Thursday, 15 November 2012


good=goditi(OSl)=pleasing,=god(R)=year,=godnij(R)=suitable, =guot(OHG)=cotoncayotl(N)=tocotonca(N)=our parent/fellow= pielo/pieloni/pielli(N)=deposit,=pie(N)=piety=pi/opic=pick.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. ...cotoni(N)=go/u(r)d/toni=c/g o/u t/(r)d.
    ...gaita(sp/Basque)=Eca-itoa(N)=Hecate talks(E):

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  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. ...shibboleth(N)=sip/cip/actli(N)=river(of)leth=
      t/letl=tletl(N)=fire, also, Lethe/lethargy.
      hard to separate lethargy from fire as the(Ll)
      already there, but, l/teth=tetl(N)=stone/stein/
      shtetl. being that shibbo=Cipactli(N/day one
      Tonalamatl)=script(E), it's difficult to say whether the test, Shibboleth, was one of pronounce or writing, but, the meaning, River
      of Death/Lethe is clear.'s obvious Quetzalcoatl/Cipactonal had
      strong connexions with early Egypt, especially
      its Crocodile clan, e.g., Xochitonal(N)/Sebek/
      Cipactli/Cipapu(Hopi Amerind)/sepukku(J), e.g.,
      Thoth/Teotl(N)is modeled on Quetzalcoatl's
      navigator scribe, Sebastion=S/Cip/ba(s)t/lion,
      who connects him not only to Egypt but to
      Guipuzcoatl, the smallest, and Basque, province
      of Spain on the Bay of Biscay.
      ...Xochitinal is the crocodile who waits for
      the dead traveler on the other side of the river, called the 9 vados/wadings=Chiconauhpan,
      which represents the 9 parts of the journey.
      there is a boatman who takes one across, a brown Xoloitzcuintli dog goes with one. the
      first vado/wade Mountains clash together and
      one has to get through before they close.
      read about it, or just put in Xochitonal if the
      net has her up.

    2. ...when doing a word like Shibboleth find the
      largest equivalent, e.g., sibilant, all about
      how the sibilant produced rather than how it written as doubt whether the enemy could write, feasible to produce the right hissing sound.
      ...sib(E)=related by blood, e.g., gos-sip(E)=
      priest who cuts the umbilical/sip of life, ah,

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    1. ...ruck/tuck/toca(N)=to/our being/ca, survival
      essentials.put in Google, Gransfors Bruk and
      you'll get BBC's survival series with Mears,
      lime bark shoes, yarrow to stop bleeding/repellant, soap wort, russian oil=
      rendered birch sap which mixed with fat cures
      skin rashes, how to make a charcoal towel for ready tinder kindle.
      ...d/t/l at/l/r=atlatl=at/l/r at/l/r=ar ar=
      arrow=ua(N)=owns atlatl(N)=double water.
