Monday, 15 October 2012

White Goddess

yew=1.iif(MDu)=if(Fr)=iva(sp/Slav)=ipanti(N)=on target. 2.iga(OHG)=ixwaz/igwaz(CGerman)=teixu(Asturian/Galician)= teix(Occitan)=teis(Catalan)=tech(Gasconic)=tecpatl(N/18)= tejo(sp)=teixo(Port)=teica/liliztli(N)=icali(N)=cacali(N)= carcaj/carcax(sp)=quiver.3.tisa(RO/SI)=tiss(R)=tizatl(N) Banba/Celt Queen deified=Ollavy Irish Yew/White Goddess. Greek/Roman yew=Hecate=regent/N. White Quad./Tonalamatl. Yew=Saggitarius/Archer. taxus(L)/teica(N)=hagin(Basque)=in/tlaca(N)=the body. yew in such demand Britain imported it/1294. cut yews from old woods breaks canopy, lets WindHecate uproot England=Ecatlan/26 Oct.2011&Versailles/26 Dec.1999. Sallow=iva(Slav),=yeva(Lith)=black alder, both red wood trees as is yew(E)=ipanti(N)=bullseye.


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    1. ...dwarf=zwerg=d/tza(r)pa/tzapatl(N)=dwarf.
      in Onions the vowel (a) only appears in English, e.g.,witch=wiccan/wicam(OE)=uecaitta(N),
      note the tt disappears in (OE) then comes
      back in modern English. a corollary to,
      words turn to their opposite.
      but in Nauatl,, the taxus(Lat)=ta(paya)xin(N/
      gutted word for toad/dwarf)=yew tree. the (paya)
      of ta(paya)xin(N)=payatl(N)=to break clods/
      terrones,=payaso(sp)=clown(a clodhopper).
      ...toe=tay(OE)=tá(ON)=tahae(OMerc.?/OE), hmmm,
      tap dancing=toe dancing, tap(E)=taeppa(OE)=
      zapho(OHG)=sapo(sp)=tapayxin(N). toes are toads
      =tada/tadde(OE)=tadpole(E/both tada/toad and
      tapayaxin). that's a long (a) for tada/tadde.
      ...two(E)=twa(OE)=titla ua(N)=t-ua=owns between. there is a point where the inventiveness of the loan language takes over
      from the root language.
      ...wharf(E)=warp(a ship to dock).
      ...tocsin(E)=warning bell,=toca(N)=tocar(sp)=
      touch(E)=to-/our being/-ca,-sin(E)=tzintli(N/
      ...toxic=toxon(Gk)=bow,=toxa(Gk)=bow and arrows
      =toxicon(Gk)=toxin(E)=in toc/s/x=toca/tocatl(N)=spider. i favor spider/
      tocatl as root for toxin as tocatl/toca(N)=is
      the older word in Nauatl. even though toxin in
      the form of tlapatl(N)=castor bean was being used in Border Town, South Africa at 45k BCE,
      we encountered and named spiders before bows
      and arrows, or spears.
      ...sandal=andar=a(n)d/tl ar/tl=atlatl(N)=
      (s)a(n)d/tl al/tl=atlatl(N). sandal comes out
      of a time when we had few words, hunter-gather
      walking time.
      ...twilif(OSaxon)=twi il(i)pia=2-tied?, hmm,
      twelfth(E)=twa ilpia(N)=ilf/ilv/elve, guess
      ilpia(N)stood for -teen/ten=2 tied hands=
      matlactli(N)=10=hands of body/tlactli.

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    1. ...conetl(N)=c/ch/honetl=cony/coney(E)=
      ...hyrax=shrew mouse. humans are very closely
      related to shrews.=shaphan(H)=sh/s/cap/phani=
      capani/capania(N)=make noise as one walks;
      do oneself damage=capar/capado(sp)=castrated,
      in reference to having interior testicles, ah,
      Procavia Capensis(rock Hyrax)also refers to hyrax
      not having a scrotum/Capensis.
      ...i-shepan-ham(Phoenician Sailors/1.1k BCE)
      is not root of Hispania, it's pano/panoc(N/verb)=to cross a river by foot or
      swimming, by ship, or other means, e.g., acaltica ni-pano=navigate in general,=
      panoa, panoua, panolo(Impersonal).

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    1. his life Teuhtli(N)=the Upstone,=dusty,
      lusty Zeus Teust was impious, i.e., he did not guard and abstain, in fact was guarded by sister
      Hera in her faja(sp)/girdle when he appeared to her as a rain-drenched Cuckoo, pajaro=miembro
      viril buscando nido/female nest. from there he
      impregnated her. Ixel, Mayan weaving diety
      slapped a pesky bird who kept perching on her
      backstrap loom, knocking it silly. she took
      pity and put bird in her faja/obi. later a new
      God, Huitzilopochtli was born the same
      way: Lady Snake, now old, but mother of humanity, was sweeping the temple when she saw a ball of feathers, not wanting to waste feathers she put the ball in her faja/sash,
      9 months later she gave birth to Left-hand
      Hummingbird, Aztec war deity. but her children
      who were the innumerable stars and the moon,
      TinkleBell=Coyolxauhqui, gathered round her
      to threaten her death as she was too old to have disgraced them this way. in the night she climbed to a mountain top to give birth, fearing the CentzonCitlalin(N)=400/Innumerable stars and her daughter, Coyolxauhqui would kill her, but from inside her womb she heard the voice of her son who told her not to fear.
      he was born fully armed, like Athena, and
      eclipsed his siblings the stars and sliced
      Coyoxauhqui into the phases she displays to
      this day.
      help(E). the cry of Neandra to the sky when she
      began to chart the stars, ilpia=to knot, and
      the knots helped her to position the stars
      and remember them night by night. it begins
      weaving, net-making=ma/oma(N)=to hunt land/sea
      with net,=mano(sp)=hand=maitl(N)=mate=aite(J)=
      ai(J)=love/blue, the blue=blau(Portuguese)=
      b(l)/pauetzi/panuetzi(N)=to eulogize, to elevate, to scale a height, to sweat, to obtain
      honors. Fire/Tletl Drill begins everything.
      (H)=pleasure,=nacatl(N/root)=na/4 being/ca/tl=
      pantli/flag/trunk. the naming of elephant never
      got past the snake trunk, although, my early
      etymology for iueli used to be Olin-pantli(N)=
      holy/rolling flag=pantli/pamitl(N)=famille/family, but that's too emotional a root, and doesn't
      embody the warning, powerful flag.
      ...finger=f/pi(n)qui(N)=create/imagine/feign(E)...shah=caqui/ocac(N)=to approve; listen, e.g.,
      ayuh nite-caqui(N)=divine someone's secret intentions; discern, understand, have a public;
      notify something to someone,
      chess)=x/sh/s/c/ki(a)ng/qi=king(E). Xiangqi(Chi)=elephant=iueli-pantli(N).
      ...shah=/s/ca/qui(N/prefix)=c/Ka(Egypt)=soul of Pharaoh,=X(i)a-(Chi)=X/Kh/Ki(a)ng/qi=King(E).
      Tochtli(N/8 Tonalamatl)=rabbit,=T/Th/Ho(r)s/sh/chtli=
      Horse(E). in early days when words were few,
      they were harnessed for other animals, e.g.,
      to/our being/ca=toca(N)=breed and bury, the sowing word for deer/mazatl(N)=uma(J)=horse,=
      mare(E), and Horse, our 2d mount.

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    1. ...lighter is a barge that loads a ship, goes
      between ship and shore=titla(N)=tide/side/
      titivate(Navy term only motherless sailors would think up, joking of course, few words are made up
      e.g., t(r)iturate)=make gravel=g(r)a/cauitl(N)=
      c/s/z/tzintli(N/honorific=on/put on)=saintly(E)
      and abstain,=piety.

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    1. ...cauitl(N)=ca/being -uitl(N)particle suffix=quauitl=witu(OHG)=wood(E), always strong
      Historical ident with tree/t(r)eow/teotl(N)=
      trow(E)=believe, suppose,=truth/troth(E)=good faith,loyalty, plighted=pitli(N)=older sister,= p(r)i(es)t/ly word=pie(N)=guarding&abstaining,=
      piety(E),=tlatolli(N)=word, T/Lat/olli=Lat/in=
      in t/Lat/olli(N)=the word.
      ...uite-(N)particle prefix=uitequi(N)=thresh,
      winnow, golpearse(sp)=g/colpe=culpa(sp)=fault/
      guilt=cuicuiltic(N)=of many colors,=quilt(E).
      ...cauitl=time=temi(N)=hemi/demi/semi He(r)mes.
      for short, cauitl(N)=c/g(r)avity(E)=flow of being, certainly more complex than, time=temi(N)=fill. Hermes named that because as
      precocious child he stole the wind god, Aeolus's cattle, ate 2(filled himself), and
      then was put in zug-zwang(back and forth/when
      King/Xiang in chess has only one move)by Aeolus ...time is now titlani=messenger=Titan(Gk/E) who brings us tidings= tid/tlani(N)=litany(E),
      a liturgy(E)never-ending, a title for language.
      ...escalera(sp)=ladder=-tlatl(N)=tail/ t/lad/tl
      =es/cal/tl=Ecatl(N/2 Tona)=Wind/ing stair(E)=
      s/tail/r=s/t/tla(i)r/tl=cuitlatl(N)/quilate(sp)=carat(E),=shit(E)=xitini(N)=drop. the Japanese have 154 words beginning with prefix drop,= sh/xit-ini(N).
      =lecture/trek/leg/regular, meaning to rise(E)=rice(e)=grain(E)=g(r)/ca(i/N)=capollotl
      (N)=grain(E), e.g., centetl capollotl=un grano
      de uva(sp)=grape=g(r)cap/e=capollotl(N). so,
      grain&grape have same root in Nauatl.

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    1. ...pants=pantli(N/noun)=flags/banners(E), or, patla(N/verb)=alternate/paddle/pantaloon.
      patla is the favorite for root of pants as it's
      a verb, pantli(N)from patla(N)=pato(sp)=duck=
      white ducks(pants).
      ...the bark of the birch was used as splint,
      wet first, then molded around the arm like
      a bandage which then hardened to cast/Ecatl(N/2 tona)/escollo(sp)=coloa(N)=curl/coil(E). for
      ...brick(E)=b(r)/piccatl(N)=vulva/lips, pi/opic(N)=pick(E)=biche(Fr)=doe=d/to-na(N)= our/to-na/4, solar appelative, =biccé(OE)=bitch(E), e.g., renga(J)=brick,= r/tentli ca/ r/tenca(N)=lipped being/edges, e.g., tenitl(N)=one who doesn't speak our language(impossible on Blue Planet,
      unless ET arrives)=e/te(r)nit/l or tentli(N)=
      the edge/lip of the universe=eternity(E).
      ...sweeping=s/uipana(N)=call into line,=
      ...slapping=tlapa(N)=t/lap, or, s/lam(E)=tlamic
      (N)=20 ears of corn, but lambast=tlapa/tlamb-
      ...quipu(Quechua/Oquich-ua/N)=qui poa(N)=who
      counts. In ca(N)=the being,=Ca-in(Bible=Pipil).
      ...reed(E)=rheod(OE)=teotl(N)=rood/rod(E). sh/xelhuia(N)=divide/share.
      ...share(E)=cutting blade of plough/poa(N),=
      ...pig(m)ies=piqui(N/verb)=pixies, like penguins/pinquinos(sp), pigmy/piqui's were
      thought to be sailor's creation at first.
      Hindu=-du=to(N)=our Saint/Tzintli)=s/z/tzotl(N)
      ...history(E)=his story(Michael Jackson)=
      ...letra=t/let/l(N)=fire, or, titla(N)=t/lit(e)rary,=between,=titlani(N)=
      messenger,=title, tide/tiding, litany, liturgy.
      ...gaff(E)=g/cap/ff=capania(N)=do oneself damage, capar(sp)=capón(E).
      ...hook=krokr(ON)=barb, peg, bend, winding, curve, krok(Swe)=krog(Dane)=crook(E)=corner(E)=xomulli(N)=x/s/co(r)n/mulli=corner. the sibilant c/k slide has gone all the way to no-sound=the aspirant h/ook, e.g.,cornum/cornu(Latin)= corn/horn(E)=coloa(N)/curl(E).
      ...xomulli(N)=rin-cón(sp)=co(r)n-er. the (m)
      of xomulli didn't last long, x/shom, but sock/
      tzocatl(N)has a wrinkle/crook to it, e.g.,
      t/z/s/c/k(r)ok/atl, worn out in the service of
      tongues=to(n)ca=our being.

    2. ...sumiJapanese)=corner,=sh/xomulli(N)=corner.
      ...e.g., sumai(J)=house/dwelling,=sumashiya(J)=
      a prim(affected)person, a prude, what we called a "square" in the 50's, the japanese call a corner.
      ...sumasu(J)=finish(paint oneself into a corner)
      ...sumasu(J)=clarify(corner meaning).
      ...sumi(J)=charcoal(fireplace in corner? shape of charcoal?).
      ...sumidawara(J)=charcoal sack(4 corners).
      ...sumi(J)=Indian ink/Chinese ink/ink stick.
      ...sumiro(J)=jet black.
      sumigokochi(J)=comfortable house.
      ...sumikomi(J)=living-in employee.
      ...sumikomu(J)=live with family; tutor/maid.
      ...suminareru(J)=get used to a place/live long.
      ...sumire(J)=a violet. before 1917, the custom
      in America at Deb Parties was to give violets
      to the girls who weren't roses. violet may be
      candidate for wall-flower, i.e., corner flower
      ...sumitori(J)=charcoal scuttle.
      ...sumi-tsuku(J)=xomulli tzocatl(N)=xomu-tzoka
      (Nauatl)=socket the corners=settle(in a house)
      ...sumiyoi(J)=a livable house.
      ...sumizome(J)=black robe.
      sumizumi(J)=all the corners/every nook and
      ...sumo(J)=4 corner wrestling/Neander sport.
      ...sumu(J)=live in a house, settle, reside.

    3. sum(E)up=sumu/sumasu(J)=xomulli(N)=corner,
      but i hesitate, because i'm corny, to say that
      corner comes from xomulli, elotis(Gk)=curly=
      elotl(N)=elote(Mex)=corn, and coloa(N)=curly,
      coil, goil/gurl=girl=colleen(Irish generic for a girl coily and curly, also a common name).

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    1. ...kumu(s)taka(P), sounds like Tonto came from the Phillipines,=como=comoni(N)=light breakfast fire, -taka=t/laca(N)=body/flame being, a stone
      age greeting. on internet we would say, networking?
      ...mabuti(P)=both/-buti ma_/hands, in reference to success at lighting the breakfast fire.
      ...Mbuti(Pygmalion)=both hands. a brag they can
      weave?, e.g., mama(Inca Quechua)=their best weaver,=net-net=ma/oma(N)=hand-hand, or, simply
      a repeat of the Phillipine greeting.
      ...mabuk(Malay)=weaver(pun), back and forth=
      nepa/nipa(N/adv)=Neptune drinks the ocean with
      both/hands, or, a popoca/smoking hand=Macui
      Xochitl(N)=Xolotl as Tobacco deity,=Macui(N)=5=
      Ma(s)cui=Masque, the first mask a smoking hand
      as seen on statuettes of Dogwood(Amerind tree
      used for tabac)Xolotl.
      ...tzatzi(N)=shout, bray, moo, roar,=Nazi,
      e.g., tetzatsi(N)=cackle like a hen.
      ...mad(Hindi)=mead=metl(N)=Metis, first deity
      of wisdom, mother to Athena, e.g., par-theno-
      genesis(Gk/E)=-theno-=th/tentli(N)=lips, not
      Zeus/Dusty's forehead as faulty myth has it.
      of white flowers, reference to tisa/tissa(Cz/
      Russile)=yew, and to white varnish, which is all Nazism was, a veneer, as the white race,
      blond and blue/green-eyed, freckles and all,
      comes from Promethean Neandra. Hitler, the
      hatter was a poor student of History.
      ...leader=t/letl(N)=fire. don't see it in Rom.
      ...corn=acorn, e.g., torn/thorn(E)comes from
      toloa(N)=dolorous/toro(Sp)/tolerance, on a round stem=tolontic(N)=lont/ront/ro(u)nd(E/Fr)=
      Toronto(city), i.e., corn=col/rn=coloa(N)=
      ...zoka(J)=creation(fire drill).
      (N)=fire drill,=Co(s)mos(Gk/E),=hori(J)=dig
      tatsu(J)=rise(smoke)/warm, also means Dragon=
      ...mesa camilla(sp)=kotatsu(J), heated table
      with skirt to hold in heat/oki(J)= embers/charcoal in middle wok.
      ...korsi(Iran)=coloa tzintli=coltzi/ntli(N)=
      saintly/Honorable curl/coil(E)=Kotatsu(J).
      ...Sandali(Tajik/Afghan)=s/a(n)d/t/l al/t/li=
      atlatl(N)=a/tlatla(N)=flame, named for Goddess
      Fire Hole Thea,-tzol-teotl(N)=Comoni/Kotatsu.
      ...try not to put too much of your own unanchored input into it, so the Letra material can be heard. it's a matter of humility, let the ualci(N)/walk/waltz come to you, somehow language thinks for itself, dances=naua(N/)= reels =rheol/teotl(N), is speaking to you.
      ...kernal(E)=cernar(sp)=to sift/bolt=potli(N),
      cel-na(N)=celia na=Buds to the fore, hic!

    2. ...korsi(Iran)=coltzi(N)=coloa tzintli=
      saintly curl/gurl, ah, but, ko(r)si(Iran)=
      koshi(J)=the waist, the loins; skirting/
      panel, hmmm,=cozcatl(N)=necklace(sitting),
      jewel(the coal fire), yellow(flame),=cosy(E)=
      comfort/table(E)=tlapa/tlatla-pa(N)=Tlatla paint

    3. ...what i have noticed in the ko-(J)prefixes,
      such as kotatsu(J), is that the prefix in Nauatl is simply, aco(N)=ages ago(E), but also
      elevation, names for the royal family, from on
      high, and comoni/cozcatl(N)fit into that category also. my conclusion is language is
      much better thought out than we are in whatever age we find ourselves, that true religon is its study, its understanding
      increasing its progress, and that progress
      the only salvation in the flowing of being.

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    1. ...quarrel(E)=qualani(N)=squall(E).
      lisp(E). when one thinks about it, the process of sifting is like lisping, the sieve is the lip and the sift doesn't all get through the lip of the sieve at the same time, e.g., tataca
      (N)=dig and dig again,=Ta(r)taglia(Ital)=
      stutter(E), but the tongue becomes the hand
      and keeps pushing against the sieve.
      ...xomulli(N)=corner,=sumo(J)=the ring is round, but the corners are the elbows and
      knees of the wrestlers, e.g., xomotl(N)=duck,
      =xomulli(N)?, well, xomotl(N)=Oxomoco(companion
      of Quetzalcoatl in 3309 BCE Copper expedition.
      Xomotl(N)is the priest who tells the Tonalamatl
      and duck is the symbol of Quetzalcoatl. the angles/corners/xomulli(N)come in because the
      Tona is a masterpiece of 4 suits/13 each=52,
      origin of cards/Ecatl(N)=quattre(Fr), e.g.,
      North/Hecate/the bitch=Queen Spades, West/
      Obsidian Butterfly/dwelling/Flower Feather=
      Xochiquetzal=Queen Hearts, South/Xilonen/Shilo/
      young Corn Goddess=Queen Diamonds, formerly
      a grain, but Diamond adds 4 to the equation of
      the 4th Quadrant, East/Sceptre/Sun/Fire sign/ Clubs/Staves=Tlatla/ T/l/Ra(Egypt).
      ...que(r)n(E)=quench(E)=quen-chiua(N)=wound someone/do them harm,=quen-amicantlalia(N)= give form to something, arrange it, settle/lay out in a certain way, i.e., grind by hand, =que-nami=how,=nami-que=marriage of how.
