Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Tlil Cuetzpallin

...Lilith Lizard, quetz/cuetz=quetzalli(N)=feather.=Black Feathered Lizard =palli(N)=phallus=palo=stick=maquauitl(N)=hand tree sword. Tlaxcaltecan Lord in Excelsis. it was a lucky day for the Aztecs when they captured him, probably with a net as he was Amerinda's most able swordsman. note, Cuetzpallin is a feathered Lizard of the Tonalamatl, a remembrance of pterodactyl raptors caught in the web of the oldest calendar, day 4 of the southern grain quadrant, diamonds in cards, sign of Xilonen, young corn/quern/Quorn Goddess Shiloh, the bachelor Corn deity, Cintli, and old coyote, the dancer, priapic Ueue Coyotl, color red=tletl(N)=t/l/red/t/l, an old god himself, Xiuhtletl(N)=HerbFire, the first Deity worshipped by the Fire drill people who began history, as history is not a matter of who is first, it's a matter of who began fire drill. ...cutz'ah(Mayan)=duck,=Quetzalcoatl(N)=feather snake,=Cuetzpallin(N/4)= acoquetza(N)=to rise,=coq(Fr)=coquette(Fr)=co(n)quer(E)=A(l)co(n)quin (Amerind super tribe). ...once captured Black Lizard/Tlil Cuetzpallin went to the Temalacatl, the huge millstone sacrifice stone with hole in the middle, and a soga/rope=rap(OE/OFrisian)=r/tlapa(N)/=sock=socket=tzocatl(N)/wrinkle= wick(E)=uic(N/adv) around his middle giving him circumference of the stone but no more, handed a maquauitl/hand tree, but with feathers on its edges instead of beveled obsidian chips. the famous Tlaxcaltecan Warrior, Tlahuicole, died there when he refused Moctezuma's offer of liberty. when on the stone 4 warriors armed with obsidian maquauitl go against the captive who wields the feather-edged maquauitl/makila(V/B)/macana(Taino). the last warrior, should one get by the first 3, is left-handed in honor of the War God, Huitzilopochtli, who was born with a feathered, withered left leg, an equity of sorts for the captive. ...Tlil Cuetzpallin was not an ordinary warrior, but the Lord of Xiquipilco(N)=bag, sack, by extension, 8 thousand. the first warrior fell. the 2d also, then the 3d. when the lefty/surdo(sp) fell, the Aztec nobles went wild, for history had been made. no one had ever beaten 4 warriors on the Temalacatl before. Black Lizard was made a General in the Aztec forces and went campaigning with them, but at the end of the campaign, he asked to be sacrificed as his honor as a Tlaxcaltecan was stronger than life itself. ...the background for this decision was the bitter rivalry between the Aztecs, who had the upper hand, and the Tlaxcallans(N)=oven for making tortillas. the Aztecs denied the Tlaxcaltecans salt, and foisted upon them Flower Wars, which were only for the sake of feeding hearts to their war god, Huitzilopochtli. during and after the Spanish conquest the rivalry between the 2 played itself out as the Tlaxcallans became the closet allies of the Spaniard, succoured them after La Noche Triste, and in my town, which was founded twice, imported Tlaxcallans when the native Quachichiles/Redheads and Chichimec/Maguey Scrapers proved to be too savage for the Spaniard need, as San Miguel was populated not by Conquistadores, but by Church, friars, and the intellectuals of that time.

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