...kylak(R)=fist=f/pi(s)t=pi(s)tachio,=kyl= cool=coloa aqui(N)=cu(r)l aquí(sp)=concentrate/enter=aq(Egypt)aqhet. ...Kuhda(Persian)=god=Ku(r)d=K/cu(r)t/dha=wolf/ wulpa(OHG)=ualpauetzi(N)=come from below sea/land,=cut(E)=cotoni(N)=cod/Gott(German)/ cotton=cototzca(N)=be seated with legs doubled, as in a kudru(Tibetan coracle). ...wigwam(Amerind)=uic-uampo(N)=wick to my relations, i.e., people who lived in uic-uams usually were related=uampo=mi prójimo, mi compañero, mi semejante, pariente, relation.
...here's the Letra on kudru=k/cot/d r/to= cotto=cot(o)tzca(N). u/o(N)=interchangeable, the (o) hops between the tt=t(o)t. this is how you know it's the real root, all letters are there, o(r)der not important, e.g., otli(N)= odol(V/B)=(b)lood(E).
...eptli(N)=shell/conch,=epi-(Gk/suffix)= ebira(J)=quiver, also Ebira(Nigerian tribe), =piloa(N)=spilla(ON)=spill(E)=pilli(N)=child, noble(E)=nopilli(N)=pipil-tin(N/plural)= people(N)=P/Bib/pil=Bible, epyollotli(N)= pyoll=pyo(r)ll=pearl(E). Eby(English Name) were dyers, and the dye came from shells=Eptli(N). ...as Chesperito said, necessity is the mother of invention, and in Neander's case the wily old Gramma=Citli=rabbit,=Cicitin(N/plural)=rabbits,=Citin(N/plural of Gramma)=noci((N)=my granny, =teci(N)=someone's gramma,=Tess/Tessy(Name), ah, it's the longtime Anthem of the Red Sox, my team! ...Citli=citlali/citlalin(N)=c(i)t/larri= starry(E)=estrella(sp)=Stella(Name)=zilar(B/V)= z/s/cit/la ll/r i=citlalli(N)=z/sil(v)ar/li= silver(E)=silver star(E)=2 words with same citlali(n) root.
...pirogue(Carib dialect of Cayenne(Galibi), =piraqua(sp)=canoe,=piraguq(Carib)=dugout,= piloa(N)=spill(E)=spilla(ON). piloa(N)=p/bir/loa= birch(tree), one of its roots, the other=petoni (N)=dislocate a bone, as betula/petula birch bark is wet, then molded around break, hardens like a cast. ...citlali(N)=citlan=citan in(c)itan,in(N)=the. ...bin t/la(n)c/g=pinaua(N)=burn/redden body. ...pinaua(N)=shame body/tang. ...Ehecatl/Ecatl(N/2 Tona)=Catedrál/Cathedral= Católico(sp)=universal(wind is). Chruch takes its name from mother of Quetzalcoatl/Morning Star, Hecate=Uecaitta(N)=See Far=wiccan/wicam= witch(E). ...weld/welt/world/welter(E)=roll about. welt (E)=in shoemaking leather put between soul and upper(pun), heaven=h/th/te uentli(N)=offering, metaphor. welkin(E)=we-ol-cen(OE)=way/big roll center, wolkan(OHG)=rolling 4 being=Volga(River)=Vulcan(Smithy God)= Hephaestus(Gk)=roll canaua(N)=hammer flat.
...ekistics=ici(N/Fr)=aqui(N)=aquí(sp)=here= ic(N/adv))=where? when?, ic(N/preposition)= with, towards, by, in...not Ecatl/wind/quattre (Fr)=uena(N)=way/big 4(no center). ...drag(E)=d/t/laca(N)=track/dragon/drake/rag. ...equus(Latin)=eoh(OE)=ech(OIrish)=eco/ehco/ oecoc(N)=arrive,=Ecce Equus(Latin)=behold the horse!,=echo(E). ...Michigan=Michoacan(N)=place/-can of the fish/Mich owners/ua(N). ...Mexicalli(N)=Mexicaltitlan(N)=island south of Mexicalli, between/titla Mazatlan and San Blas, divided into 4 Barrios=Favela(Brazil). ...Favela Hill, first-named Rio Barrio, from Cnidoscolus Quercifolius of Spurge family, a skin-irritating tree linked to Magnolia, one of the great tree families. ...Namai/Namakwa/Namibia(S. Africa)=nam is S.E. Asian for river, hmmm, Nam-ib(er)ia=Nam iueli?= powerful rivers. Sing-hala(Sri Lanka=Tzintli Tlaca/lake?)= sing=Tzintli-h/th/t/lalli=tlalli(N)=land= Saintly Land. ...Chuppah(H)=canopy(E)=both words root=copina (N)=copa(sp)=cup/co(m)bine/corpus/copy/coop.
...in the case of equus/eoh/ech=eco/ehco/ oecoc/k horse,=llegar(sp)=arrive, the ll(sp)=y= yegua(sp)=mare,=ll/yegar(sp). ...language, who knows where the sparks began, Altai, Northern arc of Eurasia, but it developed in Iberia/Dordogne/Basque country, and for Etym one really cannot do without Español. one great Language. young fellow i knew here quit teaching the language after 12 yrs, said nobody wanted to learn it, more fools they, but he must have been doing something wrong, not approaching instruction by multi-lingual means, and by that i mean Nauatl, spokes of the wheel for the hoop of idiomas. can't get talkers without it.
...and then there's caballo(sp)=horse, with the capa/caba, you would think, Ecatl/Ehecatl(N)= White creator Goddess of all animals, e.g., cattle=Ecatl/Hecate=cats, and related to eco/ ehco(N)=llegar/yegua(sp)=mare,= Ecce(Latin). yes, the link continues to, capani/snap one's fingers,=capania(N)=do oneself harm, capar/castrate, e.g., gelding make noise as one jingles along, even=campana(sp)=bells on horse=caballo(sp).
...good on queso/quiza/squeeze cheese, as my gramma used to say, a pie without cheese is like a hug without a squeeze. ...ladle/lady has a tail/-tlatl(N/particle of cui-tlatl=quilate=carat=tailings). ...Kurd/curd/clod/cloud/curdle=cotona(N/root)= cotton/cottage/curt/count/custard. ...little bell=campanilla(sp)=campani/campania(N) =yoyolcatl(N)=noyoyolca(N)=my bell,=toyoyolca (N)=our bell,=yoyocoa/yuyucuya(N)=freq. of yocoya, e.g., nitla/niqui-yoyocoya(N)=be able, know how to do something. ...yoyolli/oyoyol(N)=freq of yoli(N)=to be born, Oy yo yoy(H/exclamation), to revive, recover one's sense, volver a la vida(sp)/ return to life,=y/joy/joyful(E). ...Sri Lanka=laka/lake/lac/tlaca(N). ...perau(Malay)=per/tla=petla(N)=throw,=petra/ piedra(sp). pierogi(Polish)=dumpling,=pirog(R) =pie(a tart probably)=pie(N)=piety/guard and abstain. a canoe has to be shoved into the stream, a pirogi into a steam, and a pirog kept away from a team. ...catamaran=Ecatl matlatl(N)=Wind net, e.g., cata/Ecatl mar/t/l a tl/n=matlatl. ...peta(Malay)=petla(N)=impetus(E). ...Ecatl(N/2 Tona)=cat/cart/carta/chat/chart/ charter/cha(s)te/cradle. ...kaba(Ar)=caja(sp)=cabin/et(E). kaput(G)= caputzauhqui(N)=blackened. ...capitan(sp)=caqui/ocac(N)=to approve, be satisfied,=Shaykh/Hakim=Caqui(N). somehow, the q/p shift to the West. caqui(N)=caquiztli(N)=believable person, e.g., uel caquiztli(N)=sonido puro, neto, justo(sp)= sound/words pure, concise, just, caquizti(N)= have a beautiful timbre of voice, to resonate, be clear, make oneself understood. all the qualities of a tlatoani/talker/leader, caquilia (N)=listen to what one has to say, hear, accept his/her petition, caquilita(N)=notify someone of something, e.g., caqui/xaque/check(in chess), make a deaf person understand something; invite to lunch; laugh, joke, criticize,=cackle(E)=caquiztilia(N)= exponer, declare, testify, comment, interpret= in te(r)p(r)et/l=in tepetl(N)=the temple/the Tepee, the Mountain, annotate, explain something, e.g., ca-quiz(N)=squeeze(the)being.
...the supposed Caribbean word, Cacique. whenever there's a problem rooting a mainland word, it's exported to the Leeward Islands. ca(ci)que=Caqui(N)=Shaykh/Hakim=H/ch/Caqui(N).
...cf., Saint Odin/Santa and the Chimney/ Santa:Satan, on Blog Tlatla-tzol-teotl. ...Old Nick, the devil=teuilotl(N)=glass, but m/n are interchangeable letters, e.g., as Nauatl labels, so, Mick/ey=mikilo(SemaNaga/ Assam/Headhunters)=to bite,=Cimi(Mayan Tzolk'in)= CeMi/quiztli(N/Tonalamatl)=death, e.g., namiqui (N)=4(until)death,=marriage,=name(E).
...ooops. sorry. found 3 birch beer redundancies on comments list and tried to delete them, but got the originals instead. flaw in the system, methinks, Blog Boffins? try not to send me double samples, Ded.
...remember the bark molded like plaster and was put on breaks or dislocated arms/legs like a cast, had high ability to absorb water. the wood makes fine furniture, stays for canoes. have to Google You Tube Canoe Makers. wood can be steamed to change its shape=sh/s/t/lapa(N)=s/lap. ...Dakota=d/Tlacotli(N)=slave=s(l)/caua(N)=end, e.g., own(up to)being,=c/esc(l)ava(sp).
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Deletecool=coloa aqui(N)=cu(r)l aquí(sp)=concentrate/enter=aq(Egypt)aqhet.
wulpa(OHG)=ualpauetzi(N)=come from below sea/land,=cut(E)=cotoni(N)=cod/Gott(German)/
cotton=cototzca(N)=be seated with legs doubled,
as in a kudru(Tibetan coracle).
...wigwam(Amerind)=uic-uampo(N)=wick to my
relations, i.e., people who lived in uic-uams
usually were related=uampo=mi prójimo, mi compañero, mi semejante, pariente, relation.
...here's the Letra on kudru=k/cot/d r/to=
Deletecotto=cot(o)tzca(N). u/o(N)=interchangeable,
the (o) hops between the tt=t(o)t. this is how you know it's the real root, all letters are there, o(r)der not important, e.g., otli(N)=
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Deleteebira(J)=quiver, also Ebira(Nigerian tribe),
people(N)=P/Bib/pil=Bible, epyollotli(N)=
pyoll=pyo(r)ll=pearl(E). Eby(English Name)
were dyers, and the dye came from shells=Eptli(N).
...as Chesperito said, necessity is the mother
of invention, and in Neander's case the wily
old Gramma=Citli=rabbit,=Cicitin(N/plural)=rabbits,=Citin(N/plural of Gramma)=noci((N)=my granny,
=teci(N)=someone's gramma,=Tess/Tessy(Name), ah, it's the longtime Anthem of the Red Sox,
my team!
z/s/cit/la ll/r i=citlalli(N)=z/sil(v)ar/li=
silver(E)=silver star(E)=2 words with same
citlali(n) root.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDelete...pirogue(Carib dialect of Cayenne(Galibi),
piloa(N)=spill(E)=spilla(ON). piloa(N)=p/bir/loa=
birch(tree), one of its roots, the other=petoni
(N)=dislocate a bone, as betula/petula birch bark
is wet, then molded around break, hardens like
a cast.
...citlali(N)=citlan=citan in(c)itan,in(N)=the.
...bin t/la(n)c/g=pinaua(N)=burn/redden body.
...pinaua(N)=shame body/tang.
...Ehecatl/Ecatl(N/2 Tona)=Catedrál/Cathedral=
Católico(sp)=universal(wind is). Chruch takes
its name from mother of Quetzalcoatl/Morning Star, Hecate=Uecaitta(N)=See Far=wiccan/wicam=
...weld/welt/world/welter(E)=roll about. welt
(E)=in shoemaking leather put between soul and
upper(pun), heaven=h/th/te uentli(N)=offering,
metaphor. welkin(E)=we-ol-cen(OE)=way/big roll
center, wolkan(OHG)=rolling 4 being=Volga(River)=Vulcan(Smithy God)= Hephaestus(Gk)=roll canaua(N)=hammer flat.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Deleteic(N/adv))=where? when?, ic(N/preposition)=
with, towards, by, in...not Ecatl/wind/quattre (Fr)=uena(N)=way/big 4(no center).
oecoc(N)=arrive,=Ecce Equus(Latin)=behold the
...Michigan=Michoacan(N)=place/-can of the fish/Mich owners/ua(N).
...Mexicalli(N)=Mexicaltitlan(N)=island south
of Mexicalli, between/titla Mazatlan and San Blas, divided into 4 Barrios=Favela(Brazil).
...Favela Hill, first-named Rio Barrio, from
Cnidoscolus Quercifolius of Spurge family,
a skin-irritating tree linked to Magnolia,
one of the great tree families.
...Namai/Namakwa/Namibia(S. Africa)=nam is S.E.
Asian for river, hmmm, Nam-ib(er)ia=Nam iueli?=
powerful rivers.
Sing-hala(Sri Lanka=Tzintli Tlaca/lake?)=
Saintly Land.
...Chuppah(H)=canopy(E)=both words root=copina
...in the case of equus/eoh/ech=eco/ehco/
Deleteoecoc/k horse,=llegar(sp)=arrive, the ll(sp)=y=
...language, who knows where the sparks began,
Altai, Northern arc of Eurasia, but it developed in Iberia/Dordogne/Basque country, and for Etym one really cannot do without Español. one great Language. young fellow i knew here quit teaching the language after 12 yrs, said nobody wanted to learn it, more fools they, but he must have been doing something wrong, not approaching instruction by multi-lingual means, and by that i mean Nauatl, spokes of the wheel for the hoop of idiomas. can't get talkers without it.
...and then there's caballo(sp)=horse, with the
Deletecapa/caba, you would think, Ecatl/Ehecatl(N)=
White creator Goddess of all animals, e.g.,
cattle=Ecatl/Hecate=cats, and related to eco/
ehco(N)=llegar/yegua(sp)=mare,= Ecce(Latin).
yes, the link continues to, capani/snap one's
fingers,=capania(N)=do oneself harm, capar/castrate, e.g., gelding make noise as one jingles along, even=campana(sp)=bells on horse=caballo(sp).
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDelete...good on queso/quiza/squeeze cheese, as my
Deletegramma used to say, a pie without cheese is like a hug without a squeeze.
...ladle/lady has a tail/-tlatl(N/particle of
...little bell=campanilla(sp)=campani/campania(N)
=yoyolcatl(N)=noyoyolca(N)=my bell,=toyoyolca
(N)=our bell,=yoyocoa/yuyucuya(N)=freq. of
yocoya, e.g., nitla/niqui-yoyocoya(N)=be able,
know how to do something.
...yoyolli/oyoyol(N)=freq of yoli(N)=to be born, Oy yo yoy(H/exclamation), to revive,
recover one's sense, volver a la vida(sp)/
return to life,=y/joy/joyful(E).
...Sri Lanka=laka/lake/lac/tlaca(N).
piedra(sp). pierogi(Polish)=dumpling,=pirog(R)
=pie(a tart probably)=pie(N)=piety/guard and
abstain. a canoe has to be shoved into the
stream, a pirogi into a steam, and a pirog
kept away from a team.
...catamaran=Ecatl matlatl(N)=Wind net, e.g.,
cata/Ecatl mar/t/l a tl/n=matlatl.
...Ecatl(N/2 Tona)=cat/cart/carta/chat/chart/
...kaba(Ar)=caja(sp)=cabin/et(E). kaput(G)=
...capitan(sp)=caqui/ocac(N)=to approve, be
satisfied,=Shaykh/Hakim=Caqui(N). somehow,
the q/p shift to the West. caqui(N)=caquiztli(N)=believable person, e.g.,
uel caquiztli(N)=sonido puro, neto, justo(sp)=
sound/words pure, concise, just, caquizti(N)=
have a beautiful timbre of voice, to resonate,
be clear, make oneself understood. all the
qualities of a tlatoani/talker/leader, caquilia
(N)=listen to what one has to say, hear, accept
his/her petition, caquilita(N)=notify someone
of something, e.g., caqui/xaque/check(in chess), make a deaf person understand something; invite to lunch; laugh, joke,
exponer, declare, testify, comment, interpret=
in te(r)p(r)et/l=in tepetl(N)=the temple/the
Tepee, the Mountain, annotate, explain something, e.g., ca-quiz(N)=squeeze(the)being.
...the supposed Caribbean word, Cacique.
Deletewhenever there's a problem rooting a mainland
word, it's exported to the Leeward Islands.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDelete...cf., Saint Odin/Santa and the Chimney/
DeleteSanta:Satan, on Blog Tlatla-tzol-teotl.
...Old Nick, the devil=teuilotl(N)=glass,
but m/n are interchangeable letters, e.g.,
as Nauatl labels, so, Mick/ey=mikilo(SemaNaga/
Assam/Headhunters)=to bite,=Cimi(Mayan Tzolk'in)=
CeMi/quiztli(N/Tonalamatl)=death, e.g., namiqui
...ooops. sorry. found 3 birch beer redundancies on comments list and tried to delete them, but
Deletegot the originals instead. flaw in the system,
methinks, Blog Boffins? try not to send me double samples, Ded.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDelete...remember the bark molded like plaster and
Deletewas put on breaks or dislocated arms/legs like
a cast, had high ability to absorb water.
the wood makes fine furniture, stays for canoes.
have to Google You Tube Canoe Makers. wood can be
steamed to change its shape=sh/s/t/lapa(N)=s/lap.
e.g., own(up to)being,=c/esc(l)ava(sp).