Saturday, 24 November 2012


(E)=zadel/zaal(Du)=tzalan/tzallantli(N)=canyon=between neck&rump.


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    1. ...ceti/cetia(N)=set/sit(E)=cetilia(N)=get together again with one's old lady, settle(E),
      as in settle down. women were the same 5k BCE
      as they are now.
      ...excoba=corvus/corbie/crow, but, copina(N)=
      co(m)bines with, recogedor(sp)=dustpan. the broom
      =b(r)/po(p)o,/tl=popotl(N)is shaped/tlapa like
      a one dimensional cup, anticipating the dustpan
      recovery/recoger(sp)which is cup also, meaning
      gleaner as well. note, cova=c/s/shova=shovel(E).

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    1. ...tapa(tree Borneo)=tlapa(N)=tlapatl(N)=castor
      bean tree, early poison/45k BCE for arrow tips.
      tentli ca(N)=lip being,=t/renga(J)=brick, the
      alining of which involves string.
      ...cacalotl(N)=crow/cuervo; candle snuffer, or
      small pinzas/pincers to take popcorn off the coals.
      ...cacali/ocacal(N)=shoot arrow(at someone)= carcaj(sp)=quiver.
      ...cacali/cacalli(N)=cuervo/crow, cf., calli.
      ...Calli(N)=house, pincer of wood/cane to eat
      pop/corn cooked in ashes; crow/cuervo.
      ...the symbiosis between crow, man, and grain
      couldn't be clearer, fire is there too.
      the offering of 40% raven=r/tlatla ven/uentli
      (N)=flame offering at Gobekli means grain/agriculture, informal housing, corrals,
      granaries, the T monoliths supporting roofs/
      toptli(N)=idols; wraps.
      touch=touching on copying(E).
      take one thing out of another(slice), make
      emerge, extract, model, copy(E), reproduce a
      script, e.g., copinaloni(N)=mold.

    2. ...string/streng/tenca(Nauatl)=lip/edge(seam)

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    4. ...knapping=nappa(N)=4 times,=napaloa(N)=govern,
      =tenapaloa(N)=somebody governs, t/re(s)nable
      ...carve(E)=copina(N)=copy(E)=copina toca(N)=
      ...try not to think with input, take the output from the words themselves. your brain
      is not trained for Letra yet, until then you
      have no road map, just a compass whirling.

    5. ...ivory=ivery(construct)=iueli(N/adv)=powerful,
      iueli pantli(N)=u/elephant(E). the Etruscan
      Liber Linteus is printed in burnt ivory,
      Inverness=Iver(name)=invernadero(sp)=green house
      =infierno/infernal, etc.
      ...marfil(sp)=ivory,=mapilli(N)=lit., child of
      the hand, thumb/tompoxtli(N)=fool=trumpet0
      tompitzquetza(N)=lift the head, like a serpent

    6. ...learning, not teaching is my thing, but i
      do see the difficulty you're having with craft/krotugr(ONorse), i.e., you haven't seen enough, toca, examples, e.g.,thuitoca(N)=imagine one
      sees something, thui/ithualli is the lowland
      for, itta(N)=see, e.g., cemithualli(N)=one
      patio/seeing/threshing floor,=cem'ya(R)=family.
      put the definite article, in(N) thuitoca(N)=
      intuit(E). ok? another, historic=Agathocles(Gk), king of Sparta, who
      began as majordomo to a rich man, married the
      wife, became King of Sparta, 2 generations later, grandson killed
      the father, Agathocles son,=Aga/Aua(N)toca(N)/
      thocles=almost a king, the name Agathocles is
      the mnemonic for the title of the story, it's
      plot. the moral being that only a real King
      will run true to lineage. noble, of course,=
      no pilli(N)=my child, i.e., nobles are not known for their brains, astuteness, ambition they are renowned for raising their children correctly.
      ...Daedalus, your patronymic for e-mail,
      be drowned, carried away by water/a=atl(N).
      oatococ(N)=drowned. ah, Tatli-alus=al/toc/s.
      so you can see why it's an advantage to know
      Letra, ins and outs, know that alus/arus
      are the same suffixes that yield atoco(N),
      that s/c, that r/t, that l/t, that u/o. if you don't know it, you miss the mnemonic root waiting for you in Nauatl and miss the secret of oral tradition, i.e., names describe plot,
      one word is often a sentence=cententli(N)=one
      word, one lip. here's another:
      Yose(Japanese)=story-telling gathering, vaudeville, building where fable takes place,
      =Yo Ce/Yotl Ce(N)=I,Alone,=José, father of Christ, fabricated by the RCC. Jose(J)=the End Game, alternate title of the, I,Alone, story.
      we go to the Greeks for the first we hear
      about a man, Orpehus/Orpheé, coming back from
      the underworld alive, Orphan=icn-o(r)ph/pilli
      (N)=deserving(the remedy for being orphaned),
      lit., where/ic my/no pilli/child?
      it's not too much of a stretch, now we have
      sourced the mnemonic, Yose(J)/Yo Ce(N)/José,
      to intuit Jesus in the original story was an
      orphan, and that the RCC invented José to get
      to Mary, cf., King Theodric, HRE, San Apollinari Mosaic.

    7. ...finally ran, raft(E), down in the tlapa-(N)
      e.g., cenca paltic(N)=really wet, i.e.,
      tlap(al/tililli(N)=t/l/raf/pt,=rafter/rapt(E)= pal(N/postposition)=par(Fr)=por(sp)=for(E).
      ...tzaualli(N)spider web,= tzaua(N)=spin/hilar(sp)=hilo(sp)=thread=
      hilar,=tzauani/tzauhqui(N), e.g., tzauhqui
      ocuilin(N)=gusano que hila(sp)=silk worm,

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    1. ...euatl(N)=leather(E).
      ...death=d/tetl(N)=stone, or, d/t/letl=tletl(N)=
      fire, e.g., Hel(German)=h/th/tetl(N), or,
      h/th/t/letl=tletl(N)=fire, and German Hell has
      the option of cold/fire.
      ...kroptugr(ONorse). your word order is skewed
      here, e.g., copina/copy toca/touch, script/
      Cipactli(N/day one Tona), scare=s/car/t/l=
      Ecatl(N/2 Tona)=gast(Scot)=ghost=Hecate.
      ...Shibbo-leth(H)=Cipactli/Dragon leth/tletl/
      t/l/red/t/l=Red, or, lith/Lilith's(black)Dragon
      ...leaf/leave=eua(N/verb)/Eva=leave, peel out/
      euatl e.g.,
      least(Russile/English letters)=li(s)t(R)=tletl
      (N)=red leaf, listopad(R)=fall, lit., leaf fall, li(s)t(R)=l/t/lil/t=tlil-(N/prefix)=
      tlilli(N)=color black,=palli(N).
      ...bone=omitl(N)=2 dart/arrow,=omio/omiyo(N)=
      what has bones,=homme(Fr).

    2. ...carve(E)=ceorfan(OE)=c(e)o(r)p/fan=copina(N)=
      copy=krop/tugr(ONorse)=craft, lit., carve/touch.

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    5. ...cure(E)=coloa(N)=coil/curl/turn(for the better or worse), color.
      ...we established that LLubiyana was plumbed
      for llup/tub(Egyptian)=attob(Arab)=Toptli(N)=
      idol; wrap/bricks to build the city nearby.
      ...tana=tlan atl(N)=locative(land/ran)water/
      ...Lebanon named after mountain, e.g., l/tep=
      Tepetl, ah, Lebnan=-nan(N)=mother, the mother
      mountain=Lebanon, perhaps the same intent as
      Iztaccihuatl(N)=white lady, mate of Popoca-
      ...Vol/Olin ca(N)=rolling being, old name=
      Rha=Tlatla/Flame river, for rawend(Arab)=rhubarb(first tea)growing on its
      banks in circassina times, pre 3k BCE.
      ...good, Gallilee=Calli(N/5 Tona)=-lee=
      tilinia(N)=houses packed together, in a line,
      one on top of another.
      ...Golan(H)=G/cola(n)=colina(sp)=small hills,
      ghost. Hecate is the agent for both scare and
      scar=cat scratch=s/c(r)at/ch. can dropping coats into bogs help anything. check out the shoes the evenki woman
      makes for Mears BBC on YouTube. tanning would take the fur off. deer skin has to be softened by hand, string is a lip process to
      separate ligaments out and wind them together.
      ...all the bog words are for smoke/poctli/
      popoca, or for the Ceiba Bombax/Pochotl.
      ...without the discipline of Letra, it's just
      endless speculation and not a systematic learning which renders an account of itself.

    6. ...Baltic/Balt=B/Patla(N)=be bored, tire of waiting, despair; nite-patla(N)=replace one person by another; nite-patla(N)=change, interchange, swap(E), found, dilute something,
      e.g., Baltic was inundated by Littorina Sea,
      7.5-4k BCE,=patlachtic(N/adj.v)=large, extended
      (description of Baltic, -tic=ticitl=midwife),
      e.g., patlachtic uapalli(N)=plancha larga.

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    8. ...retard=re/tard=t/la r/t d/t/l=-tlat/l=
      cui-tlatl(N)=tail, to be tardy, quilate(sp),
      is to be late(E).
      ...slew(E/naut. xviii/slue)=turn, swing round. when you turn around, crouched like a ship
      heeled over, you're chasing your tail where
      the s/z/tzol/tzotl(N)=hole/lodo is. slew as
      preterit of slay i don't find.
      to/our being/ca(N)=sow and bury,=tocar(N)=
      play music/dirge,=touch(E). we see the l/t operative, and the (s)
      elides, as does, (r/l)&(m/n), don't forget,
      (r/t) either.

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    1. ...lethargy. the bog bodies were tanned.
      the Amerind had mummification but used paper,
      not linen. Gobekli was more complete than we
      give it credit. trojes(sp)=barns,=Toptli(N)=
      idols/wraps. idol trophys are found in grain
      storage, e.g., Zatal Hüyuk, a bear(i think),
      and an effigy of TlaTla herself with her Ocelome/felines, note similarity btwn Ocelome
      and feline.
      ...silo=Xilo-nen(N/young corn diosa)=xilé(N).
      when the corn finds its seat with the Goddess
      Shilo, and when it is ripe, cuezcomatl(N)/silo.
      so we should look for that at Goblek.
      ...cuezcomatl(N)=troja(sp)=Amerind storage silo
      =xilé(N)=seat/silla/sillín(sp), cueitl comalli
      (N)=skirted comal/cover=cuezcomalli(N), by extension, cranium.

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    1., but Acatl(N/13 Tona)is also used for,
      acute(E)=sharp, a plant not like Cane either; however carrizo(sp)=Acatl. many of the Aga ue=Acatl ue(N)are not big plants but some are. it's a question of what words are available to the naming process, e.g., Tochtli(N/8 Tona)= Rabbit,=t/th/ho(r)s/sh/chtli=horse, named 5k BCE, orearlier. at Al Maqar, 7k BCE when only Tochtli was available, meaning the calendar was developed but Nauatl hadn't quite come into flower, e.g., Lagar Velho Child Burial, 26k BCE
      one finds 8=Tochtli(N/8 Tona)8 ochre rabbit bones on the shankle of the child, the number of the animal itself in the Tonalamatl.
      ...Acatl(N/13 Tona)=the sceptre, the solar sweeper of Phoenix/Sphinx,=cane(E)/bamboo= pamitl popotl(N)=flag broom,
      e.g., Tahiti=Otaheite(old name)=otatli/otatl(N)
      note, otli(N)=route/road, thick cane for traveling sticks used by Pochteca.
      ...cane does not need a loom as popochina/pochina(N)=card wool or cotton, i.e.,
      poplin(fabric), ichpopolli(N)=strop of maguey or linen, both of which have to be itched/scraped from their mother plant, ichtli
      (N)=thread, bundle, hebra(sp)=h/ph/febra=fiber.
      so from tepetl(N)=herb(E), fiber(E).
      ...cotona(N)=pinch; cut(E)=cotton(E)=algodón.
      ...Cane is a specific word but lends itself
      to non-specific words.

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    3. ...wharf=warp=weorp(OE)=uipana(N)=call(people)
      into line,=weapon/whip/wife/ufano(sp)=proud,=
      ...nice run beginning with Harp/A(r)p=tlapa(N),
      or better, whap/warp/weorp/uipana(N).
      big word, uipana(N)=whisper(E).

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    1. ...tatame(J)=tatamachiua(N/freq.)=measure,
      measure again something, e.g., ta(r)tan(Scot).
      ...maca(N)=give, lit., hand/ma ca/be,=make(E),
      =maki(J)=fire wood/ki, maki(J)=roll of cloth/
      paper; volume. Bugler days of rolling cigarettes.
      (N)=net,=matrix(E). muder=motla(N)=run against
      ...ollin/Olin(N/17 Tona)=m(o)ve=(r)oll, i.e.,
      when moving one rolls what one has to move.
      ...mono(J)=person, ki(J)=wood. first clothing was inner tree bark, e.g., Ai-nu/Ai-no=Blue
      People/Coastal Sea People.

    2. ...motla(N)=motley/mortal/mort/mot/motto/moth/

  7. ...loop=l/toptli(N)=idol; wrap,=top(E)
    ...loom=l/toma(N/verb)=open, undo, untie,=tomaua(N/verb)=augment, increase, get fat,
    make cattle graze(like tomatos), speak in strong voice.
    ...the l/t Letra shift is obligatory as there is no
    first letter(Ll)in Nauatl, could be(Rr), but there is no(Rr)in Nauatl; however, l/t/Roma City, whose lead use, e.g., water pipes, cosmetics, slowly poisoned its citizenry.

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    1. ...because re=repeat, a natural division. one takes tardy, meaning late, e.g., my arrival was
      retarded, then from tard one gets tail or trailing to fit the meaning of delay. one cannot
      lose sight of the original meaning of the word
      to be spliced.
      ...rebién(sp)=very well,=retebién(sp)=very, very well,=requetebién(sp)=extremely well.
      ...ret(E)=soak in water, to separate linen from
      its plant, also reten/retten=retain=retén(sp)=
      restraining blocks for crowd control,=r/te tentli(N)=the lip/edge, retainers being about edges. then ret morphs into rot/rotten(E), which changes its root to otli(N)=out(to throw). the (r) may be fictive addition, e.g.,
      otli=(r)oute, in that case, ret=etl(N)=bean,
      which one soaks also.
      one can split words anyway one likes, but
      meaning is the decider, e.g., ret-ard =etl/tletl/tetl,re-ard=atl/altia= firewater/wash/altar, or, bean altar/wash, or, stone wash/altar. then one consults the meaning of the word split for a concordance.
      would that be quick lime? we call that cal viva(sp)=live being(repeat of calli).
      ...sweet=auatza(N)=run water off,=sweat/sweet/
      ...soap=Tzapotlatenan(N)=Goddess of Temazcalli
      (N)=tema/thermal bathhouses and medicine Oxitl
      (E)=do nothing,=slouch on a couch, all related
      to ococh(N/perterit)=slept., or curl tail=coloa cuitlatl(N)=col-tlatl(N/construct). many ways to divide words is confirmation of Nauatl flex to birth words.
      ...revisit, slouch(E)=slok(Norw)=slokr(Icel)=
      tlaca(N)=body,=lank/lack(E)=slakr(ON). slack
      follows its own (a)vowel trail, as slouch follows(o/u), in that case, slouch would be more related to, tloc(N)=location/lock/docked
      rather than mobile, as in, louch/tloc/do nothing, not even move, so, slouch along is a
      contradictory phrase when used for one person,
      but if accompanying someone, like a tloc/dog,
      then it's ok. love the complexity of t/la/n)c/g
      but it can bring on jaqueca(sp)=caqui-quaitl(N)=obey the head=headache(pain we obey).

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    1. ...tire(E)=till=until=tilinia(N)=mount up,
      press, line(E), stretch the bow.
      goat/coatl=co(mesW/ater,=ciervo(sp)=hirvi(Finn)mixed with deer because root=ce uentli(N)=
      one offering(the 2 meals Tyrolean Otzi had in his stomach before he was sacrificed to the Mountain),=even(E)/when/whence(E)/Even/Evenki/
      7/se(r)ve/reve(r)end/twenty/ve(i)nte. of course
      chevalier=horseman, becomes caballo(sp), but as
      Mazatl(N)=uma(J)=mare(E)was first horse, so it
      goes on from the offering/ce uentli animal of
      ...cephalic is the keep=cepan(OE)=cepan(N),
      or, ce palli(N)=one plant/barley/palo(sp)
      ...ciuia(N/verb)=stimulate(E), prosecute,
      something in half, i.e., watershed. good one,
      Dedds, here we see the (l)dropping out as the
      word moves forward, or is it the l/lt/d? yes,
      it's shed shedding the (l) and taking t/d.
      so, even within Nauatl the interior l remembers
      its tl t/l origin and will produce she(lt)er/
      she(d) in the tributary idiom.

    2. ...shed(E)=sceddan(OE)=skeda/sketha(OFrisian)=
      skedan/skethan(OSaxon), ah, comes straight from,
      ceti/cetia(N)=sit/set(E), and, dan/d/t/lan=
      s/ced/t/than/tlan(N)=locative of tlalli(N)=
      land, or, tlantli, so, a shed is a go down/
      s/ceddan(OE)=skeda/sketha/skedan/skethan, regular progression from OFris to OSax, the
      OE=s/ced/dan=cet tlan(N)=set/sit land, i.e.,
      not having a foundation/basement, just sets
      on land surface.
      ...skid(E)is listed as unknown origin, but
      the good bet is that it's related to shed
      by ceti/cetia(N)=sit/set of a supporting timber or wooden fender resembling skith(ON)=
      ski(E), word losing letters like a ski loses
      uaca-(N/prefix)=lit., own being,=uacaloa(N)=
      channel something, from, uacalli(N)=cave in
      form of box/coffin, uacaltic(N)=channeled,
      e.g., to wax(moon)is to increase being.

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    1. ...cempiloa(N)/sembilan(M)=one spill.
      ...cempoalli(N)=20=one sample. wonder if,
      symbol(E)=cempo(a)lli(N)?=sample(E). roughly
      speaking, yes.

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    1. ...nenek(M)=gma/gpa=n=4, i.e., everyone has 4 g-parents.
      ...mem-(M)=meya/omex(N)=flow/action, or, ma/oma(N)=hunt land/sea w/net,=maitl(N)=hand/mate.
      ...oikos/oikoi(Gk)=ic(N)=with, towards, for, in,=ica(N)=imperative of irreg. verb, icac(N)=
      to be arisen/arise/to be on one's feet/to be
      familiar with someone/to receive benefits from
      someone of importance/to be recognized/to be
      admitted to their society. compare this with,
      Yoiking(Sami Song/English Fox Hunting), also,
      ...raptor/rapture(E)=tlapa toloa(N)=tolerate/
      bow the head/dolorous flame-Paint=tlapa.
      rib(E). reptiles distinguished by their scaly
      backs, and tep/tip/t/ribs.
      ...shaman(E)=sh/chama/n/ua=chamaua(N)=eulogize/fatten. shamans do both.
      ...devi(Skrt)=teuilotl(N)=glass dribblets(E)/
      drivel(E)/diva(Latin)=female deity,=te uen/tli(N)=the offering,=t/divine(E). here is
      where Cali=Calli(N)=being took a turn for the worse, as being/Calli(N)/house/being was positive, e.g., teuil/otl=t/devil(E)=drivel(E)=dribble(E).
      humo(sp)=pom(Mayan)=incense,=fume/flume, as fire always neds to be poked=poctli(N), and fire is the brujo's tool=toloa(N)of tolerance.
      ...chamaco(spaMex)=fat boy.
      ...go(r)do=Godo/Goth=cotona(N)=sacrifice animals=inmolar(sp), e.g., the fat ones are chosen, i.e., make the cut/cotona(N)=harvest
      fruit or grain or mammals.
      ...brewer(E)=browen(OFrisian)=b(r)/popoca uentli(N)=smoke offering. brujos and brewers and butchers deal in fire as their denominator
      or power=poa(opouh(N)=count,=flower/plower.
      ...ledger(de)main=t/let/ g/cel/r de maitl=
      tletl cel(de)maitl=fire green/only of hand=
      ledgerdemain would be lighting a fire with
      only one hand, e.g., a Ronson or a Bic, or,
      ledger=legger=tleco cel(N)=lecturing in one
      place; raising a horizontal timber in place with the hand.
      ...flesh=pecho(sp)=pepechtia(N)=make a bed,
      pechteca(N)=bow/incline, e.g.,
      ...bucchaneer(Fr)=smoke/popoca/poctli(N) of meat, e.g., buccha=buche(sp)=stomach of quadruped, bosom(E), breast=b(r)/pe(a)ch/c/st=

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    1. ...carmen(Latin)=poetry,=calli meya(N)=flow of
      being,=charme(OFr). the (e) of -men/-me=meya/
      omes(N)=flow,=(m)eya=eye(E/part of charm)=me(J).
      good one. i would include cha(r)maua, and,
      xa(r)mani, as atlantidae, supporting mollusks
      in the primal sea of language, as charm can
      destroy. positive charm=chamaua, negative=
      harm/sham/shame/xamani. excellent connections.

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    1. ...malinalli(N/12 Tona)=twist, garland, broom,
      herb/yerba,=malli(N)=prisoner, e.g., Maltlan=
      Malta(Med. Island), malenkij(Russile)=lad=-tlatl
      ...malhuia(N)=value oneself; tend a garden; be
      a guardian of someone's honor, deal with delicacy.
      ...nemalhuiliztli(N)=decency, purity, careful of oneself, sober, continent, honesty, austerity, gravity,=malhuia(N)=Malinalli(N/12).
      ...anemalhuiliztli(N)=torpidity, obscenity, grossness,=animal(E), but, because of malhuia
      we get ánimo(sp)=courage, anima(Latin)=soul,
      the privative, a-nemal, is changed to positive.
      ...mata mata(M)=spy=ixpia(N)=guard with face/eye,=espy(E),=matlatl matlatl(N)=net net.
      mot(Fr),=molotl(N)=Gorrión/sparrow, avecilla/
      little bird.

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      Dharrag/Dhararug=dh/Tla l/rug/oc=Tlaloc(N)=rain
      Deity,=T/l/Rarog(Baltic)=rain deity, same as,
      Tlaloc, but this is Australian name of language
      and people), gula(Dharug)=does not drink, well,
      it's the opposite, koa/Coat/la=Coatl(N/5 Tona)=
      Co(mes to w)atl/er=Comes to Water(E).

    2. ...update: koala/gula(Tlaloc/Rarog/Dhararug)=
      the last -a of koala/aCoatl(N)=the privative,
      meaning koala does not come to water, as he is
      a little clumsy bear and would be eaten by the
      swifter, more powerful at the water hole.
      ...Did/titla/titlani(N)=messenger, -ger-=g/cel/r
      cel(N)=only,=ce(N)=one. Ger(Mongolian)=Yurt.
      -ido=itoa/oito(N)=talk, e.g., gaita(Basque)=
      Ega/Ecaitoa(N)=Hecate talks(E)=the bagpipe/
      dulzaina/flageolet. Did-ger-ido=Messenger/
      Go-between(who)only talks(doesn't listen).

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    1. ......colocar(sp)=coloa(N)=double back, like
      a turkey, comes/co to coil/coloa-co(N). between/messenger only=ger(yurt in Mongol)=
      cel/celtin(N)=alone,=ce(N)=one ido/ito=itoa/oito
      (N)=talks, e.g., gaita(Basque/sp)=bagpipes/ flageolet,=ega/Ecatl itoa(N)=Ecaito-a(N)=Hecate
      talks(E). g/cel/r, ido/ito/itoa(N). does Hecate
