Friday, 26 October 2012


Riau(Dutch Indonesia)=kingdom on Sumatra facing kingdom of Malaccan Sultanate on Malay Peninsula. 1.Riau=R/Tiacapan(N)=primogenitor/oldest son,=tiacapan tlatquitl (N)=goods by right of first-born,=Tiacapan(N)=one of 4 sisters of deity of carnal pleasures, Tla-zol-teotl(N). 2.tiacauh(N)=valient/chief,=acalco tiacauh(N)=ship captain,= tiacauh tlatquitl(N)=arms/badges of rank. 3.tiachcuah((N)=teachcuauhtli(N)=first born,=notiachcuauh(N)= older brother/trainer. 4.Moloyo(early Chinese text)=Malay,=Mo/your dress/order/ololoa(N). 5.Tatang(river)=Tataca(N)=stutter(muddy),tributary of Musi= Muchi(N)=much/all river. 6.Kedukan Bukit(Old Skrt/Malay inscription,683AD)=Ke/Ce(N)=First/ke/ce toca(N)/dukan/our being, Bukit=pochictic(N)=spongy. 7.Malacca=Pokok Melaca/ Indian Gooseberry tree,=amalika(Skrt)=amatl(i)ca(N)=amate being(fig=pi/opic),=a/mal/tl(a)ca=Malaca. 8.orang laut(Malay)= sea people,=otlacamat(preterit)=ora/otla/(n)g/camat= orang/oalauh(N/preterit)=laude(Fr)=lau(Basque)=4=nau(a)t/l= nauatl,=otlamacat nauatl(N). tlacamati=rich/happy/prosperous,= Nite-tlacamati=obey.


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    1. ...guerdon(E)=galardon(sp)=reward,=feras/gerairo
      (Gk)=gift of honor/to honor, reward with a gift,=
      geranor(Gk)=Spartan(who lived for War),=gero(Gk)=
      (OHG)=witherlean(OE)=cua/uitl donation/Tonatiuh
      (N)=solar war deity(Aztec)=maquauitl Tonatiuh(N)=
      sword Sun donation/honor/donor(and Blitzen).
      quauitl=hand/ma quauitl/tree. the gue(r)=ma qua/que(r) dona/tona.
      as always soldiers fight for reward, e.g.,
      patio(sp)=where paid/painted.
      flight of the crane=cauahtli(N)=canard(Fr).
      the Crane/canaua was symbol of the Aztecs and
      Japanese, both highly warlike tribes.
      ...geranion(Gk)=crane's bill=Geranium.
      Cherokee Chiluki(Choctaw=Xococ=SourMouth name
      for the Tzalagi/Cherokee, hmmm Chi/Che r/lukee)
      meaning, Cave dwellers, but, Tzalagi=Canyon
      dwellers of the Tz/allaghany/Allegheny.

    2. ...first paragraph, first line above: geras,
      not feras/grairo.
      ...4th paragraph, 2d line above: cuauhtli(N/15
      Tona)=eagle/military order of Aztecs, rather
      than cauhtli(no word), or, what i intended,

    3. ...Chiluki is the Choctaw name for the Cherokee/
      Tzalagi of the Allaghani/Tzallantli Mts.
      ...Himalaya(Mts)=H/Timalloa(N)=swell, fill with pus,
      speaking of a llaga/sore. not very pretty but an apt
      description of Hi(Malayasia)/Ti(Malloa)which comes
      from this Nauatl word, just substitute water for pus.

  2. ...Nao(Gk)=their highest, oldest temple, e.g.,
    lau(V/B)=4,=oalauh/alaua(N)=annoint to the 4=
    uena/uentli(N)=offering to the White Goddess,
    2d Venus=venison(E)=Wendy Venado(sp)=deer, who ran
    like the wind, was a wind animal, later Hecate=
    breath and cawen(OE)=queen wendy, offering/uentli
    being/ca comes under her weaving, warp and weft=
    ...Noah=icnoa(N)=deserving,=where my water/noa/tl.
    ...p(r)oa(N)=to count,=power(E).
    ...per-ah(a)u(?)=per/par/pal-aua(N)=for the water owner/ahuah(Tzolk'in/socket/day 20/Lord. flower/
    Xochitl in the Tona).
    ...p(r)ow/er/p(l)ower=poa(N)=to count, opouh(N/preterit of poa)=opora(harvest season of the old 7-part Gk seasons)=oportune(E)=opium(E)=the counting/power.
    ...per-a(n)g(Malay)=per/par/pal(N)=for a(n)c/g=
    aci(N)=concentrate,=hacer(sp)=to do,=agi(Latin/
    imperative). still haven't got a sense of Malay. need a list glossary to read so i can take it all
    in. Etymolly is all about reading lists of words. love it. it's like walking a reace track before
    you drive the language.

    1. ...Nao(Gk Sea Age)=lau(V/Basque)=4=nauh/naui(N)=
      my water, brain, war, battle, piss/4. so naui(N)
      comes from lau/oalauh/alaua(N)=alabar(sp)=annoint
      =the reverential of atl/altia(N/first rev.)/
      alaua(N/2d rever.), the Allah word, annointed
      water. quedar(sp)=stay,=qaeda(HQ)=cedar(E)=keadar
      (V/B)=column of smoke,=kaede(Japanese)=maple,=
      ...reace track=race track/circuit.

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    1. ...endure=in toloa(N)=the toelerance, the dolor,
      the thor/n=Thor(Norse).
      ...Uighur(Turkic tribe/Altai/China)=uicoloa/
      ouicolo(N)=nitla-uicoloa(N)=jactarse de su
      linaje, alabarlo=alaua/oalauh(N)=annoint,=
      Allah, hallow/allow/hallelujah, brag about or
      praise one's lineage. a muslim fixation.

    2. ol.u.wal.i(Yoruba surname) (~Orville?)
      [Yule log?, Jubilee]
      Yol Hu Wal Hi(m) YHWH
      y(E)-l(o)-(W)i(m) Elohi(m)
      a'l (i)'l (a) 'h al ilah Allah
      Allah Elo Jah (H)allelujah
      isa/dalwa/tatlo/apat/lima(Phil 12345) (Yoruba name)~oluwali

    3. ...Yoruba, the one/yotl(N) idol/ruby/r/toptli(N)
      that's what they all say. my attob(Arab)=tub/tob
      (Egypt)is tohopa(OE)=hope(E)=Hopi(Amerind) bigger than your Ka-chi-Na doll=nenetl(N)=
      vulva/idol/doll=Nenets(Russile tribe)=piccatl(N)
      =bice(Fr)/biccé(OE)=bitch/brick is way bigger
      than yours,=colotl(N)=armature/horn/idol,=
      zoloto(R)=zloti(Polish)=golod/gold, actually,
      golod(Russile)=starve, but the antidote=gold.
      ...yuli/yoli(N)_to be born(the new year).
      ...Yaweh is quite simple, Ya/already aweigh/ue(N).
      (sp)=labrar/lavar(sp). the preterit=Oalauh(N)=
      laude(Fr)=lau(V/B)=4=Nauh/No Atl(N)=my water,
      my battle, my brain.
      ...Olu/Ololtic(N)=round ualiloti(N)=return,
      regress to point of origin,=Oluwali(Yo/ruba).

    4. ...Oluwali(Yoruba)=Olu/Ollin uallitqui/wali=
      yeah, got arrives with something/itqui(N)=
      itacatl(N)=day's provisions for journey,
      Ithaca(Gk/Oddyseus's city).
      ...Orville(OFr)=Gold town/ville. character invented by Burning Fanny(reversal)for her
      18th century novel, Evelina. ore=oro=olo=
      c/olo/tl(N)=idol, horn, armature,=c/gold(E).

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  5. ...guerdon/galardon/widerdonum/widarlon/witherlean=
    wicker/withe/witu/wood=uitl(n/particle, then building on that, quauitl(N)=tree, then, maquauitl(N)=hand tree/sword,=makila(V/B)= macana(Taino/central america and Cono Sur).
    ...guerra rises out of the Gk, but, g/uel/rra=uel(N)=reverential of ue(N)=way/big, also, ual(N)=to-war-ds.
    ...note the solar appelate at work: -donum/done/do/
    Don/Doña/donate, lon=l/ton, here's a clue to London's roots.

    1. ...Guelaguetza(Oaxin/Oaxaca festival)=UellaUetzi(N)=
      Uellauetziltia(N/rev)=well fell/fallen/going from side to
      side, i.e., booth to booth,=caer/errar/ir de un lado a otro(sp). ue(N)=way(E)=uel(N/rev)=well(E)=uella-(N/prfx)=well(E)=bién(sp)=b/ueno(sp).

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    1. ...ger(Mong)=g/cel/r=cell(E)=cella(Latin)=
      innermost part of church,=cel/celtin(N)=only/
      ...yu(r)t(Turkic)=yurta(R)=yuhti(Nauatl)=from the
      jyu/jyut(Chinese language from the Altai/ Cantonese/Ca(n)tona=Bear Worship/Swiss),=yeti
      (Nepalese Neandra).
      ...i suppose, uic-ger, but with uico(N/impersonal of uic)we have the nomad idea
      of Uighur, the 2d (u) of Uighur is hard to explain away by just, ger, the wicking yurt,
      not complete enough as others use them too.
      uicol/oa(N)=return to the coil/coloa of lineage
      is an important character trait that tells us
      more about the Uighur than yurt wicks.
      ...yollotl(N)=heart, coloa(N)=chorus/koros.
      ...create=ce atl(N)=1st/one water/atl/altia/
      ...c(r)e atl(N)=one water holy/roll=m(o)ve=
      to unite, become ce(N)=one klei=k(l)ei=ce(N)=
      cetl(N)=ice(E). why clay was chosen to make
      man, so he would be one with the C(r)e atl/or.

    2.'s Tajik=Tochik(Deer breeder designation
      Toca/Dukha, etc.). Tajik used by medieval Turks to designate Iranian/Persian speaking groupwith links to Afghanistan, e.g., Tocharian/Hungarian/
      Tochtli(N/8 Tonalamatl)=rabbit,= T/Th/Ho(r)s/c/chtli=Horse. the Tochik spelling
      connects them to the Altai. anyway, Nomad=Noma/Nomatka/Nomatzinco(N)=
      my net being=always, the same, forever, spontaneous. their term for yuhti/yu(r)t= xona-i siyoh(Tochik)=xonatl(N)=onion
      -i si=ici(N/Fr)=here yotl(N)=alone/I=
      here I stand, lone onion/yurt.

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    4. ...guerdon=gerron(Gk)=guiderdone(Ital)=
      galardon(sp)=2 parts to wicker shield/round/don/done/donum/
      round. and wicker, actually, -uitl(N)=withe)
      ...aura(sp)=vulture; gentle breeze(poetic);
      favor,applause, e.g., aura popular=popularity,
      =aurora(sp)=dawn, roseate color,=aurero(sp)=
      ...good on copina(N).

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    1. ...yuhcatla(N)=desert, solitude, waste. note,
      yuhti(N)/yuh(N)=thus, so/yuhqui(N)=thus, in this way, such, similarly,=yucata(Japanese)=tropical
      clothing,=Yuhcatlan(N)=desert land,=Yucatan(Mex).
      ...the same for Yukon, only -on=distance, oncan(N)=over there, far, where.
      now, with aspirant (h)=f/ph/p=iif(MDutch)=if(Fr)=iva(sp)=iv/b/pa=
      ipanti(N)=bullseye, so yew=ih=iva/ipanti(N).
      there is no other combination of letters that
      will give the root, ipanti(N), to yew.
      one has to know: ih/if/ip, the aspirant progression for p, e.g., for t/th/h, s/sh(x in
      nauatl)/h. c/ch/h, c/ch are nauatl, but h not.
      t is complicated by, tl=t/l/r, but if splits to
      t/th/h, if to l/r interchange, as l is not
      a first letter in naua, but is found in word
      bodies. V/Basque is similar with (r), which is not first letter but found in word body. another clue that l/r Nauatl and Basque are the
      same language.
      ...harpoon=(h)a(r)pé(Latin)=apiloa(N)=atl piloa
      (N)=water spill/take water from a well. hmmm,
      peaceful antecedents for harpoon/harpé, hmmm,
      "took my harpoon out of my dirty red bandana,
      Bobby McGee". harp has a spilling sound. the
      bucket is thrown into the well, like later harpoon and then is hauled back by rope, guess
      it's the action of throw and rope retrieve.
      can´t stop imaging/imagining while rooting.

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    1. ...Tecpatl(N/18 Tona)=tetl ca patla(N)=stone
      being swap=flint/obsidian knapping=nappa/4 times
      but stech(OHG)=stick(E/verb). atlatl=arrow.
      mitl(N)=spear, Amimitl(N/deity of Fishermen),
      michin(N)=fish,=mi/tl chi n=spear/mitl on top/chi
      n/4 sides=ami/oan(N)=to aim a m/itl=spear, Diana.
      ...anak(panah/ipanti/-nah=na=michi/n)=nacatl(N) =flesh, snaka(OE)=snake(E).

    2. ...stech(OHG)=ste(n)ch(E)=ste(n)c'(OE)= stanc(OSax) but, stanch(OHG)=stanch/staunch(E)= stop flow of blood from stech(OHG)=Tecpatl(N/18 Tonalamatl)=knife(E)=k/nipa/nepa(N), symbol of otoño/autumn or dry period.

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    1. ...knapping=nappa(N)=4times,=nav/b/pp aja=
      ...hew is the same word as hoe, at least i find
      the form howa(OFrisian)=h/ch/cowatl=Coatl(N/5
      Tonalamatl)under hew(E). Hewitt blogs say there is not alternate spelling for the name, but
      Coatl/Howitt is a candidate.
      ...Hewitt=Coa-ilhuitl(N/2d sample/cempoalli/20/
      month of the Tlaxcalteccan 360 solar year=
      tun(Mayan), in which there are war games and
      telling of brave deeds/hazañas=azar/hazards.
      Lady Snake/CiuaCoatl(N)=Minister of war and
      public works. the people get dressed up in animal skins embroidered in silver and gold,
      both plebes and nobles dance, a change of skin
      which also enforces 2d month as snake/Coatl,
      redressing the earth.
      ...MicMac(Amerind tribe)=Michin namaca(N)=fish
      sellers/maca(N)=give,=namaca(N)=give to 4.
      (SemaNaga/Assam)=to bite.
      ...ignis(Latin=in t/Lat/olli=the word)=
      ic nextli(N)=Here/ici(N/Fr) ceniza(sp)=cinis(Lat)=(n)aesche(OE)=ashes,
      from, neci/onez(N)=to appear,=nez(Fr)=nose(E).
      ...bit/bite/bitter. the etymology of bitter
      tails off into duality, sweet/sour. appears to
      be root, potli(N)=both, as a bite entails both
      upper/lower dentures, a bit both sides of the
      mouth, a breaking into both/2. earliest forms
      for bittern(marsh bird)=botor/butor(E/Romanian)
      to redden/shame,=pine(E/tree), and first Cross.
      (N)=from on high,=pilot/fill=pila(sp)=file/fire

    2. ...for the purpose of reading the Tonalamatl,
      it begins on the 2d or 3d of March, to avoid
      counting leap year as one moves through the years. first sample/cempoalli/2O/month goes
      to 21/22 March. Coa-ilhuitl, 2d 20-day month=
      22/23 Marzo to 10/11 Avril. one doesn't worry
      about the exact day, as time is not a point but a frame/flame/fame=Tlatla(N)tzol(N)teotl(N).

    3. ...Agni(Ind)=ignis=ogon(R)=fogón(sp)=ocotl(N)=
      Okhotsk(R/sea&work settlement)=ocote(Mex)=
      aromatic pine of turpentine.

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    1., what
      shield/chieltia protects.
      /gurl. school means coleens to me. shoal=xalli(N)
      ...chaplain=capania(N)=campana/bell ringer.
      ...hoplite=litter? h/th/toptli(N)=idol on that litter.
      hmmm, topile(N)=alguacil(sp)/police(E), much
      abused word, topol(russile)=poplar, wood
      truncheons are made of=topilli(N).
      ...apostle=a/po(s)tli=a potli(N)=to both= messenger/punt/put/foot.
      (V/B)=column of smoke.
      ...chamitl naua(N)=bricks/chamitl naua/4=
      chaminaua(N/construct of mine)=house darts/chantli mitl naua/4=chimenea(sp)=
      chimney=caminata(MedLatin)=cami/chamitl na ta?
      wonder if camino(sp)=chamitl otli(N)=brick road

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    1. ...malli(N)=prisoner, e.g., Malli tlan(N)=
      prisoner land,=Malta(Island Med.)=malinalli(N)=
      twist; garland/galardón(sp).
      ...chimalli(N)=on top prisoner, e.g., malchik/
      malyutka(R)=boy/baby, e.g., the Aztec birth/war
      principle, bring your prisoner in alive!
      ...chimalli(N)=can be considered fire drill,
      as metaphoric shield against cold, barbarity and pro-civilization, fire being captive most
      of time.
      ...cephalicus(Latin)=ce palli(N)=one stalk,=
      palli(N)=p/ba(r)lli=barley, grain being brain.
      i call it the keep, after, cepan(N)=cepan(OE)=
      ...ciuia(N)=presecute, activate, stimulate,=
      ...kippa/quepi/kepi(Fr)/cappi(Germ)=capania(N)=campana(sp)=bell cap, also the
      kebbe/kebi/quepi/kibbe, the Arab meat biscuit/
      bizcocho(sp)=biz/pitzaua-cochca(N)=my slight
      meal before sleeping. cochca(N)=nocochca(N)=
      my night meal, pitzaua(N)=thin, slim.
      ...goal/gaol/jail=ca ollin(N)=being(in)movement
      =stir(reo slang, here reo=r/teo=t(h)e (r)ollin
      movement. in a sense, before creation, le bon
      Dieu was in jail, stirring.

    2. ....kibble(E)=kübel(G)=miluh-chubili(OHG)=milk pail=
      milchiua copina(N)=cyfel(OE)=note the English opt
      for i/y instead of y/u, but kibble(Ammy slang)=tiny
      biscuits/biscochos(sp) used for dogfood, sometimes kept in a bucket for mining canine
      appetite,=cupellus(Lat)=corn measure, drinking vessel,=cuppa(Lat).

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  14. ...Dravidian Venus worship, e.g., d(r)auid/tl=
    tlauitl(N)=red ochre,=tlauizcalli(N)=alba/aurora(sp)=dawn=tlauiz(N)=
    Tlauizcalpantecuhtli(N)=Lord of the House of the Dawn
    =Quetzalcoatl as Morning Star Venus.
    ...Dawitt, supposedly meaning, beloved, in Hebrew,
    as a form of David. David may have been beloved,
    more importantly he was the dawn of Hebrew Kings.
    also, Lawis(Island/Outer Hebrides)=Lewis, another
    name from, tlauiz(N)=dawn. meanings of names are
    in a highly unbranded form today, vague, stray
    guesses wandering through the shrubbery of an Etymolly wasteland looking for dry water holes.
    ...and add to waves/furrows, weaving, e.g., archery
    =tilana/tilinia(N)=stretch the bow, line, tilinqui
    (N)=fid separator, =lincua/lengua(sp/Lat)=lana(sp)=
    wool,=lán(ON)=loan(E), ah, relinquish/delinquent(E).

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    1. sing,=ca/being solar/tone
      Tona-tiuh(N). ca(n)ton(Bern Bear)=katonah(NY/
      chief)=ka(r)th/tune in(Oldest Finn(Bear)clan,
      hmmm, c(l)an=ca(n)=cland(OIrish)=c(l)a(n)t/d=
      ca/being t/tona? so the very word clan is solar,
      meaning the first clans were bear/iueli(N)=
      hibernative/hypernative to Scotland/Ireland/Iberia/Switz/Germany.
      ...dewa=teua(N)=stone owner/war,=Stewart/steward.
      ...Calli(s)to(Gk Myth)=Calli Tonatiuh(N)=Sun
      House/cave=Calli ue(N)=caue/cave(E)Being.
      ...Dakota/Lakota/Nakota Sioux=Tzouia(N)=hunt
      with rope=rap=tlapa(N), d/t/lacotli=N/Tlacotli
      (N)=grodi(Polish/village unit preceding cities)
      slave(built cities, continues today under the name capitalism/communism, any handy name, e.g.
      Demockracy=demo/temo(N)=to lower),=coua(N)=
      to buy/comprar(sp).
      ...ritual=r/tit(ua)l=titlani(N)=messenger, titla/between,=litany/liturgy(E).
      ...ditty=d/titla=jitter?=d/jitter bug=d/titla?

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  18. ...screw ultimately comes down to, Coatl(N/5 Tona)=
    snake phallic.=coa/coua/couia(N)=to buy something,
    s/c(r)uva=cuva=coua(N)=coa(N)=Coatl(N/5 T).

  19. ...needle=naedl(OE)=nadla/nathla(OSaxon)=nadala(OHG)=
    na-Tlatla(N)=4-flame,=Tlatla-tzol-teotl(N). hmmm,
    yes, that's Neandra Promethea, nath/Tlatla has her name. Neandra did have needles.
    ...i made the remark someplace, "all it takes is one
    person of our species to run ahead of the others and
    invent fashion, fire, sewing. the next
    generation may lose inventions, distracted by imperative necessity/monequi(N). also there is
    spontaneous invention in several different places
    when its time/need have come to coincide".

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    1. ...tlatl atlatl(N)=t/lad/t/l=ladle(E)=at/l/r-
      at/l/r=arar=arrow(E)=a/t/da at/l/rt=dart(E),
      e.g., arar(sp)=to plough/poa(N)=count.
      ...kettle(E)=cetel(OE)=ce tetl(N)=one-stone
      cooking, Amerind Style, plunk heated stone in
      buffalo=popoloca(N/freq of poloni/stutter)=
      hmmm, mixed with, balar(sp)=bleat, stomach pot.
      k/niv/f/pa=cnif(late OE)=knif(MLG)=knifr(ON)=
      me(J)=bud/blossom,=metl(N)=maguey Metis plant,
      =Metis metl, first Goddess of wisdom, mother
      of Athena/Atentli(N)=by the lip,=Parth/ten-o-
      genesis(Gk/E)=Pal tentli olin/Olym-pia, by
      lips of holy Olympic/Zeus.

    2. original root of pearl/pyoll/epyollotli(N)=eptli yollotli(N)
      =perla preciosa, nacar(sp)coincides with the
      Nauatl word for same, and extends to the shell
      nacre/nacatl(N)=flesh. however there is a simpler root, one that doesn't mention pearl/
      perla/perala(OHG)itself, but is self-evident
      by its attrbutes:per/t/la-ua=petlaua(N)=to undress, become naked, e.g., nite-petlaua(N)=
      undress(take pearl out of its jacket/shell),
      nitla-petlaua(N)=burnish, polish something,
      give it shine(treatment for the pearl/perla
      ...An Amerind chief in the Delaware area
      had the monopoly on pearls in Haklyut's time, making pearls a distinctive American adornment beginning in the 16th c. it is said pearls have to be worn to keep their whiteness, if not, they yellow. Opals=pa/opa(N)=paint(E)=
      opalli(N/not found)=reverential, turn white
      when dry, being calcified rain drops formed in
      clayey soil over millenia of showers.
      ...petlatl(N)=petate(Mex)=Amerind tatami(J)=
      tatama-chiua(N)=measure, and measure again,=
      Xochitl(N/20 Tonalamatl) bedroll,=petla(N)=to throw,=petra/piedra(sp). the petate comes from
      the verb, petla, because it is rolled when not
      in use, and unrolled/thrown on the ground when
      in use, e.g., car-pet(E)=ta-pe(s)try/tapiz(sp)

    3. ...cnif(MDu)=knife(E)=sniff/snifter(E)=not imitative, but

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    1. ...can/kuk(M)=kuk=cocotl(N)=neck, can-(M)=being 4/na/for water/fishing?
      sen/center touch ladle. in handling a ladle,
      which may be heavy and large-bottomed. one has
      to rest it on the center of its hull in the
      liquid and then once it has sat, turn it gently
      to the side so liquid can pour in. the great danger of a ladle is it will splash=(s)p(l)ac/sh=paca/opac(N)=wash.
      ...sudu(M)=spoon(E)=span(OHG)=pan(N)=within, over, in, during(cooking),=s/tul/t/du=toloa(N)=
      to bow the head. there are few people who can
      sup soup without bowing the head slightly, if not, they risk getting splashed/washed by their own soup bowl.
      possible, probably. muchi ueli(N)=all powerful.

    2. ...sudoku(J)=anacrostic game,=tzoma(N)=sew/
      -doku=toca(N)=touching on,=like/touching on sewing. if you play the game, it's like knitting. in Malay, spoon and ladle=senduku/
      sudu(M)appear to ally themselves with a sewing
      metaphor, e.g., the motion of the hand holding
      spoon/ladle is the same as sewing, using a needle/jarom(M)/slalom/tzalan(N).
      ...cankuk(M)=hook/cocotl(N)=neck. needle is
      also held by neck/cocotl/-kuk(M/particle).
      the first particle, can-(N/particle)=canactic
      (N)=thin/light/fine, which (N/adj) describes
      requisite for hook/can-kuk(M), e.g., fine=pine=pin(E)=pinaua/opinauh(N)=redden/
      opinion(E), meaning sharp=shape=sh/s/t/lapa(N). for horny/corny, the only solution is the root=coloa(N)=coil/curl/goil/gurl/girl/
      Coleen(Irish/girl name). of course, corn is
      also a bunion onion/callos(sp)=callous(E)=
      cha-cayolli(N)=callos(sp)=hard excrescences
      that grow on hands and feet, e.g., colotli(N)=
      horn, armature, idol=zoloto(R)=zloti(Polish)=
      gold(E), but also, horn=h/ch/cor/lotli/N=
      corn horn. armature has to do with metals in
      contact with each other, e.g., magnet placed
      on iron to preserve its capabilities.
      ...tzaua(N)=hilar(sp)=hilo(sp)=thread, old verb for tzoma(N)=tzo/sew(E)=tzol(N)=hole,=
      hand/hole=tzoma. once sewing, the loom for
      language, it's weaving together, and table
      manners weld together. in the Orient, chopsticks ally themselves to knitting.
      tza-ua(N)=tzalan-ua(N)=owns/-ua tzalan/
      between, as in jarom/slalom/tzalan(N), e.g.,
      tzayana/otzayan(N)=undo/break/tear/cut/take off something(sewing words), tzayani/otzayan
      (N)=break/tear/rajarse(sp)=split(repair words).
      ...Suzuki(J/sea bass/perch)=s/z/tzo-t/zocatl(N)=poor, indigent, e.g., the Greeks
      have a phrase, supping on bitter herbs, or,
      not enough $ to buy olive oil, which reflects
      this state. the sea bass is a popular angling
      fish for the Japanese, but its flesh mild,
      a delicacy has been made of it today, but in
      early times may not have been favored except
      as last resort, inhabiting the estuaries and
      shore lines.
      ...tsuma(J)=one's better half, i.e., who sews,
      puts things together, who needles/naTlatla(N)/

    3. ...spoon(E)=run before the wind or sea, scud(E)=
      cotona(N)=scuttle(E),=spoon(E)=oval bowl with long
      =spon(OE)=potia(N)=potian(OE)=put(unite),= sponn(ON)=span(OHG)=span(G)=shaving,=
      panna(Uenic, fm G)=shingle,=sphen(Gk)=wedge?,

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. ...tlatlama-liztli/tlatlama-ni(N)=fish with net/
      fisher with net, the butterfly has 2 nets.
      tlamani(N)=he who captures/hunter,=ma/oma(N)=
      hunt land/sea with net.
      ...tlamach(N/adv)=softly, peacefully, little by little,=ramarama(Malay)=r/t/lama ch
      r/l/t/lama ch.
      ...tlama tlama(N)=doctor doctor/shaman shaman=
      xamani xamani(N)=destroyer destroyer,=chamaua
      chamaua=eulogize eulogize.
      ...psyche(Gk)=psukhe(Gk)=breath, soul, life,=
      ps/s/z/tzocatl(N)=wrinkle,=socket(E)=born of a sock(E)=zoka(J)=creation.
      ...tefetuth(Berber Mazyec)=tepetl totonia(N)=
      mountain warmth/take the sun/butterfly.
      ...woo deep(Cantonese/Yue/Jyu/Jyut)=deep=tepetl
      woo/oua/ua(N)=owner(E)?, doctor/shaman.
      ...parpar(H/Israel)=parpado(sp)=eyelid, parpar
      (sp)=quack like a duck.
      ...kupu-kupu(Malay)=copina copina(N)=cup-cup(E)

    2. ...r/t/lama(N)=medicine man/surgeon, =LLama(Dali), begins the word for priest in Nauatl=tlamacazqui(N)=maca(N/root)=to give, lit., hand/ma-ca/be,=ma/oma(N)=hunt land/sea with, pamaca(N)=give an
      enema,=p/pha(r)macy(E/sp), quite important routine for Neanders, given their diet, papaloa
      (N)=lamerse(sp)=tlama(N)=lick oneself(E)=
      papauaque(N)=native priests who unite with their nobles to elect the Tlatoani,=Papa(sp)=
      Pope(E)=popoca(N)=smoke, papaua(N)=he who has
      a pony tail, paqui(N)=happy(E/reversal),=
      papillón=Babylon=papiloa(N)=paint spill(E)=
      paint someone.
      ...don't agree with Onions on hap/happy, as,
      besides paqui(N)=happy, we have, auia(N/verb)=

    3. Aztec myth/rite=titla/titlani(N)=messenger
      the papalotl(N)is the animal of Xochipilli(N)=
      Prince of Flowers, whose consort, finally, after
      a marriage to Tlaloc/Rarog, the wet, who brought
      flowers and green also with his t/l/raini(N)days, was XochiQuetzal/Flower Feather, most beautiful of the Goddesses.
      Xochipilli was deity of music and dance.
      the famous stone portrait of him sitting
      cross-legged, tattooed with flowers, playing
      the teponaztli 2-toned drum. his most notable avatar=Macui Xochitl(N)=5 Flower,
      linking him to Xolotl(N)=twin of Quetzalcoatl
      Morning Star, who as Macui/mask(e)Flower is
      the tobacco plant, oldest deity of Mexico, before corn.
      ...the legend of the birth of the rose/Xochitl
      (N/20 Tona)finds Xochiquetzal sleeping in the
      forest. Tzotz the bat is urged by other gods
      to bite her in a bland part and plant the morsel. however, when the rose come up out of her flesh/labia, it had a very strong smell, so the gods asked tzotz patla=bat to nibble another sample from an even blander part,
      which he did, and the result is the fragrant
      rose straight from its Goddess.
      ...tobacco was another story which involved
      Xochi(N)=Sochi(Russile Euxine playground)and
      old bones, Mictlantecuhtli, Death Lord. he was
      travelling through the forest one day and
      saw XochiQuetzal taking her bath in a jungle
      pool, jumped her bones, but at the precise moment of ejaculation she slipped out from
      under him and his seed went in an arc through
      the selva(sp)=xilé(N)=sylvanus(Latin)=woods,
      where it landed sprung up to a tobacco plant.
      not that this will give tabac fiends pause,
      but just so they know what they're smoking.

  23. ...up sprung a tabac plant.
    ...parpar(H?)=parpado(sp)=eyelid,=parpar(sp)=quack like a
    duck,=par/tla par/tla(Letra)=patla/patla(N)=paddle/paddle(E)=
    swap/swap(E)=ua patla/ua patla(N).
