Friday, 30 November 2012
petla(N)=throw/piedra/petra=petate(Mex)=petlatl(N)=sleeping mat/matlatl/
net,=p/bett(G)=bed(E), or, another root, metl(N)=Metis(first deity wisdom)
=me(n)te(sp)=mind(E), the Meya/omex(N)=flow Meyauel/Mayauel Maguey Plant,
the Century Agave=Acatl(N/13 Tonalamatl)ue(N)=Big Cane Blue Maguey Think Reed=Rheod(OE)=rood/rod, it's color, red(E)=Teotl(N)=theOther/ElOtro(sp)=
...naua(N)=reel=rheol(OE)=roll(E)=Ollin/Olin=Holy=r/Teot/l(N). to own/-ua
4/na-, hands and feet, hand over hand, foot over foot, the reel, also
related to fishing, creel=Creole=Ca Teotl(N)=the other being holy, note
bene, Tom Jefferson.
cepan(Nauatl)=ce pan(N)=one place, together/juntos(sp)=keep(E)...cepan(N)
chaloa/ochali(N)=estrenar cosa/debut for the first time, so, créche/
crepcha(Port)=cepan-chaloa(N), e.g., cepayaui(N)=nevar/to snow,=cetl(N)=
ice(E), payaui(N)=crumble, e.g., payana/opayan(N)=crush clods,=payaso(sp)=
clown/clodhopper=payatl(N)=bald worm/caterpillar.
Sunday, 25 November 2012
one of the lovelier Amerind songs, sung by river boatmen, sailors on
clipper ships, almost interim state song of Virginia, 2006, about an
Amerind chief who did not want his daughter to go west with her roving
American immigrant sweetheart, e.g., "O, Shenandoah, i love your daughter", and, "away, i'm bound away, across the wide Missouri".
Shenandoah is not the chief's name, but his epithet,=Chinantia(N)=
he builds an enclosure/corral of bamboo/cane=Acatl(N/5 Tonalamatl),
around Doah=dohtar(OS)=dóttir(ON)=daughter(E)=tohter(OHG)=tochter(G)=toctli(N)=
young corn plant.
1.chinamitl(N)=separation, cerca de cañas(sp)/enclosure of cane.
2.chinampa(N)=floating gardens/hydroponic platforms.
3.chinancalli(N)=enclosure, garden, park, surrounded by a wall.
4.chinancaltia(N)=make an enclosure for oneself,=nite-chinanacaltia(N)=make an enclosure for someone.
5.Chinantecatl(N)=inhabitant of Chinantla, east of Zapotecapan.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Friday, 23 November 2012
...muh(China/,=me(J)=eye; bud/
blossom,=metl(N)=the Metis, Deity of Wisdom plant, century plant, species
Agave=Acatl ue(N)=way big Cane/Reed, refers to quiotl(N)=quiote(Mex)=Quixote's
...shuhmuh(Chi)=number,=xomotl(N)=duck: priest who tells the Tonalamatl.
...Lin(Chi)=surname; (lin) wood, forest,=tilinia(N)=squeezed together,
line(E), tilinqui(N)=curved, thick, firm, solid, wooden fid used to
separate warp in weaving, tilini(N)=pile up.
...chi(Chi)=seven,=chi-come(N)=reverse 2/ome=7.
...maa(Chi)=figure=feign=finger=piqui(N)=create/imagine, lit., who picks,
=pi/opic(N)=pick,=pixie,=ma/oma(N)=hunt land/sea w/net,=mati(N)=know,=
matlatl(N)=net,=matlalli(N)=net land; blue. mana(N)=flow, but figure=
to calculate=mati mati ca(N)=mathematics(E)
...piaw(Chi)=ticket, note, bill,=pia/pie(N/privative)=lit.,no pick,
guard and abstain,=piety(E).
...yan(Chi)=salt=sala(sp)=tzalan(N)=between, yani(N)=pilgrim. salt travels
to its destination.
or string for awnings/cover,=metl(N)=Metis, rope and poliuhqui/pulque
Deity, first Goddess of Wisdom, mother of Athena,=triangle(E).
...jin(Chi)=axe,=sh/xin-(N/prefix)=xinqui(N)=he who cuts, fells.
...tsuh(Chi)=vinegar,=sh/xococ(N)=acid, bitter,=xocolia/oxocoli(N)=
to be bitter/agrio=vin agrio(sp), become agrio.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
notzlani(N)=like to talk,=animo-notztlani=taciturn(E)=
tlachitoloani(N)=he who rolls himself up,=notza/cite in place/tlani.
Saturday, 17 November 2012
...spirit of the forest(Bantu/Topan(N)=over us, Bambuti/Mbuti/PanPotli(N)=both places)=trumpet,=
tompitzquetza/tompitzqueua(N)=bubble, swell, flow, speaking of a spring;
lift the head, speaking of serpent ready to run or who is running.
...molimo(Ituri Rain Forest/NW Zaire)=trumpet; spirit of the Forest,=
molictli/molicpitl(N)=elbow. 2.5k BCE, Egyptians refer to People of the
...panda(Mbuti)=gambling game, beans thrown on a mat,=pa(n)d/t/la=patla
(N)=swap(E)=patolli(N)=MacuilXochitl/Tobacco Diety/5-Flower's favorite board game, played with black beans thrown on a mat.
...sindula(Mbuti)=water chevrotain, mouse deer,=s/z/tzintli d/toloa
=tzintol(o)a(Nauatl)=Saintly Head Butt/toro(sp)=bull,=toloa(N)=bow the head, fierce and highly prized animal by the Mbuti=potli(N)=butt/both.
...Bantu/Topan(N)=over us, is more a language designation than people.
their migrations began 5kya, i.e., 3k Bce.
...nkosa(Mbuti)=vine for making nets,=kosa(J)=intersection, crossing,=
...nkosa(Kongo)=lobster=lopustre(OE)=l/to-potli(N)=our pond/tank fish, e.g., tope(Cornish)=sand shark, Central West Afrika, the Kongo of S. Gabon, might translate to other meanings of cozcatl(N)=jewel, yellow, unless the Kongo made necklaces of the claws,
or meaning topotli(N)had to be taken and restrained by net traps.
...nkoko(Kongo)=trumpet,=cocoloa(N/freq. of coloa)=go someplace making many turns; sing, crow(speaking of rooster/cock).
...coloa(N)=color/coil/curl(E)=is close to colotli(N)=armature, idol,
horn(E)=ch/cornet(E)=woman's headress with horns and lappets; cavalry
insignia, company of cavalry,=zoloto(R)=zloti(Polish)=c/gold(E), ta da!
Thursday, 15 November 2012
=guot(OHG)=cotoncayotl(N)=tocotonca(N)=our parent/fellow=
Moose Chipewa(N)
1.Muskogean/Muskoqui/Mozoquitl(N)=your mudder,=
Moose=mo/your mud/tzo-quitl/quitter, e.g.,tequitl=stone quitting, uitequi(N/verb)=thresh.
2.moozoonsil(Ojibway/Ochip(a)ua-c/Chipaua=pure water)=little moose(E)=moozoo/xilé(birth chair).
3.Miigis=pearl(mortality)=Cimi(Mayan Tzolkin)=Ce Miquiz/tli
(N/Tonalamatl Calendar)=one skull=6th trecena.
4.doodem(Ojib/Ochipauac)=clan,=tod(G)=death/tetl,=d/to d/emo(N)=to temo(N)=our descent, Totem(Algic).
Sunday, 11 November 2012
(E)=kitoun/ketoun(OE)=chitoun/chetoun(OFr)=chitoni(N)=spark,=chthonic(Gk)=earth(flint). 2.cheetah=chitlatla(N)=flame on top. Regent of Tonalamatl, Tlatla, hunts
with chitlatla at Zatal Hüyuk, cf.,Cheetah Dance mural/7k BCE.
3.khiton/xiton(Gk)=tunic/tunica(E/Latin)=sparky tune/tone.
4.xiton=onion peels=sh/xonatl(N).5.xiton/aracnis=spider web.
6.Xitoni(Gk)=Diana=ami/oan(N)=aim kitten(E).
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Sumer Spill
spilla(ONorse)=spill(E)=piloa(N)=from on high,
bir(Sum)=scatter/spill(E). bir(Sum)=bake bricks,=
bir(Sum)=break, tear, shred, e.g., spill(E)=
splinter or slip(E)=spill(E)wood for lighting
pyre/piloa/fire. spilt(E)/destroy. bil-ga(Sum)=fresh fruit,=piloa ca(N)=spill be. pa-bil-ga
(Sum)=male ancestor,=tlapa piloa ca(N)=flame
paint spill being(E). bil-la(Sum)=hot,=piloa t/latla(N)=spill flame(E).
ardently,=piloa t/latla peua(N)=begin flame
spill(E). biluda(Sum)=rites/usage,=piloa
d/tlatla(N)=flame spill, uda/uta(J)=verse,=
otli(N). bir(Sumer)=locust spill=piloa.
wrinkled=b/pil/r oa=
Cipactli(N/day one Tona)=hear confession=
impose penance,=scriban(OHG)=write/paint,=describe.
and forth, shrivel(E)=tzocatl(N)=socket.
bilis(sp)=bile((E), spilla(ON). billa/billar
birla(sp)=nine pin/skittle spill,=birlesca
(sp)=spill of thieves,=
kite,=birli(sp)=space at bottom of page/
printer's wages,=birlar(sp)=bowl a 2d time
where ball stopped first time/spill. birlar
piilo(F)=hiding place,=pillo(sp)=thief.
Monday, 5 November 2012
Needles and Pins
tzol-teotl(N)=cave Venus/regent of Tona,=nadala(OHG).
Tlatla(tzol)teotl(N)=cave Venus.
Friday, 2 November 2012
4 corner hit(Baseball)=xomer(Hebrew)=heap=tepe/tepetl(N)=
sh/xomulli(N)=ome(N)=2=corner heap. homily(E)=omelia(N)=
make one of 2=ome(N)=homely(E)=hominy=humility(E).
ome(N)=2=omitl(N)=(b)one(E)=omiyo/omio(N)=what has bones
(E)=homme(Fr). Homer=omelia(N)=ome(N)=2=blind one and
booker. kh/xomer(H)=2 sides to a corner,=ome(N)=
sh/xomulli(N)=xomotl(N)=duck/priest, knows the 4 angles
of Tonalamatl,=sumo(J)xomulli(N)=wrestler/elbows and knees
=4 parts,=sumizumi(J)=all the corners,=sum Sumer.
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