other halve
of the plier for etymology, e.g., taletec(N)=
little lizard,=daleth(Phoenician/Hebrew)=Dd=
t/daleth/tec, i.e., Dd=little lizard head/D,
the further synchronicity is with the Tonalamatl(N)where, Cuetzpalin(N/4)is the 4th
day, just as Dd=4th letter in ABCD. the Tona
cempoalli(N)is the best way to begin learning
miller Muehler Möller moler(sp)=molli(N).
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Ka/Ca(N)=being, on top/chi(N)=
cima/encima de(sp),-na(N)=4 directions/rumbos,
in Mayan called the Bacaabs.
...the hole in the Kiva(H)=K/C/Sipapu(H)=sepukku
(J)=cutting of the umbilicus/hari kari(J)=
tlalli calli(N)=earth house=Cipactli
(N/one Tonalamatl)=Scribe(E)of Quetzal-
coatl, 3309 BCE, and navigator, model for
Thoth, oldest son of Ra/Egypt, who began
metl/Metis culture by cutting the umbilicus
of miel metl methe, the Century plant, making an inkwell out of it, which later allowed the Olmec to populate the Altoplanície/high plains
of Mexico, and leave the coast infested by
paludismo/yellow fever, effectively beginning
the great Mesoamerind civilization.
...the Yeshiva/Metivta(H)=Methivta(Aramaic)=
Metl ipantia(N)=Metis(Goddess of Wisdom)
ipantia(N)=comprehend/understand what another says. these are terms from the cult of Metis,
mother of Athena, first wisdom deity, linked
to the Hopi/pueblo Amerinds through Kiva/Cipa/
Cipapu/Cipactli(N/Tona) a Calpulli/tepulli(N)= male member school/society= Yeshiva=Meth/tivta(H/Aram)=Kiva, begun
most likely by Cipactli/Cipactonal(N)=Scribe(E).
...Shiva=Chi ua(N)=owns on top(planet), a
stylized metl/maguey with many pencas/arms/
leafs ending in needles. the transformer,
the revealer, the lingam=tilinqui(N)=weaving fid(yoni=yoma/N/amblar como mujer)=quiotl(N)=
great phallus=palli(N)of the Metis Maguey=
Quixote(Novel by Cervantes). a composite deity, Shiva's beginnings are with Harappans
and in Amerinda, 3309 BCE, Naui Olin/5th Age.
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ReplyDelete...vein=in uentli(N/reversal root)=veinte(sp)=twenty(E)=
...sagar(Basque)=mid-part of the mass,=
tzaqualli(N)=pyramid,=Saqqara(First Pyramid,
Saggarios/Sangarios=Phrygian/bithynian river god,
=Sangre/rios(sp)=rheology=r/teotl(N), sacred(E).
...Saggarios, son of Oceanus and Tethys, archaic Titaness=titlani(N)=messenger Promethean, goddess of rivers,=T/i/ethy/t/tlani,
his wife, Metope=Metl toptli(N)=maguey idol?
there is a connexion between Basque Panoa/
Nahoa and Bithynia at orchard/apple culture time when the deer age was winding down and
received the embassy of Quetzalcoatl, Hecate's
...cerbatana(sp)=pop gun, blow gun, ear trumpet.
clean, return, pay(for)a debt in kind.
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ReplyDelete...Iueli-pantli(N)=powerful flag/trunk=
Deleteeliphants are powerful swimmers.
monacti/monactiqui(N)=what has stopped in some
part(phases of moon)=nactia(N)=nacht(Ger)=night. in aui(c)tli(N)=airis(Lett)=oar(E),
Deletethe (c) of mona(c)ti/mona(c)tiqui(N)
month(E), e.g., moon(E)=mona(OE/OFris)=
night(E). the Nauatl word string produces,
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator., root of
Deletesalt and salary,=tzallantli(N)=canyon, e.g.,
people live in Canyons).
...mastaba=Mazatl Tlapa(N)=Deer Table. the Egyptians were Deer Tribal as everybody else
in the upper stone age. their beat was North
Africa=Mazyectlalli(N)=the Yes Deer Land=
Israel=Yiz-rael=Yec-r/tlalli(N)=the Good Land.
the other mast=mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)=maz(OHG)=meat=matso(H).
...math=mati(N)=know,=mati(Skrt)=consilium of elders,=mati mati ca(N)=know know being.
Mati(N) is the name for Neander/neadra Prometheus, also, Mater(Latin)=Mother=Motla(N)=
your/mo-tlatla/flame body.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator. land/sea with net,=mati mati ca(N)=
ReplyDeleteMater(Latin)=Mother=motla(N)=your body(prohibition)=
...matar(sp)=kill=matlatl(N)=net. the aim of hunting,
where sighting/eye is ultimate aim=ami/oan(N)=mitl(N)
h/ph/pati(N)=to melt,=paté=pa(s)té.