Saturday, 10 November 2012
Sumer Spill
spilla(ONorse)=spill(E)=piloa(N)=from on high,
bir(Sum)=scatter/spill(E). bir(Sum)=bake bricks,=
bir(Sum)=break, tear, shred, e.g., spill(E)=
splinter or slip(E)=spill(E)wood for lighting
pyre/piloa/fire. spilt(E)/destroy. bil-ga(Sum)=fresh fruit,=piloa ca(N)=spill be. pa-bil-ga
(Sum)=male ancestor,=tlapa piloa ca(N)=flame
paint spill being(E). bil-la(Sum)=hot,=piloa t/latla(N)=spill flame(E).
ardently,=piloa t/latla peua(N)=begin flame
spill(E). biluda(Sum)=rites/usage,=piloa
d/tlatla(N)=flame spill, uda/uta(J)=verse,=
otli(N). bir(Sumer)=locust spill=piloa.
wrinkled=b/pil/r oa=
Cipactli(N/day one Tona)=hear confession=
impose penance,=scriban(OHG)=write/paint,=describe.
and forth, shrivel(E)=tzocatl(N)=socket.
bilis(sp)=bile((E), spilla(ON). billa/billar
birla(sp)=nine pin/skittle spill,=birlesca
(sp)=spill of thieves,=
kite,=birli(sp)=space at bottom of page/
printer's wages,=birlar(sp)=bowl a 2d time
where ball stopped first time/spill. birlar
piilo(F)=hiding place,=pillo(sp)=thief.
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ReplyDelete...yue(Cantonese)=jyu/jyut(Cantonese). j/tz/z/
Deletes/sh/c/ch/g/gh/k/kh/q/qh, e.g., japan=tzapa(N),
or, jarom(Malay)=tzalan, or, salmon=tzalmonequi.
...sibilant slide=
j(tz/z/s/sh/c/ch/q/qu)g/gh/k/kh, parenthesis are
sounds Nauatl, c=s/k, letters outside parens are
in other languages. in Letra one is free to roam
up and down the slide interchanging until one gets either to root Nauatl or the tributary word desired. Ff for Finns, well, f/ph/p(N), then,
spa/russile has the v/soft b, which goes,
u/v/b/p/ph/f, not necessarily in that order,
as it slides like the holes of a flute, but,
u/p(Nauatl), and, v/b/ph are not. also, u/o
are interchangeable. so the v can be b/p in
Finn, which gets one back to Pp(Nauatl).
spittle=(s)pitza(N)=blow. se/ce(N)=one pitza,
to go(joke).
the 2 rivers that enclose the kingdom of
Xumur/lli are the 2 sides of the xomulli(N).
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ReplyDelete...coat=Coatl(N/5 Tona)=second skin.
h/sh/xotla(N/verb)=shoot(of plants).
...kit(E)=circular wooden hooped vessel(basket),=
k/c/chit-atli(N)=net to carry food on trip, or
for fishing, and/or, chi(quiui)tl(N)=ch/c/kit/l.
...kit(E/Archaic)=small fiddle,=cithera/kithera
...pile(E)=fine, soft hair,=piloa(N)=spill(E).
...kitten(E)=k/c/chitoni(N)=spark, e.g.,
cheetah(feline)=chitlatla(N)=flame on top.
owe that one to you, DDeden.
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(Fr)=slang for cheese, lit., little balls of horseshit,=co(n)tinue/Cou(n)t/cou(r)t/gou(r)d/
Gouda(Du)/gut/got/gotten/forgotten(E), y tak
dalee(R)=etc. more post and i'm off to My Opera/Norway.
there's more than enough here for you to pick
out and use Letra.
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ReplyDelete...quiquiztli(N)=trumpet,=frequentive of quiza(N)=squeeze(E). looking for that, squeeze out a note. forgot my sign and password for My Opera, screw it.
Delete...hora-gai(Tibet/J)=h/th/toloa(N)=bow the head
to =gai(Tibet/J)=ecai/toa(N)=gait(o)a(sp/Basque)=
type of basque instrument=dulzaina, played in
Navarre where my favorite English King came from, the black boy, Charles the 2d.
...xofar/xofarot(H)=xopeua(N)=shove(E), -ot(H)=
...Ba'al T´quiah(H)=Patla/Palli(N) taqiyyah(Arab)=Tlacuicuic(N)=sweep floor(bass
sound which stops abruptly)=Xopeua(N)sounder.
...sukkot(H)=tzocatl(N)=socket/sock(E)away the
...Xopeua(N)/shofar(H/shover(E)announces New Year, New Moon, introduced Shabbat=xapotla/
oxapotlac(N)=deflower, seduce a girl; perforate
or take down something.
...Yom T'ruah(H)=tronar(sp)=day of shofar/blast
...halakha(H)=(body of)Jewish Law,=tlaca(N).
...Baal Tekiya(H)=shofar sounder.
...trill(E)=teruah(H)=tetlautil(N)=gift, grace, favor, liberality,=tetlauhtilli(N)=-tilli(N)=
t(r)ill(E)=t/th(r)ill(E). oalauh(N)=laude(Fr).
...the large conch shell was Quetzalcoatl's
...nagak(Korea)=nacatl ca(N)=flesh being,=nacar
...pu(Polynesia)=shell trumpet,=poa(N)=count,
...trumpet/trombone(E/same root)=tompitzquetza
Delete(N)=bubble, flow speaking of a spring; lift the head, speaking of a serpent disposed to run, or who is running,=tompitzqueua(N)=ditto.
...alternate root=topeua(N/verb)=give someone
the elbow, push him; start something up, poke
the fire. trombone/trumpet are elbow=molictli/
molicpitl(N)instruments, e.g., molimo(Mbuti)=
hollow pole trumpet,=moli/ctli(N).
...molimo(Ba/mbuti)=molictli(N)=elbow trumpet used to nudge the forest, the Bantu/Topan(N)= over us, their mother and father, awake. 2.5k BCE, the Egyptians referred to the people of the trees, probably the Mbuti/Bambhuti=B/Pan/M/buhti=
potli(N)=punt/pond/pont(Latin)/both(E), live
in the Ituri Rain Forest, North/North East
Zaire. buhti also means brother, but perhaps refers to their migratory habit of being in 2
places during the year. wonder what elbow is
in Egyptian? in Gk=soma=tzoma(N)=sew/sow(E).
...molimo(PanPotli/Bambhuti/Both), frequentive?
Deletemoloni(N/verb)=flow(fountain); form(clouds);
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ReplyDelete...A(n)t-werp(Dutch City)=Atl weorp/warp=
Deleteuipana(N)=call Atl(N/9 Tona)/water into line,
or, WaterWarp for short.
...stork(Bird of Nativity)=(s)to(r)k=toca(N)=
sow and bury,=to/our being/ca(N)=tocar(sp)=
play music,=touch(E).
...stockade=stake=(s)t/laca(N)=body, can be toca
(N)also, but that would be for stock/trunk=
...the molima(Mbuti)itself is not important,
it's the deep bass sound it makes. soaking it
was a way of toning it, but the Mbuti would
take a piece of drainage pipe to make a molimo
if it sounded.
what escapes like a fish, like a cake of soap.
...the shofar was made of kerotin/horn, same
Deleteas hooves and fingernails, so can be hollowed.
tlantli(N)/antler is bone and was used as digging tool at Stonehenge.
...the MexAmerinds used the acocotli to sip the nequatl/nectar out of the Metis Maguey, e.g., meya/omex(N)=flow,=me(J)=(m)eya/eye(E), =atl cocotli(N)=tortola(sp)=to(r)tot/l a= tototl(N)=bird/dove, but was a long gourd,
not a turtle-dove.
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ReplyDelete...atl(N)=altia/oalti(N/reverential of atl)=
Deleteart/altar=tealtia(N)=theater=t/reality=ue altia
=pitza(N)=nitla-/nic-pitza(N)=play a wind instrument, blow/soplar(sp). the Brass Section
of a Symphony is part of wind instruments but
not of wood, as neither are majority of wood
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Deleteodol(Basque)=(b)lood(E), also, rut(E)=r/tut/tot=
totoca(N/frequentive of toca=sow and bury.
...row(E)=reow(OE)=r/teotl(N)=use oars, goes on
to,=roia(OFrisian)=rojen(LG), but, row(E), the line=tilinia(N),=rie(MDu)=rihe(MHG)=reihe(G)=
riga/Riga(OHG)=Latvian Capitol,=riga/rega(ONorse)
Mazatl(N/7 Tona)=deer rut was our first experience of must of animals.
...tomaua(N)=speak with strong voice, augment,
increase, thick, fat, robust,=tomtom(Amerind).
...Richard Haklyut(1589), English Geographer,
Deletewho has my confidence, calls Riga, Rie(MDu),
which falls under the roots for the first definition of row(E)=number of persons or things
set in a line, which could as well be rowers.
so there is a crossover of function, therefore
meaning, between oarlock and hedgerow.
that would make Riga's root, tleco(N),
in this case water trekking, making these
early Baltic Navigators independent of sail
and capable of reaching Amerinda whenever
they decided to tumble trees for their chipeua
(N)=ships/chips. note, rekha(Sanskrit)=stroke/
line. the Scribe has always been involved with
sailing, e.g., Cipactli(N/day one Tonalamatl).
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