Saturday, 29 September 2012
1.yehuan(Chi)=distant,=yehua(N/adv)=then,=oc yeua(N)=in times past.
2.chin(Chi)=relation,=chinamitl(N)=cane hedge.
3.shiann(Chi)=manifest,=chi/on top grow/ana(N).
8.shou(Chi)=gather/receive,=coaca(N)=be invited to dine,=
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tlalchi(N)=on earth
ReplyDelete= chi(J)=earth
mammoth derived from:
Tamil: mamoti (mam/n = earth, vetti = spade)
Yakut: mamma (earth) (Yakut story of earth-burrowing mole-like mammoths is derived from mammoths using their tusks as spades/snow shovels to unearth tubers/bundles of grasses
English: manatee (manatus = hand, Latin?)
Hebrew: behemoth (giant beast, water related)
English: muck swamp mud
Amerind: mukymuk "High Muck-a-Muck", itself descended from Chinook Jargon, a pidgin language combining words from English, French, and several Pacific Northwest Native American languages. (mammoth=high=elev=elihu)
...tzay(Chi)=stay,=tzauhtli(N)=plant whose juice used to fix colors/stay in painting.
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ReplyDelete...Google and Wikipedia are great. what we need
Deletenow, are more glossary lists like Starling Rinet,
Potsdam(vocabulary of Florentine Codex of Fray
Bernardo Sahagun, compiled by Joseph Campbell),
and the Max Planck lists, so that when you need
a language you just punch in its name and
the word list appears. the language that's really being downplayed is Arabic, e.g., not presented in our alphabet, all you can get is
their squiggles. considering the Arab dialects
are just as laden with Nauatl as Japanese, this
is not an oversight, it's censorship, e.g.,
the Mayan are Quetzalcoatl Proto-Christians
who departed from the gulf of Ormuz for Amerinda. we're not interested in Arabic?
then why are we there. come on!
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Delete...vase=ua ce(N)=owns one/ce(N).
(Finn)=airis(Lett=tletl=fire)=vairis(Lith/word of the North Sea)=va/reversal=av/aui(c)t/li(N), also, av/av/aui(c)t/li/s=auictli(N)= uic(N/adv)=wick(E).
note the (c) of auictli(N)doesn't survive.
...yes, spade=paddle(E)=patla(N)=swap(E)/battle
(one's fingers)=capania(N)=do oneself harm
(a gaffe/faux pas/indiscreet act), make noise as one moves along,=campana(sp)=bell/campaign= campaña(sp)/caper(E)/cabra(sp)=capado(sp)=
castrated,=capón(neutered pollo).
...gable(E)=of two-fold origin originally, e.g., gafl(ON)=gable(OFr)=gabul(OIrish)=
ga/ca(N)=being both/bul/bol=b/potli(N).
first forks had only 2 tines=tenedor(sp)=fork,
= tentli toloa(N)=lips bow head over, tentli(N)=tener(sp)=hold/have.
calcalaca/ocacalacac(N)=make noise, resound, speaking of vasos/vases/glasses breaking,=
(cal)car/lash/s/ca=crash(E). also, cacalotl(N)=
crow; candle snuffer, or, small tweezers to
take popcorn out of the fire,=cackle(E).
...crook(E)=trick/wile, hmmm, sock has a crook in it,=c/s/z/tzoc-atl(N)=wrinkle=socket(E)=
zoka(J)=creation. crooks sock it to the public, and anybody else. krokr(ON). there is also,
Al-ko(n)qu/in, meaning to get on top.
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ReplyDelete...thumb=th/tomp/b=tompoxtli(N)=tomfool, even,
DeleteTom Thumb, first English Fairy tale in print, 1621.
...mapilli(N)=finger of the hand,=uei mapilli(N)=
thumb, lit. fat/big finger of hand, in comparison
=tomapil(N)=our finger/fingers/fingers in general,=thuma(OE/OFrisian/OSaxon)=th/to/umapil
...the correction, then, has mapil/tomapil(N/root of thuma/thumb.
...i wouldn't call thum(b), the(b)parasitic, as
it seems to have sprung from a collision with
tompoxtli(N)=fool, being opposed to the 4 fingers=piqui(N)=who picks,=p/fi(n)g/qui, having only 2 joints and not 3, limited as it
were, but like all fools, more useful than it
appears at first.
...mapilli=mapiloa(N)=point/show with finger,=
iueli(N/adj)=powerful. fingers/mapipiltin
handy(pun)for carving the small statues of
Tlatla/Cave Venus, but it was the thumbs/fools/
uei mapipiltin(N)who shone at small tlacuicuiliztli(N)=sculpture,=taquiyya(Arab)=
sweeping, of this kind.
of the fingers, hmmm, macpalxochitl/palm tulip
(cheirantho-dendron)=arbol de manitas(sp)=
tree of little hands, so, mapil/finger can be
used for maple tree, referring to the fused dedos of its seeds: the finger tree.
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ReplyDelete...glad to hear Malays pointed with thumb=
Deleteuei mapilli(N)=tomapil(N)=thuma(OE/OFrisian)=
tompoxtli(N)=thumb(E)=tom(a)pil(N/elided a).
until yesterday, that's how i believed it too,
for mapiloa(N)=point,=map(E), but not for Maple
fingers. i understand maple leaves are like hands and have 5 "digits", so you are right, that is how maple got its name. i did include the cheirothodendron/arbol de manitas(sp)/
macpalxochitl(N), also called a pentadactylon
for it's red tulip-like flowers, cultivated from a single specimen outside its normal range
in Toluca. it's application reduces lower abdominal pain and heart problems. good.
...see my articles on the runes, Rune Tune, etc. they are based on the Tonalamatl,
the Mazatl/Deer Calendar.
...coracle=coloa cel(N)=coil/cu(r)ved cel/unit.
...chai(Viet)=tea needs a light vessel too,
cha/i=call/i=acalli(N)=galleon(e). remaining problem with Maple, and that
Deleteis Mapilli/Mapil, which does mean finger, and
not hand=maitl, nor palm=macpal/macpalli(N).
so what to do? since fingers were meant, i.e.,
mapil/maple, the reference is to the many
double-fingered seed pods. however it be,
we've got the answers. another answer is that
Neander Prometheus didn't have a thumb/ tom(a)pil
so he couldn't have come up with mapiloa(N)=
point, but his crosses could, and the Malays
are definitely not Neander if they point only
with their thumb/tompoxtli and consider it
rude to point with piqui/pixie fingers, another social arbiter/umpire in a tasteful
world bias against former species whom we
owe more than we are willing to admit.
...another task Neandra Promethea couldn't do
Deletefor lack of mapel-treow/maple/mapil/mapilli/
tom(a)pil was knit. watched some on Youtube,
and thumb is needed. if they ever find a sock/
tzocatl in a Neander cave...but the Lagar Velho
burial, Neander/AMHuman child, had a cap that
appeared to be knitted with 4 deer teeth attached. only the teeth survived. 4=cenauatitiuh(N)=final good-bye,=sayo-nara(J)
...revisiting mapilli(N) in light of Arc Deddens
Deletecomment the Malays don't point with fingers but
thumbs. mapilli(N)=child of the hand, can mean
both fingers and thumb, but then one has to deal
with the verb, mapiloa(N)=to point with dedo(sp)
which is used for finger/piqui(N)=who picks, and
thumb=dedo gordo/pulgar(sp)=polaqui(N)=submerge
in water? the thumb=tom(a)pil(N)=our finger, as opposed(pun)to Neandra, who had none, just
another dedo/piqui. hmmm, pulga(sp)=flea, to
get rid of them one submerges in water, even
coyotes, who usually take a stick in their
mouth and back into the water with it until
his/her nose is just above water and the fleas/pulgas are walking the plank. thumbs
were used to mash fleas? one can see there are
many uses for thumbs up, and down. surely it became a badge of recognition to have a thumb,
a child of the hand, which distinguished the
species. according to Genome Analysis, we stopped breeding with Neander/Neandra Promethea at c. 47k bce, the beginning of the
great rush to Anatomically Modern Human in the
Upper-Stone Age, at the end of which we had
cards, language, religion, orchard culture
(booze), ships/houses(calli/acalli), Kings/
Queens, agriculture, the beginning of
cities, horse, carts, beeves, and Molossers,
at 10k/7k BCE.
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ReplyDelete...nectar=nequatl(N)=nec/q tar/l/tl=nectar.
Deletethat's perfect Letra.
(ONorse)=pine wood, toloa (qua)uitl(N)=tree
one bows to=tol-uitl(N).
the pine is the first cross, pinaua(N)=to redden/shame. Iueli Bear descends down=totem=
to temo(N)=our descent,from Heavens=
te uentli(N)=the offering(E)for a
raka(Finn)he committed by having raka/tlaca/body.
after his sacrificial Last Supper, Bear's head
is hung in the pine, his bones scattered beneath the pine,like Christmas presents,
(2 myths working themselves out),
and he ascends through the pine to Heaven again. of course, pine=tree=treow=teotl(N).
tar=pine(ítch)tree,=toloa quauitl(N).
pitch/turpentine=oxiotl/oxitl(N)=unguent of
turpentine, said to be invented by Tzapotlatenan=tzapa/zapa/Japon! the tree=Ocotl
(N)=Okhotsk(Sea). overcomes death by honey=h/ch/cony(E)=
pernoctar(sp)/spend the night, as Moon does,
as Monks=Monactic(N)=Monastics do. nactia(N).
bubble(E)=brujula(sp)=magnetic needle/compass,
=b(r)/puja/poca=popoca(N)=smoke, burble/burbuja
=bu(r)buja=pupuja=popoca(N)=smo/ke, e.g., puja
(sp)=push(E), as smoke pushing out of a chimney
=chaminaua(N)=chamitl naua(N)=bricks4.
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ReplyDelete...metztli(N)=limb; moon=monacti(N),=mes(sp)=mensual
ReplyDelete(sp)=Metz(France)=Mettis(AD5c)=Metis, first Deity of Wisdom,=metl(N)=maguey plant, related to the moon
through the rabbit=tlalpilli(N)=lapín(Fr).
...Wiki Etymolly presumes Metz was named after the
Celtic Tribe Medio-matrici/Medio-matrix, but does
not explain the late d/(r), nor the a/e shift, all
of which belong to later versions of Metz/Mettis
by letter precedence.
elevate, extend, grow, accumulate, speaking of
...glow=coal(E)=Coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl), sign of the
Pochteca Vanguard Merchants, Aztec Amerind spies,
who searched out new territories to conquer, exploit, and tax. Coatl is a solar fire sign,
planting stick=coa(Mex), market day=Coatl(N/5)=
coua(N)=to buy. the coal coatl was carried between
monacti(N)=pernoctar(sp), and a new fire lit from
the previous night's fire snake/coal=Coatl(N/5).
Otzi, Tyrolean man, had birch canisters to carry
his Cocoa/coals.
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ReplyDelete...Wa-Na-Ka(Linear A)=Own-Nappa&Napaloa(N)=govern
Delete=re(s)nable(OFr)=reasonable(E)=Na/4-being/Ca(N)=Ka(Egypt)=soul of the Pharoah on star walk after death.
...until=tilinia(N)=stretch the bow(of time).
land locative, as in, Stanley(Name)=Stand(N)=
t/l/ran(E/preterit of run).
...uacalli(N)=square cave/coffin,=uacaloa(N)=
channel, rout.
...wakan tanka(Tlacotli=Dakota Amerind)=
ua-ca(N)=own being/box on 4 sides/channel(verb)
ta(n)ka(J)=short poetry form, e.g., uta(J)=
odos(Gk)=odol(V/Basque)=(b)lood(E), tanka(Dak=
Adirondack(NY)=Atli-on-tlaca(N)=drinking along/
on the Mountain=dag(Turk)=dac/dak=tlaca(N)=body